Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Behold, I give you those of the synagogue of Satan, who say of themselves that they are Jews, and are not, but lie.

“Oto daję ci tych z synagogi szatana, którzy mówią o sobie samych, że są Żydami, a nimi nie są, lecz kłamią.” Ap 3:9


The subject of the origin of the Jews does not give me peace of mind because it has colossal consequences.

I came back to it because of the 3dom (edom) publishing name.


The starting point of my consideration and analysis is the hypothesis of Esau desiring to regain the primacy from Jacob.


In Budny's translation, the above verse from Revelation reads as follows:

“Oto daję z szkoły Szatańskiej, co się powiedają być Judami, a nie są, ale kłamają.”


The Book of Revelation was written in the first century, so it could not have been the Khazars. If not them, then who?

Jak wiemy za czasów Jezusa królem Judeii byl przedstawiciel odwiecznych wrogów Izraela – Herod …Edomita. Rządził wraz ze swoją patologiczna rodziną, która to chciała głowę Jana Chrzciciela na tacy.



It is clear that there is a group of people who purport to be biblical, original Jews, when in fact they are not. Since we are dealing with identity, it is necessary to study history to help us discover who these supposed Jews really are. There are two main branches of lying "Jews" in the world today:


1) Edomici (brat bliźniak Jakuba) – SEMICI

A (non-European) group of people who stole the identity of Jacob (Israel) as prophesied in the Bible.

2) Żydzi aszkenazyjscy / chazarscy – grupa Europejczyków, którzy przeszli na judaizm (nie Ezawa). 


In the days of the apostles, the Judeans, who were not them, became Edomites.


In 1982, Ella J. Hughley wrote a book entitled "The Truth About Black Biblical Hebrew-Israelites Jewish: the Best World Tept Secret." Hughley's chapter, "White European Jews," was compelling and thought provoking because it sought to answer questions such as:


1) Who are white European Jews?


2) When did they convert to Judaism?


3) Are "Jews" a race?


These questions are extremely important. Hughley writes: "Esau is the father of the white (in color, but not nationality) Edomites, also known as Idumeans, who along with other ethnic groups such as the Khazars (white Europeans / Caucasians) and others, form the modern Jews we know today ". "Khazars" are Europeans from southern Turkey who came to Israel after the Israelites were expelled.


Hungarian-British author and journalist Arthur Koestler published a book in 1976 entitled The Thirteenth Tribe. Koestler argued that Ashkenazi Jews were descendants of the Khazars, not the biblical Israelites. Hughley refers to Koestler in this chapter.


In 2008. Israeli history professor at Tel Aviv University Shlomo Sand published "The Invention of the Jewish People." Originally in Hebrew, his work (2008) proved that the people commonly known as Jews never really existed as a "national race" of biblical origin, but rather descended from the descendants of the medieval Eurasian state of Khazaria.



Regarding the Khazar conversion: "The Khazars converted to Judaism in 740 According to The Jewish Encyclopedia, (Vol. V, (1904), p. 41), the Khazars are" A people of Turkish origin whose life and history are intertwined with the early history of the Jews in Russia. . . Historical evidence indicates that the Ural region is the home of the Khazars ".


What is interesting in this situation is the fact of such great influence of the present Turkey, which has an army of millions and its people all over Europe.



Jewish author and Ashkenazi historian, the late Arthur Koestler agrees that the vast majority of Jews are Khazars, not Semites. "That their ancestors came not from Jordan but from the Volga, not from Canaan but from the Caucasus; . . . . and that genetically they are more closely related to the Hun, Uigur and Magyar tribes than to the seed of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob."


Historian HG Wells states: ". . . The Idumeans (Edomites) were . . . made Jews, . . and the Turkish people (Khazars) were mainly Jews in southern Russia . . . The main body of Jewry was never in Judea and never came out of Judea " (Outline of History, third edition, p. 494).



It is important to note that contrary to popular belief, the Ashkenazim / Khazars are GOYIM and are NOT even from EDOM / Esau as many believe. It is also important to understand that Esau (not European converted Jews) are the current ISRAELites and are responsible for Israel's identity theft.


Esau is a descendant of Isaac and twin brother of Jacob in Genesis 25, making him a Semite .



