Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

What does it mean that the Lord Jesus is our Lord?

Lukewarm, and there is actually no such word for what goes on in Protestant churches, churches, reduce faith to a worshipful creed based on this quote:


" But what does it say: The word is near thee, upon thy lips and in thy heart4. But it is the word of faith that we proclaim. Jeżeli więc ustami swoimi wyznasz, że JEZUS JEST PANEM, i w sercu swoim uwierzysz, że Bóg Go wskrzesił z martwych – osiągniesz zbawienie510 Bo sercem przyjęta wiara prowadzi do usprawiedliwienia, a wyznawanie jej ustami – do zbawienia. ” Rzymian 10



I have witnessed such a confession where a certain person standing next to me in Kraków said these words and since then has done so much evil and so much lawlessness that the only thing left to do is to pray for that person.


Może przejdę od razu do rzeczy. Co oznacza słowo “Pan”

Here are selected meanings from the dictionary:


-formerly: landowner
-man at the head of the home, family, farm
-formerly  "employer in relation to the service"
-Mr. "God."
sweat. "teacher"

Jak widzimy ‘panem” jest osoba wpływowa, stojąca na czele, będąca nauczycielem i pracodawcą. Myślę, że te wszystkie cechy możemy odnieść do Boga. Jest On ponad nami i powinien pełnić z założenia rolę zwierzchniczą.


From Strong's what is Jesus and salvation:


Jezus/Joszua/Jehoszua; Hebr. “יְהוֹשׁ֫וּעַ” [Jehoszua] – YHWH (the Lord) is salvationSavior;
b savesave, survivesavedeliver;



Now let's look at our lives or:


  1. Is the Lord Jesus the Lord of our tongue?
  2. Is the Lord Jesus the Lord of our sex?
  3. Is the Lord Jesus the Lord of our money?
  4. Is the Lord Jesus the Lord of our family?
  5. Is the Lord Jesus the Lord of our food?
  6. The Lord Jesus is Lord in our work?



etc. etc.


Perhaps not everyone still understands what this is all about.

So the translators in turn:



Are you hurting with your tongue or speaking the fruit of the Spirit? If not, then the Lord Jesus is not the Lord of your Tongue. Immediately surrender your tongue to Him.


Are you having Godly sex or unrighteous sex (e.g. onanism, anal sex)


Do you spend your money on God's things or, for example, on gambling, on cigarettes, on expensive cars for which you take credit, etc.?


Is there an atmosphere of love in your family however it looks (single, single, divorced, widows and widowers)?

Re 5

Do you eat what harms you, or do you want to know what God wants you to eat. Have you ever asked God, searched the Bible, what God wants you to eat and not get sick?



Do you respect your employer at work? Are you honest? Do you administer justice yourself for bad pay? Do you keep God busy or do you have to cheat.




We could go on and on, but I just wanted to make it clear if Jesus is really our Lord.

The Lord rules over everything. Let's think, does Jesus rule over us in every sphere?




Updated: 31 October 2018 — 11:00


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  1. Oh hoho I see the famous deceptive Pauline quote used to deceive millions of Catholics. How simple it is, confess with your mouth and believe and salvation is in your pocket. You don't need to do any good deeds, you don't need to keep the 10 commandments, just confess in public, preferably make a show in the marketplace or on the street and salvation gained like in a computer game xD.

    1. David, if you reject Paul's letters then you are a heretic, and you are undermining the sovereignty of God by not taking care of his books. That's the way you look at it, you can question the Bible all you want. Your theology was built on anti-Pauline pages? That is, not from yourself, not from God, but you write what others have handed you on a platter.

      If I am wrong about your antipauline faith, I apologize. If I am not mistaken, you are a heretic, and it behooves me to do Bible duty for you, for you have neither such faith nor such strength of character:

      “Jeśli w jakim miejscu was nie przyjmą i nie będą słuchać, wychodząc stamtąd strząśnijcie proch z nóg waszych na świadectwo dla nich.

      (Ew. Marka 6:11”

      If you delete part of the Bible then you are persona non grata here and be consistent. Look for the truth where you claim to have found it.

    2. David.

      You broke the 2 commandments in this post.

      “Nie morduj”
      “Nie składaj fałszywego świadectwa przeciw bliźniemu swemu”

      So much for following the Decalogue

      I am already in a hurry to explain why I slandered you

      1. do not murder

      (21):You have heard that it was said to the forefathers, Thou shalt not kill, and whosoever shall kill shall go to judgment. (22) And I say unto you, That whosoever shall be angry with his brother shall go into judgment; and whosoever shall say to his brother: Racha, shall stand before the supreme council; and whosoever shall say: Thou fool, shall go into hell fire. (23) If therefore thou shouldst offer thy gift upon the altar, and there mention that thy brother hath aught against thee, (24) leave thy gift there upon the altar, and go away, and first be reconciled to thy brother, and afterward come and offer thy gift. (25) Agree with thine adversary quickly, while thou art in the way with him, lest the adversary deliver thee to the judge, and the judge to the servant, and thou be cast into prison. (26) Verily I say unto thee, Thou shalt not go out thence until thou hast given thy last penny. [Warsaw Bible, Matthew 5].

