Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

“Tym sposobem wybawiony zostanie cały Izrael”. Czy Rzymian 11.26 mówi o zbawieniu obecnego Izraela?

The following verse from Romans is mainly presented by supporters of the current state of Israel as evidence of a mass conversion of end-time Jews living in the state of Israel and those scattered around the world.



"And thus shall all Israel be delivered. For thus it is written, ‛A deliverer shall come out of Zion, and shall turn away ungodly practices from Jacob'" (Rom. 11:26).



The rejection of ancient Israel was supposed to be an opportunity to convert non-Israelites.... God's displeasure toward Israel so far gave way to his grace toward the Gentiles. God was in Christ reconciling the world, 2 Cor. 5:19




God used the occasion of the unbelief of the Jews, openly to disown them, though they were his peculiar favorites, to show that in distributing his favors he would no longer act in such a way as to be peculiar and territorially limited, but, from the time of the appearance of Jesus, would act in every nation, but only among such people as would fear God and act justly could be accepted by him:




” Piotr zaś otworzył usta i rzekł: Teraz pojmuję naprawdę, że Bóg nie ma względu na osobę,” Dz. 10:34.




Since then God has no regard for the person, for the nation. by the way, in Jeremiah Israel (old) got a divorce letter from God for adultery. A divorce letter legally valid more than a divorce act on earth is valid.


Further in Acts we read:


"(35) but in every nation he is pleased with the one who fears him and acts justly(36) Posłał On synom izraelskim Słowo, zwiastując dobrą nowinę o pokoju przez Jezusa Chrystusa; On to jest Panem wszystkich.”

 Acts 10:35 .





The olive tree is the visible ecclesia.


” Zielonym drzewem oliwnym zdobnym w piękne owoce nazwał ciebie Pan. Lecz wśród huku wielkiej burzy ogień spali jego liście i połamią się jego konary”. Jer. 11:16



The root of that tree was Abraham, not the root of blood or DNA, so Christ alone is the root with whom the covenant was so solemnly made. Now believing Gentiles partake of this root: he too is a son of Abraham.



” A Jezus rzekł do niego: Dziś zbawienie stało się udziałem domu tego, ponieważ i on jest synem Abrahamowym.” Łk 19: 9 .




Since Jesus' blessing Abraham falls to the Gentiles,  Which is explained in Galatians:


“Przeklęty każdy, który zawisł na drzewie, (14) aby błogosławieństwo Abrahamowe przeszło na pogan w Jezusie Chrystusie, my zaś, abyśmy obiecanego Ducha otrzymali przez wiarę. ” Ga 3.14



The same thickness of the cross as the olive tree.



Paul, a citizen of the Jewish state from the lineage of Benjamin in Romans 11:26 calls a certain nation "all Israel."

However, in Galatians 6:16 he refers to it as "the Israel of God."

However, the question arises as to who is included in "all of Israel" if they are not native Jews living in the state of Israel or elsewhere in the world?


The problem is that no native Jew today knows from which of Israel's 12 generations he descends.

But there are many more problems. Because the Israelites had their religion based on the Mosaic ceremonial law. Whereas since the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans in 70 A.D., they have been deprived of a priesthood with an earthly high priest at its head, although they have their kosher rabbis.

Nor do the Jews have a temple in Jerusalem with an altar on which to offer sacrifices according to the Law of God given through Moses.

To top it all off, they do not follow God's Law as is commonly seen by the fruits.


So if they are not Israel, who is? This is a fundamental question.


W Rom. 1:1,7 Paul indicated who God recognizes as true Israelites - not those who are them bodily, but according to the Spirit. Here are his words:



 "Nie wszyscy, którzy pochodzą z Izraela, są Izraelem, i nie wszyscy są dziećmi, dlatego że są potomstwem Abrahamowym, lecz jest tak: Od Izaaka zwać się będzie potomstwo twoje. To znaczy, że nie dzieci cielesne są dziećmi Bożymi, lecz dzieci obietnicy liczą się za potomstwo.”



This has a double meaning because it is no longer by blood that you become an Israelite, but by promise and through faith in Jesus. Secondly, today's Jews are very carnal.

Isaiah leaves no illusion:



“A Izajasz woła nad Izraelem: Choćby liczba synów Izraela była jak piasek morski, tylko resztka ocalona będzie; (28) For the Lord will execute judgment, swiftly and in a short time on earth. (29) I jak przepowiedział Izajasz: Gdyby Pan Zastępów nie pozostawił nam zarodzi, stalibyśmy się jak Sodoma i bylibyśmy podobni do Gomory” Rzymian 9.

