Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

What should followers of Christ be called? Christ-followers or Christians?

I once had a conversation with a very enlightened math teacher about faith. She told me that she is Catholic, but she calls herself more of a Christian. I took this as a curiosity and an oddity.


The topic explored below is not new at all. We have taken it up on this blog in comments here, for example:


These are not new issues, but for the parties that are, so to speak, anti-unitarian, that is, that have nothing to do with ecumenism.


There are times when something seems very simple and trivial to us, but as I told my friend about the problem, we both recognized that what is obvious to us on a blog to some group is not obvious to others.

Besides, there is such a thing still as fidelity to the truth and it has cosmic significance. After all, I have truth detective in my blog name. But it's still not so important what I have in my blog name, but what the world and the demons who love lies use.


I am posting below the email I received regarding this issue. The email that inspired me to text:


Wszędzie natrafiam na jedną rzecz która nie pasuje ni jak do tego co mówi Biblia…Wszyscy deklarujący wiarę w Boga i Jego Syna Jezusa Chrystusa i Jego naśladowcy nazywają siebie CHRZEŚ|CIJANAMI co jest wysoce błędne i nie ma nic wspólnego z Jezusem Chrystusem i jego naukami czy Jego Kościołem Duchowym.
Chrześcijanami nazwano ludzi którzy przyjeli nauki apostołów i dali się ZANURZYĆ w wodzie na odpuszczenie grzechów…w tamtych czasach nie było takiego rytuału jak CHRZEST…było zanurzenie w imieniu Chrystusa na odpuszczenie grzechów …W Bibli w żadnym języku nie ma słowa CHRZEST…bo to pojęcie stworzył kościół rzymsko katolicki …
W Dziejach apostolskich 11;26 odnośnie wyrazu chrześcijanie jest urzyty wyraz::…ciekawe jest że skoro nazwa chrześcijanie bierze się od chrztu to dlaczego kiedy mowa o “chrzcie Jezusa przez Jana w Mateusza 3:13 jest słowo:βαπτισθηναι co oznacza BYĆ ZANURZONYM…Dlaczego więc w dziejach nie napisano ze uczniów Jezusa nazwano ZANURZONYMI tylko chrześcijanami…
Odpowiedz daje nam tłumaczenie Bibli na język angielskibo jest bliższe oryginałom…W angielskim słowo :χριστιανους tłumaczą jako Christians czyli na polski chrześcijanie ale słowo chrzest na angielski to baptism…czyli w grece βαπτισθηναι…jest to typowa manipulacja kościoła rzymsko katolickiego ponieważ chcieli oni za wszelką cenę uchodzić za kościół Chrystusa a nie mieli innej sposobności na powiązanie się ze społecznością Jezusa bo byli i są poganami…brak więc cechy wspólnej…
Jaka jest prawda można za to usłyszeć i przeczytać…χριστιανους to CHRYSTIANIE-tak się to czyta i tak się to wymawia i tak to słychać w greckim języku…tak samo Christians to CHRYSTIANIE i tak się to czyta i tak to słychać bo w grece CHRYSTUS to χριστου czyli w Antiohi nazwano ich CHRYSTIANAMI a w angielskim CHRYSTUS to Christ czyli po angielsku CHRYSTIANIE to Christians…
χριστου -Christ
nie CHRZEŚ|CIJANIE bo chrzest to βαπτισθηναι lub baptism…widać jak na dłoni więc skończmy w końcu nazywać się chrześcijanami co wiąrze nas z pogansko satanistycznymi religiami i zacznijmy nazywać się od naszego PANA CHRYSTIANAMI…
I've been wondering lately how you can separate yourself from religions called Christian and this email is the answer.
Faktycznie chcąc nazywać się chrześcijanami w domyśle powinniśmy być nazywani “zanurzeniowcami” bo to oznacza baptyzm. Przyjaciel mój powiedział żartem iż prawidłowa nazwa dla CHRZESTcijan to nurki…. 🙂
