Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

The Salvation Army and Freemasonry. Part I.

The text is a translation from the website:



I do so because of agent daisy , accusing me of picking on the Salvation Army. So I invite you to discuss what I did not write, but facts that are not my thoughts in a text about this alleged Protestant religion:






The Salvation Army and Freemasonry

The fool said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominations (iniquity), there is none who does good. ( Psalm 14: 1 )

This article will reveal and shed light on the fact that the Salvation Army is a secret organization.

This Bible passage says that God wants us to know that He exists, and He is not willing to allow anyone to compromise, because compromise would mean that you are hiding behind a lie. Such a person declares that there is a God, but lives as if God doesn't exist, or that God just doesn't bother him. Although they may engage in charitable works, God does not consider their actions righteous, in fact (as the prophet Isaiah wrote), their works are like dirty menstruation (Hebrew: iddah )rags (Hebrew. Begged ) ( Isaiah 64: 6 ). Dirty reference H5708 and rags H899 .



One such example is the Masonic order. To be a Mason, one must accept that there is a God and engage in philanthropic endeavors, jHowever, the very nature of Freemasonry is shrouded in mystery, occult rituals and, at the highest levels, according to some of the top leaders, luciferian . They are fools who hide behind lies (as if there is no God, or they just don't care) to justify their heinous deeds / wickedness.

Thinking that they are doing good deeds, they will gain the favor of the Lord, yet they choose to compromise the gospel in the name of humanitarian aid. By doing so, they become vain in their deeds, and their good deeds are not considered righteous because they have abandoned what God has said.

When dealing with the occult, the Bible says:

For rebellion is the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is like wickedness and idolatry" ( 1 Sam. 15:23 )

The Salvation Army does not come without scandals such as child sex abuse in Australia.

(This is where the videos were.) You can always ask the author of the site-admin)

Niestety filmy już YT wykasował…





General William Booth (1829-1912), founder of the Salvation Army c.1900

The photo above shows Booth with his two grandsons. John Wesley's life and ministry have been a source of inspiration to many in the evangelical tradition. Some churches may not have the name "Methodist" but are nevertheless members of the Wesleyan family.

William Booth was a minister at Methodist New Connexion before founding the Salvation Army. Booth's traveling ministry, organizational skills, outreach to the poor, and patriarchy identify him as a true "Son of the Gospel" John Wesley, Booth is buried next to his wife, Catherine.

Even as the gospel was preached, it was also challenged by William Booth's friends, especially with one Luciferian, especially Lord Rothschild (A high-level Freemason who appreciated Booth's work so much that he gave him £1,000) Booth had no problem receiving money from anyone or any group because he did not believe in dirty money.

Although Booth was mixed up with Lord Rothschild and had Masonic friends, I have no reason to believe that he was a Mason; he just got mixed up and associated with the wrong type of people. That didn't do him justice. There is confusion because many Masonic sites list "The General" as a famous Mason. However, we have two different images of William Booths.

William H. Booth, who is listed as a Freemasonhe was married to Mary Kelso Booth

 William Booth, founder of the Salvation Army, was not a Mason and didn't even have a middle name. He was married to Catherine Booth Therefore, this statement is simply not true.

Due to William Booth's association with Lord Rothschild, this led to the Salvation Army coming directly under the influence of Freemasonry.

According to the quote cited by many (Wilson, op. cit., p. 92 ) 

. The Rothschilds also had great influence and power not only in the secret societies but also in the churches of Christianity. The Salvation Army, under the influence of the Rothschilds, adopted the Red Shield (Schild red Roth shield) as its logo.

 One history of the Rothschilds states: "The Rothschilds quickly propelled themselves to a position of enormous financial power and political influence. They were an independent force in European life, before anyone and largely dependent on no one. Popular pamphlets portrayed them as the true rulers of Christianity... "

Luciferian infiltration has been the root of Christianity for a very long time; there are many people we look at who have deceived and are still deceiving today.

The relationship and partnership between The Salvation Army and Freemasonry is stronger today than ever. Officially, The Salvation Army has stated that it recognizes that Freemasonry is incompatible with Christianity and therefore official membership is not compatible with The Salvation Army. Salvationists are discouraged from being members of the Masonic fraternity.