I would also like to point out, even leaving aside the question of only a remnant saved, that if it were not for Jesus we would become like the present Israel full of Sodomy, where Tel Aviv is the world capital of gayness and other degeneracy. As an aside: I can still write like this. Equality marches often fly the flag of Israel.


Jews not displaying faith like Abraham were cut down as branches. But on Pentecost 33 A.D. a remnant according to Isaiah's prediction from ancient Israel recognized Jesus as the Messiah. From that moment on, the promised Holy Spirit flowed upon this remnant, and at the same time they were brought under the prophesied new covenant.



How, then, was "all Israel" to be "saved" through the promised "deliverer"? Well, Paul wrote his letter to the Romans around A.D. 56, so after the letter to the Galatians written sometime between A.D. 50-52. As such, the passage in Romans 11:25-27 came out of his pen later than the words in Galatians 6:16 about "the Israel of God." And it was with this Israel that the new covenant was made, no longer through Moses, but through Jesus Christ. He acted as Mediator for the Christian, spiritual Israel, born as a nation on the day of Pentecost in the year 33 AD, at the moment of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the Jews, who recognized Jesus as the Mediator of the new covenant.


Peter confirmed this in the words "You are ‛the chosen people, a royal priesthood, nation świętym, ludem do szczególnego posiadania’ (…). Kiedyś bowiem nie byliście ludem, lecz teraz jesteście ludem Bożym” 1 Piotra 1:1, 2; 2:9,



So as to all Israel being "all" to be "delivered," it is not the present state of Israel, nor the fleshly Jews scattered throughout the world, for how then can this all Israel be identified?

All in the sense of spiritual Israel is spiritual Israel, and to this Israel He was to come by being born of the Spirit of God. And it was to this "Israel of God" that the promised Deliverer was to come on the day of Pentecost in the year 33 AD.



Paul also said:


" For a Jew is not one who is one outwardly, nor is circumcision that which is visible on the body, 29 ale prawdziwym Żydem jest ten, kto jest nim wewnątrz, a prawdziwym obrzezaniem jest obrzezanie serca, duchowe, a nie według litery. I taki to otrzymuje pochwałę nie od ludzi, ale od Boga.”



The Lord Jesus said likewise in Revelation:

“A do anioła zboru w Smyrnie napisz: To mówi pierwszy i ostatni, który był umarły, a ożył; (9) znam ucisk twój i ubóstwo, lecz tyś bogaty, i wiem, że bluźnią tobie ci, którzy podają się za Żydów, a nimi nie są, ale są synagogą szatana”

Jews who were not Jews circumcised at heart were and are the synagogue of Satan.

