Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

FEMA will conduct a nationwide emergency test on Aug. 7.

According to Forbes magazine  FEMA plans to conduct a nationwide test of the Emergency Alert System Wednesday afternoon to ensure the system is able to communicate emergency information in multiple forms of media within minutes of a disaster of national significance.

What is FEMA in the United States?

Jesto is the Federal Emergency Management Agency, a U.S. agency, since 2003 under the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, responsible for emergency management.



FEMA is already shrouded in legend in the world of conspiracy theories. It is believed that the FEMA camps will house people rebelling against the antichrist system or Christians themselves.



So far, Forbes is reporting that Alarm system is the successor to several previous alarm networks designed during the cold war, to allow communication with the country's president in the event of a disaster, such as a nuclear strike. Fortunately, we have never encountered a situation that would require the use of a nationwide alert system. The system is currently used primarily for urgent local alerts, such as tornado warnings or BURRITZER alarms .

As part of a long-term preparatory effort, the federal government began nationwide testing of the emergency warning system in 2011 to ensure the system was functioning for its original purpose. Since then, they have tested the system several times, with rrogress . The most recent test took place last October and involved sending push notifications to mobile devices for the first time nationwide.

The August 7 test will last about a minute, which is slightly longer than a typical weekly test. If widespread weather or another emergency occurs on the afternoon of August 7, FEMA will translate the test into same time on Wednesday, Aug. 21.

The purpose of this particular test, in accordance with FEMA , is to see how the alert system and its components would work in the event of a disaster that hampered Internet connectivity across the country. Agency encourages public opinion, jeśli podczas testu będą świadkami jakichkolwiek problemów – takich jak niespodziewane zakłócenia lub inne usterki techniczne.





I don't know if this is just a routine test or planned for a specific event, but it is worth noting.

Wszyscy czujemy, że sprawy idą za daleko, a przecież nikt nie zna dnia ani godziny pochwycenia. Wyobraźcie sobie pochwycenie i ogólnoświatowy alert o pochwyceniach przez UFO. Okazałoby się, że to ci źli chrześcijanie zostali porwani, a pozostali ludzie nowocześni i pełni ilości….np do LGBT.


By the way, I've recently started to think more deeply about mobile weather alerts. The warnings are not a bad thing, but the problem is that a good portion of these weather alerts are a dud. Secondly, has it been studied what percentage of people are saved from potential storms or property saved.

During the communist era there were radio stations in many villages.



The day of 6th March 1953 was marked in the memory of Steszew by an unusual event. From huge loudspeakers inhabitants heard the following message:

"Compatriots! On March 5, 1953, the sun went out for us. We loved him like a father. He was a friend to us. We suffered a great loss. We became orphans. The father of the Polish nation Joseph Stalin has died. We are in mourning. Let us spare no tears for the father of a friend, the daddy of the Polish nation."

Then the funeral marches were played. Yes, every few minutes the message and music were repeated alternately. This went on for several days. People were crying. They wiped their tears with handkerchiefs. It was unknown whether they were crying from emotion or from fear. At that time, on average, every tenth person was a snitch.

Głośniki w domach miały potencjometry. Można je było ściszyć lub wyłączyć, a na ulicach – nie.”


With this in mind, alerts can be used for sociological treatments in the future.



Updated: 2 August 2019 — 08:44


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  1. Dzięki za informację…i za ostrzeżenie też! ?

  2. Ah all peacemakers:-) Catholics, Protestants, Jews, Muslims. They invite you to conferences 🙂 .,6235.html

    1. zaczynają się jawnie scalać….
      Nadchodzi nowe…

  3. I would very much like to ask for prayer for my cousin who is still depressed to this day a few years ago because of a classmate satanist. Recently he even contacted him talked to this satanist and forgave him for all that he did to him. This classmate has since been feeling unsatisfied after all the mocking of his faith and is trying to make fun of him again which makes my cousin very depressed.
    Przykre że tacy młodzi ludzie wybierają drogę zła…

    I am also going to my first job starting next week so please pray for me that God will help me in my new situation in life.

