Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

The ten horns - the 10 kingdoms of the end times - an interpretation of the apocalypse.

This is my text from the beginning of the blog still on blogger. I move it to be safe in case google delete it.





" And there appeared a second sign in the sky: Behold, a huge red-headed dragon, having seven heads and ten corners, And on his heads seven diadems;"...

Until about 10 years ago I was unconsciously a fan of new age doctrines. I read almost all the motivational books that fall into the canon of the so-called Aquarian Age. They were, among others: Norman Vincent Peale, Alan Loy Mcginnis, Napoleon Hill. I have dozens of books on astrology, some on numerology. I studied Hun.
It is also clear from the above that for much of my life I had been searching for something extraordinary. Little did I know, however, that everything extraordinary was at hand in one book - the Bible.
It is incredible how many of the prophecies were "magic" or characters, such as Samson and his hair. How many requests of biblical characters came true. All they had to do was follow God's Word.
I also now know how many of the prophecies are just now being fulfilled in my lifetime, our lifetime.
Below he makes an attempt to unravel the mystery of the signs of the end times:



Dan 12.
(1) At that time Michael will arise, the great prince who is the intercessor for the sons of your people, and there will be a time of such oppressionthat has never existed since there were nations until that time. At that time your people will be saved, everyone who is written in the book of life. (2) And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to eternal life, and others to disgrace and eternal damnation. (3) But the prudent shall shine as the brightness in the heavenly vault, and those who lead many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever. (4) But you, Daniel, close these words and seal the book until the end time! Many will study it and cognition will increase(5) And when I, Daniel, looked, behold, two other angels were standing, one on this side of the river and the other on that side of the river. (6) And I said to the man clothed in a linen robe who stood by the water of the river, When will the end of these strange things come? (7) Then I heard a man clothed in a linen robe, who stood by the waters of the river, lift up his right hand and his left hand toward heaven, and swear by him who lives forever: It shall be for the appointed time, two times and a half a time, and when it is utterly destroyed, then all these things shall be fulfilled. (8) I heard it, but I did not understand it, and I said: My Lord! What is the end of these things? (9) Then he said: Go, Daniel, for the words are closed and sealed until the end time. (10)Many will be cleansed, whitened, and weeded out, but the ungodly will act ungodly. No ungodly man shall have knowledge. but the prudent shall have knowledge. (11) One thousand two hundred and ninety days shall elapse from the time the continual daily sacrifice is abolished and the abomination of desolation is set up. (12) Blessed is he who perseveres and lives to one thousand three hundred and thirty-five days. (13) But you go your way until the end comes; and you shall rest, and rise to your destiny at the end of days.

What is special to me is this information:
No ungodly man shall have knowledge. but the prudent shall have knowledge.
Not because I consider myself special, but because in my zeal to promote Bible prophecy I am met not only with ignorance but also with insults. One friend wrote me that I "suffer from persecution mania." The above quote explained everything I needed to understand about my friend. Let me just add that this friend practices yoga passionately and regularly. Since then I have signaled to friends once, maybe twice, about what I know. If someone "gets it" I continue the thread. If not, I don't mention it again.

What are these ten horns?

The prophet Isaiah speaks of the end times:


Is 13.4

(1) The statement about Babylon as seen by Isaiah, son of Amos. (2) On the bald mountain, hold up the banner, raise your voice at them, wave your hand for them to enter the gates of the lords! (3) I have called my consecrated ones and I have called my heroes, proud of my glory, to execute the judgment of my court. (4) Listen! There's an uproar on the mountains as if there were a lot of people. Listen! The uproar of kingdoms, of the assembled nations. The Lord of the Deputies reviews the combat deputies. (5) They are dragging from the far earth, from the ends of heaven, the Lord and the instruments of his terror to destroy the whole earth. (6) Wail! For the day of the Lord is near, which is coming as doom from the Almighty. (7) Therefore all hands fall and every human heart trembles. (8) And they are terrified; cramps and pains overwhelm them, they writh in pain like a laboring woman, one looks at the other stupefied, their countenances are inflamed. 

 "The hustle and bustle of kingdoms, of the assembled nations" - nowadays you can say United Nations.

