Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Should Christians celebrate Passover?

I spent several hours writing this article, myself not really knowing at the beginning of writing it whether I should celebrate Passover.


I have friends who have celebrated Passover for several years, but I also have some who show up for Catholic holidays.

As a result of not celebrating Sol Invictus, or any other Roman holidays unlike ecumenical churches, I have been deprived of any holidays.

Now Passover is coming and I am researching the topic just by writing this text.

In doing so, I must honestly write that all of the Old Israelite feasts, first, were feasts of God, and second, pointed to Jesus. So the question arises: if the feasts pointed to Jesus who had already come, should we still celebrate Passover?



5) In month one, on the fourteenth day of that month at twilight is the Passover of the Lord, (6) and on the fifteenth day of that month is The Feast of Unleavened Bread of the Lord. For seven days you shall eat unleavened bread.


What is the complement here? Whom is the feast in Leviticus 23? I won't repeat the quote, you can see for yourself.


The question is, did the Lord cancel it?



In the book of Exodus, I have two reasons that speak strongly to me for celebrating Passover:


"(15) For seven days you shall eat unleavened bread. On the first day you shall remove the leaven from your houses, for anyone who eats what is leavened from the first to the seventh day shall be removed from Israel; (16) on the first day and on the seventh day there will be a holy convocation with youYou are not allowed to do any work on these days. Only what everyone needs to eat you are allowed to prepare. (17) Keep the Feast of Unleavened Bread, for on this very day I brought your hosts out of the land of Egypt.Observe this feast throughout all generations as an eternal establishment. 



First, God says to celebrate through all the tribes of Israel, and yet we were grafted into Israel as Abraham's spiritual offspring.

Second, it is a "perpetual" command.

Finally, third and most appealing to me, the Feast of Unleavened Bread is a celebration of the Exodus from Egypt.



We all came out of the darkness that was Catholicism and a life of slavery to sin.

The very cassock of the priest reminds us of this darkness:




This is why I am surprised at the passivity of Christians who are in denominations ecumenical with the church, which is about 90% churches. .

Almost 100% fraternize with the church of Egypt and Babylon and Astarte.

Personally, about two years after say an awakening, I apostasized. After a few years of apostasy, I stopped believing in the meaning of celebrating Christmas (sol invictus). I simply believed in the conversion of my family. It was a pipe dream, and I was still being mocked at the dinner table.

Following this line of thought, we should be distinguished by more than just good works, after all, the Lord Jesus celebrated both the Passover and the Sabbath in addition to his works of mercy. However, we can say in the words of Jesus on the cross, "it is done".

But since Jesus' resurrection, aren't people still coming out of Egypt? Are we not still using the blood of Jesus?

It is not my intention to urge anyone to do anything. Happily or unfortunately, the blog is a mix of conspiracy seekers, lukewarm Christians, and devout believers.

This text addresses the latter.

With this type of consideration, someone might say "this is getting into Judaism".

Unfortunately, this Catholic slogan, mindlessly repeated as it is, is obviously not true. There was no Judaism at the time of the Passover establishment. Judaism was established at the time of the Babylonian captivity.

I fight for the truth and others...well....


Well, but let's x-ray in accordance with the Word of God this problem.


In 1 Corinthians 5: 7-8 on the last Passover that Jesus ate with His disciples, His instructions were to do so in remembrance of Him.


"Thus came the day of Unleavened Bread, on which the Passover was to be offered. Jesus sent Peter and John with a command: "Go and prepare the Passover for us, that we may eat it." They asked Him: "Where do you want us to prepare it?" 10 He answered them, "Behold, when you enter the city, a man carrying a jug of water will meet you. Follow him to the house where he will enter, 11 And you will say to the host: "The Teacher asks you, Where is the chamber where I may eat the Passover with my disciples?" 12 He will show you a large hall, strewn about; there you shall prepare." 13 They went and found as he had told them, and prepared the Passover. " Luke. 22


Another question arises: was this to be the last Passover of the early Christ-followers?




