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The Licho does not sleep, or the cult of the Licho in Lichen.

Text version of the video.


The Licho does not sleep, or the cult of the Licho in Lichen.

Today I came across a very interesting clue that led me to the core of beliefs in the so-called Marian apparition in Licheń.

For it turned out that before the alleged Marian apparitions there had been apparitions but demonic ones.

But let's look at the history of the apparitions of the so-called Mother of God in Licheń.
The history of these apparitions, and not just one in Licheń, dates back to 1813 when Our Lady appeared to Tomasz Klossowski after he had been wounded in the Battle of Leipzig.
The next apparition dates back to 1850 when Mary was seen by Mikolaj Sikatka.



In 1813, Polish soldier Tomasz Klossowski was severely wounded at the Battle of Leipzig. Terrified, he turned to Mary for help. He began to pray: "Mother of God, my protector, Most Holy Virgin, Most Pure, lean over me and save me. Do not let me die. And if it is the will of Almighty God, let me at least return to my native land and be buried there. Mother of Christ, hear me. (Spiss 2007: 64).

Our Lady did not keep us waiting long. She appeared with a golden cloak and a crown on her head, holding a white eagle to her breast. She calmed Thomas and promised him a happy return home. Instead, the soldier had to perform a certain task. She told him to look at her carefully, and then to find a picture of her looking just as she did now. He was to place this picture in his homeland so that everyone could pray before it and obtain grace: "Thomas, you begged me for help, so I am. A mother loves her children. You will not die here. You will recover and return to your homeland. However, I want you to find my image as you see me now. Please pass it on for public adoration."

This is a description from the Catholic site itself:

Look, if the Bible were universal and if it were used, these characters would reject these revelations in the name of Jesus. Why?

First, this the phantom came in a crownand the crown is worn only by the king.
The Bible tells us:


” A na szacie i na biodrze swym ma wypisane imię:
KRÓL KRÓLÓW I PAN PANÓW. ” Apokalipsa 19.



Second, this phantom induced the two men to break the second commandment in the Decalogue:

So the being behind the so-called mother god is simply an adversary of God called Satan, because Satan means adversary.


“wszak i szatan przybiera postać anioła światłości.” 2 Kor 11.


He is the one who wants glamour and applause, hence there are pentagrams on every TV show just like the lotto.




Let's get to the story, though.



Licho is a figure from ancient Slavic beliefs, a demon personifying misfortune, bad luck and disease. The Licho rarely appeared to people. When it did, it took the form of a terribly skinny woman with one eye. The Lich wandered around the world looking for places where people lived happily. Usually it set buildings on fire, brought hunger, poverty, and disease, and then left. Sometimes, however, it stayed among people for longer. It tormented the hosts, e.g. by attacking them by tearing rungs out of ladders or loosening axe blades. It also whispered bad thoughts in people's ears, sent plague on fruits and vegetables, harassed livestock, and destroyed possessions. There was no way to protect oneself from the lich, the only way was to endure it patiently and wait for it to go away.

The thing the Lich is best known for is temptation. It seeks out noble and righteous people in order to lead them astray and thus destroy them. It whispers all sorts of lies to them, day and night, so that people think they are talking to their own thoughts and considering their own ideas, when in fact they are only listening to the fateful whispers of the Lich. The Lich never sleeps, it is always snooping around to do more harm. It is happy to help those who do harm, but then it destroys them so that they don't even have time to enjoy the consequences of their own actions. There is no other way to deal with Licho but to patiently endure his mischief and remain steadfast in the virtue of honesty, until finally the demon, seeing that he can do nothing here, leaves on his own. Sometimes you have to wait for this for years, and sometimes after just a few weeks the Lich knows it can't help the unwavering human will to stand by what is good, and it leaves before it can do any more serious damage.


What do we learn from the history of the Lich cult?
Ano to, że owo Licho było demonem symbolizującym śmierć , nieszczęście i choroby. Przybierał postać kobiety no i szukał ludzi szlachetnych i prawych aby ich zwieźć. Tak, ja wierzę, że wielu katolików ma bardzo dobre intelncje a nawet czasem o wiele lepsze owoce od protestantów. Zwłaszcza starsze pokolenie, ale…. licho nie śpi i sprowadziło tychże ludzi do demona.
I have already heard several mini testimonies about how people started to have bad lives after Licheń.

The demon hiding behind the so-called Mother of God is called the Mother of Sorrows, and yes, Poles have been experiencing nothing but sorrows since she was recognized as the Queen of Poland.
Niestety portale niby prawicowe jak wrealu24 czy medianarodowe wam tego nie powiedzą. Prawda też boli….



Dear Readers!

Gwarantuję Wam, że w każdym miejscu gdzie jest sanktuarium tzw matki boskiej wcześniej były inne kulty pogańskie. Tak jest na wzgórzu chełmskim w Koszalinie i tak jest na tzw Jasnej Górze gdzie czczono inną kobietę – boginię Lejla.

Catholicism is idolatry and takes people out of the hands of God.
Revelation says: my people come out of him, that his plagues may not reach you.

Praise be to the Lord Jesus the King of kings and Lord of lords.



Updated: 5 June 2019 — 08:22


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  1. And I, in junior high, high school, being of course a standard Catholic as a young person of that age might be, during the standard evening pacification, I said an extra 20, 40, 50 Hail Marys. And so from maybe 10 years. It depended on how life was at that particular moment. Prayers for school, grades, for friends (that they would like me), for family and their health, etc. And now for this demon probably at the age of 26 I have my life destroyed, and all my friends and acquaintances are doing elegantly. And maybe they did not even say prayers at all, not to mention Hail Marys.
    I wonder if God punished me for this foolishness, but I meant well.

    1. Then renounce it in Jesus' name and apologize to the Father.

    2. Hey, dear reader! I mean, God is fighting for you. According to Scripture, God will sometimes scold a man in this world, bring him down to the first floor, but only so that you will wake up to life.
      Now it is only up to you whether or not you give your life for Christ. You will find the answer to how to do this in Scripture and prayer.

    3. You know what, I have the same thing with my life being hard, and everyone around me, those who go to church and pray to the demon, or those who are non-believers, are doing great. Sometimes I have all kinds of bad thoughts that maybe some kind of punishment is upon me. Hang in there, you are not alone.

    4. I'm a few years younger than you, and I also have the same feelings that my old friends' lives are going beautifully, while I get sand in my eyes all the time.

      Some time ago I realized that it was God who wanted to arrange my life His way, even though it was hard for me to accept it at first, I realized my mistake.

      It is the same in your case, let God arrange your life, do not oppose Him.

      1. Exactly. We are carnal and would wish for health, money, lots of friends, beautiful women, cars, houses, swimming pools, etc. etc.
        And God wants us to be spiritual, to live by the spirit and not the flesh. Let us gather treasures in heaven, let us work, and God will take care of the rest.
        Yes great, great we will only have it when Jesus returns. Now we have to pass the test and give testimony 🙂 .

  2. licho – po starosłowiańsku – zło

  3. I'm not promoting this band's music but this song fits in the thread.
    I listened to it myself a long time ago, but then I perceived the lyrics in a human way (a kind of rebellion). Now, listening to it, I perceive the lyrics quite differently.

    1. I used to listen to them too.
      They have more pieces like this:
      “Kapłani babilońscy”
      “Moja wiara”

      The newer ones I don't know anymore 🙂 .

  4. Chyba i ta nazwa nie brzmi przypadkowo…

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