Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

The baptism with the Holy Spirit has its origin in the church of Rome.

The material is heavier than other texts because of its historical-documentary nature.

I apologize for the quality of the translation.






Since 1967, when the first Catholics in America began speaking in tongues and experiencing other charismatic phenomena, the so-called "Catholic Renewal" has grown rapidly and spread throughout the world. However, it is clear that this "renewal" is not a revival of biblical truth, but a renewal of the worship of Catholic error. The Catholic charismatic movement is not leading people to truth, but to a deeper, more devoted relationship with the errors of Rome. Consider some of the statements of influential leaders of the "Renewal" movement:

"Unanimously, people [Catholics who have had charismatic experiences] report a GREATER appreciation of the sacraments, especially the Mass as a meaningful encounter with Christ, the real presence [in the Mass], and Mary's role "(John V. McHale, The Furrow, May 1973).


"Catholic Charismatics are placing more emphasis on their church identity and heritage than ever before. Everywhere I go ... CATHOLIC CHARISMATICS RECEIVE THE IMPORTANCE OF TRADITIONAL CATHOLIC BELIEFS AND PRACTICES, including the sacraments, the rosary, the Virgin Mary and the saints. ... For years I have told Pentecostals that the Catholic Church emphasizes devotion to Mary. Now I hear it's all coming back, with charismatics leading the way "(Nick Cavnar,"


Why is Catholicism so Catholic?


"Charisma," April 1985; Cavnar is editor-in-chief of the Catholic publication New Covenant).

"Anyone who has become a true charismatic, to my knowledge, HAS BECOME A BETTER CATHOLIC." (Cardinal Manning of Los Angeles, quoted by Priest Finbarr Devine, Charismatic Renewal for Catholics, 1976, p. 48).

"There is, however, another option, and that is what millions of happy Catholics who actively participate in the Charismatic Renewal are doing. They have experienced a new outpouring of the Holy Spirit in response to an expected prayer and are content to call it the "baptism in the Holy Spirit."


... What is more, very strikingly, THEY WERE MORE DEEP IN THEIR CATHOLIC FAITH AND PRACTICE. The Mass and sacraments became more meaningful and fruitful. They just became more Catholic (Derek Lance, "The Dilemma of Being a Charismatic Catholic," Chariscenter USA newsletter, March-April 1990;

Lance is a Catholic priest from Northampton, England). "When one reads the literature coming out of the renewal, it becomes obvious that those who write within the renewal want to be Catholic and WANT TO BE RECEIVED IN CATHOLIC THEOLOGICAL TRADITION.

It is one of the many expressions of fidelity to the renewal of the [Catholic] Church "(Ralph Martin, The Spirit and the Church, 1976, p. 147). "Since I have had this [charismatic] experience, MY ALLEGATION TO THE HOLY FATHER AS VICAR OF CHRIST IN THE WORLD HAS BEEN EXPRESSED AND IMPROVED.

My appreciation for Mary as co-redemptrix and mediator of my salvation has been assured. My appreciation of the Mass as the sacrifice of Christ has now been strengthened" (Cardinal Joseph Suenens," Charismatic Ecumenism: The Road to Rome" by Michael McCoskey).

Roman Catholic Cardinal Joseph Suenens (1905-1996) was received by charismatic leaders as a true Spirit-filled ChristianBut it is obvious that he was not. He has bestowed upon the title of Pope and Mary, which belong exclusively to the Lord Jesus Christ. He has denied eternal sufficiency for the claim that Christ is repeatedly sacrificed on Roman Catholic altars. This is a flagrant deviation. Yet Suenens stood shoulder to shoulder with charismatic leaders for decades. In a show of ecumenical unity, he stood before 50,000 gathered in Kansas City '77 with Assemblies of God General Superintendent Thomas Zimmerman, JO Patterson of the Church of God in Christ and Anglican Archbishop Bill Burnett. These Roman Catholic leaders should be punished for their abominable practices and false doctrines. They should be condemned for leading multitudes to eternal hell through their sacramental gospel. What does Jesus Christ think of these false teachers? His sermon in Matthew 23 to the tradition-bound works, the Salvatorians, the Pharisees, leaves no doubt as to what He thinks. Yet instead of dealing with these wolves as Christ would, the gullible charismatic crowd treats them as Spirit-filled men of God, just because they claim to have had some charismatic experience and learned to use gospel terminology. This is a great and terrible evil.


