Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Warning Christians to repent and watch. The rapture is near.

I always have a problem with these types of visions and warnings how much is human factor and how much is divine.

However, I finally decided after seeing this film several times in the internet, that we should at least take notice of this warning about an incoming rapture.

When the door closes it will be too late.

Co z nami grzesznymi ludźmi…



Updated: 29 March 2019 — 16:11


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  1. W moim odczuciu kluczowym momentem tego filmu jest 5:43 – “Opamiętaj się z grzechów kościele” – czyli wróć do Prawa Bożego, choć nic o tym nie jest wspomniane. Z drugiej strony też bym ostrożnie podchodził do tego filmu, bo to jedynie tłumaczenie, ta kobieta nie mówi po angielsku, więc nie znamy treści jej proroctwa(?), lecz jedynie to, co przekazał nam tłumacz (sądząc po słownictwiu użytym w filmie(kościół, lider), to prawdopodobnie jest protestantem/chrześcijaniem).

    Maybe there is a brother or sister here who knows the language this sister is speaking and could translate it?

    1. też zwróciłem uwagę na wyrażenie “lider” ale tam była mowa pastor.
      Autor tlumaczenia jest chyba katolikiem…

  2. Dzięki za link, przynajmniej można się zapoznać z tym materiałem…

  3. This video is like a bucket of cold water on my head, even though I know that the parousia (rapture) is very close.

    God can no longer watch this: LGBT, abortions , pedophilia and generally very blunt violations of God's law.
    I look forward to the day of the Lord.

    So the 144,000 raptured will be the only saved people?
    I must be thinking wrong, those who will not be raptured also have a chance at salvation?

    1. The 144,000 are fellow kings with Jesus Christ on the future earth. They will be raptured for 3.5 years to avoid the great tribulation that the rest of the people will have to endure.

      1. Is it true that:
        ,,W wersecie 4 (Ap 14) czytamy, że ci zbawieni nie splamili się obcowaniem z kobietą. Nie należy tego rozumieć, że wśród nich znajdą się tylko mężczyźni, którzy nigdy nie współżyli z kobietą. Do grona zbawionych wejdą jedynie ci, którzy nie zdradzili Boga obcując z innymi bogami i nie splamili się z wielką nierządnicą „pijaną krwią świętych i krwią świadków Jezusa”, o której mowa w rozdziale 17.”?

        How do you know that's what's going on here? Well, because at first glance, anyone would think that women would not be among those 144,000, taking literally what is written.

        1. I think like Sylvester,it is hard to play something like that,I think it is an authentic prophecy,I follow most of the internet portals,the number of euthanasia is huge in the world,abortion even at the end of pregnancy,business on human organs,cannibalism in food drink drugs vaccines, homosexuality,pedophilia,hotels that animals zoophilia,necrophilia with wife even an hour after death,sexual perversion and deviation,destruction of children family by sex education,occultism,satanism,spiritualism,transfusion of young children blood to rejuvenate themselves,
          Yes this woman speaks the truth the Lord is coming, Peter you know me the longest and it is quite common that we receive everything on the same wavelength, the same Holy Spirit, now see I did not tell you about this, you add a prophecy because you feel at the level of spirit that this is the end of our road, the rapture must be sure to feel it, I for several days for some reason write on cards instructions about what happened, what will happen and so on, I have already written now I will record myself on the tablet, so that my brothers and family parents know that I was not abducted by a UFO? I do not know why I am doing this but I must recommend you to do the same.

          1. Christopher, I read what you wrote and it made me hot. I have had a feeling of impending grasping for a few weeks now. Maybe I'm wrong, of course I'm not sure about 100%, but I think it's a matter of a few weeks, maybe months. Recently, I felt a great need to inform my loved ones of the upcoming events, but I also felt that I should write instructions to my husband to let him know that we have not been abducted by UFOs. Of course, I still hope that he will be converted in time.

            1. I would be cautious about telling them directly, because if nothing happens they will think you are not very bright.
              It would sound better to say, for example:
              In the Bible, in Matthew 24, it speaks of the rapture of believers. If that ever happens, they'll probably say on TV that it's aliens.
              People thought decades ago that it was just around the corner

        2. You are interpreting Revelation a little too literalistically. All prophetic books use images and are not fully understood until what is written in them is fulfilled.

          144,000 is not necessarily a literal number. 144,000 is 12*12*1000 and 12 is one of the symbolic numbers in the Bible. The 144,000 are described as being the firstlings of God. I once read a nice text on this subject, it explained how the word "firstfruits" appeared in the Torah in the context of probably offerings to God or gifts. Also, checking the meaning of this word in a Polish dictionary may help to clarify it a bit.

