Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Siostrzeniec Benny’ego Hinna opisuje tragiczną opowieść o tym, jak telewangelista wykorzystuje swoich wyznawców.

September 2017. Costi Hinn, nephew of popular televangelist and healer Benny Hinn,   shared a short testimony  about why he fled the family business, selling the prosperity gospel to hapless followers while living in the lap of luxury.

About six months later, in February 2018, Po  śmierci znanego ewangelisty Billy’ego Grahama , Costie's controversial uncle, who has often been criticized for his support of the prosperity gospel,  made a stunning confession,  That he sometimes took the erroneous prosperity gospel too far.


Benny Hinn and John Paul II another successful man.


Now, in  God, Greed and the Gospel (Prosperity) is shown how truth overwhelms a life built on lies ,  a new book due out July 9, Costi Hinn presents a full testimony of Hinn's abuse of millions of families around the world, a world with a prosperity gospel, and is a revealing, cautionary and tragic tale that seeks to atone for his role in it. 

224-stronicowa książka jest łatwa do przeczytania, ale będzie się rozchodzić w zależności od tego, co chcesz dowiedzieć się o działaniach  Benny’ego Hinna.

pic with Bill Johnson.



Costi Hinn, who is currently running her own ministry titled "  For the Gospel" , seems a bit preachy in a sense, but basically elaborates on the testimony he shared in 2017, And provides more information about his uncle as well as himself to contextualize his motivations .


Według Costi Hinna jego dziadek a ojciec Bennyego powiedział do syna, że “nie uda mu się”.


To zmiażdżyło młode serce Benny’ego. Pomyślał sobie: Tak, zrobię to! Do dziś mój wujek Benny He made it clear that his father's words hurt him and motivated his desire to succeed in life. At the root of all this family drama is one thing: a father who wanted his son to work hard and earn an honest living, and a son who felt rejected by his father and was determined to prove him wrong," writes Costi Hinn.



Describes the Hinn family's journey to North America as immigrants from the Middle East and the struggles they faced until Benny Hinn finds Jesus and begins to attract enough money and fame over the years to lure his brothers to join him in business, including his father Costie Hinn.


Costi Hinn has finally grown up, after experiencing the privileges of booty service to become an assistant to an uncle he once respected.


"My job was to be one of my uncle's personal assistants when we traveled and to be a catcher during healing services. I also served in that capacity with my father when we traveled on business, "he notes of the two years he spent working in his uncle's ministry.


"In less than two years of working in the movement (not counting growing up in it) I have enjoyed more luxury than I ever could have imagined. I felt like I was spending time with King Solomon. There are rich people who have a lot of money but don't live lavishly; then there are rich people who have a lot of money and know how to turn lavish novelty into normalcy. We were the latter ", he explains in a book describing the life he enjoyed.



Here's a sampling of the travel, hotel and shopping arrangements I've experienced over these nearly two years:

- Gulfstream IV air travel (average cost: $36,000,000)

- Royal Suite at Burj Al Arab in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (25,000 USD per night)

• Villa d’Este, Jezioro Como, Włochy (w pobliżu, gdzie George Clooney jest właścicielem domku nad jeziorem)

- Vatican, Vatican, Rome

- The Grand Resort Lagonissi, Greece (villas located on the Aegean Sea)

- The Lanesborough Hotel (London)

- The Mandarin Oriental, Mumbai, India

- The Ritz-Carlton, Paris

- The Ritz-Carlton, Laguna Niguel, California

- Shopping at Harrods in London

- Shopping up and down Rodeo Drive, Beverly Hills, California

- Suite in Hotel de Paris, Monte-Carlo, Monaco

- Gambling at the Casino de Monte-Carlo, Monaco

- Shopping in Monte-Carlo, Monaco

- Tours in Israel

- Presidential Suite in Grand Wailea, Maui, Hawaii

- Private beach house, Kona, Hawaii

- Vehicle drivers at Bentley, Rolls-Royce, Mercedes Benz, Range Rover, Maserati

- Versace, Salvatore Ferragamo, Gucci, Bijan clothing

- Accessories Louis Vuitton, Prada, Breitling, Chanel, Hermes, D&G


"Rich people who enjoy the finer things in life look at this list and shrug their shoulders. Perhaps even people with modest incomes say, 'Big deal, so you enjoyed the cool stuff. 

