Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

World government has existed for 7 years. Evidence for unbelievers. Part II.

In the first part, I wrote about the basics of world government by posting a video with a quote from commercial TV that said explicitly about world government.



Part II.


I myself have written many times about the UAE's significant role in modern technology. I will mention a few:


The world has come to love modernity. Children and young people have loved modernity, and so everyone will love the antichrist.

And here I am approaching a conclusion with which I have been holding back for several years, and which I developed in a text about Islam as a beast. In this situation, one would have to take Islam as a beast seriously.


Look at how much the Jews are being attacked. Of course Jews rule the world, but the question is which ones? In my estimation these political Jews can only be the workers of the prince of Islam.

Perhaps the real goal of the beast is the murder of the Jews of Israel and that is why anti-Jewish emotions are being stirred up right now. Regardless of what the apocalyptic beast is, I knew right away that during the peace conference in Warsaw they made a shoo-in. Netanyahu, Pompeo, Kaatz publicly slandered Poles to provoke anti-Jewish sentiment. But most likely the anti-Zionist Jews will be slaughtered by the Zionist Jews. This is how I see it. it will be the biblical famous time of trouble for Jacob. So have a sound judgment of the situation when judging the Jews.... They are truly a diverse people. The Bible clearly speaks of Jews who are not Jews.


I present to you the official logo of the World Government Summit:



13 dashes. Interesting. Isn't it?

Arguably, this is not yet the target logo of the government that will emerge after peace is declared, but it is the logo of the world government summit.



I would like to take this opportunity to mention that it is not David Icke or vegans who tell you this, but a man for whom God is most important. Not any New Age, not Maitreya, not catholic, not charismatics, but a biblical Christ-follower. All others give you a quarter of the truth.

I am not in any religion and do not support any. I am not prejudiced against Jews nor do I participate in the farce of restoring Slavic power.



Have you heard about the World Government Summit? It's true, and the first summit in 2013. Attended by the likes of Barack Obama, Ban Ki Moon, Steve Wozniak, Richard Branson, world leaders, business leaders and many more.




In 2017 it was held under what is publicly called the Arc de Triomphe, but was originally an arch in front of the temple of Baal, a great abomination to God. This is the third time the arch has been presented to the public (previously in London and New York). Discussing the future for all of us, climate, politics, etc., Changing and redefining Governments as we know and as we speak. Their message is as always packaged in flower-positive language and tone, as you might hear, but ultimately it will be a matter of unelected rulers with an ancient order, ruling us all in their own image.


While a Roman artifact recreated in a modern Arab metropolis may seem absurd, Rabbi Pinchas Winston , a prolific author and scholar of the end of the world, saw a deeper meaning in it that is extremely relevant today.

Although Rome and the Emirates appear in different parts of the world and at different points in history, Rabbi Winston sees them as ideologically and spiritually connected.

“Tradycja mówi o czterech wygnańcach, z których ostatnim jest rzymskie wygnanie. Izrael jest atakowany przez Arabów, ale nigdzie nie słyszymy o piątym wygnaniu Arabów lub Ismaela – wyjaśnił rabin Winston. “Ten rzymski łuk w Dubaju symbolicznie łączy ich razem: Ismaela, Arabów i Edom, który został uosabiany przez Rzym.”

The original arch at Palmyra, built by the Roman emperor Septimius Severus, stood in front of an earlier temple that Mesopotamians used to worship the pagan god Bel, often referred to in the Bible as Baal.


He rebuilt back the heights that Hezekiah, his father, had torn down. He put up altars to Baal, made Asherah, as Ahab king of Israel did, and bowed down to all the Hosts of Heaven, and served them. 21: 3


“Podobnie jak Rzymianie, Arabowie próbują kontrolować świat i odnoszą sukcesy” – powiedział rabin Winston. “Mimo że to Arabowie przeciwko Żydom, tak naprawdę Arabowie kontynuują Edom's mission to conquer the world. To połączenie Dubaju z Rzymem pokazuje, że Edom nigdy się nie skończył. Po prostu nałożył inną maskę ”

The first century Jewish sage Jonathan ben Uzziel wrote about how this biblical alliance between Ishmael and Esau would appear at the end of days. Clear evidence of the spiritual connection between these two seemingly disparate worlds can be found in the growing political cooperation between Rome and the Muslim/Arab world.

These are the views of Judaic Jews. It is hard to disagree with them. I have been defining these evil Jews as Edomites and Khazars since I started blogging.

Brotherhood of the Snake:


Poland is also ruled not by Judaeans but by Khazars and Edomites. Does Mr. Jacek Międlar, who knows history so well, not know this truth?

I believe that at some point the world will need the approval of the world community to murder the descendants of the Judeans and that is the trap of anti-Semitism.

Recently, a few days ago, a reader wrote to me claiming to be Jewish. I have no problem with that because there is no Jew and no Greek. Instead, there is a tribe of vipers and Christ-followers and people in the middle.

In the time of the antichrist whoever he may be the Judean Jews will be as murdered as the Christ-followers.


