Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Lucyferianizm w MTV dla dzieci i młodzieży na przykładzie Billie Eilish – bury a friend.

Systematically since the postwar period, the socio-economic-political-religious system in the Bible called Babylon has been introducing the teachings and culture of Lucifer.

Everything according to the principle of small steps or another principle of so-called "boiling the frog".

MTV is a channel which is directed to older children and teenagers. Nothing of good values can be found there, but because parents want to get away from their children, because now it is fashionable to be only the owner of children, not the educator, they give their children smaprtphones, TV sets and other toys.

Skutek jest gorzej niż fatalny. Duzo mozna by pisać o tych wszelkich zabawkach, zabawach jak haloween, hello kity itp. Dzisiaj skupiam się na poniższym teledysku Billie Eilish – bury a friend.



At the time of writing, the clip has 150 million (!!!) views.

Let's discuss the scenes one by one.

An individual with dreadlocks wakes up at night. He has a necklace of chains and a padlock which means enslavement. He is spiritually imprisoned. The music resembles a heartbeat. The next scene is under the bed. A girl with a corpse-like appearance begins to tell a story while singing. She walks out into the hallway. She makes a gesture of cutting her throat. I'll add here that just a few days ago I was looking through the statistics of suicides. For example in Poland. We are on the second place in Europe as far as suicides of minors are concerned!

I know I'm going to be read by people who live in this world and are in love with MTV, Eska, etc. So let me tell you right away that I was a teenager, I listened to MTV and I had suicidal thoughts. They don't appear right away after listening to such videos, but after some time the devil attacks when you start having problems with something.

Do you think I'm a Church of Rome functionary like Natanek haunted? No. I have lived through all the filth of this culture.

Watch and actually listen to what I was listening to:


Takich songów jest masa, autwór Billie Eilish – bury a friend” jest tylko następnym w innym pokoleniu, mającym zniszczyć Wasze życie.

Let's go back to the substance.

Text excerpt:


Am I satisfactory?
Today I'm thinking about things
Which are deadly
The way I drink you
Like I want to drown
Like I want to be done with myself


In the exact first minute, a girl is shown being attacked by unknown beings reaching out to her.

W 1:19 kiedy te istoty dopadły ją wbijają jej masę strzykawek, a owa dziewczyna mówi “chcę skończyć”.





I would also like to point out the symbolic dimension of this scene. The demons are not only pushing for euthanasia, but there is something more here. They carry out the killing with gloves on like pharmaceutical corporations that have the governments of individual countries in their pockets. Except that the poison doses in vaccinations are not lethal. Maybe a tiny fraction die, but the rest just get sick.

Mr. Zieba, NTV, etertvi and similar new age media and people will not tell you about this satanic culture. They will not tell you that you need to come to God. Some of them know that satanists are behind the destruction of nations, but they will not tell you to go back to God, because there is going to be one big new age religion of love. Love without God's Law, which will lead to misery and the fall of mankind and consequently the loss of salvation.


Moving on. From about 1:30 by mysterious people (satanists hide) performing injections the girl becomes a living corpse.


Interestingly, he has sword-shaped earrings.

The whole thing is saturated with strobe lights. By the way:


“Międzynarodowe badania wykazały, że światło fluorescencyjne, a w szczególności strobe effect, powstający w wyniku stosowania standardowych stateczników pracujących z częstotliwością sieci, wespół z innymi negatywnymi czynnikami (np. komputery, klimatyzacja), wywiera szkodliwy wpływ na zdrowie człowieka i stanowi zespół czynników wywołujących tzw. Syndrom Chorego Budynku”


I used to work in a techno disco so I know what I'm talking about.


The rest of the text is incredibly frank. Are you aware of the lack of awareness of those millions of viewers who watch this mini horror movie? Are you aware that they, as recipients of this satanoculture, are watching and not seeing. Read the rest of the text:


I want to be done with myself
I want out with myself, I want out with myself, I want out with myself
I want with me, I want with me, I want with me

What do you want from me?
Why aren't you running from me?
What are you thinking about?
What do you know?
Why aren't you afraid of me?
Why do you care about me?
When we fall asleep, where do we go?

I keep you in the dark



One at a time:


“Chcę ze sobą skończyć
I want out with myself, I want out with myself, I want out with myself
Chcę ze sobą, chcę ze sobą, chcę ze sobą”


What do you think, is this repetition just stupidity, a sick vision of the author of the text? The text is indeed sick, but one learns by repetition. Every student knows it well, especially when he learns a poem by heart. The first of these was a poem about a man who had been a victim of a war, and a man who had been a victim of a war. What will happen if a young person without the compass of God's Word sees such a song dozens of times? What will he do when problems come?


Well, that's an interesting question put under the nose of Godless youth:


“Kiedy zasypiamy, dokąd idziemy?”


Dear youth. Do you not see that satanists mock you? You do not think about what will happen to you after death. They even put such a thought under your nose, although there is no question of salvation.


The rest of the text leaves no illusions as to what a conract with Satan is. Not only on the level of Illuminati and media stars, journalists, musicians, actors. Read:


What did you expect?
That I will make you my masterpiece,
I will make you a star,
And that you will have connections?
I'll meet you in the park
I will be calm and composed
But we knew from the beginning
That you will fall apart
Because I'm too expensive
This is probably something that should not be said out loud
Honestly, I thought I would be dead by now (wow)
I call security, keeping my head down
Bury the hatchet or bury a friend, now

For the debt I owe
I must sell my soul
Because I can't say no
No, I can't say no



If it weren't for the source of the lyrics and music one might consider these reflections to be religious.


