Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Should a woman be combative?

When I think of a woman fighting, I am reminded of the symbol of Fighting Poland.



In the case of a woman struggling, it would look like this:



The symbol itself already looks threatening and feminist.

Why am I writing about it? Because some people, especially women, after my text about Ms Iwona from the USA speaking about paedophilia in the Church and animals, mistook my words about her courage.

Here the problem is not a lack of courage in women, but a lack of masculinity in men. The problem is the reversal of roles. One reader wrote a comment under my text about Ms Iwona, saying that he didn't like her. I think it's a slightly childish comment, but it shows a symptom. Well, regardless of the sex, when a man behaves like an individual of the opposite sex, his physiognomy will resemble the sex towards which he is aiming.

I personally have noticed some correlations:

-lesbians are feminine,

-feminists are less pretty and unfeminine,

-homosexuals are feminine depending on side and role (passive/male)


The devil wants to humiliate everyone. He wants to reverse roles, he wants us to be either obese or thin. He wants us to walk around bent, men to be effeminate and women to be masculine.

Here's the problem.

Is a woman, then, not to fight?

I would never trade a woman for her fighting duty that she has to take on. Especially in these times. A woman in these times has to take care of the children, go to work, and often clean the whole house without the help of her husband.

In the film Kingsajz there is a scene where Adaś Habs is sitting in a colander and his fellow inmates say to him as a person with a special task: You must plot.

Taka jest rola mężczyzn – walczyć o świat, a żona ma wspierać dzielnie męża w tej walce.

The world is short of William Wallecs, John Hus, Maximus.



Sometimes I am attacked on my blog by people claiming to be men, but these individuals have not risked anything in their lives for God or before their birth for social issues. Before I started my blog I came into conflict with the SLD in Kielce. The case was loud. GW wrote, I was on the radio and gave several interviews.

Now there are internet heroes in the comments. Sometimes in real life they attack me, a person who fights for the truth. For me, people who attack someone who fights for the truth are ladies in pants. It happens that supposed Christians do that.

As Shakespeare said:


A bad bird is a bird that harms its own nest.


Those at the forefront of the battle are especially under attack. Peter Petros, for whom I will ask for prayer once again, recently experienced this. He was powerfully attacked by spiritual forces.


In the Bible itself we don't have too many women fighters. The most glaring yet exception that proves the rule is Judith the heroine cutting off the head of the army leader Holofernes.

There was also the harlot Rachab helping to capture Jericho, which closely symbolizes the role a woman should play in spiritual warfare. A woman should support her fighting husband for the cause of God, not fight in the lead, because what will be the position of the man in a relationship where the woman is the one fighting and the husband is her support? Such an arrangement will be a role reversal.

By the way, I believe that women should not teach in churches, unless it is older women teaching younger women.

Now let's look at a familiar pattern.




Jesus as the bridegroom is the one fighting for his bride. So too we fight in the name of Jesus and it is the spiritual forces that fear not us but Jesus. The wife supports the husband who cares about God's standards. If these roles are reversed, then where the second umbrella is from the top is not the husband but the wife.


So isn't babysitting a responsibility? Is it demeaning?

In times of total depravity, being a wife is an incredibly important task. A wife is supposed to dress her husband's wounds, support him, and he is responsible for the righteousness of the family. She has to be constantly on guard and be like a hawk, a buzzard looking down on all dangers.


To sum up, this Iwona is brave, but she fills the gap created by the lack of a man who should deal with such matters.

The role reversal makes the husband Ahab and the wife Jezebel, and as we know from the Bible such situations end tragically,.







Updated: 20 February 2019 — 12:34


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  1. Very good text, thanks

    1. Zgadzam się, tekst był dobry…

  2. Very good text, a lot of truth there.

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