Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

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Pinterest: “informacje antyaborcyjne są szkodliwe i stanowią dezinformacje”




Znany portal społecznościowy Pinterest, przeznaczony do kolekcjonowania i porządkowania zebranych materiałów wizualnych zablokował grupę antyaborcyjną “Live Action”.



Pinterest sugeruje, że grupa antyaborcyjna operuje „szkodliwymi dezinformacjami”, które „mogą mieć natychmiastowe szkodliwe skutki dla zdrowia.”

Alison Centofante, director at Live Action, announced the censorship via Twitter:

@Pinterest seems to have deliberately added "" to the list of blocked porn sites.

Do you understand the extent of the lie? Evidently this is the spirit of the anti-Christ, since only a non can classify anti-abortion actions as pornography, which by the way HolyVooDOO promotes.



In its Statement, Pintreste informed Live Action that its website had been "permanently suspended because its content violated our disinformation policies." The memo stated that Live Action spreads "medical disinformation and conspiracies that turn individuals and objects into targets of harassment and violence. "


It follows that love, understood by the manufacturers of tires for men as sex, which will cause by a quick number an unwanted child can result in harassment.



According to an investigation by Project Veritas, Pinterest actively chose to block the distribution of Live Action content on the social network. In addition, the pro-life group's website was allegedly "intentionally added" to a "blocked list of porn sites in February 2019."



Do you see how corrupt this world is? For several years I have been using a quote from John 1 where it is written that the whole world is in evil.


I am proving the links between the Vatican and Zionism and other secret societies. However, supposedly right-wing portals don't see it, but slowly the 100% truth is coming.


Ten zdecydowany ruch Pinterestu pojawił się tak samo po spotkaniu grupy Bilderberg, na której był szef google , który w kilka dni po tym spotkaniu oświadczył, że zamierza usuwać nagrania promujące ekstremizmy…..


The truth is coming but censored like in TVN and POLSAT.
This is another dispatch issued straight from the Bilderberg group. This is no longer conjecture, but a conspiracy against humanity and most of all against God.


I'll ask a rhetorical question: will there be any high-ups, you know, close to heaven like the gentleman titled Holy Father, or any Excellencies who will fight against this censorship?


Where is Mr. Bergoglio? Where are the gentlemen in purple robes?

Total censorship is coming, the Biblical Great Tribulation is coming, which the right-wing portals won't tell you about because they are Catholic, and the Catholic Church COOPERATES WITH ALL GREAT ORGANIZATIONS FROM THE EU TO THE UN TO THE BILDERRG GROUP, WHICH HAS ALREADY HAD ONE CARDINAL named PIEROLIN.




Updated: 12 June 2019 — 11:38

1 Comment

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  1. Dezinformacja, ta… a gdzie niby ta “wolność słowa”, o której wielu tak ciągle nadaje? :/
    “jak Kali ukraść krowę to dobrze, jak Kalemu ktoś ukraść krowę to źle”

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