In Hebrew, the word Ashkenazi means "German", a termin ten jest używany w odniesieniu do Żydów pochodzenia wschodnioeuropejskiego, którzy historycznie mówili w języku jidysz lub judeo-niemieckim. Narracja Arthura Koestlera „Trzynaste plemię” zmotywowała kilku biologów, takich jak dr Eran Elhaik, do podobnego twierdzenia, że ​​współcześni Żydzi są Chazarami, a nie izraelskimi potomkami Abrahama i Sary. (Hitler’s Doubles, Peter Fotis Kapnistos, s. 157)



Esau was called red and was full of lust like the current Jews who promote communism, whose color is red.




Poniższy artykuł – Próbki DNA potwierdzają, że Żydzi aszkenazyjscy pochodzą z europejskiego pochodzenia ”pokazują nam, że rodowód matki / matki Żydów aszkenazyjskich pochodzi z Europy. Ale oni są potomkami Edomu, ponieważ jesteście tym, kim jesteście ojcowie, dlatego nie są poganami.


When Edom disappeared from history around 70 AD, the Edomites immigrated to Europe. It wasn't until about 1948 that many of them moved to the state of Israel, which was created by Britain and the United Nations.


Jeśli więc fałszywa teoria “chazarska” mówi, że ​​Żydzi są głównie Chazarami lub Aszkenazyjczykami (poganie), jest prawdą, to należy zadać sobie pytanie, gdzie są Edomici? Ponieważ Pan powiedział, że Edomici zajmują Ziemię Obiecaną.


For I Myself will expose Esau, I will expose his hiding places, so that he will not be able to hide himself; his offspring will be exterminated along with his brothers and his neighbors, and he will be gone. Jeremiah.



Someone not familiar with the Bible might take this quote out of context and conclude that since Jeremiah, Edom no longer exists. But we know that Herod was an Idumean.



Now that we know what the Jews of Europe are mostly made up of, let's turn to the main perpetrators of Israel's identity, the Israelis, who call themselves Jews and lie, are none other than Jacob's Semitic twin brother, Esau / Edom, or Idumeans.


To understand this appropriation in its entirety, we must refer to the prophets of the Bible and the story of Jacob and Esau recorded in Genesis 25-27.


“Pan powiedział do niej: – Two nations are in your womb, two peoples will come out of your bowels; one people will tower over the other, the older will be subject to the younger!

en, który wyszedł pierwszy, był czerwony, cały okryty włosem jak płaszczem; nadano mu więc imię Ezaw”




Edom (the elder) eventually sold his birthright to Jacob for red lentils.

Esau red and the lentils are red.



Many theologians and writers on this subject erroneously conclude that Jacob stole Esau's primacy. However, this is a false claim that has been clarified in the scriptures.


It is very clear that there was enmity between these two brothers when they were in the womb (Genesis 25: 22-23). More importantly, Jacob did not steal Esau's firstborn, because it is clearly recorded in the Bible that Esau sold his birthright to Jacob In Genesis 25: 31-33 and Hebrews 12:16.


We do not read that Jacob stole Esau's pre-eminence, we read that Esau sold his pre-eminence to Jacob.


However, even after he sold his primacy / blessing, he still tried to get a blessing from Isaac that went to Jacob, which shows his cunning.


Although Esau did not receive his firstborn, he received another blessing from Isaac, which included his inheritance greasiness (or wealth) land, which is why they are known by nature to be wealthy, bankers, financiers, money changers and control many of the wealthiest western industries such as Hollywood.


Jacob (the younger) eventually received the birthright, which included changing his name to Israel (Genesis 32: 24-28), inherited the land of Canaan (Exodus 3: 6-10), and was called as a holy nation (Exodus 19: 5-6).


” Jeśli więc teraz chętnie posłuchacie mego głosu i będziecie przestrzegać s mego Przymierza, staniecie się moją szczególną własnością spośród wszystkich narodów; bo do mnie należy cała ziemia. (6) Wy więc będziecie mi królestwem kapłanów, ludem świętym! Oto słowa, które masz powiedzieć synom Izraela”


Now all who follow and obey Jesus and not ecumenism are Israel. Legal Basis:



“Ale wy you're a native wybranym, królewskim kapłaństwem, narodem świętym, ludem nabytym, abyście rozgłaszali cnoty tego, który was powołał z ciemności ” 1 Piotra



They made a covenant with God, and God promised that if they obeyed Him and kept His commandments, that their land, food, children, and everything they own and do would be blessed (Deuteronomy 28: 1-14).