 And when the time came, He took His seat at the table and the apostles with Him. (15) And he said to them: I have longed to eat with you this very passover, Before they suffer. (16) For I say unto you, I will eat it no more, until it be fulfilled in the kingdom of God. (17) And when he had taken the cup and was giving thanks, he said: Take this and divide it among yourselves. (18) For I say unto you, Henceforth I will not drink of the fruit of the vine, until the kingdom of God come. (19) Taking bread, he said a prayer of thanksgiving, broke it and gave it to them, saying, "This is my body, which will be given up for you. Do this in remembrance of me! . 

Likewise the cup after supper, saying, This cup, this New Covenant in my blood shed for you. 


What does the New Covenant consist of? Is it about freedom from the Decalogue? Is it freedom from the prohibition of bowing to images? Is it freedom from observing the Sabbath? Freedom from the prohibition of adultery? No, because the Lord Jesus came to complete the Law. That is, if you look at a woman lustfully you have already sinned. If you hate your brother you have already sinned by not having to kill.

What, then, is the New Covenant all about?

It involves changing the sacrificial system from lambs and beautiful doves to the person of Jesus. It is in His name that our sins are forgiven. Not in the name of any Mary or St. Josephs and others. It is Jesus who became the sacrificial lamb without blemish.




Passover is a remembrance, and The commemoration in this case is an annual event at the same time.

Independence Day is celebrated every year on November 11.

On May 1 we have a labor holiday based on the pagan or Luciferian Walpurgis.

You, if you celebrate a birthday or a wedding anniversary, do so exactly one round year after the event's inception.


Now pseudo-Protestants celebrate Easter with the derogatory church of Rome. Am I not writing the truth at this point?

Does the church of Rome celebrate Easter on the same days as the ancient Israelites?


From the beginning of the fourth century, Emperor Constantine standardized throughout the Empire the practice of celebrating the Resurrection on the Sunday after 14 Nisan. Today, according to the Gregorian calendar, the Catholic Church celebrates Easter on the first Sunday after the spring full moon.

It was at the Council of Nicaea in the year 431 instituted by the Emperor of the Roman Empire, the same one who persecuted the first Christ-followers Passover was exchanged for what is known as Easter.


So when should Passover be celebrated?


14 of the month of Israel Abib.

Abib (Babylonian Nisan) corresponds in the Gregorian calendar to the second part of March and the first part of April.



Passover as I mentioned in my estimation commemorates our salvation from slavery, reminds us of Israel's salvation from Egypt, and salvation from sin through Jesus, so it is impossible to celebrate Passover properly in the form of Easter along with the church we came out of. Celebrating Easter shows that you did not come out of Egypt. It shows that you believe in Jesus on your terms.



The New Testament shows us to keep the Passover as a memorial, to remember who saved us from our bondage.


"14) This day will be a memorable day for you and you will celebrate it as a festival to honor the Lord. After all generations - forever on this day you will celebrate. 
 Exodus 12:14


So, being grafted into the root, are we to celebrate the Passover instituted by God, or by Rome a holiday with pagan customs of egg coloring, sacred unclean pork in the basket, and Dyngus?

I am aware of the appeal of these pagan holidays. It is colorful and fun, but is it in line with God's will and the Bible?


Passover is a memorial, and a memorial is an annual event. Passover commemorates our salvation from slavery. Here is the knot. Celebrating it at the same time as Rome cannot be a way out of slavery.

It so happens that those who do not celebrate the Sabbath , also celebrate the so-called Sol Invictus and Easter. They will always add for convenience "I do it not for the Catholic Church but for God". You are not doing it for God because the bible says otherwise.

Before Rome seized Christianity like Freemasonry Protestantism, Passover was celebrated:



Will all believers in Jesus be saved?

"Even though you already know everything once and for all, I would like to remind you that the Lord, who led the people [Israel] out of slavery in Egypt, nevertheless later destroyed all those who did not believe." (Jude 3:5)
As we can see, being led out of Egyptian slavery did not yet mean entering the promised land symbolizing salvation. After all, all Israelites leaving Egypt were to receive the land...the promised land. Otherwise, they wouldn't have moved. And yet, out of all 600,000 men and hundreds of thousands of women, only two people entered: Joshua and Caleb! The others were a new generation, the children of those who had died in the wilderness because of unbelief....