1925 r. General Bramwell Booth sent a letter to each officer Salvation Army, in which he said: "No language of mine can be too strong in condemning and affiliating an officer to any society which shuts Him (Christ) out of its temples; and which in its religious ceremonies gives neither Him, nor His Name, any place...a place where Jesus Christ is not allowed, is no place for any officer of the Salvation. "Ref: acts1295.html

Bramwell Booth found that in Masonic fraternities it was irreconcilable with Christian doctrine, the masons who conduct the ceremonies would sacrifice to Lucifer, as Manley P Hall 33 o stated: "When Mason learns that the Key to the Warrior on the Block is the proper application of the life force dynamo, he has learned the secret of his craft. Lucifer's boiling energies are in his hands, and before he can move forward and upward, he must prove his ability to properly apply that energy. " (The Lost Keys Of Freemasonry, p. 48)

The Salvation Army still bears Rothschild's name today (Red Shield), and Freemasonry has an even larger membership. The Salvation Army around the world has members (and even officers), Who are active Masons, which the Salvation Army is silent about, others deny it. A former Grand Master, Forrest D. Haggard, writes in his book "Clergy and Craft" p. 134 published in 1930. "Lt. Col. Reginald E. Clevett of the Salvation Army believes that 'we who have given time to Masonry have received a great deal from it, even far more than we can give.

P.136 Major HH Lawson z Armii Zbawienia, Johnson City, Tennessee: „Masoneria dostarczyła najgłębszych lekcji, jakie można znaleźć wszędzie – i znajdujesz je, uważnie śledzone, uzupełniając swoją prywatną wiarę”.

Although Booth issued a condemnation of Freemasonry, his association with Rothschild led the Salvation Army not only to accept Freemasonry but even to collude with the masons.

Below is a compendium of official information On the collusion of Salvation Army officials and its ties to Freemasonry.

The compromise affects not only Freemasonry, but also the Pope in the Vatican in Rome.


Salvation Army Statement:

Pope greets international military leaders at ecumenical meeting the day after its inauguration. 
Zdjęcie autorstwa Arturo Mari dzięki uprzejmości L’Osservatore Romano.

The person shaking Pope's hand is Commissioner Freda Larsson seen with her husband, Commissioner John Larsson, who has become chief of staff, the second Salvation Army commander in the world . His wife, Commissioner Freda Larsson, became world secretary for Women's Organizations (later Women's Ministries). They are now retired.

According to their comments find : Great respect and hospitality were extended to the Salvation Army during a weekend visit . The general sat front row during Sunday's inaugural service, which was also attended by Majors Massimo and Jane Paone (commanders of the command, Italy).

General John Larsson and Commissioner Freda Larsson attended the inauguration of Pope Benedict XVI in Rome as guests of the Vatican. It was the first time a Salvation Army general was present at a papal inauguration.

The Salvation Army: " The pope preached a powerful, Christ-centered address using simple images of the gospel . It was pastoral and evangelical. And time and again he was interrupted by applause. "

The next day, the Pope met with General and Commissioner Larsson during an ecumenical meeting with Christian leaders and representatives of various faiths.

Then they say:


The General thanked the Pope for his Christ-centered message on Sunday and assured him of the prayers of the Salvatorians . 

Pseudo protestanci wchodzą w ekumenię modląc się o papieża….

The pope thanked the general and expressed hope that All Christians around the world will work together, to meet the challenges of a secular society.

Commissioner Larsson commented: " We left this historic occasion with a sense that Christian leaders have a renewed willingness to talk to each other and build our unity points.

The general added: "Cardinal Walter Kasper, who is responsible in the Vatican for ecumenical affairs, spoke for all of us when he commented that the things that unite us are greater than those that divide us. '

Papal Visit UK 2010

British Christian, ecumenical and known for supporting roles and supporters of the gay communitysee info... ] reports "Salvation Army Commissioner Betty Matear and the president of ecumenical groupings Churches Together in England, welcomed Pope Benedict XVI . "

Commissioner John Matear, territorial commander of The Salvation Army, hoped the papal visit would help the churches "...together proclaim the good news of the Kingdom in word and deed."

Action of Churches Together Scotland report :

Lieut – pułkownik Alan Burns, Szkocja Sekretarz Armii Zbawienia mówi: „W imieniu salwatorianów w Szkocji mam przyjemność powitać papieża Benedykta XV1. Jego wizyta, zbiegająca się ze świętem św. Niniana, da chrześcijan w całym kraju sposobność wspólnego świętowania życia i pracy Kościołów przez wieki.

Statement scottish christian :

Salvation Army Commissioner Betty Matear said they hope Pope Benedict XVI's visit will a source of encouragement to all the churches in England .

Commissioner Betty Matear of The Salvation Army :

After Pope's visit to Westminster Abbey to celebrate evening prayer I was honored to be invited to attend a dinner and discussion hosted by our government, with Roman Catholic cardinals and bishops.

It confirmed that church and state involvement was critical and productive. It is important to different parts of the body of Christ (the Vatican is part of the body of Christ :D)  , church, and talked with each other. The recent visit gives us an opportunity to build and strengthen relationships and to trusting in the gospel of grace that we share .

(Comment by site author:  The Church of Rome and the ecumenical movement do not share the same Gospel, the Church of Rome and the Pope is an abomination before God ).

Together, as the body of Christ, we work to express and understand the common faith we share and how we can live out the gospel of Jesus Christ .