      Tell me, before writing your words, did you think about them? Did you pray for the author of this text? Did you ask for God's wisdom. These are obviously rhetorical questions. You committed murder with your ironic language. How many weak ones after reading your commentary could fall away from the faith, seeing your filthy fruits? Why am I accusing you of murder? This is where the letter of James, chapter 3, comes to my aid. Forgive me for not quoting, but I don't want to make a mile-long commentary.

      2. “Nie składaj fałszywego świadectwa”

      Napisałeś, że ten cytat z listu Pawła jest używany do zwodzenia milionów katolików. I jest to..prawda. Prawie że cała Biblia jest używana do zwodzenia ludzi. Na podstawie Biblii mogę udowodnić np że…

      There is no God[Warsaw Bible, Ps 53].

      Oczywiście, każdy by się połapał (a może i nie…), ale przeciętny katolik nie sprawdza w ogóle, więc można wciskać mu inne zwiedzenia, równie łatwe do obalenia.

      Napisałeś też, że ten cytat to zwiedzenie. Tymczasem…

      (15) : Let not one witness alone appear against anyone concerning any transgression or sin committed by him. By the testimony of two witnesses, or by the testimony of three witnesses, shall the case be decided. [Warsaw Bible, Deuteronomy 19].

      You, on the other hand, pointed your finger at one quotation, completely ignoring the fact that the testimony of Paul is given by Peter and all the others, as we have it described in Acts. But I remember that you, Kubik's followers do not acknowledge Acts (because you are not from Kudronski, since you write about the Decalogue)

      ” Nie trzeba żadnych uczynków dobrych, nie trzeba przestrzegać 10 przykazań tylko wyznaj publicznie najlepiej zrób show na rynku albo na ulicy i zbawienie zdobyte jak w grze komputerowej”

      So let's see what Paul of Tarsus himself says about the Torah

      (13) And on the sabbath day we went out of the gate by the river, where we thought prayer was being held, and sat down and talked with the women who had come together. [Warsaw Bible, Acts 16].

      Paul celebrated the Sabbath (the context of the whole chapter leaves no doubt) check also Acts 17;2

      Dzieje 17;10 Barnaba i Saul głosili tam Mesjasza a Berejczycy sprawdzali w pismach (W tanach bo wtedy nic innego nie było) i zostali nazwani “szlachetnego usposobienia”

      Acts 21:18-26 proves that Paul had no problem being cleansed to prove he was keeping the Torah

      Acts 22, Paul bears witness to himself, not hesitating to mention that he was a murderer.

      Acts 23;3-5 in the fifth verse Paul confesses his sin, citing Exodus 22;28

      Acts 24;14-21 in this passage we see that Paul served the God of Israel, believing all that is in the law and the prophets

      Acts 25;8 Paul claimed that he did not fault the Torah, the temple or the emperor in anything and the Jews could not prove it to him either (If they had, we would have known about it) Further in verse 11 Paul says that he is willing to die if he has done such a thing.

      Romans 2;25-29 Paul praises those who, despite not being circumcised, observe Torah

      Romans 6, Paul tells us to no longer live in sin. What is sin? Paul rushes to refer us to the ..Torah in Romans 7;7

      2 Timothy 3;16 Paul claims that ALL Scripture is inspired by God, useful teaching, for detecting error, etc. etc. Of course he was referring here to the Tanakh or Torah also.

      I mógłbym tak dalej, ale nie chce mi się. Wyjaśnię jeszcze cytat, który uznałeś za “zwodniczy”, lecz zacytuję troszkę więcej

      (1): Brothers! The desire of my heart, and the prayer made to God, are for the salvation of Israel. (2): For I bear them witness, that they have a zeal for God, but an unreasonable zeal; (3): for not knowing the justification which is from God, and their own seeking to establish it, they have not submitted to the justification of God. (4): For the end (end)* of the law is Christ, that every one that believeth may be justified. (5) : For thus Moses writes of the justification which is of the law: The man that hath fulfilled the law shall live by it. (6): And the justification which is of faith, thus saith it: Say not in thine heart: Who shall ascend into heaven? That is, to bring Christ down; (7): or: Who shall descend into the abyss? That is, to bring Christ up from the dead. (8): But what saith the scripture? Near unto thee is the word, in thy mouth and in thy heart; that is, the word of faith which we preach. (9): For if thou shalt confess with thy mouth that Jesus is Lord, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. (10): For with the heart one believes unto justification, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. (11): For the Scripture saith: Every one that believeth in him shall not be put to shame. [Warsaw Bible, Romans 10].

      * bracket mine

      one at a time.
      Israel, like the Roman church today has a Talmud and an oral tradition. Based on oral tradition, Gentiles could not be saved and could not serve the God of Israel unless they became proselytes (They would have to convert to Judaism) which was contrary to God's word (aside from circumcision, for the Torah commands that every Gentile be circumcised if he wishes to serve the God of Israel No, I am not circumcised and do not intend to be). Additionally, of course, the Jews unfortunately (and sadly at the same time) rejected the Messiah.