Obydwaj mają rację, patrząc na to z obojętnością – dopóki nie przypomnimy sobie, że za to zapłacili darowizny od zdesperowanych ludzi, którzy wierzyli, że ofiarowanie dobrobytu kaznodziei ich pieniędzy spowoduje ich życie również w tym stylu życia – pisze Costi Hinn. „Trochę bardziej bolesne jest to, że niektórzy z tych darczyńców mieli nadzieję ujrzeć pięćdziesiąt procent wzrostu powyżej ich płacy minimalnej jako błogosławieństwo od Boga za zasianie ich nasion. Najtrudniejszymi ludźmi pracującymi byli biedni, którzy ledwo to robili, ale dawali nam wszystko ”.


Benny Hinn doesn't like the smell of India.


W książce podkreślono również interesujące fragmenty podczas służby Benny’ego Hinna, takie jak wtedy, gdy grupa konserwatystów w Helsinkach w Finlandii nigdy nie zaprosiła telewangelisty z powrotem do służby po „oślizgłym” chwycie fundraisingowym, którego ojciec Costi Hinn użył wśród wiernych, co sprawiło, że niechętnie ofiarowali pieniądze na służbę w kopertach


"Of all the methods we used to raise money, I had never noticed before how slimy this one seemed (without words). As much as I liked it when income was high, some methods went a little too far, even for us. It was as if I suddenly had a conscience ", he notes. 



After the service, he notes, "Our team had a meeting in our hotel room to count everything. We divided the spoils among ourselves. Payments for giving the anointing. Something in the middle didn't feel right. We were never invited back. "


Costi Hinn wspominał także podróż w 2004 r. Do Mumbaju w Indiach, gdzie ponad milion osób odpowiedziało na wydarzenie Benny’ego Hinna po raz pierwszy, ale zauważyło, jak wuj był wyłączony przez zapach kraju.



Although Costi Hinn alludes several times throughout the book to how he developed a conscience while serving in the ministry of his family, it was not until his relationship with his wife, Christyn, that he finally decided to leave his family and espouse a more conservative theology.


In the "Frequently Asked Questions" section of the book, Costi Hinn attempts to address the concerns of critics, such as those who believe she may simply be trading on her name to become rich and famous.



"My uncle systematically exploited poverty-stricken countries for 40 years, to become wealthy, and now other family members are following in his footsteps. Let me be painfully honest for a moment: for most members of our family, being a Hinn can be quite embarrassing, "he notes.




„Wielu z nas wolałoby być nieznanymi, pracowitymi, uczciwymi ludźmi, którzy umierają w zapomnieniu, kochając innych i służąc Bogu” – dodaje. „Po drugie, nie jestem sławny i nie chcę być bogaty. I am nothing less than a person who has been transformed by the power of the true Gospel. Because of my name, my story of being a pastor has become interesting to people and has created a sphere of influence, but I am simply another ambassador for Christ, taking His message to those I can reach. Whether my sphere of influence is two people or two million, I will continue to do what people did in the Bible and testify of what God has done ".



W 2018 roku Benny Hinn przyznał, że wraz ze starzeniem się i zrozumieniem Biblii, zdaje sobie teraz sprawę, że niektóre z rzeczy, których nauczył się od kaznodziei, kiedy dorastał, nie są biblijne i popularną interpretacją ewangelii dobrobytu –  Teaching that believers are entitled to the blessings of health i riches  oraz że mogą uzyskać te błogosławieństwa poprzez pozytywne wyznanie wiary i „siew nasion” poprzez wierne spłatę dziesięciny i ofiar – jest jedną z tych rzeczy.