But if they showed disobedience to God and broke His commandments, He would curse the whole nation with anguish, oppression and disease, remove them from the Promised Land and scatter them into slavery throughout the world. (Deuteronomy 28: 15-68). Unhappily for the nation of Israel, they chose to rebel against God by breaking the commandments.



In a similar consideration of the origin of present-day Israel, I once used a conversation between Jesus and the Pharisees.


“I poznacie prawdę, a prawda was wyzwoli. (33) They answered Him: We are descendants of Abraham and have never been anyone's slave! How can you say that we will be free? (34) Jesus answered them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Every one that sinneth is a slave, (35) a niewolnik nie pozostaje w domu na zawsze.” jana


Notice that Jesus did not deny the fact that the Pharisees were never in captivity. The Judeans were in Babylon, but the Pharisees were never in captivity because they were probably Edomites.



The Edomites took advantage of their brother's destruction, and because they always thought they deserved the birthright they had sold, they used this opportunity to appropriate Jacob's land, heritage, and identity.


There are many historical sources that explain the gradual process by which the Edomites converted to what is called Judaism, occupied the land of Israel and eventually became known as the biblical Israelites.


In the case of the Edomites, this process began as early as the sixth century BC as a result of forced migration at the hands of the Nabataeans (who are said to be a tribe of northern Arabia).


They were driven out of their own land, commonly known as Idumea, and settled in South Judea. How were they able to occupy Southern Judah? God prophesied that the Israelites would be taken captive by the Babylonians for 70 years (Jeremiah 25: 3-12).


During this time, the Edomites were driven out of the land by the Nabataeans and began to settle in southern Judah. Eventually Cyrus, king of Persia, proclaims an edict that allows Israel to return to Judah and rebuild the third temple after 70 years of captivity in Babylon (Ezra 1: 1-3).  


When Israel returned to Judah after 70 years of captivity, they were cut off from Hebron, Because the Edomites had settled there. This was the beginning of their identity theft. 



Atlas of the Bible, s. 148 – Powrót:

"At some point, but no later than 522 B.C., a second large group of Babylonian Jews arrived in Jerusalem and then settled, each in its own city. The list of these cities in Ezra 2: 2-35 and Nehemiah 7: 6-38 indicates that the returning Jews (Judeans) settled in the area, about 40 miles east to west and 30 miles north to south, in the hill country of Judah. To the east they extended into the Jordan valley around Jericho, and to the west they penetrated the coastal plain, settling at Lod and Ono. To the north they reached beyond the old border of Judah to Bethel. To the south they occupied the strategic sites of Beth-Zur, But they were cut off from Hebron, which was in the hands of the Edomites. Although the area was small, the Jews controlled the important approaches to the highlands. However, they could not be safe as far as Jerusalem,


Sarkofag starożytnej cywilizacji: Petra, Edom i Edomici (Idumeanie) str. 369-370 – Historia Idumeans .:


"Judea and Idumea (Sir) George Adam Smith (theologian and historian) created Idumea from those times, encompassing the southern sherpa along with the Negev. Adding that the Edomites encountered it during the Jewish exile and after the return of the Jews, they continued to hold most of it. Whatever the original extent of Idumea, it is certain that when the sons of Esau came to Palestine in the sixth century B.C., they settled close together and came face to face with their eternal brothers and rivals, the sons of Jacob . We do not know that Cyrus in 536 B.C. expelled them from some parts of Judah to give the returning exiles of Israel a foothold.

But it is more probable, as Ewald observed three quarters of a century ago, that this monarch was in no way prepared to expel the Idumeans from the land which they had already occupied and cultivated for 50 or 60 years. On the other hand, the prophet Malachi points to them as the object of Jehovah's displeasure in his day as a people; "Against whom Jehovah hath manifested himself for ever, saying, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated." By this he probably meant that the Israelites had already been brought back from captivity, but the Edomites were still in exile, having been driven out by the Nabataeans. Throughout the centuries of Judah's occupation, the Jews treated them with suspicion.

