Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Why is the Book of Henoch a threat?

I keep my distance from the apocrypha, or non-scriptural books, although I don't throw these babies out with the bathwater. After all, I sometimes quote the book of the Wisdom of Sirach, which is in the Catholic canon. But I treat it as a guide for life or like Paul's letters describing the life of believers.



I read this book early in my search for God, and I can, in retrospect, sum up leaving this book already about 7 years ago this way: Praise God.


This thank you has a double meaning, which I will not fail to write about in a moment,


But let me make it clear at this introduction: God is sovereign and has seen to it that the canon is appropriate, and that the translations vary is another matter. It is a matter of the reliability and carnality of the translators and their spiritual state. Reliability depends on religious freedom. I, for example, have such freedom. But, for example, Adventists, who, by the way, I respect, do not have this freedom, because their structures resemble the leadership body of the SJ. Do I boast of this? No, I simply want to show the dependence on doctrines. Ellen White is quoted there very often, as if she were the author of a book of the Bible.

Carnality, on the other hand, is one's private preferences over what God wanted to communicate to us. In this case, they involve a desire to be suspicious of the spiritual world, to know about angels.

Why else did I write about dependence on spiritual condition? Because people who are not established in the faith, which is related to the previous two reasons, are susceptible to deception. Hence we have so many denominations and sects.


Well, but let's get to the book itself.

In the 40th chapter of the book we read in verse 9 like this:


"9 He answered me, 'The former is Michael, merciful and gentle. The second is Raphael, who takes care of all the diseases and wounds of the sons of men. The third is Gabriel, who presides over all powers. The fourth is Fanuel, who is engaged in repentance and is the hope of those who inherit eternal life. "



This statement alone contradicts everything God's Word teaches. In First Timothy 2: 5 we read that Jesus Christ is the ONLY mediator between God and men, not some angel named Phanuel ... " For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus " . Jesus alone died for our sins and shed His blood to pay for those sins (1 Peter 1: 18-19).


There is a lot of truth in the book of Henoch, such as about fallen angels as the creators of war and witchcraft. This is certainly not something God invented. The problem is that occult, or satanic, works, such as the books of Crowley and H. Blawatska also write much truth.


The Book of Henoch causes more interest in fallen angels than in God, and then we automatically give glory to the fallen ones not to Satan.

I believe the fallen have names and specialties, but notice that the bible doesn't spend as much time on demons and the fallen as the book of Henoch itself. Coincidence? Absolutely not. This spirit world actually exists, but God knows how evil human tendencies are and safeguards us from Fallen Angel interest.

I have been interested in astrology a lot as some of you already know and I can confidently say as a biblical Christian that in retrospect astrology is reliable knowledge. Based on date of birth and time I would once have said more about a person than they would about themselves. Even now, without putting up horoscopes just based on a person's zodiac sign alone, that is, the position of the sun on the day of birth, I know who I am talking to... But why has God forbidden interest in this forbidden fruit? Because mankind has innate curiosity in its genes from Adam and Eve. Eve was very curious about the forbidden knowledge. So she learned.....Now she knows what that fruit was. Unfortunately, we also know it through our great-great-grandmother. In astrology, however, the names of the fallen angels are given (Venus, Mars, Mercury...). Interest in them takes the glory away from God.


My observations.

I mirror and look at people who are in love with the book of Henoch and see that they are drawn to conspiracies and side knowledge to the Bible. Usually such people have either a shallow relationship with Jesus or none at all, and they treat the Bible itself as a book of theology, which they probably don't know themselves, and yet Scripture is not to build up pride, but it is to accomplish the transformation of the mind of sinful man into the image of Jesus.


Incidentally, Henochists, tend to be minded people with a sense of elitism. A handful who know the truth, and the rest are unbelievers because they don't know the conspiracies. I for one know that God has his people in almost every denomination. At least of the main ones like Baptists , KZ, AD7 etc.


I expect that after the above article there may be some criticism, but I will ask you one question, follower of the book of Henoch: does this book make your life better? Full of joy, better relationship with Jesus, gives you peace and tranquility?

Many Henochers are jealous troublemakers and it is easy to see their fruits on the Internet. Character cannot be hidden even behind a computer screen, and this character is tested especially in conflicts:




The listeners of this pastor are simply deceived because surrendering to the name of the preaching function, which at this point is the term "pastor", overshadows not only the ungodly character of such a person but also his lack of culture. As far as I know this poem to internees was addressed to Pastor Jankowski, because in his film he points at Andrzej and says that he deceives people by saying that the Law is invalid.

I was informed that Pastor Jankowski actually deletes comments, but he had much more information about Mr. Cyrikas. Everyone deletes comments. The problem is that Mr. Cyrikas even those only present biblical quotes alone, not personal ones.

What's good is that Pastor Bartosik, who is among Mr. A.C.'s friends, doesn't mind calling others "bludgeon".



Can one be saved, that is, freed from the sin and death of the other without the book of Henoch? But of course.


I understand that many reading what I have written are at different levels of cognition, or worse, knowledge, because knowledge does not save. The main thing is to write factual comments.


In conclusion, I found the book of Henoch to be good for one time and that's the end of it.

Glory to God because of the glory due Him alone.





Updated: 23 April 2019 — 12:02


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  1. I too have this observation. "Henoch" and the "flat earth" mostly distances us from the One Who is Most Important = Jesus Christ.
    Of course this is a generalization, but that's how it goes.
    You just have to know the proportions in life. Jesus has the power to save us, and Henoch or any other angel or earth shape unfortunately does not 🙂
    Greetings in Jesus Christ!

