Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Freemasonry among pastors - Protestants together with Catholics against abortion. Pastors Freemasons convert. Part II. A warning for evangelicals!

Part II of a text exposing the world of pastor Freemasons.




Or when Jesus says: "And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free." [John 8:32] Can you see that Jesus told us that we must know the truth? Is Jesus a liar and a deceiver? Do you believe that, pastor?


F. What does freemasonry teach about Jesus Christ?



This is the most important issue of all, is it not, because there is no forgiveness of sins or eternal life in Heaven without Jesus Christ. In John 5: 22-23 Jesus boldly stated: "For the Father judges no man, but has committed all judgment to the Son: that all may honor the Son as they honor the Father. Whoever does not honor the Son does not honor the Father who sent him. Therefore we see that God the Father has given all matters of judgment to all men to His Equal Son, Jesus Christ! Jesus repeats this Truth in 5: 26-27, but He also reveals the Truth that He Himself maintains, just as the Father is self-sufficient! "For as the Father has life in Himself, so He gave the Son to have life in Himself; and He gave Him authority to execute judgment also, because He is the Son of man.


Let us now examine what Freemasonry teaches about Jesus Christ.


1) Albert Pike states the following doctrine concerning Jesus Christ in chapter 26, or the 26th degree, "The Prince of Mercy or the Scottish Trinitarians". On page 562-3 we see that the thought of a Supreme Being unknown to the human race [God] produced the Universe, which "produced Spirit, the Mother of Life, and the Wisdom of God. Together with this Primordial Existence, Matter also existed ... the eternal ... "


"Buthos and His Thought, uniting with Wisdom, made her fruitful by the Divine Light, and she created the perfect and imperfect being, Christos, and the Second and lower Wisdom, Sophia-Achamoth, which falls into chaos, remained entangled there weakened and lost all knowledge of the Supreme Wisdom, which gave her birth, transmitting the movement towards chaos, created Ialdabaoath, the Demiourgos, the Agent of Material Creation ... Ialdabaoath created the angel who was his image, and the latter, and the son successively after the sixth after the Demiourgos ... Ialdabaoath, in order to become independent of his mother and to transmit the Supreme Being, made the world, and man in his own image, and his mother caused the principle of Spirit to pass into man thus made, and henceforth the contest between the Demiourgos and his mother,between light and darkness, good and evil, was concentrated in man ".


"And the image of Ialdabaoth, reflected in matter, became the Serpent Spirit, Satan, the Evil Intelligence. Eve, created by Ialdabaoth, had by his Sons children who were angels like them. Spiritual light was withdrawn from man by Sophia, and the world succumbed to the influence of evil until the Spirit, summoned by the entreaties of Wisdom, induced the Supreme Being to send Christos to redeem her. Compelled, in spite of himself, by his Mother, Ialdabaoth caused the man Jesus to be born of the Virgin, and the heavenly Savior, uniting with his Sister, Wisdom, descended through the regions of the seven angels ... and entered with his Sister into the man Jesus at his baptism in the Jordan ".


What is this incredible blasphemy? Jesus Christ was created by a lower god, Ialdabaoth?


But, first, Ialdabaoth created Eve when he "meditated on matter, and then became the Serpent-Spirit, Satan. Therefore, Eve was really created by Satan! (but the bullies - admin)



The Spirit of Jesus "united" with His Sister, Wisdom, and together they came upon Jesus Christ during His baptism in the Jordan River. This is the Gnostic heresy of the "Christ Consciousness" which states that Jesus was a mere mortal who had no idea that He was the Messiah: at the baptism of John the Baptist in the Jordan River the Christ Consciousness entered into Jesus and He suddenly knew that He was the Christ and began to call Himself Jesus Christ. This is the heresy that the entire New Age movement supports and is the concept that the Antichrist will invoke when he appears. He will say that the Christ Consciousness that came upon Mohammed, Jesus, Buddha, etc., IS the same Christ Consciousness that he has, only now it is more advanced. Therefore, the Antichrist will be able to convince the world that through his Christ Consciousness they are in fact all Messiahs in One.