Tutaj z kolei nijak się ma chrzest-cijaństwo kościoła Rzymu do chrzest-cijaństwa pseudo protestantyzmu z uwagi na brak zanurzenia katolików. Oni sa pokrapiani tak, jak zakrapiane są dania świąteczne…
It's time to change the nomenclature and use the proper names, unstressed. Same with church vs. ecclesia.
This reader described very well the sense of using these two contradictory words: Christians, Christian.
Istotnie kraje anglojęzyczne nazywają chrześcijan christianami – christians.
Christian from Christ means not a personal name, but an honorific title, indicating the momentous role of Jesus of Nazareth. Already in the New Testament it has become like his second name: Hebrew משיח) מָשִׁיחַ; Mešiah, Meszjah) gr. Χριστός (Christós) - The anointed one, the anointed one, the Messiah.
Word Anointed at first was a designation of the king as the executor of God's commands, having a mandate from the Holy Spirit.
The anointed one was also God's chosen one. This role of the anointed king is shown in Ps 45:8. In Psalm 2 v. 7 he is shown as the Son of God.
The converted Jews are called Messianic Jews after the Messiah. They are not called Christian Jews, but Messianic Jews specifically.
Unfortunately, Polish nomenclature refers to Catholicism from Christians, which does not separate true believers from Vatican satanists. Hence, the spirit of the Vatican is also in ecumenical Protestant churches.
I did some research on the meaning of the name Chrystian:
Christian means in Greek: "committed to Christ.".
How deep is this meaning. Christians are baptized people, but Catholics are also called such, that is, the heirs of people who burned so-called heretics at the stake. For example, for reading the Bible.
Dedicated to Christ means dedicated to the Messiah, the anointed person,
Elsewhere the name is described thus:
“Imię to ma korzenie grecko-łacińskie. Wywodzi się od słów Christus, Christos, oznaczającego pomazańca. W wolnym tłumaczeniu oznacza osobę należącą do Chrystusa”
If we accept the original nomenclature and not the hypocritical one, then people who are faithful to Jesus will call themselves Christian. One cannot be both devoted to Jesus and at the same time a Baptist-men, that is, a person defining his charter on the basis of baptism.
The working name for a believer in Jesus would have to be Anointed, Anointed, Messianic. Therefore, it would be most truthful and aesthetically pleasing if we called ourselves Christians, that is, followers of the Messiah, his followers.
Uważam w tej sytuacji za bardzo ważne posługiwać się określeniem “Christianie” aby oddzielić się od pseudo protestantyzmu zdradzającego Jezusa, o ile  w ogóle doszło do zdrady, gdyż wśród ewangelików jest po prostu żydowska V kolumna na poziomie kadry zarządzającej (pastorzy, starsi).
The name also has eschatological significance because according to the words of John's letter we have a definition, or rather information about the Antichrist:
And who is a liar if not the one who denies that Jesus is the Messiah? This very one is the Antichrist who does not recognize the Father and the Son. 
1 John 2:22
The anointed one is only Jesus Christ and the antichrist is any spirit that does not acknowledge the Father and the Son.
In other words, anyone who does not recognize both the Father AND the Son is the antichrist, and in the end times will probably be the anointed man of men.