How do the 10 fingers from Daniel's vision relate to the current powers? Regions of influence have long since been divided into the following:

1. North America
2 European Union
3. Japan Region
4. Australia and South Africa
Russia and its partners
6. South America
7. Middle East
8. Central Africa

9. Far East

10. China

Nobody believes that such so called Poland (read Juedopolonia) is an independent country. It was not even before accession to the EU. Piłsudski himself was an agent of several foreign intelligence services. I will not even write about the times of communism, because it was a pure submission to a foreign system.
These regions were defined according to the wealth they control, not by the value of their own natural resources. These regions correspond to the regional map of the world laid out by the Club of Rome in the 1950s. The regions will in time merge to form a world government.



"A map of regions developed by the Club of Rome, implemented by the policy of Z. Brzezinski.
Region 5 is already being built by the Putin administration

The ongoing formulation with the major dynamic players of the populous Asian states-mainly China, previously Japan, and soon India and Indonesia-as well as the increasingly cooperative Asian interstate organizations-all reflect the benefits of large-scale cooperation among the world's regions. In fact, the more regional cooperation there is in Asia, the less likely it is to repeat the painful history of twentieth-century Europe-as well as the more likely it is that there will be greater cooperation between the new East and West.




source :,p1010579931 

"In 1945 representatives of 50 countries met in San Francisco at the Conference of the United Nations and adopted the Charter of the United Nations. Poland was not represented there, but became the 51st founding country. These delegates deliberated on the attitudes of the motions submitted by the representatives from China, USSR. Great Britain, Ireland and the USA.
24.10.1945 the United Nations was founded when Charter of Nations has been ratified.

Arthur Balfour a disciple of Prof. Hort who helped create the Greek texts that changed the meaning of the Bible and removed many aspects of the power and omnipotence of Isus Christ. He also called for all nations to surrender their sovereignty and create a world government. . At that time there was a secret society called the Apostles, of which both were members. Balfour was also president of the Parapsychological Society and later became prime minister of England, having previously played a key role in the UN's predecessor, the League of Nations.
 The same one who betrayed by withdrawing from Poland after Hitler's attack in 1939. (my comment)

As prime minister, he was very instrumental in creating the Charter of Nations on which the UN was based. He not only organized parapsychological séances in his house, but also established a group called the Synthetic Society, whose aim was to create a single world religion. He created the preamble of all religions. It contained a dogma: the spirits of the dead can communicate. Their wish was that all religions would unite. 

Does it remind us of something ? maybe the ecumenical JPII ? yes, yes of course it does - my comment

The UN constitution is almost identical to that of the USSR. 
The New World Order was talked about by Churchil as well as De Gaulle.
Every secretary general was a Marxist. This pope was the first to introduce the bent cross. He used this satanic symbol used by them in the sixth century brought back into use at the Second Vatican Council. It was a bent or broken cross on which was shown the repulsive distorted figure of Jesus Christ, which magicians and sorcerers in the Middle Ages used to show the biblical mark of the animal."

Source: here

Please note how much the UN is neglected by the mass media. It talks about Putin about Obama about Israel...and almost completely nothing about the United Nations.
Personally, as early as elementary school In a test in the early 1980s I wrote that the UN is an illusory organization because their missions lead to nothing. No war has yet been averted by the UN. I was close to the truth because superficially it looks like they are not effective, but almost nothing happens without their participation.
We are told that most countries are fighting each other politically, e.g. Russia with Poland, Iran with the USA, when in fact they are all working together either secretly in Freemasonry or openly in the UN. 
The UN is also an organizer and promoter of New Age doctrine. This organization is the actual government that currently holds the power. It has an army with troops stationed all over the world. Both the U.S. and the Vatican stand behind it. 
The only issue that prevents it from becoming a dominant power is the lack of a PRESIDENT.


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  1. Good and timely article, because the loop of darkness is tightening... A red dragon - communism and on it 10 horns, that is 10 regions, and these 7 diadems are perhaps the rulers of these regions?

    1. I agree, good article 🙂 I agree.
      As for those diadems, it actually wouldn't surprise me if that was the case....

  2. Revelation speaks of 10 kings, Daniel of 10 and the three who are to be deposed from those 10 , or 7.

    The beast is to be 8, not 11. Perhaps in these words "And the beast that was, and is no more, is the eighth, and is of the seven, he goes to perdition" there is a hidden double meaning and not to go only about the seven kings who were in the past and among whom is the beast, but also about the 7 kings who will be of the 10

    It may be that the reign with the 10 kings will be very short-lived and most likely tumultuous while there is still chaos in the world and then the Vatican will be attacked with all its might, but after that the Beast will begin to make order and make peace by overthrowing the 3 kings and only the seven kings and the Beast will be left.

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