The official website of the World Government Summit:


Do you know who is a partner in the World Government Summit?


International Monetary Fund ,

United Nations ,


Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

and the World Economic Forum.


But there's more. Read more here:


There's also the NY Times, CNN, Mastercard from payments.


Themes and motifs of each peak:


In 2014. Topics included partnerships and innovation in government service delivery, smart government toolkits (using information technology to engage citizens, anti-corruption efforts, and helping conflict-affected citizens) and digital government.

In 2015. Topics included smart cities, innovation, and better jobs.

In 2016. Topics included the goals of sustainable development , the state of sustainable development, and advanced science and the future of government (robotics and artificial intelligence, genomic medicine, and biometrics). [2016. The inaugural award for the world's top minister was placed at the summit , awarded to Greg Hunt , then Australia's Federal Minister for the Environment and later Australia's Minister for Health.

In 2017. The Summit focused on four major themes:

1) Climate change and food security,

2) The prosperity and happiness of the citizens, (buhahaha)

3) Government efficiency and geopolitics and humanitarian aid, to focus on fundamental issues to create a path to this future around the world. The summit was held under the patronage of Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum , Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai , and the participation of seven international organizations as strategic partners, including the International Monetary Fund , the United Nations , UNESCO , the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the World Economic Forum.

In 2018. Topics included artificial intelligence and happiness.

The question is whose happiness? Because certainly not the citizens who have fewer and fewer rights and more and more chemicals in their food and more and more satanism on a daily basis and communism.

There is another interesting fact.


Well, in 2017, the World Government Summit hosted the first Global Dialogue for Happiness.


Could it be that a ministry of happiness has been established?

And yes:


“Został zwołany przez Ministra Stanu ZEA ds. Szczęścia i Dobrego Samopoczucia, Jej Ekscelencję Ohood bint Khalfan Al Roomi. Zaproszono wielu psychologów od… pozytywnego myślenia. Między innymi: Edward Diener , Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi , Martin Seligman i premiera z Bhutanu tshering tobgay ,Szefowa Programu Rozwoju ONZ Helen Clark.


There was also a representative from Bhutan's National Happiness Karma Ura.

A satisfied Bhutanese representative. Satisfied like a Gestapo officer. I hope such a comparison is not yet punishable.


Gross national happiness (English. Gross National Happiness, GNH) - An indicator proposed in 1972 by the former King of Bhutan, Jigme Singye Wangchuck as an instrument to measure quality of life more holistically than the commonly used purely economic indicator Gross Domestic Product (GDP). This indicator is used in Bhutan for socio-economic development planning. wikipedia



This was an invitation-only event for approximately 200 people. The event was expanded to about 600 people in 2018. The first general happiness policy report was issued by the World Happiness Council, a council created by the Minister of State for Happiness and Well-Being as part of the Global Dialogue for Happiness. . 2018. His Majesty Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum convened the six nations: United Arab Emirates, Costa Rica , Portugal , Slovenia , Mexico, and Kazakhstan to establish the Global Happiness Coalition, a cooperative agreement at the international level to bring happiness to the forefront of government.


Islamiści organizują ludziom szczęście… To szejk wyszedł z inicjatywą współpracy na rzecz szczęścia. Wciągnął to nie tylko kraje europejskie, ale i naszego południowego sąsiada – Słowację.

Chinese people are also supposed to be happy and basta. No Jesus, no sense of freedom, no choice.

No one is talking about compulsion of vaccines, high taxes, chemicals in food, lgbt, but they are talking about compulsion of happiness. Simply put, you're supposed to be happy readers no matter what your circumstances, and if you're not, you'll be punished for your pessimism.

W ten sposób do komunistycznych pojęć jak “mowa nienawiści” zamykająca usta prawdzie, dołącza obowiązek szczęśliwości.

W wojsku mówiono “kiedy żołnierz się nudzi to głupieje”. Psycholodzy teraz powiedzą “jeśli nie podoba ci się to, co sie dzieje na świecie, to problem jest w tobie”. No i tutaj juz duża furtka do nadużyć.

Let us just recall the affair with the kidnapping of a Polish child from the hands of the fascist government of Norway. Rutkowski himself took care of it:



W tej krainie szczęśliwości dziecko było kilka dni smutne ponieważ zmarła mu babcia w Polsce. Przyjechali urzędnicy od “szczęśliwości” dziecka i je zabrali rodzicom uznając, że dziecko jest przy nich nieszczęśliwe.

Dopiero dzięki akcji niczym z dobrego filmu sensacyjnego odebrano dziecko, które musiało schodzić po linie z I piętra w nocy….


I am afraid of this happiness. How good it is that there is no Ministry of Happiness in Poland yet, because we would be dead by now.


I apologize profusely for the dose of irony and sarcasm, but it's such an impotence, a laugh through helplessness.


