Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

How the masses react using turkeys as an example.

The video was forwarded to me by Tom, for which I thank you. It was supposed to be funny, but it's actually a sad metaphor for the relationship of the world of media and politics to the nation:




The leader and the turkeys as the masses. He gulps with an ironic smirk and the masses mindlessly repeat him with seriousness.

Teraz klasa powtarza: “Słowacki wielkim poetą był”.

We can substitute it with hearts sent upwards, monuments to Piłsudski and his holiness Karol Wojtyła, Kuba Wojewódzki, journalists of popular radio stations, etc.

It's not the truth that counts, it's the leadership position that's above the turkeys and gives the impetus to goose-step about nothing.


Do not grouse as you are told on TV. God gave us reason and the sense to seek the truth. Enough with the cheap shows.



The turkey video is the same as the one below about drowning out the voice of God:



Updated: 16 January 2019 — 15:51


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  1. I think that in order for people to start hearing about the danger of being deceived, they should be weaned off the television, because it is the greatest manipulator for many years

  2. ludzie niestety nie chcą słuchać prawdy i dzieje się jak z tymi indykami…

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