Their careless treatment of them at the fall of Jerusalem in 586 B.C. has never been forgotten. In 164 B.C. Judah Maccabee fought them with triumphant success. Less than 50 years later, John Hyrcanus completely conquered them, not only taking their two most powerful strongholds, Adora and Maresha, and subjecting them to a Jewish governor, but also by forcing them to submit to circumcision and Jewish law. "



1 MACH 2

 Mattathias and his friends went around [the whole country], tearing down altars (46) and violently circumcised uncircumcised children found in the Israeli territories





In the article on "Edom", Jewish Encyclopdia (1925 edition), It is written: "(In 163 rpne) Judas Maccabeus conquered their territory for a time. They were subjugated again by John Hyrcanus (about 125 rpne), By which they were forced to observe Jewish rituals and laws.


They were then incorporated into the Judean nation, and their country was called "Idumea" by the Greeks and Romans. With Antipater, the Idumean dynasty began, Who ruled Judea until its conquest by the Romans. . . From that time on, the Idumeans ceased to be a distinct people. . . "


Thus, one hundred years before Christ, Judah was inhabited by Edomites and native Israelites who were followers of Talmudic Judaism, they seemed to heal the rift between Jacob and Esau. But the Edomites proved to be a discordant element. In 37 B.C. Herod the Great (74-4 B.C.), an Idumean or Edomite whose wife Mariamne was a Maccabean, became the undisputed ruler of Judea at the age of 36.


The Pharisees gained an advantage over the Sadducees, and by the time of Christ there were so many Edomites in the population that the country was called Idumea (Mark 3: 8). Edomites participated in the defense of Jerusalem against the Romans during the siege of Titus (AD66-70).


According to The Jewish Encyclopedia (1904, vol. V, p. 41): "Immediately before the siege of Jerusalem there appeared before the Jerusalem 20,000 Idumeansto fight on behalf of the Zelots besieged in the temple." Over a million Judeans died and 97,000 were taken captive. An unknown number escaped before or during the siege and in my estimation these were those who listened to Jesus:


” Kiedy więc ujrzycie obrzydliwość spustoszenia na miejscu świętym, o której mówił prorok Daniel – kto czyta, niech rozważy – (16) then let the people of Judea flee to the mountains. (17) Whoever is on the roof, don't go down to the house to get your stuff. (18) And he who in the field, let him not return for his covering. (19) And woe to the pregnant and nursing in those days. (20) And pray that your flight does not fall in winter or on the Sabbath. (21) Bo nastanie wtedy udręka tak wielka, jakiej od początku świata aż do dziś nie było i nie będzie.”. Mt 24.



Based on the record of the Great Roman-Jewish War by Flavius Josephus: 70 ne, we are informed that Hasmonean leader John Hyracanus conquered the entire land of Edom "and undertook the forced conversion of the inhabitants to Judaism."


This is when the Edomites became part of the Jewish people. Josephus Flavius also points out that the tyrant king Herod was actually an Edomite, appointed king of Judea by the Romans in 40 AD, and by 6 AD "Edom became part of the Roman province of Judea" (s. 43-44).


In 70, they helped the Romans help Emperor Titus besiege Jerusalem, resulting in many Israelites being crucified, starvation, and to avoid persecution, almost all Jews fled to North Africa.


Luke 21: 20-24 

) Woe to the pregnant and nursing women at that time. For there will be great tribulation on the earth and God's wrath on this nation. (24) And they shall perish by the sword, and go into captivity to all nations, and the Gentiles shall trample Jerusalem, until their days be fulfilled....



Ostatnie dwa miliony lat, str. 87 – Wiara przetrwa rozproszenie:

"The crucifixion of Jesus around 30 AD did not end Jewish resistance to Roman occupation. In 70, when the country was again in revolt, Jerusalem, the holy city, became the core of resistance to the Romans. Titus, son of the emperor Vespasian, preceded to lay siege to Jerusalem. The city fell, and its inhabitants were enslaved by the thousands and dispersed throughout the Mediterranean world. This was the first dispersion, and it got worse. Continued uprisings and rebellions again Roman rule led to the complete destruction of Jerusalem in 135. The city was renamed Aelia Capitolina and all Jews were forbidden to enter. The second and more important dispersion did not take place, and all of Judea was renamed Palestine. "


Gdy miało miejsce oblężenie Rzymu i okupacja Izraela – w czym pomogli Edomici – mogli całkowicie zamieszkać w ziemi Izraela.



