Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."


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  1. I have a dilemma on how to write a resume so that a possible employer will hire me. I have interrupted studies, 24 years old and zero work experience. Should I write interrupted studies or not?

    1. Do not enter broken studies, try to send your CV to jobs that do not require experience. If you do not succeed, try to go for an internship, it may seem like a measly 800-1000 PLN, but you will always gain some experience.

      Also pray to God the Creator for a job, if you pray sincerely He will help you.

    2. You know what, I would write c:

    3. Michauek,

      don't write on your resume about your unfinished college degree, as Pablito advises,
      first of all
      tam, gdzie chcesz złożyć CV – firma, zakład – zorientuj szie
      What the employer expects from the employee, who the employer needs,
      which means you need to know a little bit about the company, the production, or the requirements
      and then it will be easier for you to compose your resume and your future boss will appreciate it,
      że już na wejsciu chcesz pomóc firmie – zasada WZAJEMNOŚCI 🙂

      nie załamuj szie – na pewno będziesz doceniony ale SAM też
      appreciate yourself [your good points] and don't panic, and already
      don't write about life's problems at all, or you'll be crossed out

      żadna praca [uczciwa] nie hańbi – pozdrawiam 🙂 – seler

    4. Don't lie and the Lord Jesus will help you. He does not tolerate lying in any form.

  2. Jakież to trafne…

  3. 22.03.2019 probable terrible terrorist attacks in England to justify Brexit and create chaos, let us pray to God that they do not succeed in doing this, Jesus Christ is Lord and Saviour, that is why we had those suspicious packages in London it was an overture before the real operation they always give time to people to recognize their signals. They plan to blow up crowded places, before Brexit 3 years ago there were attacks in Brussels on 22.03, it's about 223, these are illuminati dates.

    1. I hope you're wrong, Mack.

  4. I hope this is just another rumor and scare-mongering and that it won't happen the illuminati have their own agenda, but God has His, so if God doesn't let them do it then it won't happen. Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior 🙂 .

  5. "I will give you all these things if you will fall down and worship me." Matthew 4.11

    To o szatanie i jego pachołkach, …niestety.
    Dzisiaj jest pierwszy dzień tygodnia – niedziela [sunday] – po polsku “nie dziel”
    But that doesn't stop lucifer's religious stooges from worshipping and dividing themselves,
    sowing for centuries the seed of falsehood with a little Truth, the harvest of which is already abundant.

    “Wszyscy pastorzy biorący udział w ekumenii oddają pokłon szatanowi. Dostają za to pozycję i wszystko co jest z tym
    związane.” [Admin]

    Nie da szie już ukryć… Fałszywa owczarnia zbiera swoich kozłów a baranów prowadzi na rzeź ku czci szatana.
    Lucyfer w watykanie –

    Dlatego zakazywano czytać Biblii a “wierni” nawet sami już nie chcą, są przecież ciekawe talmudy, korany itp.,
    które w podstępny ale czarujący sposób “ubogacają” egoizm i wspierają grzech, a żeby szie “oczyścić”
    to wystarczy ludzka pseudo ofiara, jakiś niemały datek, czczy kult i wiele, wiele innych bałwanów, lub “dzieł”.
    Symbole okultystyczne w Watykanie –

    A jednym z największych bluźnierstw wobec Boga jest katolicka msza… szatan to inteligentny WRÓG,
    and so-called ecumenical masses are blasphemy to the nth power of 666. I have already given this recording, but it does not hurt to repeat:
    Msza – Prawdziwe Oblicze Eucharystii


  6. Look what a disgusting cover they did with Jesus by Charlie Chebdo. I'm at a loss for words.

    1. article citation:
      “Okładka “Charlie Hebdo” brzmi: “Kościół otwiera oczy na pedofilię”. Widzimy na niej kogoś, kto ma symbolizować Jezusa wiszącego na krzyżu z męskimi genitaliami wychodzącymi z czoła. Oczy zasłaniają mu jądra.

      Komentarz pozostawiamy czytelnikom”

      but what does the cover with Jesus have to do with the prostitution of the church?
      have they got Jesus and the Pope mixed up?
      ja wiem o co im chodzi…
      they mock God because
      Catholics take exception
      Pope ! Pope ! Pope !
      Jesus not to mention
      nor defending,
      about respect no

      nie wierzę w to, aby kato_licy nie wiedzieli o co chodzi, nie wierzę w to… to świadomi pachołki szatana, który im daje “spokój sumienia, jeżele
      w ogóle takie mają…

      Pablito, trzymaj szie – seler

    2. Addendum,

      it was supposed to be gypsy music
      but I've been holding back 🙂 .

      Dear Friends,
      jest nas garstka… Chrystusowców… wiernych
      but we will defeat THEIR Judas
      love for
      hey 🙂 -

    3. Patchouli,

      gypsy music tells of a journey
      some to God, others to Satan
      and how do you know which ones are which ?
      IS the formula for seeing my soul
      bo… po Owocach mnie poznacie ! hej

      and it's not a Nostradamus quatrain
      ale ? …niech zgadnę… niech zgadnę
      Of which they s_zz because they have NOTHING left ?

      Oh, God, in Jesus hidden !
      come and sweep !
      because it stinks all the way to
      of the universe


    1. Jak zwykle z takimi filmami z zamachów – fatalna jakość. Jakoś są w stanie kupić wiele broni z górnej półki, ale kamery mają jak za czasów VHS 🙂
      So that the details can't be seen.
      ps. zmarła 50 “ofiara” ataków. Znaleźli ją w meczecie po 2 dniach! Takie oficjalne info podali.
      They insult my intelligence :)))

  7. What do you mean?

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