Już niebawem ludzkość czeka “szczęście” Wielkiego Ucisku” jakiego nie było jeszcze. To wszystko przez odrzucenie Boga. Tak po prostu być musi i żadna siła, żadni narodowcy, żadni Słowianie tego nie zmienią. Odejście od kochanego Boga ma swój koszt i będzie nim światowy totalitaryzm.


In summary, Islam will play a key role in the time of God's Wrath as can be seen and heard.

If he is the beast, then based on Bible prophecy he will destroy the Biblical Harlot.

Doesn't the logic of Francis ordering Islam to be brought to Europe seem reasonable in this situation? Accepting refugees, which was supported by Polish pastors such as Majdyllo, Cyrikas?




End of Part II and the final part.

I will probably pull the topic further.




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Updated: 7 March 2019 — 20:52


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  1. Great article. Respect ☺. As for Islam. Is it not rather one of the daughters of Babylon. The Zionists (also a daughter but older) are pushing for war. Europe, especially western Europe, is in clique. Whichever side it takes in this conflict it will explode anyway. For the time being the situation is relatively good because there is money for social welfare. But in one moment the Zionists can turn the tap with money and it will be bad. After the recent population transfers (by the mode of transport, militant Islam and the number of people) it is clear that they are in a hurry. Conflict from the Middle East will have its echoes in Europe. The oil is being poured over by the absurd governments of the European countries, favoring the new population at the expense of the native one, etc. Additionally, an economic crisis is being prepared. All it takes is a spark and there will be a boom. Islam can be a tool for the target effect. They are preparing something for us. Maybe a religious war that will turn into a mass murder. A war for water and food. Just a little while and everything will be in the hands of corporations. Chicken farms, hog farms, cow farms, controlled fishing, everything. In our country even wild boars and deer will be shot. As I'm writing this I'm thinking of the riders of the apocalypse. White - awakening of the people, red - war (prelude to slaughter), black - world crisis and famine, dead or green - mass war. Then alliance, antecedent, etc. By the time Jesus returns it will be like the time of Noah, i.e. genetic modification of humans (I think so for today). Maybe it is the mark of the beast. For example, after the war there will be contamination, so in order to save humanity they will genetically alter people. Those who do not agree will be shot. It is a bit like vaccines today. A child who is not vaccinated cannot go to school, etc. Because of the contamination people can become infertile and then like at the end of a sexmission, boy poops girl poops. In the days of Lot there were perversions. Maybe he'll be trans or bisexual or something. It just popped into my head. I have this before Shabbat ☺

    1. Zapomniałem dodać, że równie w roku 2013 a więc tuz tuż po słynnym 21.12.2012 13 marca o godz 20>13 papieżem został Jezuita Bergoglio. Czyż nie wprowadza ta informacja w zadumę?
      Since that year there have been peaks of the NWO. The Pope urged the adoption of Islam.

      Let's think:

      “I [ujrzałem] jedną z jej głów śmiertelnie zranioną, lecz [ta] śmiertelna rana została uleczona. A cała ziemia w podziwie powiodła wzrokiem za Bestią, (4) i pokłon oddali Smokowi, bo dał władzę Bestii. ”

      Islam, like Zionism, has been reborn, or rather is being reborn.
      Suppose the dragon is the Pope and he gives up power to Islam, which he himself is pushing into Europe.

      “Wszyscy mieszkańcy ziemi będą oddawać pokłon władcy, każdy, którego imię nie jest zapisane od założenia świata w księdze życia zabitego Baranka.”

      Can the world worship a Zionist? Maybe yes, maybe no. It is all a matter of social engineering.
      Can Kushner actually bring peace to the Middle East? In theory he can, but in practice probably not so much anymore.

      “Pozwolono jej też walczyć ze świętymi i zwyciężać ich. I dano jej władzę over each plemieniem, językiem i narodem”

      “) Potem zobaczyłem inną bestię wychodzącą z ziemi, a miała dwa rogi podobne do Baranka, ale mówiła jak smok. (12) I całą władzę pierwszej bestii sprawuje na jej oczach, i sprawia, że ziemia i jej mieszkańcy oddają pokłon pierwszej bestii, której śmiertelna rana została wyleczona. ”

      Jakby Watykan oddał władzę islamowi. Jedna z głów zraniona, czyli to co stworzyli – islam – został zraniony na początku XXI wieku gdzie był kres imperium ottomańskiego.

      These are not simple issues, but they will come out this year.

  2. Before the new birth, I became interested in the world situation. I also paid attention to 2013, and I talked to Jarek about it. Maybe he remembers and will testify. It's less important. I did not know about what you wrote so thank you very much. I remember that in 2013 there was still majdan in Ukraine, chemical attack in Syria, generally there were many bombings in the world, you wrote about the Pope. As for the Vatican you are right. He's giving the power back to him. We'll see. Oh, and one more thing. In reading the revelation recently something came up. I don't know if you wrote about it. I'm referring to the diadems. In Rev 12.3 the diadems are on heads (kingdoms?), in 13.1 the diadems are on horns (kings?), in 17.3 the scarlet beast without diadems but wearing robes. Do you know anything about this subject. Greetings

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