"For the wages of sin is death, but the grace given by God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Rom.6:23)


Devotion to all the idols (demons) of success, money, fame (not only at the level of top stars), the new version of the Olympics which are soccer games and their passionate watching, passionate listening to the muse, smoking pot, secrecy, killing others with language, leads to slavery and self-sacrifice.


For the debt I owe
I must sell my soul
Because I can't say no


What a truth presented directly. Biblical theology at the end of a satanic video.

All who have not converted to Jesus Christ are indebted to Satan. On the other hand, all Christ-followers are REDEEMED.

Throughout most of the video, the girl is possessed by demons. This is what it looks like if you don't want to come to God.

By the end, his eyes are no longer demonic but black.

Come to God, and you will not face an eternity of fear with demons after death.


The time of grace is ending. If you are not sure you are saved, you can accept Christ into your life now by praying:


"Lord Jesus, I believe that you are the Son of God. Thank you that you died on the cross for my sins. Forgive me my sins and give me the gift of eternal life. I invite you into my life and heart to be my Lord and Savior.


Start reading the instructions from God contained in the Bible. Don't be deceived by this broken world.



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  1. Okropność :/ Pamiętam, że swego czasu gdy i ze mną nie było za dobrze, słuchałam wcześniejszych piosenek Billie Eilish i już one wywierały na mnie bardzo niepokojący, właściwie trudny do opisania wpływ (co jestem w stanie ocenić trzeźwo dopiero z perspektywy czasu, bo wtedy nieświadoma i tak dalej jej słuchałam). A te wcześniejsze teksty nie miały nawet tak bezpośrednio satanistycznego przekazu. Mam z tym okresem w swoim życiu tak nieprzyjemne wspomnienia, że już w ogóle nie mogę znieść jej twórczości. Przeraża mnie tylko, jak wielka teraz tworzy się moda na jej muzykę, jakieś półtorej roku temu mało kto ją kojarzył…

    1. It is good that you write Daria about your testimony. It is an important one.

    2. Nie słuchałam jej wcześniejszych piosenek, ale nie dziwią mnie twoje odczucia…
      Jednak zgadzam się z tobą w tym że ta “moda” na utwory tej dziewczyny jest wręcz denerwująca i przerażająca…

  2. W MTV to już w sumie nie ma za wiele muzyki, ale podstawić za to dowolny inny kanał “muzyczno-rozrywkowy” tego typu (bo są stacje grające muzykę klasyczną czy jazz itp.rzeczy, ale to tak swoją drogą…poza tym nie są one zbyt szeroko dostępne) , wyjdzie niemal to samo… :/

  3. Help I am 16 years old and I have strong suicidal thoughts myself and I don't know what I am supposed to do because it has been going on for many years and it is very very bad. I can't cope with it. A psychiatrist hasn't helped me at all, and I feel like crying that I can't be happy but have to suffer, not to mention my other problems in life. I'm afraid that one day I'll do something to myself because I'm terribly tempted to try to kill myself. What to do?

    1. What city are you from David?

      1. I live in Gdansk...

        1. David, we saw each other 3 years ago in Leba?
          Maybe I'll visit you because I was supposed to go to a meeting with Gadzinski 🙂
          and so far Boro is doing well.

          1. We've never seen each other but I don't know if seeing each other would make a difference... I feel sad and empty inside.

            1. Cześć, Dawid, czy chciałbyś może porozmawiać, np. przez Facebooka, przez maila? Też mam za sobą dość długie doświadczenia z myślami samobójczymi i na szczęście jestem jednym z wielu przykładów na to że dzięki Bogu można z tego wyjść. Swego czasu byłam kompletnym wrakiem emocjonalnym i wiem, że gdyby nie On i nie podążanie za Nim, dzisiaj już bym nie żyła, a na pewno nie cieszyła się takim pokojem duszy jak teraz. Nie wiem, czy dam radę pomóc, ale myślę, że warto spróbować chociażby dla samego wsparcia i rozmowy. Zresztą jesteśmy w dość podobnym wieku i wydaje mi się, że dobrze byśmy się zrozumieli. 🙂 Nie jesteś sam w tym wszystkim, i to wcale nie sytuacja bez wyjścia. Jeszcze rok temu też nie uwierzyłabym w tą ogromną przemianę w moim życiu jaka zaszła, ale jednak – Nasz Wszechmocny Pan potrafi poskładać nas w całość z najmniejszych kawałeczków 🙂

    2. Praying to God and reading the New Testament! The word of the living God is working!

    3. You may not believe it right away, but prayer will help. Give it a try, you have nothing to lose, only to win 🙂 .

  4. Haha seriously!
    I personally love her as well as her songs, but if you don't know anything about her, you get posts like this.
    She talks about her medication and the fact that she has had suicidal thoughts because of her depression.
    She is a model that you can heal and I personally admire her because she has helped me

    1. Everyone has free will. You can listen to and admire even Madonna.
      Here is a blog by Bible Christians

  5. Young people my age should read this. I am 15 years old and I completely agree with this statement. Music, social media, television, etc. also affect a person's life views, especially children who are still learning.

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