Does the New Testament say anything different about salvation? That it is once for all?


"And he who endures to the end shall be saved." Matt. 24:13


I once wrote a text on the lostness of salvation.



The Apostle Paul wrote:
"but I mortify my flesh and subdue it, that by chance, being a herald to others, I myself may not be rejected." (1 Cor. 9:27, BW).
Are we, born 2000 years later, to consider ourselves better or spiritually stronger than Paul? I don't see myself as such
If Yeshua wanted to abolish the Passover, He simply would not have celebrated it. Instead, He made a New Covenant (Matt. 26:28) during, rather than instead of this ceremony.
Let us also consider why the Apostles and early Christians celebrated the Passover (John 2:13, Matt. 26:19, Acts 20:6)?
What does it mean, then, to follow Christ?
"Be imitators of me, as I am an imitator of Christ." (1 Cor. 11:1, BW)
"Be imitators of me, brothers, and look to those who follow the pattern you have in us." (Phil. 3:17, BW)
Also, the fact that in ancient Israel Passover could also be celebrated by foreigners has a prophetic meaning here:
"And if a stranger dwells with you and wishes to celebrate the Passover for the Lord, let him do so according to the regulations and laws concerning the Passover; equal is the regulation for you, both for the stranger and for the native." (4 Genesis 9:14, BW)
Therefore, let us continue to await our liberation, looking for the symbolism represented by the Passover, a deep content reaching all the way back to our salvation, when: "the creation shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption unto the glorious liberty of the children of God"(Rom. 9:21, BW).


I think the more honest ones are those who are simply ashamed or afraid to come into conflict with society, specifically the earth family, than those who believe that Passover, according to the Bible, should not be celebrated.

That's right, Passover according to the Bible, not according to Judaism, because Passover is authored by God, not Judaism, which was barely established during the Babylonian captivity.


It is the believers in Jesus who are the present Israel.


"And you shall say to Pharaoh, Thus says the Lord: My firstborn son is Israel. I say to you: Let my son go, that he may serve me. If you refuse to let him go, I will kill your firstborn son." (2 Genesis 4:22-23,





Finally. If evangelicals mindlessly deny the Passover based on this verse:


"Therefore let no man judge you by food, or by drink; in the domain of the feast, or of the beginning of the month, or of the Sabbaths,"


Then they have a problem, because the prohibition against judging drink gives the door to drinking vodka every day, and the prohibition against judging rat eating opens the door to omnivorousness, yet we are to care for the temple of the Spirit. I have given extreme cases to make clear the misunderstood text.


The context of the statement indicates that it was about "shadows" pointing to Christ. The word "shadow" (Gr. skia) could not refer to the Sabbath, for the Sabbath is a memorial of creation! (Ex.20:11). It did not point to the sacrifice of Christ, for mankind received it before there was even sin requiring the sacrifice of the Son of God (Gen.2:2-3). Teven the new moon itself was not a shadow pointing to Golgotha, so it is to be celebrated on the new earth (Is.66:23).

So what was this all about? What was the shadow pointing to Jesus, and was related to the weekly Sabbath, the monthly new moon, and the annual Israelite feasts? Such was the shadow of the sacrifices made on those days.

These sacrifices are discussed in detail in the book of Numbers, which forms the background for Paul's statement (Num.28). The phrase used in the Epistle to the Colossians appears several times in the Bible (2Krn.2:3; 8:13; 31:3 Neh.10:34), whenever special sacrifices are mentioned as being offered on Sabbaths, new moons, and annual feasts. The context therefore indicates that Paul did not mean days, but ceremonial offerings of food and drink made on these days. For these sacrifices were a shadow pointing to Christ.


And the sacrifice has already been made once and for all.