    1. I think that Henoch and his book is to make people understand how some things work in the world and beyond, there is a description of the operation of the wind and also other dimensions such as the place where souls go after death.Two things puzzles me, Henoch in his book mentioned the name of the fallen angel who deceived Eve, hence my guess that maybe Satan is not just one spirit, but all the evil spirits, fallen angels who deceive the world and just by the Bible are called Satan.The second matter, in the church we also have deception through the reworking of the 10 commandments by the Vatican, removed a very important commandment in which God forbade the creation of dowries, images, etc. and worship them, Henoch wrote about it, that the books will be falsified and given to the righteous and wise, in my opinion, priests, nevertheless, if the church has the task of deceiving us, why is there not this evil book of Henoch and the book of Paul? From the conversations of older people that I have heard: 30/20 years ago a priest in the countryside, because I live there, was considered to be a man who said something and his opinion was unquestionable, it was as he said and everyone agreed with him.Looking at it now, I can say that the book of Henoch predicted it and he really knew what he was writing.As for me the book of Henoch is 100% true and inspired and it is this book that made me aware.

      1. I have a very similar opinion.

    2. Boro...I think you are going a bit astray...first of all it is not Jesus who is the most important but God the Father...Our Lord has said it over and over again...and I would not propose to generalize about spiritual matters...they must be clear and transparent...secondly if God in His power that cannot be overcome has allowed the book of Henoch to be in the Bible it means that it has to be there...if you don't understand it or it seems strange to you it only means that you don't understand it yet but if God wills it and you ask, you will understand....thirdly the subject of the flat earth is one of the most important subjects for accepting the credibility of God's word....thirdly the subject of the flat earth is one of the most important topics for accepting the credibility of God's determines whether you fully understand and accept the book of Genesis about the beginning of everything of which the first part was written by God Himself...the earth is flat and if you don't believe that then how can you claim that you believe God...I know that now in the media there is a boom on this subject because as usual evil people also use this subject for their own purposes...the viper tribe is making this fuss on purpose in order to make this topic known as a sick one preached by strange people...but it is THEIR people as usual...we, called out from the world, know that the earth is flat and above the dome there is is a beautiful color of the sky...above this water there is another sky and there lives the spiritual world and God...He is very close to us although unreachable for just believe brother...

      1. Rob, I see that you hold views contrary to this blog. I suspect you reject Paul's letters as well.
        I suggest you familiarize yourself with :

        I will help you make a manly decision. Well, in some matters you will not change my position or the position of the readers, so I, if I were you, would recognize the site as one that preaches contrary to your views on faith and I would no longer visit it, and I would seek the truth where there are similar views. This will be honest with yourself.

        "first of all, it is not Jesus who is most important but God the Father..."

        But Jesus clearly wrote "I and the Father are one." Furthermore, He told the Pharisees "I am". The same I am who revealed Himself to Moses.
        I have no intention or habit of arguing with such a person, and so I simply suggest you leave the blog.

  2. The Bible and the book of henoch do not agree in 100%, compared to the Bible. Besides, I believe that God has the Power to establish His Word, as complete as it should be--66 books.

    The Lord just wants His Word to be the way it is today. The Bible is a best seller

    Also. Either the Bible as we have it or the book of henocha

  3. Well, that's good to know...

  4. I believe that the Book of Hannoch has been shown to bring people closer to demons because it speaks most about them, but for the hardened and grounded "Christ-follower" it can give valuable insights because it confirms the existence of the one God as creator and the only just ruler who punishes and rewards

  5. The book of Henoch is canonical I think about the Copts. It is important to note that one must be careful in reading it not to go astray of the mind in order to seek gnosis. Let us remember that Henoch mentioned in the Bible and Rev. Demons and their descendants are also mentioned. It is just that the Bible does not focus on them because it is not God's plan of salvation, but they are matters for the established. It is wrong to read the apocrypha first. The Bible must come first.

  6. I know that there is not just one book of henochah but probably two three.... That's where it "happens."

  7. (1): And the Spirit clearly says that in later times some will depart from the faith and join deceitful spirits and listen to satanic teachings,
    [Messianic Bible, 1tm 4]

    Related is the passage where it says:

    (3): For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but will, according to their fancies, choose teachers for themselves, eager for that which tickles the ear, (4): And they will turn away their ear from the truth, and turn to fables; [The Messianic Bible, 2tm 4].

    Is the Book of Henoch a fairy tale ?

    (1):Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but examine the spirits to see if they are of God, for many false prophets have gone out into this world. [Messianic Bible, 1j 4]

    I certainly wouldn't put her in the place of Christ.

    However, it is important to realize your position.
    We live a lie, we are raised in a lie, and we are lied to daily, But it has been said that after the Savior is gone we will receive the Spirit of truth.
    That spirit is there to guide us, so let us seek it, but there is no chance that we will not stumble along the way.
    Even Paul the apostle heard from Jesus, My grace is sufficient for you for My power is made perfect in weakness.

  8. The Book of Henoch was the model for the Book of Mormon. I wrote my doctoral thesis on it 😉 .

    1. Arthur, you made me curious about your doctoral dissertation on the Book of Mormon and the Book of Henoch, could you somehow make your dissertation available for me to read?

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