Pamiętam jak w latach dziewięćdziesiątych moja sąsiadka w wieku rodziców poleciła mi czytanie Playboya znając moje zainteresowania intelektualno-polityczne. Wówczas pisywał dla tego pisma Korwin Mikke i bodajże Zygmunt Kałużyński i jeszcze kilka innych znanych osób. Zaprenumerowałem to pismo. Oczywiście nie byłem na tyle silny aby nie zaglądać na rozkładówki, choć czytałem całość od deski do deski łącznie z działem “humor” :-).
Każdy lubi piękno…Ale szatan posługuje się tak samo pięknem jak i muzyką, aby zawłaszczyć świątynię Ducha jaka jest ludzkie ciało.
Years later I laughed when I learned from some publication that all Playboy models were products of Photshop experts 😀 😀
I laughed even harder when I realized that men onanize themselves next to women who don't exist because only the facial features are original and the rest is the work of a graphic designer :D.
W tej sytuacji jest to powód do rzucenia tego nałogu…
Zły wszystko wypacza. Przypomina mi się również film z Meg Ryan pt “Kate i Leopold”. Fabuła jest mniej więcej taka: Leopold jest dziewiętnastowiecznym arystokratą i wynalazcą. Z tego co pamiętam przeniósł się w czasie do pierwszych lat XXI wieku do współczesnego Manhattanu. Zamieszkuje w domu szalonego naukowca – Stuarta. Poznaje tam niezależną i planującą szybką karierę byłą dziewczynę Stuarta – Kate, w której się zakochuje. Ona poprzez swoje znajomości zaprzęga go do reklamy jakiejś żywności. Wiadomo, dbałość o formę, uśmiech aktora reklamującego (Leopolda) mają przekonać do zakupu. Jednak po nagraniu reklamowym ów arystokrata z XIX wieku skosztował produkt, który reklamował i po pierwszym łyku w odruchu niechęci i obrzydzenia wypluł. Zbulwersowany oszustwem w jakie go wplątano uciekł ze studia reklamowego.
The same is true not only with makeup. Some women tweak their photos in the well-known Photoshop program to look nice on the internet. This is the same lie that politicians serve us. A lie is a lie.
Recently a sister in England confided in me that she had given up some of her makeup. I no longer remember the details. I remember only that she decided she no longer wanted the glamour of men. She will correct me if she wants to, but God led her to that part of the truth about herself that touches on the feminine.
I wouldn't want any woman to feel affected because this is a mass practice, let me give a pictorial example in the other direction, that is, men lying.
It's even better on the Internet. In dating sites and chat rooms, it is common to underestimate age, weight, etc.
Gdzieś na blogu mam ale nie wiem gdzie mem, na którym mężczyzna czatuje z młodą kobieta opisując się jako przystojny i młody, a za nim jest już jego żona z wałkiem… Świetnie obrazuje to chęć widzenia siebie innym.
Television is no different. The media shows what they want to show and that is also a lie, which means that all television is a lie.
It is more convenient for people to lie than to work on themselves. Today everything has to be fast and no matter by what means. This is the case with food and our image. Pills for slimming within 14 days. They do not even make an effort to write that it is for 3 months, but for example 14 days, because otherwise the customer would not buy it.
Szatan powoduje, że chcemy się widzieć tylko ładnymi i dobrymi, ale Duch Święty pokazuje nam nasze grzechy i słabości i to nie jest fajne dla wielu….
“Udziałem zaś bojaźliwych i niewierzących, i skalanych, i zabójców, i wszeteczników, i czarowników, i bałwochwalców, i all the liars będzie jezioro płonące ogniem i siarką. To jest śmierć druga.” Ap 21.
The Holy Spirit leads into all truth. Including the truth about ourselves. This is what I wish for all of us.