          Also the 144,000 are not people who will only be saved, but the first crop. To this group, according to my understanding, will belong the most devoted people to God. Further in Revelation it speaks of a great Reich so numerous that no one could count it, from every people, nation, language. And this undefiled, being a virgin is precisely faithfulness to God, that is, not being defiled by any idolatry, cults, religions. This is how I understand it

    2. Wielki ucisk jest po to by ludzie się obudzili. Jak się przebudza i nie przyjmą znamię bestii – Bóg jest miłością i przyjmie ich. Niestety bardzo dużo osób może nie wytrzymac psychicznie ucisku. ..

  4. the rapture is where it all starts 😉 as to how close it is I'm sure:
    But you, Daniel, close these words and seal the book until the end time! Many will study it and cognition will increase.-as you can see cognition has increased and continues to increase.

    No ungodly man shall have knowledge. but the prudent shall have knowledge.
    As for the video, it doesn't look like a hoax to me because I personally have never seen in any cinema that someone could play like that, what the woman says is true in my opinion.
    Glory to our Lord Isus Christ !
    Greetings,have a great weekend 😉

  5. May someone translate as much as possible the videos that I have sent, for the sake of the truth, praise God! May Jesus Christ inspire someone to translate the videos for the truth in Christ Jesus. Hallelujah!

  6. Sylvester you are right the rapture will begin because the one who restrains must leave the field, the one who restrains evil on earth are the saints, the praying, the Holy Spirit, and our Beloved King of Kings, when people are raptured, luciper will strike with everything he has to destroy people he will know that time is short he will not waste it, the guillotines that they have prepared on all continents are ready, after the rapture the people who remain will have to choose who they want to serve and worship.

  7. I am a little cautious after all. None of us know the hour, we have to watch all the time, and if we set our minds now on the coming of our King Christ and it doesn't happen within the next few years, many may doubt. It was the same during World War II, when many thought it was the great tribulation before the end.
    May the Good Lord God protect us and keep us from evil.

  8. The woman speaks in Portuguese,
    are original subtitles that can be automatically translated into other languages:

    1/ Click on the white rectangle at the bottom left
    [włącz lub wyłącz napisy] – nie każdy film ma opcje
    automatycznego tłumacza, gdy nie ma “prostokąta”

    2/ klikamy na “kółko zębate” – ustawienia, gdzie są
    inne języki i opcja przetłumacz – znajdujemy j. polski i klikamy tłumacz

    3/ automatic translation works only once because the language of the recording is generated
    and every time you watch you have to manually set a different language [here someone already pasted Polish subtitles on the video, which are better than the translator].




    A disciple of Rabbi Kaduri on the Messiah of Israel


    1. As far as I remember, the Marantha Channel is the same as the Jesus Without Religion tour group

      1. przepraszam, nie wiedziałem…
        not all parties
        I study in depth,
        thanks 🙂 .

      2. najpierw MOC CHARAKTERU – Duch Święty
        pochwyci mnie tu, …Przed
        and then he

        co potrwa sekundę, może dwie…
        and then let it happen
        “co chce”


        “I przyjdzie Ten, który Był i na wieki Będzie
        will save His children from
        The soul's perdition
        because he knows, he knows what
        here's what's going on

        And weeping Children shed no tears when
        and whether we can stand to
        with God always
        be everywhere
        death ?

        And he that is fallen is glad to rise
        on the ashes of degeneration
        and betrayal, giving slaughter
        and Love does not

        And there will come a day when Jesus will wipe away a Tear
        of hopeless despair before
        Satan's dream

        And the wind and blizzards of the Spirit will blow
        before he comes


        RADUJMY SZIE ! ”

  10. Am 3;7
    “Bo Pan Bóg nie uczyni niczego, jeśli wpierw nie objawi swego zamiaru sługom swym, prorokom.”

    Jl 3;1-4
    “A potem wyleję mojego Ducha na wszelkie ciało, i wasi synowie i wasze córki prorokować będą, wasi starcy będą śnili, a wasi młodzieńcy będą mieli widzenia. Także na sługi i służebnice wyleję w owych dniach mojego Ducha. I ukażę znaki na niebie i na ziemi, krew, ogień i słupy dymu. Słońce przemieni się w ciemność, a księżyc w krew, zanim przyjdzie ów wielki, straszny dzień Pana.”