Obadiah 1-3, 8-15 
King James Version (KJV)

 Obadiah's Vision. Thus saith the Lord God concerning Edom; We have heard a voice from the Lord, and an ambassador has been sent among the heathen, arise and let us rise up against her in battle.

 Behold, I have made you small among the Gentiles: you are greatly despised.

3 The pride of thy heart hath deceived thee, which dwelleth in the clefts of the rocks, whose habitation is high; he saith in his heart, Who shall bring me down to the earth?

 Shall I not in that day, saith the LORD, even to extirpate the wise men of Edom and understand Esau in advance?

 And mighty husbands of thine, Temans , they will be terrified to the end, so that everyone on top of Esau will be killed by slaughter.

10 For thy rape of thy brother Jacob, he will put you to shame, and you will be cut off forever.

11 In the day that you stood on the other side, in the day that strangers took captive his army, and foreigners entered its gates and cast lots for Jerusalem, even being one of them.

12 But you should not look at your brother's day on the day he became a stranger; You should not rejoice over the children of Judah in the day of their destruction; you should not speak with pride in the day of affliction.

13 You should not enter the gate of my people in the day of their calamity; yes, you should not have looked upon their affliction in the day of their calamity, nor put your hands into their substance in the day of their calamity;

14 You should not stand at the crossroads to cut off those who have fled; you should not deliver those who remain in the day of affliction.

15 For the day of the Lord is near over all the Gentiles; As you have already done, it shall be done to you; your reward shall return upon your head.



Edom / Ezaw / Idumean znika z geografii i historii w 70 rne – w tym samym roku, w którym Rzym oblega Jerozolimę, a biblijni Izraelici wchodzą w niewolę! Stało się tak, ponieważ przeprowadzili się do ziemi Izraela!


Zondervan Pictorial Bible Dictionary str. 233–234 – Edom:

"Edomites, a nation and its people, descendants of Esau. He founded the country, so his name is equated with Edom. The country was also called Sier or Mount Sier, which was the name of the territory where the Edomites lived. A mountainous area and plateau between the Dead Sea and the Gulf of Aqaba. About 100 miles long and up to 40 miles wide. The Edomites were also subject to Babylon. Under the Persian Empire, Edom became a province called Idumea, the Greek form of Edom. In 325 BC, an Arab tribe called the Nabataeans conquered the eastern part of Edom's territory. During the time of the Maccabees, John Hyrcanus subdued the Idumeans and forced them to accept Judaism. When the Romans took over Palestine, the Edomites also joined in. From Idumea came Antipater, the Father of Herod the Great. He became pro-curator of Judea. 



Mapa południowego Lewantu c830 p.n.e. – Edom znajduje się na mapie na południe od Królestwa Judy.


Mapa Judei z I wieku – Idumea wciąż była na mapie.



World Scope Encyclopedia, Tom 5 i 6 – Edom 

" During the reigns of David and Solomon, Edom was subject to the Israelites. Later the Edomites ravaged the southern borders of Palestine and were condemned with considerable vehemence by some of Israel's prophets. After the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD, the name Edom or Idumea disappeared from geography. "


Palestine today (Idumea disappears from the map)




Edom may have disappeared from history after the Roman conquest of Jerusalem because the native Israelites were subjugated, removed from their land, and sent into captivity. 


King David's prophecies about the confederacy that Esau (Israelites) and Ishmael (Palestinians) conspired to distort the memory of Israel (they did this because the masses don't know who the true Israelites are), remove them from their land, and take the land of Israel as their own.


Esau and Ishmael are rivals, and the only time they agreed was when they worked together to remove Israel's name.



Psalm 83.

O God, do not remain silent, do not remain silent and do not rest, God! (3) For behold, Your enemies are stirred up and those who hate You raise their heads. (4) They plot against your people, they collude against those you guard(5) Pójdźcie – mówią – wytraćmy ich spośród narodów, by więcej nie wspominano imienia Izraela.

(6) Indeed, they collude in unison and make a covenant against You: (7) Tents of Edom with the Ishmaelites, Moab and the Hagrites, (8) Gebal, Ammon and Amalek, the land of the Philistines and the inhabitants of Tyre. (9) Also the Assyrians joined with them, for the sons of Lot became the arm of




Deal with their princes as with Oreb, as with Zeeb, with Zebach and with Salmunna, with all their leaders, (13) Who said: Let us seize the land of God for ourselves! 