Satan twisted the truth to mislead people. He has already done the same with the true Sabbath by changing it from Saturday to Sunday. He has also changed the calendar of YHWH God from one based on the August Moon to one based on the dark Moon. In doing so, he caused people to disobey the true Biblical Holy Days commanded by YHWH God, as well as the Sabbath.

The Mishnah was written between 70 and 200 AD, while the Gemara (the second part of the Talmud), was written between 350 and 500 AD.
Both form the Talmud. One of the authors of the Gemara book, the so-called Rabbi Hillel II (330-365 AD), set a fixed, so-called 'Fixed Calendar', based on a method of calculation that takes into account the conjunction of the Sun, Moon and Earth, known in the Gemara as the 'Hidden Moon / Dark Moon'.
Hillel did this so that Jews [wherever they might be] could follow the same pre-calculated calendar.

Unfortunately, the Jewish community and other religious groups still use Hille's calendar to this day, considering the phase of total lunar occultation as the first day of the month and thus maintain holidays, days and traditions established by man and not by YHWH God.
When the Gemara, the second part of the Talmud, was completed around 500, it introduced many new laws that resulted from rabbinic discussions. It changed the way days were determined.

The book of Henoch chapter 78:14 confirms that the phase of total lunar occultation is the end of the month, not the beginning.

"On the side where the light of the moon appears, it [the moon] again decreases until its light disappears completely, and the days of the month come to an end, its circle remaining empty, without light."

It is a misconception to determine the New Moon only by observation. Often, for weather reasons, the Moon's sickle is seen 2-3 days later. In this way the Passover and Feast of Booths are lost, because they should fall in the middle of the month, i.e. on the full moon, and not 2-3 days later [the promoters of the observational method of determining the New Moon are silent about this].

Also, the Hiller II calendar contains two serious errors:
1 - Changed the concept of the New Moon from the appearance of a sickle to a total darkening.
2 - Fixed standard month length during the 19-year cycle to make the lunar calendar align with the solar days. The month of Adar II is added in the 3rd, 6th, 8th, 11th, 14th, and 19th years of each cycle. This whole method did not take into account the precession of the globe [this was not known at the time] and the designation of consecutive lunar years for such a long time blurred with reality over time. The Julian calendar contained a similar error.

Therefore, today the Hiller Calendar that the followers of Rabbinic Judaism maintain does not work and is inconsistent with the Bible.

In summary, the emerging moon sickle anyone with a smartphone is able to determine for themselves [app], while whether barley was ripe in Eretz Yisrael to mark the month of Abib can be learned from the pages of Israel.




This year, Passover coincides with Catholic Easter because it begins on Friday evening (the first feast day) of the seven days and ends the following Friday.

So the anniversary of the Last Passover Supper and the arrest of Jesus Christ - takes place , the evening of April 18, Thursday evening, 2019 after sunset (beginning 14 Abib). a
Anniversary of Jesus' Death on the Cross - April 19, Friday, 2019 at 3 in the afternoon (14 Abib). This year. Other years will have different dates.


There is a reason God instituted the Passover in the first month of the ancient Hebrew calendar. Aside from the later sacrifice of Jesus, there is also a naturalistic motif. The name of the month is Abib which means ears of grain.


Abib is the Hebrew word used to describe the state of the crop that between the green ripening stage and the fully mature golden streaks. This is the stage when the grain has a light yellow-green color.

Thus "Abib" is not only the first month, but its name comes from the barley state known as "Abib" in Scripture.

The Biblical calendar is not a calendar written on paper, but placed in the heavens. When our Creator created the sun, moon and stars, He declared "let them be signs and seasons, days and years."

Nothing has changed since then.


Determining the true unbiblical date of Passover is crucial and books could be written about it and so this article was intended to be less extensive, but the truth leads to other truths, such as the determination of the day of Pentecost, which occurred 50 days after the Feast of Unleavened Bread. Thus the Passover and Catholic Easter are separated.