(Comment: Shared faith in the Pope is not something we should share).

I want to affirm that our Salvation Army is the heart of it all.

In recent days, we have taken the time to ask each division for the release of information about, where we work ecumenically, and so far the answers have stretched to a 28-page list! There are no exceptions; there is commitment at every level in every department.

The words of 1 Corinthians 12 concerning the body of Christ describe our interconnectedness, our roles and desire for God and His unity.

(Commissioner Betty Matear is a false doctrine and pure blasphemy).

The following describes how the Salvation Army, with their participation in Freemasonry, fell into total apostasy.


© Rosslyn Templars 
Berwick on Tweed – 19 czerwca 1937 Masonic Parade.

Since we published this interesting photo several months ago, we have received several inquiries as to what the organization was that was parading. Several suggestions were offered, but none of them were correct. Now we can prove that it is  Salvation Army Band parade, and the main body is the International Order of the Good Templar (IOGT). The order was founded in Syracuse, New York, USA in 1852. It later spread to many parts of the world, including Scotland. It was conceived as a temperance organization and remains so today.

4 ] (Freemasonry Today Magazine Summer 2004 Issue 29) "most Standard Lodges are members of the Salvation Army and are brass band players. Salvationists originally formed three such lodges and in addition to the Standard are the Constant trust, No. 7347 and Jubilate, No. 8561.

David B. Mortlock, retired bandmaster, Central Salvation Army, Standard Lodge, No. 6820, Clerkenwell, London. "

5 ] Standard Lodge is now qualified as Grand Patron for the Masonic Trust for girls and boys. Leslie Condon Trust – Podobnie jak w przypadku poprzednich mistrzów W.Bro Ray cieszy się, że Loża wspiera to zaufanie, pomagając młodym salwatorianom z krajów rozwijających się w osiągnięciu ich duchowych i muzycznych aspiracji.

6 ] Worshipful Master: "Joy, my wife, who has supported me in all my activities in SA and professional life, supports me in my new role as Master. " - W.Bro Ray

Since June 17, 1949 Today's connection in Freemasonry in Britain and abroad can be seen from the following British lodge founded by members of the Salvation Army for 58 years.




7 ] STANDARD LODGE NO. 6820 in the registry 
United Grand Lodge of England and Wales.

Dedicated on June 17, 1949. Standard Lodge was formed by some members of the Salvation Army as a place where Salvatorian brothers could join in friendship. 58 years later, the lodge is still going strong, growing in numbers, with the same purpose and goal of its founders,  dividing the community under two flags .

In its history:

Standard Lodge – jego tło i racja bytu

The Lodge was founded in 1949, and the first master was the late W.Bro. Charles Harris, PAGStB. The last remaining founder of the lodge W Bro Will Gale, Grand Officer, was promoted to Grand Lodge Above in 1997. The letter of invitation stated that founders should be members of the Salvation Army or "very close to the Salvatorians" And that the composition of the Lodge after this should be on these lines. It was to be a strict temperance lodge. In recognizing the Army establishment of the Lodge, a commitment was made that the Lodge would not initiate serving officers, But the Army believes that with full commitment to service , the officer would not have the available time and resources to participate in Freemasonry.


We understand that officers are now obliged to declare membership in Freemasonry . The lodge grew and many salvationists were initiated within the walls of and experienced a very special, rich community that we all still enjoy today.

Excerpt from the lecture W. Bro. Ollie Allen

Lodge Officers

Members are listed as:W.Bro. F. Bailey,

W.Bro. TT Steventon,

W.Bro. I. Janes,

W.Bro. R. Guess,

W.Bro. C.Crosby,

W.Bro. G. Steventon,

W.Bro. C. Crosby,

Brother. DB Mortlock,

W.Bro. K Gamblin,

Bro. R. Crosby

W.Bro. N. Garbutt,

Brother. DB Mortlock,

Bro. MR. Whybrow,

Bro. J. Staves

Bro. A. Mitchell

Bro. A. Munn

Bro. RF Munn

Brother. G. Twist


end of Part I.



Daisy agent whoever he is, whether a defender of religious caste or a Freemason wrote that he is breathing venom from me in the texts.

Czy prawda, którą tutaj przedstawiam jest jadem? Czy jeśli napisze, że wszyscy, którzy współpracują z szatanem jest jadem? No chyba według nowych konwencji mowy nienawiści tak….

Notabene stokrotka stale tu zagląda ale nienawidzi mnie i uważa teksty za kłamliwe, a więc lubi się karmić kłamstwami, a tak na poważnie jest po prostu obłudna. Z tego co pamiętam wasz nauczyciel z Bielska Białej, a może mistrz, może Wielki mistrz, zakazał wam wstępowania na ten blog,….

And that's the end of it about her because she will still grow in pride.





Updated: 15 March 2019 — 11:53


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