(1) The Lord directed these words to me: (2) Son of man, turn to mount Seir and prophesy against it, (3) And say to her: Thus saith the Lord God, Behold, I am against thee, O mountain of Seir; I will stretch out my hand against thee, and I will turn thee into a wilderness and a desolation, (4) and I will turn your cities into ruins. You will become a desert and then you will know that I am the Lord. (5) For your hatred is everlasting, and you put the Israelites under the sword in the time of annihilation, in the time of their final ruin. (6)Dlatego – na moje życie! – wyrocznia Pana Boga: Obrócę cię w krew, krew ma cię ścigać. Ponieważ nie nienawidziłaś krwi, krew ma cię ścigać. (7) I will turn Mount Seir into a desert and wilderness and exterminate everything that moves there. (8) I will cover your hills with corpses; on your heights, in your valleys, in all your vapors, will fall the beaten with the sword. (9) I will make you an everlasting desert; your cities will become uninhabited no more, and you will know that I am the Lord. (10) Because you said: Both peoples and both countries are to be mine; I will take possession of them, even though the Lord be there(11) dlatego – na moje życie! – wyrocznia Pana Boga – postąpię z tobą według mego gniewu i mego oburzenia, tak jak ty postępowałaś w swojej nienawiści względem nich. I objawię się tobie przez to, że cię osądzę. (12) And then you shall know that I, the LORD, have heard all your insults which you have spoken against the mountains of Israel, saying, They are desolate, they are given over to us for a prey. (13) You have boasted against Me with your mouth and with insolent words against Me, I have heard it. (14)Thus says the Lord God: To the joy of all the earth I will turn you into a desert. (15) Just as you rejoiced because the inheritance of the house of Israel was desolate, so will I do with you. You shall become a wilderness, O mountain of Seir, and all Edom shall be destroyed; then you shall know that I am the LORD.



Artykuł Sun Times, 9 września 1982 r. – „Rozpocznij śluby wieczne na Zachodnim Brzegu”:



"Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin vehemently rejected Wednesday President Reagan's Middle East peace initiative and declared that the occupied West Bank would be for the Jewish people for all generations. Pressed to the podium for emphasis, Begin said during a stormy session of parliament that Reagan's plan was "unacceptable because it would threaten our lives, our homeland, the lands of our fathers and sons."... "The world will witness whose sacrifice will prevail Begin said: "if anyone tries to take Judea and Samaria from us, the West Bank, we will tell him, Judea and Samaria for the Jewish people for all generations".


This is why Jesus exposed the blasphemous Edomites who had appropriated the identity of the true Jews !!!


Revelation 3: 9 

9  Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, who say that they are Jews, and are not, but lie; behold, I will cause them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.



The Edomites and Khazars, along with many other Indo-European ethnic groups, make up modern Jewry. Christians and non-Christians must realize that the people who are in the land of Israel today are not Hebrews or Jews of the Bible, therefore they should not be supported and more importantly they should not follow them spiritually because as seen above they are a synagogue of Satan, meaning they do not worship God. 


The truth is that the Jews of today are a combination of Edomites and Khazars. They have NOTHING to do with God. But it is not enough to know this history to stand in opposition to these nations. In order to be different from the Jews who are not Jews, one must depart from their culture: the culture of Babylon: modern games, demoralizing music, usury, politics, etc.


Edomites had already settled in the southern regions of Judah, but decades after the fall of Judah Edomite settlement increased. During the Hellenistic period, the former south of Judah was known as "Idumea", the classic term for Edom and the birthplace even later Herod the Great (which contributed to the Judean contempt for this Roman king).


Judaism today is counterintuitively not a community of blood, but of interest and religion.

It is also worth noting that one does not have to be an Edomite or a Khazar to be in their system, and just as the Edomites cooperated with Rome in the time of Jesus, so they do now, and this can also be seen in the pseudo-Protestant churches where both Edomite/Chazar and Roman policies are pursued. These two forces rule the world with an apparent division between Jews and Catholics, and unfortunately most people fall for this game.





Add a Comment
  1. The Jews of today's Israel have a key, if not the most important stake in the end times happening before our eyes.

    Już nie mogę się doczekać aż Trump zniszczy meczet wtedy wszystko się zacznie, Jezus Chrystus ponownie przyjdzie na Ziemię i “zabierze” z tego złego świata.

  2. A więc tak to było/jest…?

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