 A liar denies that Jesus is the Savior. The liar may acknowledge some aspects of who Jesus is, but he does not accept the true message of Jesus as fully human and fully divine.

Jan dalej określa rodzaj kłamcy, jaki ma na myśli: ktoś, kto zaprzecza, że ​​Jezus jest Chrystusem, czyli Mesjaszem. Koncepcja kłamcy jest wymieniona cztery razy w tym liście (1 Jana 1:10, 2: 4, 4:20, 5:10).. Po wymienieniu “antychrystów” w wersecie 18, Jan dodaje, że antychryst zaprzecza Ojcu i Synowi. Jednym z odnotowanych aspektów antychrysta lub fałszywego nauczyciela w tym wersecie jest to, że fałszywy nauczyciel zaprzecza trójjedynemu Bogu. Wiele grup religijnych przyjmuje Boga Ojca, Jezusa lub Ducha Świętego, ale nie wszystkie trzy osoby są jedynymi Trójjedynymi Bogami. Każda religia, która akceptuje Jezusa jako coś mniejszego niż wieczny Bóg, w pełni ludzki i boski, jest religią fałszywą i pasuje do opisu fałszywych nauczycieli zwanych antychrystami w tym fragmencie.

Truth matters.
Updated: 2 January 2019 — 16:25


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  1. And wouldn't it be better with the Israelites? 🙂 🙂
    After all, Jesus Christ himself was an Israelite. And I don't mean a political Israel, or a genetic Israel, but I mean a term that refers to a group of people who have been following God and following His precepts for centuries (at this point except for circumcision and the sacrificial system of course) 😉 .

    1. That would be a problem because Israel is associated by people with the one of today and no one gets into who it is today. Same problem as with Christianity. No one gets into who was baptized as an adult and who was baptized as an infant.

  2. Disciples of Jesus Christ, disciples of the way of the Lord 🙂

  3. I would like to post some verses, please pay attention to their content, Peter:
    13 When Jesus came to the area of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples: "Who do people say the Son of Man is?" 14 And they answered: "Some for John the Baptist, others for Elijah, others for Jeremiah or for one of the prophets. "5 15 Jesus asked them: "And who do you say that I am?" 16 Simon Peter answered, "You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God." 17 At this Jesus said to him: "Blessed are you, Simon, son of Jonah; for flesh and blood6 has not revealed this to you, but my Father who is in heaven. Matthew 16 13-17
    1 Bądźcie naśladowcami moimi1, tak jak ja jestem naśladowcą Chrystusa. 2 Pochwalam was, bracia, za to, że we wszystkim pomni na mnie jesteście i że tak, jak wam przekazałem, zachowujecie tradycję2. 3 Chciałbym, żebyście wiedzieli, że głową3 każdego mężczyzny jest Chrystus, mężczyzna zaś jest głową kobiety, a głową Chrystusa3 – Bóg. 1 Kor 11 1-3
    And, the words of our Lord and Savior, the SON of God Jesus Christ:
    28 One of the scribes who had been listening to them as they debated with one another also came near. Seeing that Jesus answered them well, he asked him: "Which is the first of all the commandments?" 29 Jesus answered: "The first is9: Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. 30 You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength. 31 The second is this: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other commandment greater than these. 32 The scribe said to Him: "Very well, Teacher, you have rightly said, for there is One and there is none other besides Him. 33 To love him with all your heart, with all your mind, and with all your strength, and to love your neighbor as yourself, is far more than all the burnt offerings and sacrifices. 34 Jesus seeing that he had reasonably answered, said to him: "You are not far from the kingdom of God. And no one dared to ask Him again. Mark 12 28-34
    Czy gdziekolwiek w tych wersetach i całej Biblii widzimy gdzieś cokolwiek na temat ,,trójedynego boga”?
    Are we to listen to the interpretation or to the Words of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in Mark's Gospel?

    1. sprawa jest prosta. Jezus jest Bogiem, powiedział o sobie “ja jestem” za co Żydzi chcieli go zabić noraz:

      “Odpowiedzieli mu Żydzi, mówiąc: Nie kamienujemy cię za dobry uczynek, ale za bluźnierstwo i za to, że Ty, będąc człowiekiem, czynisz siebie Bogiem.” (J 10)

      Acts says that the Spirit of Jesus guided them:

      “A gdy przyszli ku Mizji, chcieli pójść do Bitynii, lecz Duch Jezusa nie pozwolił im;” Dzieje

      Jest tez chrzest w imię Jezusa. Gdyby chrzest mial być tylko w imię Ojca to ten werset bylby herezją…

      ” i niech każdy z was ochrzci się w imię Jezusa Chrystusa na odpuszczenie grzechów waszych,”

      and the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is one God is Spirit.
      In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Spirit.