Of course a woman needs to take care of herself, a man needs to wash and freshen up after going to bed, but what else, i.e. excessive make-up, tan or other things is rather a bad thing.Therefore, cosmetics yes, exercises yes, but in moderation, so that there is time for God, family, friends. See that exaggerated beauty enhancement, packing exercises beyond natural looks cause not admiration but ridicule.
otóż właśnie…
Joke: After five days of creation, when everything was already very good, on the sixth day God set about creating man, he created Adam from the dust of the ground, he walks around, he looks, he is very pleased, he decides to create him a life companion, he takes out Adam's rib in his sleep and sticks around it, and sticks, and sticks, and sticks, and sticks, and sticks, and sticks. Finally, after finishing his work, he looks at it from all sides, compares it, watches it, walks around, and finally says: it's hard, you will paint yourself.
I'll start by saying that I discovered this site only yesterday, and I can honestly say that I found some answers to questions that have been bothering me for quite a few years now. I've read about half of the articles posted here, and for the first time I don't agree with what you write. It is the same for you to compare for example the posting of photos by a woman who has complexes and decides to do a photoshop because she is looking for love and the corruption of politicians and their lies which serve to deceive and enslave us Apart from the fact that they are the most corrupt people the world has ever known on a par with the Vatican Mafia I also have to say that the intentions of this person might not be bad but I agree that instead of wasting time on photos. but I have a feeling our holy father would agree with me. I could agree with you about some celebrities because they have a lot of authority with millions of people and their intentions can be really bad.
Last but not least, I agree with many of the topics and some of them have helped me to fully understand the Matrix we live in, for which I thank
Thank you for your respect and witnessing the positive impact my blog has had on your perception of the world.
However, regarding this PS treatment, what are acceptable lies according to you Daro, and what are unacceptable lies?
I will start with an example from my own life I had a few dates with girls who were far from what they presented in the photos I lost a few pennies for gas and a few hours On the other hand I met a girl who lied to me saying that she was separated which after six months turned out to be a lie I will only say that the first situation went downhill from me the second I suffered for three years, and I still think it's not worth talking about in times like these, where through lies many hundreds or even thousands of people die every day and even more suffer And don't get me wrong if it wasn't for the fact that we really don't have much time left, I would love to talk about it But we live in a world which would make sodomy look like paradise (I'm going over the edge here, of course, because I don't know that). Because when I hear that the pope and his entourage are emissaries of God, where one of the commandments is erased from the Bible, then the last one is divided into two to make the number ten count, then we people, awakened by such lies, should deal with it now. just to answer your question, none is allowed, but if the only sin was to say "that's a very tasty cutlet" when asked by your wife if you like it, then I think the world would be almost a paradise for everyone, we wouldn't be waiting for divine intervention and the end of the world because it wouldn't be needed and you and I wouldn't be having this conversation
I get it, that's why I'm not going to continue to mince words by ending the discussion 🙂
Praise the lord jesus for the peace 🙂
Often he tweaks a photo in photoshop, wanting to respond to the demands of the world, and then experiences disappointment, because the person who looked at the photos on the other side has a different attitude. And so they are both unhappy and sad. Satan wins and laughs. Sociologists talk about the problem of teenagers in particular because they do not accept themselves, looking only for their own and other people's faults, because they have a distorted view of the perfect beauty imagined by the mass media. This is a serious problem today:
Narcissism and the search for non-existent perfection.
“Azazel nauczył ludzi wyrabiać miecze, sztylety, tarcze i napierśniki. Pokazał im metale i sposób ich obróbki: bransolety i ozdoby, sztukę malowania oczu i upiększania powiek, bardzo cenne i wyszukane kamienie i wszelki rodzaj kolorowych barwników. I świat uległ zmianie.
Nastała wielka niegodziwość i wielki nierząd. Pobłądzili, a wszystkie ich drogi stały się zepsute.” : Henoch (syn Jereda)
I'm not saying it's not a lie, and I'm not justifying it, but I think the world has more important problems to solve than girls photoshopping their pictures I think it's a waste of time and we're running out of time to talk about bullshit If you want to talk about lies, that's fine. I just wonder why we don't talk about the lies of the church, of politicians Lies that have killed millions of people Lies that have condemned millions of people, etc. It's like wasting time and energy fighting herpes when you have cancer
The problems of this world are not limited to one aspect but to thousands.
You cannot write only about the Church of Rome, or only about politics, or only about pedophilia.
I hope you understand me now Daro.