Now that Jesus Christ had the spirit of Christ Consciousness, He could begin His earthly ministry. but suddenly Pike reveals that there is a conflict in Heaven! "Ialdabaoth, finding that Jesus was destroying his empire and abolishing his worship, caused the Jews to hate him and crucify him; before this happened, Christos and Wisdom ascended to the heavenly regions"; Just as the Greek gods displayed all human emotions such as love and hate, Ialdabaoth turned to hate Jesus, fearing that he was trying to destroy his empire and cause people to stop worshiping him. So Ialdabaoth caused the Jews to hate Jesus and destroy him. But before Jesus actually died on the cross, "...Christos and Wisdom ascended into the heavenly regions." (Albert Pike,

Again, this concept is the same Gnostic lie that said the Christ Consciousness spirit that came upon Jesus at His baptism left Him just before He died.

But Pike then "reveals that" Jesus did not actually have a normal human life, but "took upon himself only for the appearance of a body ..." (Albert Pike, "Morals and Dogmas of the Ancient and Accepted Rites of Scottish Freemasonry ", p. 564) Then, a few pages later, Pike returns to this heresy. "The Light [Jesus] could not merge with darkness. He is laid up in appearance with human flesh , and took the name of Christ in the Messiah, only to conform to the language of the Jews ... But the chief of the Empire of Darkness [Satan, who is Ialdabaoth] caused him to be crucified by the Jews. Nevertheless, he suffered only in appearance ... "

Thus Freemasonry separates Jesus from Jesus Christ Consciousness and then states that even Jesus, the man, was an illusion , that he existed and suffered only from the appearance of a man !!! Then, to complete the picture, Pike states that the soul of Jesus Christ was "of the same substance with God, a manifestation of the Divinity, not forming another person"; (Albert Pike, "Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry", pp. 567-568)

Folks, this teaching of freethought about the person and work of Jesus Christ exactly matches the Biblical definition of Antichrist !!! In 1 John 4: 2-3 the Holy Spirit gives us this definition of the Antichrist: "Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: and every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, of which ye have heard that it should come, and even now is in the world ". Therefore, when Freemasonry denies that Jesus Christ came in the flesh, they manifest the spirit of Antichrist.

(Admin: they know this verse officially agrees with what follows).

Interestingly, the Amplified Commentary states these verses this way: "Every spirit that acknowledges and confesses that Jesus Christ the Messiah did indeed become man and come in the flesh is of God...And every spirit that does not acknowledge and confess Jesus Christ came in the flesh but annuls, destroys, tears,

The freelance teaching of Jesus Christ meets exactly this biblical definition of the Antichrist !!!

Therefore, when a freeman addresses a crowd about Jesus Christ, he will present the Gospel accurately simply because he arrogantly believes that the poor, ignorant "masses" of the people must now be lied to because they cannot accept the truth. But soon the Antichrist will appear on the scene and lead the "masses" to a higher level of religious training. Then and only then will the "masses" be able to receive the "truth".


What is the truth? Who do the freemen worship if they do not worship Jesus Christ? They say they worship God, but this "God" is not a Person, as Albert Pike so eloquently told us. Their God is a "Power" that meets Daniel's definition of the Antichrist! Do they worship a god who is a Person? Pike tells us they do, and his name is - well, let me let Pike tell you, in his own words: "Lucifer, Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light and its splendors to unbearable, blind, weak, sensual or selfish Souls? I doubt it! (Albert Pike, "Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry," p. 321) Then, on page 567, Pike calls Lucifer the "Angel of Light"

Don't be fooled: Freemasonry worships Lucifer .

Remember that Freemasonry separates Lucifer from Satan, claiming that they are not the same entity. Satan should be a denial of God; He is the brother of Jesus Christ! Does this sound like Mormonism? He should, because Joseph Smith was a Master Mason and Brigham Young was 33rd degree.



Christian author, Gary Kah, writing in his book " En Route to Global Occupation ", writes about the cult of Luciferia on page 114: "On July 14, 1889, Albert Pike gave instructions to the twenty-three Supreme Councilors of the world, recorded by AC De La Rive in La Femme et l'Enfant dans la Franc-Maconnerie Universalle (page 588) The following is an excerpt from his speech.

