Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

The Easter egg custom is a satanic ritual and a counterfeit of the Nativity.

Before I go on, it is important to be aware that Satan is a plagiarist and an unsuccessful plagiarist of God's works. He is a plagiarist who injects the poison of untruth like a vaccine.



Easter eggs were never a custom from either YHWH God or Jesus or the apostles.

The Church of Rome, as a pagan religion, applied to mankind under the guise of worshipping the One God all possible pagan and therefore demonic customs, hence the direct and irreverent title I gave to this text. Eggs are a satanic ritual.


You won't find any evidence in the Bible for sacred eggs or coloring them. But you will find it in cultures hostile to God

The oldest Easter eggs were found 5,000 years ago in Assyria, slightly later ones come from Egypt, Persia, Rome and China. Colorfully painted eggs were given to the Chinese with the arrival of spring.

In ancient Egypt the decorative motif of eggs were scarabs with two human figures. In Cairo images of famous men were immortalized on eggs. In Sudan quotes from the Koran were placed on eggs. Shells of Chinese Easter eggs were covered with intricate miniatures depicting cherry blossoms, chrysanthemums, birds. Australian Aborigines carved ostrich eggs, treating them as sacred.


Jajko strusie prawie 4000-letnie z Egiotu znajduje się w muzeum archeologicznym w Brukseli (Belgia) ozdobione jest 37 wygrawerowanymi spiralami, biegnącymi od podstawy do szczytu skorupy





So what does God and His Word have to do with Egypt, China, the pagan customs of the Aborigines, and finally with Catholic Easter eggs? It has a lot in common, but God with a lowercase letter.



In the Finnish epic Kalevala, a duck laid six golden eggs and a seventh iron one. These fell into the water, and from the crumbs were formed the earth, the sky, from the yolks came out the sun, from the whites the moon, from the mottled spots the stars, and from the dark particles of the eggs floated away the clouds[4].

The traditions of many cultures emphasized the common rhythm of the egg with the world, Sun, fertility, resurrection. It was a sign of the return of spring, of home. Used in healing and cleansing magic, it released vital forces with its power. The oval shape contained hope for the rebirth of life.

In the Slavs, an egg was associated with the cult of the sun god, was a symbol solara symbol of new life, of birth."


Following this line of thought, all those who take part in the feast of the so called Easter or their equivalents in the world and those who prepare eggs for the so called Easter are participating in the wooing of Satan. I know that it sounds harsh, but my name is not Michal Wisniewski to shock the public, but I use facts and with these I can talk.

The egg was never a symbol of the followers of Jesus, but it was the church of the Roman Empire that continued the pagan and therefore Luciferian practices and rituals.



Ancient Greeks placed decorated ostrich eggs or representations of them in graves in gold, silver or clay. 2500-year-old examples in photo.


Look at what I found on a secular site about Easter. I'm not copying this because it's a good source, but because even non-biblical sites and journalists know about the origins of this world:



"It is the feast of Easter, a celebration of the goddess Ostara (Eastra), of gratitude to Mother Nature for her gifts. To this day, Anglo-Saxons call Easter 'Easter', just from the name of the goddess."

Easter is "movable" precisely so never coincides with a Jewish holiday. At the Council of Nicea in 325 It was established that the Christian Passover would be celebrated in the first Sunday after the first full moon, while the Jewish holiday is celebrated on the full moon, the 14th day of the month of Abib

Egg painting is an ancient custom, much older than Christianity. It probably has its roots in ancient Mesopotamia. The first discovered Easter eggs come from 4-5 thousand years ago. The egg has been a symbol of rebirth, prosperity and the victory of good over evil for thousands of years. The custom of painting eggs was also known in Roman times, before the birth of Christ. It is mentioned among others Ovid. Eggs were also painted in Egypt, Persia, and China.

The oldest Easter eggs in Poland - from the 10th century - was found during archaeological excavations at Opole's Ostrówek Islandwhere the remains of a Piast stronghold were discovered. These are not bird eggs, but eggs created by human hands from clay and limestone. Some of them are decorated using the batik method, i.e. with wax - exactly like contemporary Easter eggs. In Slavic culture the egg was associated with the cult of the sun god. It was also an amulet against evil spells.,3334133,artgal,t,id,tm.html


It was pagan Rome to which the Catholics belong that changed all the holidays by mixing pagan holidays and customs with God, but this has absolutely nothing to do with Jesus, for what does light have to do with darkness?

The Church of Rome practices paganism and we have come out of that paganism and no honest believer in Jesus celebrates this holiday.

Just as they practice the cult of Isis, the ostrich egg in the photo below, dating back 2600 years, was found in the so-called tomb of Isis. Photo: British Museum



In many myths, from Egypt to the Far East, the initial process of creation and birth begins when a cosmic egg is hatched. Sometimes fertilized through a snakeBut more often than not, it is laid in the primordial sea by a giant bird. It gives form to chaos, and from it hatches sunshine (golden yolk), leading to breakdown earth and heaven and the multiplicity of natural and supernatural life.


Is there no such division? Or should there be one and there isn't?

That's what I'm here for, following the words of Jesus, to divide people into pagans and people who don't indulge in pagan practices.

By the way, I am also surprised that I am read by people who listen to the reflections of pastors deceivers or Catholic conspiracy websites that are strangers to Jesus. You are circling without knowing who is following the truth because you don't want to follow my texts because it costs you money to leave this world and tickle your ears with nice teachings where you don't have to celebrate the Sabbath, where you can celebrate Sol Invictus and meet on the Roman Vioelkanocy.


 Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, sinners, and sanctify your hearts, inwardly torn people! James 4


Do you really think that not smoking cigarettes or getting drunk is enough to stay close to God? Going away from sin is very important, but is it only that? After all, atheists do that too. What can you give back to God? Will you give Him all those solar holidays? SunDay, Sol Invictus, Easter?

New Ageers don't drink alcohol or smoke at all


"He who is a friend of the world is an enemy of God."


Being a Christ-follower carries a cost. The cost of differentiating yourself from the pagan world.


Earlier there was mention of the egg of a great bird. That bird is the Phoenix symbolizing Satan.


Lactantius wrote an entire poem about the bird Phoenix. Over and above the existing descriptions, he adds that the bird lived in a distant, beautiful land where he drank water from the stream of life 4 times every morning and flapped his wings to greet Phoebus (the sun). After 1000 years of life, he would travel to Syria, where he would build himself a tomb of succulent herbs, acanthus and myrrh on a palm tree. There, singing funeral songs, he would burn himself and then take the form of a kind of seed, then an egg, and finally a full-grown bird. It was golden red, with a tail yellow with dots of crimson, a beak white with an emerald sheen, sapphire eyes, pink claws, and golden scales on its legs.



As we know the Phoenix is a mythical bird, considered to be a symbol of the Sun and the eternal rebirth of life....

But this whole revival also associated with egg worship as sun worship is a substitute for the true birth from the Spirit of God.


"And Jesus answered him, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whosoever is not born again cannot see the kingdom of God. (4) Nicodemus says to Him: How can a man be born while he is an old man? Can he enter a second time into his mother's womb and be born? (5) Jesus replied: Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whosoever is not born of water and of the Spirit cannot enter into the kingdom of God.(6) What is born of the flesh is flesh, and what is born of the Spirit is Spirit" John 3


The mass of the unborn again are stuck in the church of Rome just as we were stuck, but the rest are stuck because of those who still celebrate pagan holidays. On December 24 under the guise of the birth of Jesus they send wishes to others, on Easter under the guise of celebrating the resurrection you do not separate yourself from the world when the Lord Jesus clearly said:


"Do not think that I came to earth to bring peace. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. (35) Because I have come to divide the son from the father and the daughter from the mother and the daughter-in-law from the mother-in-law. (36) And [so]: the household will become the enemies of man. (37) Whoever loves father or mother more than Me is not Me "


If you want to be a follower of Jesus, you must be different not only in good behavior and love, which is also very important, but also in departing from pagan practices.

We are to love people and at the same time show them that this is not our world.


I for one will not be celebrating or visiting family these days. People need to see that someone thinks differently, they need to question themselves by our approach. Let them say "weirdo," "outlier."




World War II broke out for the same reason as the approval of the US invasions of Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq - by trusting religious authorities. Protestants in the U.S. support USRAEL, and what was it like before?



The current and past governments that are destroying Poles were also formed with the approval of people who do not separate themselves from evil.



It is Rome with Israel that rules the world and all who are in it are working for Satan's system.


I end the article with this symbolic photo.



Reject the serpent's egg! Come to the Lord Jesus. The time of grace is ending.


" If, therefore, by eating food I should harm another believer, I will never eat meat sacrificed to idols, lest by so doing I should lead anyone to fall." 1 Corinthians 






There was a time I walked around with a basket of eggs,

But I was a spiritual wretch at the time,


I was not looking for Jesus the Lord at that time,

because I've been thinking about worldly things since that morning,


Until there came a moment like this,

in which I got the Evil One out of the system


Instead, the sword of Jesus appeared,

Oddly enough, no one is forcing me to do this


The truth is that love for God is like the love of a man and a woman,

we do it out of free will, not obligation, and such are the faith secrets....







Updated: 5 April 2023 — 08:01


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    1. thanks. I wrote a little bit about it 🙂 I did.

  1. Talking with mom about the celebration of Palm Sunday
    -Are you celebrating or not?
    -What if I say no?
    -Then you'll get a slap on the wrist. You're not supposed to go over to the Jehovists.

    🙁 It will probably be the same with Easter. Maybe if I show her this text something will change, otherwise I'll have to wait until 18 to decide for myself normally.

    1. Sviatoslav, don't worry. God knows your heart and soul. It is known that spiritually "egg and hare feasts" are foreign to us, but around this time our Lord rose from the dead, and let us rejoice and be glad about that! In Spirit and in Truth!!! 🙂
      And to whom it may concern, remember Jesus Christ at the family table 🙂
      Yes, yes, they will call us out as radicals, jehovahs and Pharisees! Personally, I have deep respect for that :))))
      Rejoice for the Lord is risen!

      1. Daddy in Heaven strengthen us to be brave and in love with you in the days when paganism will be on the surface, under the guise of your "holiday".

    2. Luckily, my folks didn't push the colored caddy aka "palms" on me (because it's like chocolate to real palms, just "Easter" decorations and nothing more), but unfortunately I'll probably have to be with my family on "Easter"...

  2. I remember talking to a priest and we were talking about traditional Catholic holidays. I asked him if he didn't know that these were pagan holidays and that we should celebrate the holidays that God has instructed us to celebrate. He replied: "These days have been baptized."
    that is, people still celebrate the days of the Gentiles, which man baptized and which God never pointed out....

    1. By that I mean sacrificed. That's how he tried to motivate me to celebrate the holidays. Same with the rest of the celebration of Sunday.

  3. I would advise starting at the beginning if you want to teach someone.
    I.e., from history, in which are the oldest records not only on religious subjects, but also on scientific and mathematical subjects. As to Egypt, Rome and other powers, as to the various religions of the present day there is much falsehood added. This resulted in wars and lost materials that have not yet been discovered. Maybe you should have just started around 5000 years BC with the ancient Sumerians.

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