    Acts 2;16-20
    “Ale tutaj jest to, co było zapowiedziane przez Proroka Joela: i stanie się w ostateczne dni, mówi Pan, Że wyleję Ducha mego na wszelkie ciało I prorokować będą synowie wasi i córki wasze, I młodzieńcy wasi widzenia mieć będą, A starcy wasi śnić będą sny; Nawet i na sługi moje i służebnice moje Wyleję w owych dniach Ducha mego I prorokować będą I uczynię cuda w górze na niebie, I znaki na dole na ziemi, Krew i ogień, i kłęby dymu. Słońce przemieni się w ciemność, A księżyc w krew, zanim przyjdzie dzień Pański wielki i wspaniały.”

  11. No hann it's not true unfortunately. You don't understand the Bible at all, rapture only after the Tribulation.

    1. Maciek, I understand that you are a theologian and consider yourself better at understanding the Bible than hanna?
      Generalnie nie publikuję takich komentarzy bo sa one jak opinia o pogodzie coś w stuylu “wydaje mi sie ze juttro będzie padać”..

      1. I am not offended, I am sure my interpretation is correct, if I am wrong I will find out for myself, after the tribulation there would be no point in kidnapping, it says in the bible that if the time of tribulation had not been shortened no one would have survived, but it was shortened because of the chosen ones, the white race, because there were only 5% of us left. What is the point of saving the remains after the tribulation instead of saving them before and preserving them from suffering.
        I also have a request to the administrator, how could you do anything to make the replies have even a different color frame because it is difficult to distinguish what is a comment and what is a reply to the comment.
        Best regards, sincerely
        New Year's Eve.

  12. allow me here, on this blog and now
    THANK YOU to reader Lena aka Magdala
    What she wrote to me to help me and donate
    porobić… ale podziękowałem bo jeszcze nie,
    jeszcze wyrabiam… Bogu dzięki, żyję ! 🙂

    kochana Lena – Magdalena…
    thank you 🙂 .

  13. I am simply relying on biblical facts Peter, only when it gets really hard will we find out who is a true Christian, so logically you have to take, you have to publish, everyone has the right to speak out even if he writes badly, everyone errs, you have to be a freethinker like Jesus Christ, praise God.

    1. Yes everyone has the right, but not on the basis of their own vision, but on the basis of the Bible. You haven't given any biblical quotations on the basis of which you believe something.
      I care about the quality of the blog and usually don't post something like : the big squeeze won't happen or the big squeeze will happen next month.
      This is not a box type place. In the bible it says : if you speak, speak as the Word of God.

      Nevertheless, I will answer you.

      You write that when the going gets tough you will find out who is really a Christian.
      Well, there's a problem with that because people who died before the great tribulation didn't have a chance to prove themselves, so according to your line of thinking they are not saved.

  14. Mt. 25
    34 Truly I say to you, This generation will not pass away until all these things happen. 35 Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.

    How to understand it?

    1. This is the generation that will see that the end times are coming. For slowly but surely Sodom is being fulfilled before our eyes. Which is to say, our generation 🙂 .

  15. Probably the generation that witnessed the establishment of the state of Israel after World War II, I think this generation will live to see the end of the world and the second coming of the Lord. As for the time of the end, people will wander like sheep without a shepherd and this is already visible and has been growing for several years. Examples? Suicides, going all the way to the risk of achieving something even at the cost of health, life or imprisonment. To shorten these days will have to intervene God

  16. Czas ucisku zostal skrocony ,czyli to sugeruje ,wlasnie ze paruzja bedzie w trakcie trwania Ucisku a nie przed jego rozpoczeciem , gdzies pod koniec ucisku , nawet cytat Pyta Aniol : kim sa ci a ktos odpowiada (nie pamietam dokladnie) to sa Ci ktorzy przybyli z wielkiego ucisku” ,wiec jak porwanie moze wystapic przed uciskiem prosze was 🙂 Chwala Bogu Pozdrawiam w imie Jezusa Chrystusa ktorego czcze.

  17. This guy's got it all wrong. The wrath of God is the second 3 1/2 years, the first 3 1/2 years is the Great Tribulation, and that's when the rapture will happen.

    1. Maciek, this is your last comment on this blog. Unfortunately such is my ungrateful role as an admin.
      Nie masz szacunku do ludzi, brak Ci miłości Chrystusowej. Jak można pisać uważając się (domniemam) nasladowcą Jezusa “gościu”. To jest brak szacunku.
      Publikuję tylko ten komentarz dlatego, żebyś nie myslał, że usuwam niewygodne komentarze….

      I also don't like the fact that you accuse me of listening to misleading videos when in black and white Dubis tells it like it is.
      You imply as if I sa not read the Bible and that I should reason. This is a display of hubris.
      I haven't watched pastors' videos at all for about a year or two now. Occasionally, if someone suggests them to me. I put this one especially for you because I didn't want to write you a long comment...
      I don't know how old you are, but I'm guessing about 18-20, although there are some people on this blog who are 15 and have more respect for others.