    1. Więc sam czyń jedynie modlitwę dziękczynną zanim się zdarzy: “Dziękuję Ci Panie za udany, pierwszy dzień w pracy i..” (Twoja inwencja), ponieważ Pan to wie od dawna, co Ty byś chciał, gdyż On wie wszystko. Tylko nie wątp w takiej sytuacji. Ponieważ cóż zrobisz, jeśli coś pójdzie nie tak? Nie ocenisz czy Pan nie wysłuchał czy może tak miało być, bo np. On chce Cię przed czymś uchronić? Oddał strach, gdyż to pożywka demonów. Nie wątp, wierz, bądź prawy, a siły też będą.

      1. Co do kolegi – niech zerwie kontakt z satanistą, ponieważ demony dzierżące jego ducha bardziej pragną Twego kolegi. Jeśli mają kontakt, będą nim sterować by uprzykrzyć życie kolegi. Jeśli kolega nie będzie mógł czytać Pisma, niech słucha na słuchawkach (np. przed snem) – na YouTube są nagrania z czytań.

    2. I too developed schizophrenia as a result of meeting satanists, and that was when I was 12 and in rehab at a hospital (not psychiatric). I ended up in a mental hospital less than 2 years later.

  4. Hello!
    Trochę nie na temat ale mocny materiał odnośnie tego co się dzieje na świecie w świetle proroctw z Pisma Swiętego. Oto syberyjski “chrystus” i jego owieczki, film po angielsku więc warto włączyć automatyczne tłumaczenie.

  5. Rządy złego, rządy szatana – demonkracja – na całego.
    The evil one rules the earth and us, and we are his slaves.

    The prophecies of GOD unequivocally state that in the last days on earth there will be events of horror and dismay. They will be more and more severe for the living and will be heading for more and more evil. No one and nothing will stop or reverse what is to come until the second coming of our Savior.

    Bez zgody złego i demonów nikt, kto nie jest z plemienia szatana, bądź nie jest ich świadomym, zdeklarowanym i wiarygodnym poddanym – a może to być nawet ostatni z “mądrych inaczej” – nie zostanie dopuszczony na jakiekolwiek decyzyjne stanowisko – polityczne, rządowe, gospodarcze lub lukratywną posadę w religii, mediach, nauce.

    Ps 146:3 “Nie pokładajcie ufności we władcach ani w żadnym synu ludzkim, u którego nie ma wybawienia. 4 Opuszcza go duch i wraca do swojej ziemi; w tymże dniu zginą wszystkie jego myśli.

    Nasze modlitwy do STWÓRCY i prośby “o nie aż tak złe te czasy ostatnie i jeszcze nie teraz” nie są zgodne z wolą BOGA. To musi nadejść i mieć miejsce.

    To tak jakby umierający prosił BOGA o mądrość i zdrowie – zamiast o lekką śmierć.

    Natomiast nam – jeśli naprawdę wierzymy, że to czasy ostatnie – pozostaje jedynie błagać o zbawienie, i jeśli to zgodne z wolą BOŻĄ – skrócenie tych dni ostatnich.

    Ps 146:5 Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob, who hopes in the Creator, his God;
    6 Który uczynił niebo i ziemię, morze i wszystko, co w nich jest; Który dochowuje Prawdy na wieki;”

    Także nasze przedsięwzięcia zmierzające do “ulżenia” w ucisku dni ostatnich są bezowocne – na nic nasze udziały w “wolnych wyborach”. Wg mnie jest to udział w popieraniu rządów szatańskich i dajemy tym przyzwolenie na bezprawie, które ma miejsce. Tym samym jesteśmy współsprawcami łamania prawa STWÓRCY. Zbrodni i przestępstw przeciw BOGU i przeciw Jego stworzeniu.

    I am even afraid that we can be counted according to the Law /even human law/ at least as an aid in their deeds, and even as an accomplice in breaking the Law.

  6. If you have discovered a talent for composing music, should you make money from it or should you develop it? I, for example, am crazy about it. Recently I managed to compose something like this

    1. For me, if I work, it's only useful work. Music is like a drug. In my opinion, it draws you away from God. Any music.

  7. Could it be that another woe from the apocalypse is coming?

    1. Also the fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and it was given to him to afflict the people with heat in the fire. So the people were burned with a great fire and blasphemed the name of God, who had power over these blows. But they did not repent in order to glorify Him.
      Revelation written by John 16:8-9 NBG

      1. A był już pierwszy anioł? Chyba nie…

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