So what does it mean that Israel will be saved?
Does this mean that all Jews
recognizing themselves as Jews in the flesh who live in Israel in the Middle East are that Israel? Does this mean that Jews living under the old covenant without a sacrificial system will be saved?
Non sense because the Jews are already dying today, they were dying 10 years ago and 100 and 1000 and will be dying since the coming of Jesus and will not be saved. Unless, those few will be saved, but not All Israel as the current political creation devoid of the Holy Spirit and so they are really opponents of God. If one takes it as a rule that all Israel will be saved, that includes those in Tel Aviv and Mr. Netanyahu. The whole is the whole. 10% is 100% and not 70%. Absurd.
It is written that the deliverer will come from Zion and He has already come and said:
“zbawienie ma swój początek od Żydów”
Since Jesus, the Jews have had the opportunity and are to be saved.
It is also written that the deliverer will turn
Jacob's ungodliness. He turned away. Those who wanted to receive him received him, and the rest rejected him by dying in their sins.
In the year 70, the temple was destroyed. Those who obeyed Jesus were saved:
“Mateusza 24: 15 Gdy więc ujrzycie “ohydę spustoszenia”, o której mówi prorok Daniel, zalegającą miejsce święte –who reads, let him understand – 16 wtedy ci, którzy będą w Judei, niech uciekają w góry! 17 Kto będzie na dachu, niech nie schodzi, by zabrać rzeczy z domu. 18 A kto będzie na polu, niech nie wraca, żeby wziąć swój płaszcz.Mt 24
The abomination of desolation occurred according to the prophetic words of Jesus:
Luke 21: 20 When you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then know that its desolation is near. 21 Then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains; let those who are in the city flee from itAnd those in the villages, let them not enter it! 22 For it shall be a time of vengeance, that all things which are written may be fulfilled. 23 Woe to the pregnant and nursing woman in those days! For there will be great tribulation on the earth and wrath on this nation: 24 Some will fall by the sword, and others will be driven into captivity among all nations. And Jerusalem will be trampled by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles pass away...:
Why was Jerusalem destroyed?
The reason for this was the crucifixion of Jesus and the curse cast by the Jews on themselves:
“jego krew na dzieci nasze”.
When they chose Barabbas and condemned Jesus they plunged once and for all.
The Lord Jesus said that not a stone would be left on a stone here, and it wasn't in the year 70.
Only those who had trusted and thus partly converted after Paul's death escaped the pogrom in 70. The fullness of the Jews were converted.
Jews are lied to just like Catholics about salvation...
Recently while reading the Bible this verse from Hebrews spoke to me:
“ale napominajcie jedni drugich każdego dnia, dopóki trwa to, co się nazywa “dzisiaj”, aby nikt z was nie popadł w zatwardziałość przez oszustwo grzechu. “
As long as you are alive, convert, not think Dear Jew about the messiah in X years. Do not be deceived. As long as it lasts today believe in Jesus.
If someone preaches that even unbelieving Jews are going to heaven because all of Israel will be saved, that is total heresy. Run away from such people.
You must understand that this is spiritual Israel as a whole. Messianic Jews plus converted Gentiles and converted Catholics.
This includes the gathering of believers in Christ who have
faith since Adam and Eve, those who believed before the flood in the Redeemer.
Through Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Israel obeying God.
Even some Christians will not be saved. I mean evangelicals. It is known what Lutherans or ecumenists do to Rome.
Israel means fighting with God, by God's side. Remember the famous hip?
Jacob wrestled with, depending on the version, God himself or an angel. Actually, he was wrestling, holding his ground; though the battle was long, it did not shake his faith or silence his prayer. He knew he would be blessed, and he would rather have all his bone taken out of joint than not receive a blessing:
And he said, Let me go, for the dawn has risen. He answered, I will not let you go until you bless me.(27) Then he said to him, What is your name? And he answered, Jacob. (28) And he said, Your name shall no longer be Jacob, but Israel, for you have struggled valiantly with God and with men and have prevailed. 
Those who would have the blessing of Christ must make a decision not to deny Him. Fervent prayer is effective prayer. The angel puts a permanent mark of honor on him by changing his name. Henceforth he will be recognized not because of his cleverness, but because of his valor.
 You will be called Israel, a prince with God, a name greater than the name of the great men of the earth. He is a prince who is a prince with God; these are truly honorable men who are mighty in prayer. Having power with God, he will have power with men also; he will overcome and win Esau's favor. Jacob gives a new place to this place. He calls it Peniel, the face of God, because there he saw God and obtained the favor of God. He becomes those whom God honors in order to marvel at His grace toward them.
So it is not blood and DNA that is the determinant, but perseverance in the struggle that is prayer:
I will not let you go until you bless me.
So the current Jews would have to desire a blessing from Jesus en masse.
Jacob went from being a clever man to an obedient man to God.
Add to this the fact that at the time of Jesus it was not the Judeans, or the tribe of Judah, who ruled, but the Edomites. King Herod was an Edomite, and the Jews of today are Talmudists and have nothing in common with either the God of Israel or Jesus even less.
Israel is only people who obey God, and God has no regard for the individual. This is what the Scriptures say. The ST talks repeatedly about how people who are in Israel itself, that is, who are Israelites, were punished.
In conclusion, as long as it lasts today repent of your evil deeds, for God has no regard for person or nation. If you rely on people believing that you are saved by blood, then unfortunately you will end up with these liars in hell whatever it looks like. Catholics believe the Pope and the priests. Jews believe rabbis. A mass of sacrifices caused by believing people and not God.
Dear Jews and Catholics, what will you say to God at the Judgment? Did I make a mistake, apologize? Have they deceived me? Didn't they trick Adam and Eve?
Updated: 21 June 2019 — 10:25


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  1. Bardzo interesujące…

    Here it is worth noting what this Palestinian believer in Christ says

    Here translated material from the Rise channel

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  5. Warto też dodać,że słowo ‘Hebrajczyk” w tym właśnie języku oznacza “przekraczać”.Abraham stał się Hebrajczykiem gdy uwierzył Bogu i porzucił pogaństwo dokonując ‘przekorczenia” w swoim życiu.
    The passages when Elijah on Mount Carmel tells the Israelites to go right or left, choosing either the Creator or Baal, also fit here.