"What we need to tell the crowd is: - We worship God, but it is God who worships without superstition. For you, Sovereign General of the Grand Inspectors, we say this, that you may repeat it to the Brothers of the 32nd, 31st, and 30th degrees - The Masonic religion should be, by all of us initiated in high degrees, maintained in the purity of Luciferian doctrine ". "[Kah quotes from" Occult Theosophy "by Edith Starr Miller, Hawthorne, CA, first published in 1933, p. 220.]


Before addressing the obvious, we would like to point out Pike's statement that the "crowd" should be told that Freemasons worship a God they have no need to fear, i.e., Their God of All Love; Adepts are told the truth about whom Freemasons worship because they can "properly receive" it. This arrogant idea of lying to the ignorant masses while keeping the truth for the mature Adept also applies to Masonic Brethren below the 30th degree. We have long been aware that about 90% of all Masons have no idea of the truth of the Masonic lodge.


Well, to state the obvious statements of Pike above: they worship Lucifer , the Light Bearer, as Pike called him Morals and Dogma! Don't let that fool you. But why would we have trouble believing that Freemasons worship Lucifer? Listen to one of the most important Freemasons of the 20th century, Manly P. Hall.


"When Mason learns that the key to the warrior on the block is the proper application of dynamic life force, he has learned the secret of his Craft. Lucifer's boiling energies are in his hands, and before he can move forward and upward, he must prove his ability to apply the energies properly, he must follow in the footsteps of his ancestor, Tubala-Kaina, Who by the mighty power of the god of war drove his sword into the blade. [Manly P. Hall, 33rd degree, KT, The Lost Keys of Freemasonry or The Secret of Hiram Abiff, Forward by Reynold E. Blight, 33rd degree, KT, illustrations by J. Augustus Knapp, 32nd degree, Macoy Publishing and Masonic Supply Company, Inc., Richmond, Virginia, p. 48;




This statement is the most bold and concise that anyone can create in the English language! It boldly states that when The Mason will learn to control his emotions and properly apply the "life force dynamo," he can be assured of being able to control the "boiling energies of Lucifer" in his hands. Furthermore, he admits that Masonry is Craft, the old name for Witchcraft! Moreover, all Satanists are sure that if they join the Sabbath and learn the Craft, it controls Satan's supernatural power, just as Manly P. Hall promises.

This is the most powerful evidence that Freemasonry is Satanism because its language is direct and explicit, not littered with conscious confusing secret language that only an insider can understand. Also, note that Hall and Reynold E. Blight are 33rd degree Masons, while Illustrator is 32nd degree. Macoy Publishing Company is also one of the most respected of all Masonic publishers.



We have already shown that their teaching about Jesus Christ constitutes the teaching and spirit of the antichrist as defined in 1 John 4: 1-4. Since this is true, we must take the next step to understand that the Bible predicts, in Daniel, that the Antichrist will worship Lucifer/Satan!



In Daniel 8: 23-25, God announces this regarding the Antichrist: "And in the later time of their kingdom, when the transgressors have become complete, there shall arise a king of savage countenance and understanding of dark sentences. His power shall be mighty, but not by his own might, and he shall destroy wonderfully, and he shall make happiness and practice, and he shall destroy a people strong and holy, and by his policy he shall make craft prosperous, and he shall exalt himself in his heart, and by peace he shall destroy many; and he shall rise up against the prince of princes, but he shall be destroyed without the aid of his hand. With the breath of his mouth. (Incidentally, Pastor Chojecki said that with a physical sword Jesus will come...- admin)



"King of the wild face," above, refers to a king who practices the art of Black Magic. Practitioners of Black Magic do not lie about the fact that they worship Satan. The term "understanding dark sentences" refers to the many spells and incantations of Black Magic that they have mastered to command demons to do their bidding.

"His power will be mighty" because it is the supernatural power of Satan's indwelling Antichrist. this power will be very effective because it will allow him to "miraculously destroy."


