Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Shamsan Yvonne deceives people who are ignorant of Scripture.

As much as I previously admired Ms. Iwona for her courage, I now strongly discourage her. This is another person whom I recommended, and after some time I have to review her person. I will be more prudent in the future. I simply did not know her other videos.


By the way. I do not post links to other Christian sites that I have not researched.


In the video below, Ms. Iwona Shamsan recommends the satanic Gospel of the Twelve Saints.

What is so objectionable about it for a Christian?


  1. As a young man, Jesus travels to Assyria, India, Persia, and Chaldea.
  2. Mary Magdalene is portrayed as the partner of Jesus.
  3. Belief in reincarnation


Who was the author of the Gospel of the Twelve?


The most likely author of the Gospel was the Anglican clergyman Gideon Jasper Richard Oueseley (1835-1906). After spending years as a pastor in Warrenpoint, Ouseley became a priest of the Apostolic Church. He wrote about ten books on vegetarianism and occultism. He founded several occult and theosophical societies. At the time of his alleged discovery of the text of the Gospel of the Twelve, he was living in London. He maintained that the teaching of the Gospels was revealed to him by Emanuel Swedenborg during a spiritist seance. At other times he claimed to have seen the text of the Gospel in a night vision, read it, and wrote it down from memory in the morning.



Ms. Iwona is already using slogans, and one of them is what she has been writing for a long time. It is the subordination of religion to the Vatican. This is what the Bible says, not the apocrypha. It is in the book of Revelation that the harlot is written about as the mother of fornication.


I don't know if Ms. Iwona has any principals, but here she simply revealed her true views. These views are New Age ideas.

Niedawno też ktoś mnie poinformował, że Pani Iwona -tutaj mogę coś przekręcić – wierzy w jakieś istoty świetliste. Może ktoś mnie sprostuje, kto oglądał niestety jej filmy.


Bardzo często posługuje się ona słowem “ścierwa, barany” lub “ksiądz dostawał zajoba”. 19:20.

Kim ten pacan jest?”.

Every video of her shows her nervousness and therefore lack of peace.




The Lord Jesus was not a vegetarian.


Brand 6.

And taking the five loaves and the two fish, he looked up to heaven, said the blessing, broke the loaves and gave to the disciples to lay before them; also the two fish he divided among them all.


 If which of you fathers' son asks for bread, will he give him a stone? Or for fish, will he give him a snake instead of a fish? 
(Luke 11:11



Despite this, I believe that meat should not be eaten. It is not a natural Biblical prohibition, but rather a return to life here after Eden. This is my PRIVATE opinion, not a biblical one.

I myself do not eat pork, veal, beef, or chicken. Sometimes duck or turkey, and I may not eat at all, but it will be my choice and not a Biblical Command. I have friends who are close to God and do not eat meat at all, that does not mean that vegetarianism is God's domain. The truth is that there will be no killing in the Kingdom of Heaven, and if one wants to get closer to that concept, they can of course not eat right now.

Another truth is that the vegetarian movement is strongly controlled by the new age and therefore satanic.



Hare Krishna don't eat meat either, and neither do Buddhists. Should we trust them?



Ms. Iwona denies the bible, but it was the first reformer William Tyndale who distributed the bible with the canon as it is today. It is because of him that Ms. Ivona can quote the bible. Just because Rome is evil doesn't mean the bible is forged, because if it is, then we have no legal basis for living a moral life. Then comes the Luciferian concept: do what you want.


If there are readers here who started watching Ms. Iwona because of me then I strongly advise against it from now on.

I will say more, there will soon be a new gospel of love, of loving all religions.




Updated: 30 April 2019 — 21:30


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  1. Well that sounds like a gospel of loving all religions. Well for me it's nothing new the people of the world as a whole I think are not really influenced by what their parents taught them, what they grew up in. And as much as I can't convince myself of Islam which teaches killing I don't think everybody does it but I prefer to be cautious about it. I've noticed that anyone who is in another religion not entirely of their own choosing should be loved, not so that you lose sight of their beliefs and condemn their error. After all, our Lord Jesus Christ taught selfless love for all people. Life is now testing me because I am very forced by Catholics to return because I have anxiety because I am in a sect, but I have learned that Jesus would not condemn them for their unconscious choice. And as for the woman I have never seen her and I have little guidance there is the Word of God which says it all.

  2. And I also wanted to say that the Lord Jesus called to faith in him often took people who simply begged God for forgiveness, such as the story of the tax collector who dare not lift his eyes to heaven. But in other faiths there are also precious pearls for God.

  3. In that case, millions of Christians in India are blaspheming Christ:

    1. Robert, I am researching the matter. Such data is on the internet from smarter people than me. It was the Talmud that cut down the A. (Yeshua) Besides, the Lord Jesus could have used Babylonian Aramaic.

      From wikipedia:

      “aramejski oficjalny (imperialny, standardowy) (mniej więcej 700−200 r. p.n.e.) − nie tylko wersja bardzo ujednolicona, ale także szeroko rozpowszechniona pod względem geograficznym: od Egiptu, przez Palestynę, Syrię aż po Azję Mniejszą oraz Asyrię, Babilonię i Armenię. Zawarty zarówno w listach, umowach, dziełach literackich, jak i inskrypcjach na różnych materiałach. ”

      Do they blaspheme in India? I don't know, just as I'm not sure if they cut off S. Language issues are a tough subject. But let's explore, maybe something will be born

  4. Szkoda że tak się stało…ale dziękuję za ostrzeżenie…

  5. Supplemental Quotes.
    Jesus and vegetarianism in the NT.
    Mat 22: (1) And Jesus again in parables spoke to them: (2) The kingdom of heaven is like a king who gave a wedding feast to his son. (3) So he sent his servants to call those who were invited to the feast, but they would not come. (4) He sent other servants again with the command: Tell the invitees: Behold, I have prepared my feast: oxen and fattened animals have been slaughtered and everything is ready. Come to the feast!
    Luke 15: (22) But the father said to his servants: "Bring quickly the best robe and dress him; also give him a ring for his hand and sandals for his feet! (23) Bring a fattened calf and kill it: we will feast and make merry.
    Lk 24: (41) But when they were still unbelieving with joy and full of amazement, he said to them: Have you anything to eat here? (42) They gave Him a piece of roasted fish. (43) He took and ate in the presence of them.
    John 21: (9) And when they came ashore, they saw coals of fire burning on the ground, and fish and bread laid upon them. (10) Jesus said to them, Bring some more of the fish that you have now caught.

    Although Jesus was not a vegetarian, I don't see anywhere in the NT that he ate meat other than fish, but I'm not an expert on Scripture.
    Any corrections welcome.
    Ps. Another thing running through my mind is Genesis 18: who was the third angel?

    1. The Lord Jesus certainly celebrated Passover, so He also consumed mutton.

  6. Hello, I can not find anywhere any contact for the administrator of the blog owner, please contact me by email, it is in my profile thank you

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