  6. I was sent ONLY to the lost sheep of the house of Israel, not to the Gentiles, but rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. When God made the covenant with Abraham he called it eternal, it is still in effect, only it was broken by the Israelites, not broken.(23) Thus said the Lord Almighty: It shall come to pass in those days that ten men from all the languages of the nations shall venture forth and take hold of the hem of the garment of one Israelite, saying, We will go with you, for we have heard that God is with you.This is physical Israel not spiritual Israel.There are no true Israelites in Israel they are mostly Edomites who have converted to Judaism.Jacob knew where they were.The Israelites are white people the proof of this is the destruction of our race by Satan's system.100 years ago there were 3 billion of us100 years ago there were 3.5 billion of us.

    1. ” Tak powiedział Pan Wszechmocny: Stanie się w owych dniach, że dziesięciu ludzi ze wszystkich języków narodów odważy się i uchwyci się rąbka szaty jednego Izraelity, mówiąc: Pójdziemy z wami, bo słyszeliśmy, że z wami jest Bóg” Zach 2.11.

      This is true of apostolic times. It also happened this way.

      AP History.

      Przebywali wtedy w Jerozolimie pobożni Żydzi ze wszystkich narodów pod słońcem. 6 Kiedy więc powstał ów szum, zbiegli się tłumnie i zdumieli, bo każdy słyszał, jak przemawiali w jego własnym języku. 7 «Czyż ci wszyscy, którzy przemawiają, nie są Galilejczykami?» – mówili pełni zdumienia i podziwu. 8 «Jakżeż więc każdy z nas słyszy swój własny język ojczysty? – 9 1 Partowie i Medowie, i Elamici, i mieszkańcy Mezopotamii, Judei oraz Kapadocji, Pontu i Azji, 10 Frygii oraz Pamfilii, Egiptu i tych części Libii, które leżą blisko Cyreny, i przybysze z Rzymu, 11 Żydzi oraz prozelici, Kreteńczycy i Arabowie – słyszymy ich głoszących w naszych językach wielkie dzieła Boże». 12 Zdumiewali się wszyscy i nie wiedzieli, co myśleć: «Co ma znaczyć?» – mówili jeden do drugiego.

      So do other Zechariahs concerning Jesus, that is, times also apostolic:

      Rejoice greatly, daughter of Zion! Shout, daughter of Jerusalem! Behold, your king comes to you, he is righteous and victorious and gentle, and rides upon a donkey, upon a donkey, the foal of a jackass. (Zechariah 9:9)

      And they weighed for my payment thirty pieces of silver. But the Lord said to me: Put them into the treasury, the high price at which they have valued Me ! (Zechariah 11:13-13)

      Then they will look at me, the one they have pierced, and they will mourn for him as one mourns for an only child, and they will wail bitterly over him as they wail bitterly over the firstborn. (Zechariah 12:11)

  7. Yoros-olima była starożytną biblijną Jerozolimą nad Bosforem koło Istambułu, niegdyś Konstantynopola. Ukrywana przez setki lat przez żydów chazarskich i zabrana fałszywą historią do Jerozolimy Izraelskiej. Czy kościół Bizantyjski (rzymsko katolicki) bał się tak bardzo swoich wiernych, że zmienił miejsce kaźni i roku kaźni Jezusa, by nie wyszło na jaw że to on stał za ukrzyżowaniem Jahuszua, czyli Jezusa? teraz już wiecie kto ukrzyżował Naszego Pana…? PLEMIE ŻMIJOWE…rzymianie…vatykan…nie żydzi to za prymitywni ludzie aby ukartować i zrealizować taki plan…i to znowu ma sens pasuje do Janowego objawienia i do Izraelitów do których przyszedł Jezus…to ich pózniej nazwano chrześcijanami i wielu jak zwykle przyjeło to bluznierstwo a tych którzy nie chcieli jak np waldensi ,ostrogoci czy hugonoci zostali wybici co do jednego…to byli też biali ludzie którzy umarli dla Chrystusa …to do nich On przyszedł do owiec z domu Izraela…

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