  4. Nie dałeś wersetu,tylko swój komentarz,pozwolę sobie podzć ten werset ,gdzie Jezus użył Słów,,Ja Jestem”

    60 Then the high priest stepped forward into the middle and asked Jesus: "Do you answer nothing for what they testify against you?" 61 But He remained silent and answered nothing. The high priest asked Him again, "Are You the Messiah, the Son of the Blessed One15?" 62 Jesus answered: "I am. You will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Almighty and coming with the clouds of heaven. "16.Ev.Mar.14 61-62

    I nadal nie widzę tu słowa ,,trójjedyny”,które notabene pochodzi z pogaństwa i katolicyzmu.

    1. I have already completed, because I am commenting on another text.
      Nor does the Bible say that smoking pot is prohibited.

    2. John 8.24 I told you that you would die in your sins. Yes, if you do not believe that I AM6, you will die in your sins

      28 So Jesus said to them, "When you exalt the Son of Man, then you will know that I AM, and that I do not do anything of myself, but that I speak what the Father has taught me.

      56 Abraham, ojciec wasz, rozradował się z tego, że ujrzał mój dzień – ujrzał [go] i ucieszył się»11. 57 Na to rzekli do Niego Żydzi: «Pięćdziesięciu lat jeszcze nie masz, a Abrahama widziałeś?» 58 Rzekł do nich Jezus: «Zaprawdę, zaprawdę, powiadam wam: Zanim Abraham stał się, JA JESTEM»12. 59 Porwali więc kamienie, aby je rzucić na Niego.

      Is it enough? Jesus has many more attributes of God in the Bible that they wanted to kill him for. The forgiveness of sins, salvation, knew the thoughts of the Pharisees, the Samaritan woman's chystories at the well, etc. Mary I will not look up verses for you anymore, look them up yourself. Scripture explains scripture. Read and draw your own conclusions. Jesus' words in John
      10.29 My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all.5 And no one can snatch them out of my Father's hand. And no one can snatch them out of my Father's hand. 30 I and the Father are one

    3. The triune one does not come from paganism , or Catholicism . This concept has been known for a long time in Judaism . Propane-Butane is 1 gas , when lit it gives 2 light and 3 heat(temperature) you can warm or cook yourself . 3 in one . Shalom for every house faithful to God !

      1. There is a simpler way of showing the triune God.
        Spirit/Jesus water of life/rock Father

  5. Twoje słowa:,,W biblii nie ma też mowy o zakazie palenia trawki.”
    They open up a huge door to any kind of interpretation.

    1. I just wanted to show you that if you don't say something, it doesn't mean you can do it. I thought you understood the message. In the case of smoking pot, it is clear from scripture that it is forbidden to smoke pot, even though there is no mention of it. If you don't understand such simple things, let alone more complex ones. Do you want God to specifically give you a definition of the triune God or a prohibition against smoking pot?
      Scripture interprets Scripture.

  6. If, Jesus Christ said:
    ,,Jezus odpowiedział: «Pierwsze jest9: Słuchaj, Izraelu, Pan Bóg nasz, Pan jest jeden.”
    Dlaczego nie powiedział,,Pan Bóg NASZ,Pan jest trójjedyny”?
    Then let me listen to the word of my Lord and Savior.
    The rest of your text, I will not comment.

    1. you want to penetrate God.
      If you do not comment on the rest, because you have no more arguments, then I kindly ask you to be consistent and in such an important matter consider me a heretic and shake the ashes off my feet and do not look here anymore. This would be the biblical thing to do, since one of us is wrong about such a serious matter. I want nothing to do with people who don't recognize Jesus as God. They stick to me, not I to them.
      We must be honest with ourselves first of all. If we are not honest with ourselves, we will not be honest with God.

      If you do not recognize Jesus as God , then I recognize you as a heretic.

    2. Pojęcie ,,Pan Bóg Nasz Pan jest trójjedyny” nie jest obce w myśli i nauczaniu żydowskim , rabinicznym .Na YouTube było kilka filmików rabinów żydowskich dokładnie to tłumaczących . kanał nazywał się niestety kanał jest zamkniety , i chyba pisał o tym Daniel Gruber w książce Kopernik i Żydzi.