"Pentecost falls in May or June, a time when nature is in full bloom. During this period in pagan times, various festivals were celebrated, which, depending on the region, had different names and traditions of celebration. In southern Poland it was Sobótki, and in Podlasie Palinocki. However, the common denominator was always the lush nature of the period. Today, all these traditions associated with the Feast of Pentecost are called Pentecost"

For example, in 2017 this Pentecost was held in Rome on June 4, but Shavuot (the true Pentecostal day) was on May 30. There is a discrepancy.


The feast of Easter itself has its genesis in the feast of the goddess (demon) Easter, which is a topic for a whole new text, and about which I have also already written.



In conclusion, if Catholics/Romans celebrate Easter, the date of which is calculated by the first full moon on the first Sunday after the first spring full moon, it is pure (rather dirty) paganism i.e. demon worship.

So we have a choice of either the 14th day of abib or the first Sunday after the spring full moon.

Almost most occult ceremonies are held during the full moon. The full moon is also called the Great Mother. Wiccans, (one of the incarnations of the Queen of Heaven|) practice witchcraft during the full moon.

Many witches believe that the day of the full moon is the most magically powerful day of the month and can save spells associated with particularly important targets for the occasion. All magical targets are favored during the full moon ritual.


Many consider themselves followers of Jesus. But He said "this do in remembrance of me" on a specific day, not "whenever you meet". God is a God of order, and it would be appropriate in my estimation to celebrate this feast as the exodus from Egypt (Babylon) and as the Passover, i.e. prophetic picture of Jesus' death which was fulfilled on the cross on the exact day it was celebrated by all Israel......


Praise the Lord Jesus.


As a Bible blogger, I am free from denominations that impose certain doctrines and follow Rome top-down, which gives me freedom and a life of truth.





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Updated: 11 April 2019 — 21:38


Add a Comment
  1. Good topic. Maybe now it would be useful to describe how to celebrate it 🙂 .


  2. "This do in remembrance of me!"
    This year the spirit tells me to commemorate this anniversary with a glass of wine and matzah (flour and water).
    I'm just wondering if we were supposed to do it on the anniversary of the Last Supper (I think it was Thursday this year) or on Friday, though, as Passover falls.
    What do you think and are you going to make such a keepsake at home this year?

    1. I don't remember exactly, but in the Diaspora or dispersion of God's people around the world, one-day delays in celebrating holidays were recognized without offending the face of God Almighty. Research the subject if you are beating your thoughts and conscience. Greetings

  3. We Christians are obliged to remember that Jesus died for us, which is symbolized by the wine (blood) and bread (body). And if anyone wants to eat the Passover today, read Genesis 12:43-45.

    1. Thank you for your substantive statement Rom.

      It all adds up.

      " And the Lord said to Moses and to Aaron: This is the law about the Passover sacrifice: No foreigner shall eat of it. (44) But every slave, purchased with money, if you edge him, may eat of it."

      Now we are circumcised at heart.

  4. I appreciate your time and the message of the text.
    Let him give an answer to those who seek the truth and put it into action.
    Personally I wonder about the date of Passover, I check when it really should start, because when I type pesach in English on google it shows 19/04. Would the devil give us such an important date on a platter! It honestly does not fit me so I keep looking ?

    1. Well, I have the same dilemma. This year I wanted to celebrate for the first time, but the confusion with these dates is terrible, and from different sources I have heard at least three different versions...

    2. The new moon for the first Biblical month was visible in Israel and Canada!

      After Shabbat ends from the evening of April 6, the New Moon day for the month begins: Aviv - Nisan

      In view of this, the Rabbinic calendar, calculated in the 4th century NE, this time is shifted by one day in relation to the New Moon in Israel.

      1. That's right, Vojtus.
        Passover falls on April 20

  5. Unfortunately, I am afraid to celebrate anything (except Shabbat) because I am not (yet) able to determine the exact day of a particular holiday, and I also don't want to blindly believe people in order not to do something against God. I can only pray for some guidance.

  6. Question, if the method of observation in determining the new moon is inaccurate, and it is, of which I became convinced when we were in Israel on Sukkot, that it was already after the full moon and the Hillel II calendar is misleading, then what is the precise method? In addition, the date of Passover 14 Abib given in the text is also incorrect, because it is in accordance with the rabbinic calendar.