When the above passage says that it will "make him prosper", it also refers to Witchcraft; those in Witchcraft commonly call it "Craft".

So from this Scripture we should naturally expect that those who teach the doctrines of the Biblically "spirit of Antichrist" should also practice Satan / Lucifer worship. They are expected to worship the same religion that the Antichrist worships. And that religion is witchcraft, the worship of Lucifer.



Pike then presents concrete evidence of the worship of Satan / Lucifer Freemasonry at the very front of customs and dogma! Below the circular seal of "God" Pike writes a phrase written in Latin which turns out to be a typical satanic phrase. One look at this phrase will warn any Satanist that the contents of this book are Satanic! A Satanist would understand immediately that all Freemasonry is Satanic.


What is this phrase? "DEUS MEUMQUE JUS" The literal meaning is "God and my law."


Doc Marquis says that this statement is very typical of Satanism. It has two meanings, one within the other. First, the phrase means that a Mason can rely on his God to determine his law and justice. Second, because the God of Freemasonry is Lucifer, Freemasons say they "use occult methods", through Lucifer, to achieve their laws and justice. Marquis says that this phrase is very strong and very dangerous in Satanism. Second, a satanist sees this phrase in Latin in Pike's book, he knows that the material inside is satanism, without reading the word!

So, Mr. Pastor, if you are a Mason, you share all these beliefs of Freemasonry. That means you are a false Christian! When you preach the Truth of the Gospel, you secretly hold to Luciferian beliefs. You deliberately mislead the "ignorant masses" for their "own good" so that when the Antichrist arises, you can lead your followers to him!


When the Antichrist rises, amid great signs and wonders, and claiming to be the Messiah of all, he will be met by many skeptics, especially among Christians. The New World Order Plan calls on key religious leaders from every continent and every major religion to come forward immediately and shout to their followers: "This is the man we have been waiting for; let us follow him." How many Christians will blindly follow their pastors and key religious leaders into the arms of the Antichrist? This is a very serious matter indeed.

Finally, the fact that so many liberal and deviant Protestant churches have closely allied themselves and their organizations with the pope also lends credence to them as forces of Antichrist. Why? Because the Pope has already been elected the best religious leader of the New World Religion, post that places him as the biblical false prophet of Revelation 13: 11-18 [See NEWS1052 Seminar Notes: House of Theosophy, 8/18/91].


Have you noticed the non-traditional Crucifix that Pope John Paul II constantly uses in his Masses? This crucifix is a "twisted cross" created by satanists in the 6th century AD as their symbol of the Antichrist !! So, when the Pope and other Catholic priests hold this crucifix in front of worshippers, they are unknowingly worshipping the Antichrist !


Masonic Protestant leaders are working more and more closely with this future false prophet! The fight against abortion has probably been most effective in bringing Protestants and Catholics together, as outspoken members of both churches have bonded in the fight to end abortion.


Sad but true. Promise Keepers is another example of the bond between Catholics and Protestants. Soon we will all worship under the same "church," the church of the Antichrist. A self-defining global church has already officially emerged. In NEWS1094 , we reported that in late June 1997, a global church, called United Religions!

Here is their logo:





They consider themselves the "spiritual equivalent of the United Nations" and plan to be fully formed by June 2000. This is the same year that all other aspects of the New World Order plan to be fully functional, to have their ambitious plans fully implemented !!!

Mason pastors - how far you have fallen! Listen carefully to the Word of Jesus in the Church of Laodicea: "Because thou sayest, I am rich, increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, miserable, poor, and blind, and naked: "



You have no idea that you are "wretched and miserable, poor, blind and naked." You think you follow a "higher revelation" than mere Christianity. You believe that you are deliberately misleading us "poor masses of Christians" for our own good, that you may one day deliver us to the Antichrist, for our more mature religious insight!



Well, Jesus warned you, "Not everyone who says to me: Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied [proclaimed] in your name? And in your name have cast out devils, and in your name have done many wonderful works? you who do iniquity ". [Matthew 7: 21-23].


