Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Independence March: Gronkiewicz vs. nationalists.

There is an ongoing struggle for political supremacy between the godless left and the pious left. Or between the godless Jews and the pious Jews.

Ms. Hajka Grundbaum bans the March:


“Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz ogłosiła dziś, że zakazuje Marszu Niepodległości. Jednym z powodów ma być trudna sytuacja policji. – To ogromne zaskoczenie – komentuje w rozmowie z komisarz Sylwester Marczak, rzecznik prasowy stołecznej policji.,114884,24138898,hanna-gronkiewicz-waltz-zakazala-marszu-niepodleglosci-jest.html”




We would be surprised if the new mayor of Warsaw has a different opinion:


"– Zgadzam się z tą decyzją – skomentował zakaz organizacji marszu narodowców, który wydała  w środę Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz jej następca – Rafał Trzaskowski. – Najważniejsze jest bezpieczeństwo warszawiaków – dodał prezydent-elekt Warszawy.”




In turn, the president of Polin informed through his spokesman that the march will be a state celebration.


This is how PIS appropriates the Independence March created by ONR and All-Polish Youth

Listen up nationalists, maybe this bitter truth will reach at least some of you:


PIS is a Jewish party like all others.

Proof below.



Independence Scowl.


But the biggest scam, even bigger than this takeover of the March, is the belief in Poland's independence.

Here I am refuting that lie:



Economically, we are a state of Germany. Administratively, we are a province of Israel:





We depend on Russia for raw materials.



We are not an independent country. We lost our independence in 1945 when Soviet Jews took over the Polish state.

We live in an occupation and you have to accept it, but you have to call a spade a spade.

Poles pay 240 million zlotys a year to Jews living in Israel.–zydow,23463,i.html


Niedawno pisałem o mykwie za 4 miliony….

Fallen Poles go abroad, but there is money for bathrooms and pensions for Mount Sinai highlanders.


In conclusion, this March of Independence is completely pointless. Poland is not only dependent on Jews and Germany or Russia, but on NATO and the EU.


Yesterday I had a conversation with a woman living in Scotland. I was pained by this conversation. What is there in Scotland that Poles could dream of?

The offices look like barracks, the equipment is still communist, because the Scots believe that people are more important than offices and buildings. We know what our ZUS and US are like. When you visit a doctor you not only get a prescription but also medicines for 2-3 days for free.

Scotland decided to be a country opposed to homelessness, so they gave away housing to the least well-off.

Just drive around Poland and you can see that 80% of land remains unoccupied. Nothing happens and Poles have to take loans for apartments and houses.


“W kilku stanach można dostać ziemię za darmo, nawet pod budownictwo mieszkaniowe, jeżeli zobowiążemy się do zbudowania domu o powierzchni ponad 120 m2 albo wydamy na to ponad 100 tys. dolarów, albo po prostu dużo zarabiamy, więc lokalny samorząd będzie otrzymywał od nas podatki”

They are wealthy and get land for free and we are poor and this land we do not get from our Senior of Israel land as vassals.


Earnings in Scotland average 8k and prices and costs of living are similar.

What do you patriots think about it? What kind of Poland?

It should be made clear: we are Gentiles to the owners of Polin. Why? Because you allow yourselves to be dragged into the Catholic-Jewish war. Catholics hate Jews. Jews hate Catholics (hence in Zionist churches there is a lot of talk about the CRK and little truth about Israel today).


Look at the jump in the degree of lavishness of the pre-war governments and the current ones:




“”Piłsudski był zwolennikiem skromnego i prostego stylu życia. Podróżując, odmawiał z korzystania ze specjalnego wagonu kolejowego (salonki), wybierając bilet drugiej klasy[202]. In everyday life he wore an ordinary grey military sweatshirt, without any badges or orders[202]. He also forbade his bodyguards to be near him, but he carried a revolver with him at all times (even at night - he put it next to his bed).[203]. Cenił sobie także prostą kuchnię (nie lubił jednak bigosu czy zupy grochowej”

Current authorities:


The daily's findings show that the Office of the President has spent more than 1.3 million zlotys on alcohol since 2014. In 2015, President Andrzej Duda's bill was 320 thousand zlotys. He shared the year with Bronislaw Komorowski, who gave him the office in August. The year before, Bronislaw Komorowski spent more than 433 thousand zlotys on alcohol at official parties. In 2016, Andrzej Duda managed to save money - 240 thousand zlotys were spent on alcohol. In turn, in 2017, 217 thousand were spent on it. Until June 2018, the bill for alcohol is 95 thousand zlotys.



In this way they implement the principle of divide and rule. A division that is controlled by both sides simultaneously. It is the same in Poland as it is with the March. There is the bad policeman (PO) and the good policeman (PIS).


Now we can only remember great Poles, but not those to whom monuments are built, such as Mr. Kaatz or Lejba. Kohne, but those who worked out Enigma, or such an outstanding economist as the liberal and nationalist Grabski or Roman Rymarski.


Below I once again post news from the pre-war years:



Words in a pre-war Polish intelligence report addressed to I. Mościcki:


"The B'nai B'riht Lodge has a destructive influence on an independent country.

- Members of this lodge have a plan to control the world economy (....)

Wobec powyższego, że loża B’nai B’rith stanowi zagrożenie dla innych krajów,   — stanowi je również dla Polski.””