  7. Perfectly Written ! Nothing to add, nothing to take away ! Merci beaucoup !

  8. Peter, it was a very fruitful few hours that you spent on this text. May it bring awareness to as many people as possible and may our Good Father use it as a seed to plant in the hearts of people the desire to follow the unchanging God of Israel. In the Name of Jesus Christ may it be so, Amen.

  9. Sorry, I got the wrong subject...

    this my comment above for Peter Admin
    should be under the topic here

  10. David,

    nie załamuj szie 🙂
    we celebrate - or REMEMBER - that the Creator rested on Saturday
    [the first day is Sunday - and Saturday the seventh day].

    WE REMEMBER - that is, we celebrate - that the Savior said goodbye to the szie
    before the Crucifixion on the eve, called Passover, on ?

    The best remembrance of both the Sabbath and Passover is
    Keeping God's Law, ...and will you eat [?]
    and will you drink [?], and lie around all day doing nothing,
    then eventually God will answer you with these words:

    Amos 5-21 BW
    I hate your holidays, I despise them, and I don't like your Christmas celebrations.

    Psalms 119-163 BT
    I hate and abhor falsehood, but I love Your Law.

    and that's the hardest part:
    Psalms 139-21 BT
    Lord, shall I not hate those who hate You, and abhor those who rise up against You?

    celery: - because it comes out that one should love our oppressors....
    and what's the Sabbath, and what's the Passover, and the celebration....
    Take David and love your enemy !
    that's quite a feat 🙂 .

  11. David,
    I had forgotten about this verse yet:

    Isaiah 1-13 BW
    "Offer no more sacrifice in vain; incense, new moons and sabbaths have sickened me, the calling of solemn meetings - I cannot endure feasts and solemnities."

    Why ?!? - Because God KNOWS THE SPIRIT AND THE Fruits
    Of every human creature and disregard for the LAW,
    and no one can bribe Him with an empty "in honor" celebration...

  12. I would like to celebrate Passover, what should I do?

    1. I'm going to explore today. I already have the material.

  13. 1 Gen. 1:14-16; Joshua 10:12-13; Psalm 81:4; Psalm 89:38; Psalm 72:5+7; Psalm 104:19; Psalm 121:6; Psalm 148:3; Proverbs 7:20 and even Revelation 12:1 ...some I have omitted e.g. Isaiah 30:26...interesting verse. I see in these verses the full moon playing an important role, not the small, uncertain and sometimes invisible one... if only for a few minutes. The Moon which rules at night is not a croissant... The one who rules must be in all its majesty, as well as the Sun is. Therefore the year begins with equilibrium.... but how, when in advance everyone assumes, that it must be either moon in conjunction or barely protruding...sickle. This does not fit with the creation of it on the 4th day as 2 lights...the greater and the lesser you see that? Having read 1 Corinthians 14:8 in addition to the above...just as the voice of the grass must be distinct - so must the start of a new year contain an EXPRESS SIGNAL. I ask you all first to ask the Most High... before you reject... examine such assumptions, for we know from Dan. 8:25 that the little ....bed is going to change the law and the calendar (Times)... it is written in the knox Bible.

    1. Let us also note, and this is very important, that God's calendar or "clock" is the sun, moon and stars. Especially for the start of a new year... shouldn't we take them into account? Revelation 12:1 - it says: a sign in the sky... a woman - it could be the constellation "Virgo" - the moon in spring is in her area, this year it was in the area of her feet... it also says about the sun and the stars... we can traditionally think, a woman - the church. Yes. But standing on the "selene" full moon can mean a church based, standing on...using totally this astro-lunar-solar calendar even to mark weekly Sabbaths, because God didn't give two calendars. One for the annual festivals. Another for the weekly Sabbaths. NO. You can also imagine going to where the sign appeared. Look at the sky. The other sign also appeared in the sky... and here we have no doubt that it was for areas of the sky.

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