The Full Gospel Business men's association has published a booklet entitled "Roman Catholics and the Baptism with the Holy Spirit." It contains testimonies from priests, nuns, and laity telling how they received the "baptism of the Holy Spirit." The result? They now attend Mass more often and appreciate the liturgy [Roman Catholic rituals] more fully (The Catholic Gospel, Vol. 14, No. 1, p. 4). Another example of the attitude commonly held by charismatic Catholics to the dogmas of Rome was revealed in a Light of Life interview conducted in Mumbai, India. Light of Life is the most influential evangelical magazine in India. When "renewed" Catholics were asked if their views on Mary had changed, they responded as follows: "Nothing has happened to the great Mother of God. SHE IS THE QUEEN OF HEAVEN AND EARTH, RESPONSIBLE, BELOVED.

But we have a deeper understanding of her position in relation to God and for us "(Light of Life, June 1979). My friends, the Biblical Mary is NOT the Queen of Heaven, nor is she the Mother of God, nor is she venerated in any sense. "Worship" is defined as "to solicit the favor of a god, to venerate, to cherish" (Random House Webster's College Dictionary). We do not know what spirit these people are dealing with, but it is not the Spirit of Truth. Catholic apologists often warn that it is a mistake to claim that Catholics venerate Mary. In doing so, they play a deceptive game of semantics. Worship and veneration are the same thing, and the Catholic Church admits that it venerates Mary! Reviewing the early history of the Catholic Charismatic movement, Kevin Ranaghan testifies: "What we experienced was very Catholic. In addition to all the new elements, we were awakened to the richness of the Mass, the Sacraments, and a NEW understanding of the place of Mary and the saints "(" Roman Catholics Find Charismatic Movement 'It's Very Catholic,'" Charisma, June 1982). The same Ranaghan, who for decades was the heart of Charismatic-Catholic activity, made the following statement in the August 1981 issue of New Covenant: "WE BELIEVE THAT THE CHURCH OF CHRIST ENTITIES IN THE CATHOLIC CHURCH AND THAT IT POSSESSES THE UNIQUE FULLNESS OF BOTH REVELATION AND MEANS OF SALVATION. In this context, in the company of Mary and the Saints, we place our personal charismatic experience. With them as our guides, we hope to become a beacon of truth and love amidst the fog and confusion of the late 20th century. This is the scope of our life of faith. To say that it includes less would be ecumenically and theologically dishonest ". This man, who is accepted as a true Christian by ecumenical charismatics and who has been in leadership positions in some of the major charismatic congresses, is obviously a profound Romanist, imbued with and convinced of all his unbiblical dogmas. He also believes that God speaks through the papacy: "It is the Catholic position that the pope is the supreme teacher and pastor of the church. While he himself may have performed these roles, he is at the head of all the bishops who, as successors to the apostle, also exercise these gifts of teaching and pastoring. Catholics therefore usually expect to hear the voice of God through the pope and the bishops " (Kevin Ranaghan," Roman Catholics Find the Charismatic Movement "It's very Catholic.", "Charisma," June 1982). This spirit of rededication of Roman Catholicism by Charismatic Catholics is also evident in their conferences. The National Catholic Register report on Notre Dame '73 noted that: "Charismatic Catholics should renew their devotion to Jesus Christ, His Blessed Mother and His Church, in the person of the Holy Father (the Pope)." Addressing the Holy Father, [Jesuit Rev. Harold Cohen declared,] "You are the Vicar on earth of Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God. You are the successor of Peter; on this rock Jesus built his church. We are founded on this rock and on this rock we stand. With this promise, the crowd of 25,000 in the stadium exploded with applause and hallelujah songs, giving a long standing ovation to the pledge of loyalty to the Pope (National Catholic Register, June 17, 1973)

Dear friends, the pope is NOT a saint, he is NOT the father, he is NOT the representative [vicar] of Christ, he is NOT the successor of Peter, he is NOT the rock upon which Christ built his church!

The entire papacy is a blasphemous lie and any person guided by the Holy Spirit of Truth will understand this and reject the Pope. In similar fashion, the Religion News Service reported on Atlantic City '76 this way: "While displaying dynamic ecumenical outreach, the largest conference in the history of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal - attracting some 28,000 people from the northeastern United States - reflected an attitude strongly affirming a deep loyalty to the Pope and the Catholic bishops " (RNS, November 1, 1976, reprinted in Christian News Encyclopedia, p. 370). The Holy Spirit is the "Spirit of Truth" and it is obvious that the spirit leading the charismatic movement into fellowship with Catholicism is NOT the Holy Spirit. 2 Corinthians 11: 4:13-15 and any person led by the Holy Spirit of Truth will understand this and reject the Pope. In similar fashion, the Religion News Service reported on Atlantic City '76 this way: "While displaying dynamic ecumenical outreach, the largest conference in the history of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal - attracting some 28,000 people from the northeastern United States - reflected an attitude strongly affirming a deep loyalty to the Pope and the Catholic bishops " (RNS, November 1, 1976, reprinted in Christian News Encyclopedia, p. 370).