  7. Then you can shake hands with the Catholics.
    And by the way, every day I want to get to know God.
    W średniowieczu,katolicy też wielu wierzących uznawało za heretyków…
    Greetings to you and I generally enjoy your blog, but I did not expect such a response from you.
    I rather thought you'd at least think about it a little bit.

    1. Mario in that case if you reject Jesus as God you are on that sana list:

      Let's take a look at who the well-known anthranitarians are. They include the following religious streams:

      Arians. An example of their assumptions "The position of a woman in the Polish Brethren circles was incomparably stronger than that of other Protestant and Catholic women. The public was shocked and astonished by the fact that in Arian churches, women often preached sermons and moral teachings. One of the basic tenets of Arianism was partnership in marriage - neither wife nor husband could dominate."
      Christadelphians - Brothers in Christ
      Socynians. From the founder of the Socyn movement. Main tenets:
      In his works, Socyn argued, contrary to church tradition, that original sin does not currently existbecause he charged only Adam. He therefore considered that baptism was a secondary matter and could be accepted or not. Man has free will, and therefore God does not have foreknowledge, that is, He does not know future human deeds.
      Bible Students
      Free Bible Students
      Polish Brothers
      Unity of the Czech Brethren - Czech Brethren
      Saturday Day Christians
      Epiphanies. After the death of C. T. Russell, founder of the Watchtower ( Jehovah's Witnesses) on October 31, 1916, the general meeting of shareholders of the Watchtower Society held on January 6, 1917, appointed Joseph F. Rutherford as its second president. This choice did not meet with the approval of all board members. However, on January 5, 1918, an election of the Watchtower Society board of directors was held at the annual general meeting, at which J.F. Rutherford's authority over the Society was confirmed. On the evening of the same day a group of disgruntled activists met for an informal gathering in one of the saloons of the Fort Pitt Hotel in Pittsburgh. This meeting also extended into the following day.
      Pentecostals of the Oneness of the Godhead
      Jehovah's Witnesses

      This blog is not for everyone, that everyone will get something out of it. Either I idea with the truth or I am wrong about important things. If I am wrong, don't read it. If you think that I have the guidance of God's Spirit and this blog is making a lot of things clear to you THEN REFLECT YOUR ERROR.

      1. EITHER I'M SAYING SOMETHING TO YOU AND AT THIS TIME TREAT ME AS AN OLD GOD OR YOU'RE TEACHING ME ON THIS BLOG, and then I should apologize to you and conform to your beliefs

  8. As far as I know we brethren are not to quarrel and make great inquiries about unnecessary matters, for this we know who is in Jesus. Greetings Peter. Praise Jesus. Sometimes it's not worth spending precious time discussing we are to preach the gospel and not to create. If we stumble, the Holy Spirit will guide us. I respect your great work in spreading the truth. Amen
    Those who are in Christ understand each other perfectly and have no problem understanding because the Holy Spirit guides them.

    1. Kris, ja tylko prostuję i systematyzuję prawdę, a Chrystusowcy już są podzieleni. Wystarczy policzyć denominacje protestanckie. Ponoć jest ich kilkaset….

  9. At a meeting of senior ADS pastors, one argument was presented to which your Lordships were unable to respond. Perhaps here you can get out of the question. Namely, if one accepts that the Holy Spirit is a person, then did Mary on the day of her conception sin and give birth to a Son to the Spirit and not to the Father? Thank you.

    1. Sformułowanie ‘wybrniecie’ wskazuje na chęć kłótni.
      I have the answer but thank you change the blog. If you are consistent of course and not hypocritical.

      1. I am from ADS. The question was asked by the wife of one of the pastors, but neither of them answered. They took air in their mouths and ignored the woman. I am looking for the answer.

        1. Ok I will answer this once. The Bible says that God is Spirit, so the Father as Spirit gave birth to the Son.

  10. Bardzo dziękuję za wyjaśnienie…

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