      In verses 6-8 Paul refers to the 5th book of Moses

      (11): For this commandment, which I give you this day, is neither too hard nor too far off for you. (12) It is not in heaven, that it should be said, Who shall ascend up into heaven, and bring it down to us, and declare it unto us, that we may fulfil it? (13) Neither is it beyond the sea, that it should be said, Who shall pass over the sea, and bring it unto us, and declare it unto us, that we may fulfil it? (14): But the word is very near thee, in thy mouth, and in thy heart, that thou mayest do it. [Warsaw Bible, Deuteronomy 30].

      The commandments of the Torah are not too hard and too heavy. They become so when one is legalistic and does not allow himself to be led by the Holy Spirit, but tries to do it by force, like the Pharisees on the basis of the Talmud.

      I przejdźmy do tych zwodniczych wersetów 9-11 a w zasadzie tylko do 9, reszta się sama wyjaśni. No więc…

      “(9): Bo jeśli ustami swoimi wyznasz, że Jezus jest Panem, i uwierzysz w sercu swoim, że Bóg wzbudził go z martwych, zbawiony będziesz. [Biblia Warszawska, Rz 10]”

      1. confession by mouth...

      (42): Nevertheless many of the members of the council believed in him, but to the Pharisees they did not confess their faith, lest they should be excluded from the synagogue; [Warsaw Bible, John 12].

      You can believe but deny it. Don't admit it, keep compromising in fear of this world

      (32) Every man therefore that shall confess me before men, him will I also confess before my Father which is in heaven; (33) but whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven. [Warsaw Bible, Matthew 10].

      i Wiara….

      (6): But without faith it is impossible to please God; for he who comes to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him. [Warsaw Bible, Hebrews 11].

      (16) : He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved, but he that believeth not shall be damned. [Warsaw Bible, Mark 16].

      Paweł postawił literę “I” oraz dopisał dalszą część zdania. Jest to tak wyraźne, a jednak tak trudne do zobaczenia.

      (13): Therefore in similitudes I speak to them; for in looking they see not, and in hearing they hear not, neither do they understand. (14) And the prophecy of Isaiah is fulfilled upon them, which saith, Ye shall hear continually, and not understand; ye shall look continually, and not see. (For the heart of the people has become dull, and their ears have become deaf, and their eyes have closed, so that they cannot see with their eyes, nor hear with their ears, nor understand with their heart, nor be converted, and I will not heal them. [Warsaw Bible, Matthew 13].

      “Jakież to prostę, wyznaj ustami i uwierz a zbawienie masz w kieszeni.”

      (9): I have written unto you in my epistle, that ye should not tarry with fornicators; (10) but I did not mean the fornicators of this world, or covetous persons, or plunderers, or idolaters; otherwise ye would have to go out of the world. (11): But now I have written unto you, that ye should not sojourn with him that calleth himself a brother, and is a whoremonger, or covetous, or an idolater, or a slanderer, or a drunkard, or a plunderer, that ye eat not even with such a one. (12): For is it my business to judge those who are outside the church? Is it not your business rather to judge those who are in the church? (13) God will judge those who are outside of us. Remove him that is evil from among yourselves. [Warsaw Bible, 1 Corinthians 5].

      Paul himself commands that sinners be removed from the church. Thus your words are slander.

      Ale takie rzeczy się dzieją, gdy ktoś bez Ducha Bożego, bez miłości i chęci poznania prawdy i też kompletnie nieutwierdzony chwyta się za list do Rzymian, jedną z najtrudniejszych a może i najtrudniejszą do zrozumienia ksiąg Biblii. Jak to napisał pewien niepierwszy papież…

      (15) And consider the forbearance of our Lord as a rescue, as also our beloved brother Paul, in the wisdom that is given to him, wrote to you; (16): so also he says in all his epistles, where he speaks of these things; in them are some things not understood, which, like other writings, unlearned and uninstructed men pervert to their own destruction. (17) "Ye therefore, beloved, knowing this beforehand, take heed lest, being deceived by the errors of unrighteous men, ye be driven from your firm position. (18) Rather, grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory now and for ever. [Warsaw Bible, 2p 3].

      Tak więc Dawidzie, porzuć swój intelektualizm i przyjmij słowo Boże z pokorą, takie jakie ono jest. Mam nadzieję że coś Cię ruszyło. Na yt znajdzie serię nauczań “paradoks pawła” a i w modlitwie znajdziesz zrozumienie słowa Bożego. To, że ktoś używa danego cytatu do zwodzenia, nie znaczy że Biblia jest zwiedzeniem. Gdyby tak było, to całą Biblię musielibyśmy wyrzucić do kosza.

      Grace to you and Shalom from God the Father and our Lord, Yeshua HaMaschiach

  2. re. 2
    And oral sex is what? It's as much sodomy as anal.

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