      Twoje przekonanie 3,5 i 3,5 jest tylko przekonaniem i nie uargumentowałeś tego biblijnie. Ów “gość” nagrał prawie dwugodzinny film podając cytaty, a Ty ten bardzo oświecony skomentowałeś swoim zdaniem jak wg ciebie to wygląda. Nie jak wg biblii ale wg Ciebie.
      On top of that, you suggest I reason as if I don't, just who's blog do you visit? Whose thoughts do you read?
      Think about how you are because you probably hurt a lot of people in your daily life. I would write more, but I am learning the gentleness of Jesus.
      Just think about it all.

  18. Dołączam do Was, którzy także czują, że koniec jest bliski. Nie wiem, czy jestem pewna, bo tego nikt nie uczy, ale wydaje mi się, że mam w sobie Ducha Świętego, który często podpowiada mi co jest dobre a co złe sobie, kto ma dobre serce a kto zatwardziałe. Mój mąż , gdy mu o tym mówię, śmieje się że mnie i dosłownie łapie się za głowę, ale ja dziwnie czuje, że on mi tak naprawdę wierzy i się tego boi. I właśnie ten Duch Święty tak mi “mówi” choć nigdy nie używa słów, ja to czuje, tak jak Wy, że przyjscie Naszego Pana jest blisko. Dziękuję Bogu, że tu kiedyś trafiłam. Modlę się o odwagę, bo jestem osobą wyjątkowo nie odporną na krytykę, czy społeczny nacisk, totalnie nie potrafię walczyć o swoje zdanie. Mój Mąż mówi że nigdy nie widział kogoś mniej asertywnego niż ja. A ja chciałabym mówić innym o Jezusie ale się tego strasznie wstydzę. Kiedyś gdy w pracy pytali, po co poszczę… (Odmówiłam czegoś słodkiego do jedzenia) i nagle wydusilam z siebie, że to dla Jezusa. W takich momentach widac, jakie to Imię jest wielkie bo koledzy podsmiechiwali się, że mnie i chcieli żebym im logicznie to wyjaśniła, a ja że strachu staralam się jakoś ta moją wypowiedź złagodzić itp. ;((( w każdym razie, wracając do Waszych wypowiedzi poszerzam grono czujacych tak samo, trzeba zebrać się na odwagę i mówić o tym innym, może choć jednej osobie uda się zasiac to pozytywne ziarno w sercu!

    1. “Modlę się o odwagę, bo jestem osobą wyjątkowo nie odporną na krytykę, czy społeczny nacisk, totalnie nie potrafię walczyć o swoje zdanie.”

      Then maybe I'll let you run a little blog to practice 😀

      a tak na serio, to ja i wielu ewangelików z USA myślało już z 4 lata temu że coś się wydarzy, że będzie rapture, harpazo …
      Według mnie te odczucia sa prawdziwe, ale wszystko jest rozciągnięte w czasie i trzeba tutaj delikatności i rozsądku, bo co jeśli w ciągu najbliższych 4 lat się nie wydarzy… a tutaj ludzie czują że niebawem…

      I don't know when the rapture will be, but I am confident that there will be many world-breaking events this year bringing WU closer

      1. Oj I believe you must have heard it all by now from readers as well as facebook admins etc.

        And what you say is also true, you can't throw words to the wind, if nothing happens, everything will blur and next time no one will believe it.

  19. Peter admin in 4 years with such a progressive satanism, occultism, abortion and homolobby there will be nothing to collect, the red line has long been crossed?

    1. I don't know, Christopher, I think there are different levels of demyoralization. This isn't Sodom yet. She's just getting there.

    2. Christopher Soldier,

      Piotr Admin pisze: – “To nie jest jeszcze Sodoma. Ona dopiero wchodzi.”

      is a prelude to WU, at all stages of life for
      zniewolonych, zwiedzionych ludzi – a czyja to sprawka ? …satanistów we wszystkich przejawach,

      I recommend a very interesting interview with Wojciech Reszczyński, a well-known former TVP journalist, on various important topics affecting us:
      Broadcast live 17 hours ago [].

      Wojciech Reszczyński: Who wants to steal our freedom?


  20. Pochwycenie kościoła będzie, jest blisko, wiemy o tym. Może być jutro, za rok ale może być i za 5,10 lat ….10 lat to bardzo, bardzo mało (chociażby w stosunku do 2000 tysiecy ). Czas mija bardzo szybko. 10 lat to też blisko. Nie zastanawiajmy się kiedy dokładnie , tylko badajmy swoje serca, naśladujmy Jezusa w każdej dziedzinie naszego życia. Póki trwa czas łaski.

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