Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Fortnite - the #1 game among kids 9-15 with a satanic message.

It only takes the passivity of parents for their children's evil to prevail. That is my motto for the article I wrote.


I've been thinking recently about how I help people. I wish I could in real life, but I don't know very many. Sometimes, like with this man pushing a stroller in winter, I rub shoulders with those in need. But I would like to save others like Desmond Doss and then I realized how important it is to make others aware of this and similar texts.


Something is said to affect people's psyches. At one time, probably 100 years ago, such a phrase was not very well known. It is also said "this person is a bad influence on me/you". Sometimes you go somewhere and feel that something is not right. True Christ-followers will always feel otherness, whether in a non-biblical family or at work. There is no otherness. If you don't feel it, you haven't been born again, and I don't mean at all by that knowledge of conspiracies, but the awareness of a confronting value system.

In these situations, you have a choice: either be influenced by that evil or influence that good with your (Jesus') light.

So what does it mean to affect the psyche? What does psyche mean in general? "Psyche" from the Greek translates as soul. Simply put, to influence the psyche is to influence your soul, which will either go to the lake of fire or to the kingdom of God.


How did I come across the Fortnite game theme?

By a reader of Christmasy who has experienced his adventure with it, which I will describe in order to later post graphic material from the net about the harmfulness of this game.

This reader in 100% was led by the Holy Spirit, as the facts indicate. Well, as a father at some random meeting with a pagan family (the Spirit works as He pleases) he learned from... an unbelieving woman about the harmfulness of the game Fortnite, which his son was playing. A few days had passed since this social meeting and the reader's Christ-father decided to randomly check his son's schoolbag by looking in the FIRST BETTER notebook. It turned out that this Christ-father's son had pentagrams drawn next to his lessons. The father looked at the notebook in shock and disbelief. At first the son said they were friends. Later, pushed to the wall, he admitted that it was him. Usually the mother, who is a heathen - which is the reason for the conflict in upbringing - would check the notebooks, but since their child is studying well, she didn't look. But even after seeing a pentagram in her son's notebook she disregarded the signs and resented the father for exaggerating, for having schisms. That happens in mixed relationships. Later it turned out that the son disregarded his mother


But despite the differences, the Holy Spirit worked. Praise God the Father in Jesus' name for the Spirit we have received.


Incidentally, please pray for the reader's son that all evil will leave this child.


Because of this situation, I became interested in this game.


Here are selected photos of the characters of the game, which is making waves in Poland and probably the world.



Tattoo - skull. Woman fighting ...


"Exclusive Gun. Is the game a shooter? Who are these kids shooting at? At fictional People. 



Here are the characters from this game:



It is important to know that the game I am discussing is the same in terms of success as Star Wars was in the 1980s.


 Two weeks after its release, the number of players surpassed the 10 million mark. By March 2018, it was estimated to have more than 45 million players[6], and 3 months later, in June 2018, Epic announced that the number of players had reached 125 million in less than a year[7], and at least 40 million players played the game once a month. In November 2018. Bloomberg reported that Fortnite has more than 200 million registered accounts across all platforms[8]. Wikipedia


200 million registered accounts. The number of Poles is 38 million with several million abroad on the arbyte, which makes children become si eurosieot. This is how it is good here.....


Today, in turn, another reader sent me a link to a new Fortnite character. I made a psc of that character:



This fallen hero named Fallen Love Ranger can be purchased for $20.

Notice the color scheme. Led pink like certain neighborhoods in Amsterdam. The menacing eyes. I guess that pink is supposed to be a symbol of love... Mixing good with evil.



I speak English poorly, but maybe someone can correct me. I think the name of this devil translates as Fallen Love Commando?

Probably by its in-game capabilities this can be unraveled.


Watch the video yourself what characters are joining in this enhanced game:


This fallen love commando has interesting attributes and props. A book with a V-shaped logo ( a pyramid / ) and a sort of falling from the sky feature. Where do we know this from?


"You are the anointed covering cherub; I have established you. You have been on the holy mountain of God; you have walked among the stones of fire. (15) You were perfect in your ways from the day you were created, until iniquity was found in you. (16) By your immense commerce lawlessness abounds among you, and you have sinned. Therefore I will cast you down from the mountain of God, the covering cherub, I will destroy you from among the stones of fire. (17) You have lifted up your heart because of your beauty; you have insulted your wisdom because of your splendor. I will cast you to the ground and set you before kings, that they may look upon you." Ez 28. 



A neglected child is a child sold to Satan, I would say. Remember this, and I don't care what ignorant evil young people will say about what I wrote and about me. Too many people have shown me that this game is an insidious evil.

If I cared about the opinion of pagans celebrating December 24th I would have closed the blog long ago....

Evil will never present itself as evil.


Let us also pray that Polish parents will pay more attention to their children, that they will be vigilant and not treat their children as toys and their phone as a guarantee of their (parents') free time from parenting.


A colossal attack on family and children is underway. Some pastors are even promoting the X box. Get away from such churches where the pinch grows....


I suspect I will still be back on topic, as I have very many thoughts about this game.

Keep vigil, for your enemy does not sleep. Pray constantly for the saints of our brothers and sisters.



Updated: 15 February 2019 — 15:29


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  1. With these pentagrams, it's a very interesting thing....

    Once, when I was going to primary school, I had something similar. Well, sitting during the lesson, out of boredom I started to draw some scribbles in my notebook, and not knowing why I "managed" to draw a pentagram. Until today I wonder how I knew those movements of the pen, because it came as if "out of nowhere"...

    I should add that in those days I played video games a lot too.

    If I had kids, I'd throw all my consoles in the garbage. Automatically. Worse with the computer, but I probably wouldn't have that either, only a laptop, on which there would be NO games.


    1. Thanks for your comment because it is a testimony. An important testimony of how it works.

  2. What Desmond Doss. He was awarded the U.S. Congressional Medal of Honor. Check out what this gold piece looks like

    1. It is obvious, but in those days who knew about ophthalmic sy,bolice. The very pasotrs today don't know

  3. I had no intention of touching Desmond himself, just the shape of the medal itself. How could the boy know. I myself would have worn one on my lapel a year ago if they gave me one 🙁 .

    1. cool, but I'd rather correct because others may not understand too... 😉

  4. Unfortunately, the attack on children continues at best and parents don't care about their kids because what? Raised on Star Wars or loud rock music, they see nothing wrong with it.
    Here two more innocent images from the game:

  5. My 12 year old brother plays this and some other game by the makers of Forthnite; he says most of his class plays it. (I don't recommend it)

    1. well I just heard from a few parents that this game is a fad, a standard.

  6. Hmm, interesting. Those spirals on the last character momentarily made me think of the symbols used by the pedophile shacks that the FBI described in their documents - There are still similar characters, but in a pink version, appropriately referring to the other gender. Anyway, that name... Fallen Love Ranger... I honestly hope this is just my over-interpretation and not a very "funny joke" by the creators.

    1. ooo interesting, I didn't know....

  7. This game has always seemed kind of weird to me... :/

  8. This pyramid is the v bucks in the game and the books are the tasks on the v bucks and there is no ability to fall from the sky, if you were interested you would know that the game is that a hundred people fall from the battle bus to the island and the last person wins the battle royale

    1. The gadgets you mentioned are just details. The most important is the violence, and the figure of Satan and other demons.

  9. Unfortunately, no one considers this evil except those converted by God. I was shocked myself when after a few years I fired up the console and saw that once as an avatar I had chosen the symbol of a man with a barcode on his forehead... And today in the woods I swept with my foot a pentagram probably drawn in the sand by some kids...

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