Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

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Shocking material of CW24tv channel about Adamowicz and Dulkiewicz.

I think that my colleague shouldn't pick up on this typo in Dulkiewicz's biography, but he did pick up on the courageous topic of Adamowicz's potential informal relationship with the vice-president in the context of possible blackmailing of the mayor of Gdańsk.

The other interesting thread is that PIS did not field a candidate in such a large city with the budget of probably several medium-sized cities.

At first I was not very enthusiastic about this material, because of going into Mrs Dulkiewicz's biography, but Maciej Maciak explained why he decided to delve into her personal matters. She put her CV and a photo with her daughter, she is a public person and the topic is public finances.


Leaving aside the substance, I feel powerlessness and bitterness in Maciej and I think he is a great candidate for Christ, so I ask you to pray for him, because he is still of those idealists who believe in the power to change Polish politics.



Updated: 5 March 2019 — 21:37


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  1. Oglądałam ten materiał i nie dziwi mnie że tu trafił…
    Sama poniekąd pcha się pod komentarze jako osoba publiczna (obecnie już i – niestety! – takowy urząd sprawująca), więc niech się nie dziwi że ktoś może mieć zastrzeżenia…
    Szkoda mi tylko Gdańska, miło wspominam to miasto (mimo że tyle razy co byłam tam…to jeszcze załapałam się na kadencję poprzednika), bo dobrze kojarzy mi się z wakacjami za dzieciaka…
    oby wszystko było dobrze…

  2. here is the second part of the material about the current resident
    “wolnego miasta” Gdańsk:

    Musisz to wiedzieć(419)Aleksandra Dulkiewicz cd…skąd ten akcent!? – YouTube

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