Like Benny Hinn, he preached in the Water of Life Church in Koszalin and in many charismatic churches.




„Im bardziej znasz Biblię, tym bardziej stajesz się biblijny i bardziej zrównoważony w swoich opiniach i myślach, ponieważ jesteśmy pod wpływem. Kiedy byłem młodszy, byłem pod wpływem kaznodziejów, którzy nauczali tego, czego nauczali. Ale jak żyłem dłużej myślę, że zaczekaj chwilę, wiesz, że to nie pasuje całkowicie do Biblii i nie pasuje do rzeczywistości. Więc co to jest dobrobyt? Nie brak. Powiedziałem to już wcześniej – powiedział Hinn.



He then discussed how he thinks "lack of luck" should be interpreted.

„Czy prorok Eliasz miał samochód? Nie. Nawet nie miał roweru. Nie brakowało mu nic … Czy Jezus prowadził samochód lub mieszkał w rezydencji? Nie. Nie brakowało mu nic. A co z apostołami? wśród nich – powiedział Hinn.

"Today is all about abundance and palatial homes, cars and bank accounts.


"We all sadly make the mistake of thinking this is what God wants, and God says," No, this is not what I want ". It's time to live biblically. You know it all comes down to one thing. Do we love Jesus, yes or no? If we love Jesus, it's all about Jesus. If we don't love Jesus, it's about other things," he said.


Benny Hinn born in Tel Aviv,

In a family of Palestinian Christians. He grew up in the Orthodox tradition[3]. Soon after the Six Day War, the Hinn family emigrated to Toronto, Canada. In his books, Hinn claims that when he was born his father was the mayor of Jaffa.


What is worth noting is Hinn's charity typical of Freemasons:


The Benny Hinna Mission supports 60 mission organizations worldwide and more than a dozen orphanages in third world countries. It provides shelter and food for 100,000 children and financially supports 45,000 children (including medical care), in Calcutta. Pays for medical care for 200,000 people in India


This shows that such people must care about opinion.


On April 11, 1999, David Wilkerson, in a sermon at his church, called on his followers to burn Benny Hinn's books because he described Benny Hinn as a deceiver and a false prophet and accused him of blasphemy.

In the same sermon, he also condemned evangelist Kenneth Copeland because of his gospel of success and Rodney Howard-Browne.


W Polsce odpowiednikiem Benny Hinna jest oczywiście biznesmen od matki Boskiej z Torunia, ale i wiele mniejszych kościołów jak wspominany z Koszalina i wiele charyzmatycznych, powstałych na bazie katolickiej Odnowy w Duchu…


We are living in the end times and the truth is coming out. Pray, pray for the churches in which you see deception, that God will show the faithful of this church the dishonest intentions and expose the false teachers probably in the service of the Vatican.



Updated: 8 July 2019 — 21:01


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  1. Well. people were selling possessions to join the apostles and followers of Jesus. What's the conclusion? More exploitation than Benny Hinn dreamed of. Because for him, no one was selling property. But well words are cheap today. You can spit on a man preaching Jesus while forgetting that everything in this
    The world, however, costs money. And they give to those _ who want to. But it is worth using the same measure to measure. And not to rejoice at the fact that someone confirms your opinion. And this is a difference.

    1. oooo I see an idol.
      The time of the apostles is over along with the gifts. If you think what Benny did is ok, then sell your assets and donate to Benny Hinn, which I obviously don't recommend.

      Of course every ministry needs funds, but I see you haven't learned the difference between the gospel of success and the true gospel, which I wish you

  2. Nie wiedziałam o tym…dzięki za ostrzeżenie…oby temu siostrzeńcowi dopisywało zdrowie i żeby był z Nim szczęśliwy…

  3. ***I've realized one thing: Our actions bear witness to each of us. Thank you Most High God-Lord and Savior for your Mercy. I need the Lord Jesus Christ in every area of my life - constantly. Save, Savior, each one of us.

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