Did Paul have you in mind when he worried about his ministry? "But I keep under my body and bring it into subjection, so that in no way, when I preach to others , should I myself be a castaway" (1 Cor. 9:27)


Gentlemen pastors and key church leaders, please fall to your knees now and repent of this sin. Great, you know he can be forgiven. Turn around before God's judgment falls on you!


To all other Christians who have shown blind faith in their Christian pastors and leaders, we urge you to understand the truth of what we have given you, even if it is very difficult for you. In this end-time era of unprecedented spiritual deception, you must not blindly follow any man or any organization; rather, you must search the Scriptures to "prove the spirits" to see if they are from God or Satan. Your eternal soul is in jeopardy!



The very fact that so many "Christian" leaders can be false prophets, in the wool of the Lamb, is a sure sign that the End of the Age is very, very near! The Apostle Paul stated in 2 Thessalonians 2: 1-12 that the Antichrist cannot appear until the apostasy of the Church is complete and until the Holy Spirit, who restrains evil, is removed from the way. One really cannot find a more complete example of the apostasy of the Church than the fact that so many of our Christian pastors and leaders are Masons.

In this end of the age, when unparalleled deception is the order of the day, you all need to rely on Scripture, not human leaders! If you look at your scriptures when the Antichrist arises, you will NOT be deceived to identify him.


Here are the most famous Freemasons in religions:


  • Billy Graham, the world's most popular "Christian" evangelist is a 33rd degree Mason

  • Norman Vincent Peale, 33rd Freemason, former Grand Chaplain of the Grand Lodge of New York, Past Grand Prelate of the Knights Templar and Shriner. (Now deceased) I read his book(s) on motivation - admin)

  • Robert Schuller, 33rd Degree Mason, Pastor of Crystal Cathedral and host of the popular television show "Hour of Power"

  • Oral Roberts, 33rd Degree Freemason, Founder of Oral Roberts University

  • Jesse Jackson, 33rd Degree Prince Hall Mason

  • Louis Farrakhan, leader of the Nation of Islam

  • Geoffrey Fisher, Archbishop of Canterbury 1945-1961

  • Father Francisco Calvo, the Jesuit Catholic priest who started Freemasonry in Costa Rica

  • G. Bromley Oxnam, 33rd degree Mason, friend of Billy Graham, head of FCC churches


Billy Graham and wife Ruth receive the Medal from Freemason 33 °  Newt Gingrich



Mormons, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

  • Joseph Smith, founder of the Mormon cult

  • Hyrum Smith, brother of Joseph Smith

  • Brigham Young, the second leader of the Mormon cult

  • Sidney Rigdon, an early Mormon

  • Heber C. Kimball, lamented that all men are not Masons

  • Spencer Kimball, closet Freemason, grandson of Herber, friend of Norman Vincent Peale


When the Templars were disbanded,were diving into Protestant churches In Scotland, then in England, Europe, America and around the world. Many non-Catholic churches had Freemasons as pastors and church leaders, and even today there are only 1.3 million Freemasons in the Southern Baptist Convention! 
Freemasonry works for the Jesuits, who had a similar history to Freemasonry. The Jesuit order was officially suppressed by Pope Clement XIV in 1773 due to political pressure from many kings of Catholic nations. The Jesuits fought against the papacy from non-Catholic nations. Pope Pius VI sought peace with the Jesuits and reinstated the Jesuit order in 1782. 


They have given people an apparent choice like between PO and PIS, like between KFC and MC Donald and this is the choice between Catholicism and pseudo Protestantism.

They organize street marches for Jesus together, they lecture together at evangelical colleges.

The two groups argue, but both are deceived. Protestants reproach Catholics for not obeying the 2nd commandment while they themselves disobey the 4th....

How many people have gone astray from bad teaching. How many people live in condemnation?


Freemasonry is a religion of works. One of its many symbols is balance. Masons believe that they will be judged by their works, based on the balance of good and evil in their lives. In 2 Corinthians 11: 13-15 we read about religions of "works":

"For such are false apostles, lying workers, transforming themselves into apostles of Christ. And without a miracle; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transfigured as ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works ".




The book "Freemasonry and Protestantism"








Updated: 13 March 2019 — 12:33


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