Polish intelligence warned against the Jewish lodge  B'nai B'rith, this the same one that Lech Kaczyński reactivated.


Nie jestem antysemitą. Mam znajomych Żydów, jak równie z w dalszej rodzinie. Biblia mówi “nie ma Żyda ani Greka” w Chrystusie. W Polsce są także Żydzi ledwo wiążący koniec z końcem, najczęściej są katolikami. Jednak wszyscy żyją w diasporze spychając na margines społeczny Polaków. Ktoś powie: wy też możecie się zorganizować”.

We can't anymore. Hitler murdered the intelligentsia and Stalin further improved it by effectively liquidating the spirit of entrepreneurship by sending enterprising Poles and their families to Siberia so that no spark of economic liberalism remained.


Ale Pan Jezus powiedział “błogosławieni ubodzy w duchu, albowiem do nich należy królestwo niebieskie”.


So let us enjoy participating in the Kingdom of God Himself, and leave the March to the temporary owners of Polish lands.



Updated: 8 November 2018 — 17:05


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  1. It's written on the Internet that something is going to happen on 11-12. Policemen have a lot of time off, Monday is free and the health service is working to treat the injured in case of possible fires, the law 1066 still stands... It's a black scenario, but many take it into account. We'll see.

    1. ciekawa sprawa. Chyba faktycznie coś jest na rzeczy. Aż TV włączę…

    2. Janie, a propos ustawy 1066 to sygnalizuję tylko, że dziś rozpoczęły się manewry Anakonda 18 z udziałem 12.5 tys obcych wojsk na terenach RP…

  2. I guess someone at the top of the international wants to hammer the last nail with the word Poland on it.
    – zakazane marsze w Warszawie, Gdańsku, Wrocławiu (gdzie wiadomo, że i tak ludzie przyjdą)
    – absencja w służbach mundurowych (policja, straż, służba więzienna) na dziś jest w granicach 30 – 50 %, a będzie się zwiększać.
    – na i już rozważa się wyprowadzenie wojska na ulicę, w celu zapewnienia ochrony.
    – planowany przyjazd (nieproszony) nazistów z Niemiec, Włoch, banderowców z Ukrainy.
    – prowokację prawdopodobne na 90 % i to podejrzewam, że ostre. Międzynarodowa prasa i tv już podkręca atmosferę.
    Normally I would probably have a stroke of nerves, but since I believe in God I know that the beast is forming and there is no place for nationalists, patriots, or any other followers of anything.
    We need to approach the subject calmly, let's read the Bible, the ending is written there 🙂
    But a shame for the country nonetheless 🙁
    But on the other hand, a thousand years will soon be with OUR BELOVED PRESIDENT JESUS CHRIST!!!

    1. Yes, it's the final nail and Ms. Hajka does it ruthlessly and with unbridled pleasure

      1. Unfortunately. I have an impression that our politicians (or maybe not only our politicians) are puppets, following the orders of someone from above. It is going well for them since Poles are arguing whether PIS or PO, and the money is still flowing into foreign hands.

        1. exactly. They're just following orders. The order for 11.11 was probably given, but we'll see what it is on Sunday.

  3. Pozwolę się nie zgodzic—gdyby obnizyli podatki i zlikwidowali biurokrację=dali wolnosc ,Polacy wróciliby i byliby bardzo przedsiebiorczy,bo mamy to w genach .Młodzi wierzę,że wróciliby z wieloma pomysłami.zabili w ludziach nadzieję.
    Unless I misunderstand you.

    1. ja nie rozumiem Cię Kesja…

  4. The last Polish ruler was Boleslaw III the Wrymouth. Later the rulers were directly or indirectly Jews closely connected to the Roman papacy. Unfortunately this is the sad truth. It was the popes who led to the downfall of the Lechitic state. I recommend reading the books of Mr. Janusz Bieszk. I am in the process of reading his next book which reveals our history anew. We are descendants of Javan and Satan knew and knows this well. His destructive plan is being carried out using first Rome then the Vatican.

  5. Straszne co pani “bufetowej” (nie obrażając miłych i dobrych bufetowych) przyszło na myśl…
    Swoją drogą sąd uchylił decyzję HGW o zakazie… Co nie zmienia faktu, że trzeba będzie uważnie patrzeć co się dzieje i dziać będzie…

  6. I will be in Warsaw these days, also in front of the Seym, praying the rosary which is organized there at 11:00 a.m. Of course, I will not pray the rosary or to Mary, but in my own way. If there were more persuasive people than me, maybe before this prayer we could talk with the organizers to consider making requests only to Jesus? I am in Warsaw from 8 am on November 11. If anyone is from Warsaw or its vicinity and would like to do something in front of the Seym and try to convince the organizers to change it, I invite you. It's rather unfeasible because of the deeply rooted cult of Mary, but who knows? If anyone would like to contact me: 695 311 781

    As time permits, I will also be at the Ministry of Justice for a demonstration in connection with Basia Poleszuk from Hajnówka, who is serving a 4-month prison sentence for allegedly scratching a policeman at a demonstration ( Unfortunately, the picket falls on the 12th of November, and when it was organized, there was no such holiday established yet, so it misses the point a bit. In any case, there will be a collection of signatures, which will be submitted to Z. Ziobro. I not this 12 lis, it's another day.

    The case is as controversial as the verdict. If you are from Warsaw, I recommend you go and sign the petition.

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