The Holy Spirit is the "Spirit of Truth," and it is obvious thathe spirit leading the charismatic movement into fellowship with Catholicism is NOT the Holy Spirit. 2 Corinthians 11: 4,13-15 and any person guided by the Holy Spirit of Truth will understand this and reject the Pope.


The Bible contains no evidence that Jesus spoke in tongues.


Many today view "tongues" as a kind of unintelligible, supernatural form of speech. Biblically, the gift of speaking in tongues occurs when someone speaks in a language they do not know in order to edify someone who speaks that language (1 Corinthians 14: 6). If Christ were to speak in tongues, it would be logical for him to do so at his baptism when "the Spirit descended upon him like a dove" (Mark 1:10 ).

We know that moments after Jesus' baptism the Father spoke from heaven in words that all could understand (verse 11), but we have no record of Jesus speaking in tongues on one occasion or another. Many proponents of today's tongues movement assume that Jesus must have spoken in tongues. To bolster their point, they point to passages such as Mark 7:34 , in which Jesus "looked up to heaven . . . with a deep sigh "and Mark 8:12 , when Jesus" sighed deeply in his spirit "(ESV).

However, sighing is not the same as the supernatural gift of tongues. Anyone can sigh for many reasons, but it is not evidence of the power of the Spirit. We have a record of Jesus speaking Aramaic, the most common language spoken in Israel at the time (see Mark 5:41 and Acts 26:14)).

He was also most likely familiar with Hebrew and Greek, since both languages were also spoken. But whether Jesus ever spoke with supernatural power in another language, the Bible does not say. The temperance view is that the "miraculous gifts" of tongues and healings ceased-that the end of the apostolic age caused the miracles associated with that age to cease. Most mashers believe that while God can and does still perform miracles today, the Holy Spirit no longer uses individuals to perform miraculous signs. The biblical record shows that miracles occurred at specific times for the specific purpose of authenticating a new message from God.

1.Moses was able to perform miracles to authenticate his ministry before Pharaoh (2 Gen. 4: 1-8). Elijah received miracles to authenticate his ministry before Ahab (1 Kings 17: 1; 18:24 ). The apostles received miracles to authenticate their ministry before Israel (Acts 4:10 , 16). Jesus' ministry was also marked by miracles, which the Apostle John calls "signs" (John 2:11 ). The point is that miracles were evidence of the authenticity of Jesus' message. After Jesus' resurrection, when the church was being established and the New Testament was being written, the apostles demonstrated "signs" such as tongues and healing power. "Tongues are a sign, not to those who believe, but to those who do not believe" (1 Corinthians 14:22 , a verse that clearly states that the gift was never meant to build up the church). The apostle Paul predicted that the gift of tongues would cease (1 Corinthians 13:8). Here are six evidences that it has already ceased: 1) The apostles through whom tongues came were unique in church history. Once their ministry was accomplished, the need for authenticating signs ceased. 2) The miracle (or sign) gifts are mentioned only in the earliest epistles, such as 1 Corinthians. Later books, such as the Epistle to the Ephesians and Romans, contain detailed passages on the gifts of the Spirit, but no mention is made of miraculous gifts, although the gift of prophecy is mentioned in Romans. The Greek word translated "prophecy" means "to speak out" and does not necessarily include predicting the future. 3) The gift of tongues was a sign to unbelieving Israel that God's salvation was now available to other nations. See 1 Corinthians 14:21 -22 and Isaiah 28:11 -12. 4) Tongues were an inferior gift of prophecy (foretelling). The preaching of God's Word edifies believers, while tongues does not. Believers are to ask for prophecy over speaking in tongues (1 Corinthians 14: 1-3). 5) History indicates that tongues have ceased. The Post-Apostolic Fathers do not mention tongues at all. Other writers such as Justin Martyr, Origen, Chrysostom, and Augustine considered tongues as something that only happened in the early days of the Church. 6) Current observation confirms that the miracle of tongues has ceased. If the gift were still available, there would be no need for missionaries to attend a language school. Missionaries could travel to any country and speak any language fluently, just as the apostles were able to speak in Acts 2. As for the miraculous gift of healing, we see in Scripture that healing was associated with the ministry of Jesus and the apostles (Luke 9: 1-2). And we see that with the end of the apostolic era, healing, like tongues, became less frequent. The apostle Paul, who raised Eutychus from the dead (Acts 20: 9-12), failed to heal Epaphroditus (Philippians 2:25 -27), Trophimus (2 Timothy 4:20 ), Timothy (1 Timothy 5:23), and even himself (2 Corinthians 12: 7-9). The reasons for Paul's "failures of healing" are: (1) the gift was never intended to make every Christian well, but genuine apostleship; and (2) the authority of the apostles was sufficiently proven, making further miracles unnecessary. The above reasons are evidence of cessationism. According to 1 Corinthians 13 :13-14: 1 we would do well to "pursue love," the greatest gift of all. If we desire gifts, we should desire to speak the Word of God so that all may be edified.


Source: CAnswersTV


Let me add that the most important people of the 20th century, thanks to whom we read the Bible, namely John Hus and William Tyndale, did not speak in tongues. If this is the case, does the average Catholic of the Restoration or charismatic, whose risk of devotion to God consisted only in going to a Pentecostal church to have his hands laid on him to receive the so-called Holy Spirit, have a greater share in the Kingdom of God than the heroes who were burned at the stake for the truth?

Hu and Tyndale not baptized with the Holy Spirit, and someone off the street who goes to a charismatic church receives the Spirit just like that?

The Bible clearly says that the Spirit of God is the Spirit of truth. If that is the case, then why don't Charismatics teach what I warn about on the blog (LGBT, ecumenism, lack of separation from the world and etc), while members of those Charismatic churches regularly read my blog starved for truth while rejecting criticism from their representatives like Benny Hinn, Jospeh Prince, John Beaver (incidentally I have inserted his teaching several times).

My hypothesis is this: in many charismatic churches, as not in most, as not in all, people do not receive the Spirit of God, but demons of the lie, through which they are still stuck in the lies of this world.


Some Charismatics, though basically unsaved people from other denominations as well, can be identified by their language during a public dispute: they are biting, aggressive, and lacking in the usual culture.

Charismatics themselves have a total aversion to the Law of God. Of course it is not by the works of the Law that we are saved, but the true HOLY SPIRIT will always lead us to the Law and to sin to show us how bad a state we were/are in that we are breaking the Law and need the help of Jesus the Savior to take away those sins, i.e. lawlessness.



All my demonized enemies continue to enter the blog even though they hate me and disagree with the blog line. Why do they do that?


  1. Their demons command them to attack me.
  2. They choose truths that they cannot find in their surroundings or in their churches, no matter how hard they search.
  3. Lack of honor. To go on someone's blog who they hate, who they argue with....


A significant number of Charismatics believe that you don't have to do anything anymore because Christ did everything for you. Such a theology amounts to Catholic theology. As a baptized child, all you have to do is receive the sacraments, including the sacrament of Confirmation, which means receiving the Holy Spirit. What quality this spirit is, we see mainly every Christmas in police statistics and every day.


In closing, I will give the testimony of a man who was in such a church:


" I was involved in this, God is faithful and brought me out, I have been tormented by demons my whole life and they have not gone away, until I walked away from the lies. I have always been told that I am engaged in spiritual warfare, that is true, but not in the sense that "they" suggested.

A person can be possessed by demons and worship God, this is false worship, this is strong delusion. Light and darkness cannot dwell in the same space.


Here about demons in charismatics in English unfortunately:


He is lecturing to a pastor, so to opponents of this text he should be credible.










Updated: 22 March 2019 — 10:51


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  1. John 1-33 BW

    "And I knew him not: but He that sent me to baptize with water said unto me: Thou shalt see him on whom the Spirit descendeth and resteth upon him, He that baptizeth with the Holy Ghost."

    real... not water... Power of Character...

  2. Hello, can I ask for prayer for my daughter, she has had a fever for 3 days. We are going to the doctor tomorrow. For the peace of Christ that strange thoughts will not come upon me. This is the first time my daughter has had a fever for 3 days and my imagination is already running wild:/. My daughter was also diagnosed with roundworms, the last test showed that they are gone, but it seems to me that the test didn't show it, and the roundworm is still there. Therefore, I ask for a prayer that the roundworm is no longer there. As far as the roundworm is concerned, I prayed and God guided me how to fight it naturally, but with parasites you can fight for a year and I would like it to be gone. So if it is not God's will for my daughter to have roundworms, please pray. Thank you in advance for every prayer.

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