Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."


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  1. wielu z “uczniów” nie świętuje…

    1. TORA jest drzewem życia, które stało w ogrodzie Eden. Spójrzcie z czego zrobione jest nasze Pismo Święte…

    2. I found a very interesting teaching and argument about the non-validity of celebrating the Sabbath in our day, in the new and better covenant. The author is John MacArthur. (Do you know and recommend him? In my opinion, he is a true teacher of God's Word. Of course I don't consider myself a better expert than him, on the contrary I think he has many years of experience in knowing the Scriptures).

      1. The question is whether we should listen to the leaders or the Scriptures. I, for example, came to the Sabbath on my own. Without teachers.
        Reformed is such an over-intellectualized site.
        Much intellectual truth
        Iga you need to take a course. Either believe as we do, or believe as they do, or else you'll wander. Here and there like Maya the bee.
        I, for one, don't look at other sites.
        If you are convinced by the Reformed side, stay faithful to them and do not look here, because everything will always clash.

        1. No tak ale przecież chodzi o znalezienie prawdy na ten temat. Jak mówi pismo: “Szukajcie a znajdziecie” … W nowym testamencie jest wiele wersetów na temat sabatu, tylko chodzi o to żeby je właściwie rozumieć.
          A przy okazji jak chcesz to skasuj mój wpis który jest na tej stronie: Prorocza perspektywa na 2018 — Reinhard Hirtler, bo nie mam pewności na 100% jeśli o to chodzi, więc musiałabym poświęcić zbyt dużo czasu żeby prześwietlić wszystkie dostępne materiały na temat jego osoby. Więc jeśli to prawda, że jest jak sam napisałeś: “Hirtler jest ponoć podejrzany w niektórych kręgach w necie”, to zakładam, że może być z nim coś nie tak.

          1. “W nowym testamencie jest wiele wersetów na temat sabatu, tylko chodzi o to żeby je właściwie rozumieć.”

            In neither of these is the Sabbath abolished. The Lord Jesus NEVER abolished the Sabbath, but the Clergy did.

  2. And do you celebrate the Sabbath that is Saturday?

      1. And what do you do on the Sabbath? OK you are not Adventist but you celebrate like them?

        1. you don't do anything on the Sabbath 🙂 - you don't do anything on the Sabbath.

          And seriously: as little work as possible, no going out shopping, reading the word, being quiet. This is supposed to be a time for regeneration and sensitization to the voice of God.
          Some oieka buns light candles and so it's Christmas Eve every week 🙂

  3. Is there anything here somewhere about dreams and visions? Because just today I found a very interesting prophetic word: A prophetic perspective for 2018 - Reinhard Hirtler
    Mogę za chwilę wam to “wkleić”? Naprawdę bardzo ciekawe …

  4. A prophetic outlook for 2018 - Reinhard Hirtler

    In sincerity and in humility I pass on this word. I believe the Lord has given it to me for this year. I am fully aware that I am describing things that are not in the Bible. However, none of them contradict the Word of God, our final authority. We must understand that because of a lack of revelation of the essence of the New Covenant and various religious influences, we have misinterpreted many things that are written in the Bible. It is my desire and prayer that God will use these words and bring us into a deeper intimacy with Him and a deeper relationship of surrender and trust in Him.

    1. year of adjudication - decision
    This will be the year the Lord brings many of His people into the valley of judgment - Joel 3;13-14 (EIB) says: Throw in the sickle! The harvest is ripe! Come, trample! The winepress is full! The vats are overflowing - oh, great is their wickedness! Crowds, great crowds in the Valley of Resolution! Yes, the day of the LORD is near in the Valley of Resolution!

    As God takes His people into the valley of judgment, we must decide if we are surrendering our lives completely for His great purposes. God has already decided what He will do in the last days before Christ returns. Now He is bringing His people to a place where they must decide if they want to be part of this greatest harvest in human history. In this passage, God says that the harvest is ready. We need to not only decide if we are going to be part of this great harvest but we need to agree with God and not what we see with our eyes. We need to decide that we are not going to declare over us the problems, corruption and evil that is happening in our cities and nations and instead declare His harvest and our readiness in being part of His wonderful plan for the last days before Christ returns.

    Year 2 of acceleration
    This is the year when things will begin to happen much faster than they have so far. God is accelerating the coming of things in our personal lives and in the nations of this world. Let's look at what is happening this year in Israel and Jerusalem and we will see many prophecies just being fulfilled. Nations will be turned upside down, political leaders who have hitherto been firmly established will be unexpectedly replaced by others. Even within the European Union we will see events that no one ever expected.
    Because of the acceleration, there will be a lot of unrest in many nations as well as in the lives of people, including Christians. We must prepare our hearts for this acceleration that is coming from God. There is an acceleration of spiritual growth and maturity coming for many Christians. They will experience salvation one day and faster than any of us have experienced, they will begin to walk in the authority of Jesus. Miracles and signs, including miracles in nature will occur at an accelerated time.
    Many promises that God's children have carried by faith for a long time will be fulfilled in an accelerated way. However, many people will be surprised,

    because they have not prepared their hearts for this time of acceleration. This is not a time to focus on this short life on earth but rather a time when we can prepare our hearts for the coming of Christ. For those who are used to a comfortable lifestyle, it will be taken away unexpectedly.

    3. year of recognition and removal of obstacles
    The obstacles that we have set up ourselves will be recognized and removed. Many people do not walk in the fullness of what God has planned for them because they have placed obstacles in their lives that stop them.
    God will begin to speak through prophetic dreams and prophetic voices to remove these barriers. People will begin to do things they didn't even think they were capable of undertaking before. They will begin to learn new languages to establish God's Kingdom in other nations. People who never thought they had a talent for business will start new businesses.
    God will also remove self-imposed barriers from many people. He will begin to surprise people by doing things in their lives that they did not expect God to do. In His perfect love, He will tear down the limitations that people have placed on Him themselves.

    The river of the Holy Spirit that was held back by all these barriers will begin to flow freely through many churches. The style of meetings with God will change by experiencing the true freedom of the Holy Spirit. There will be tears and true joy in these meetings while God's river will flow without any restrictions. There will be sudden healings without prayers for healing, there will be radical conversions of important and influential people in the world of religion, politics, sports, entertainment and business. People will learn that God is preparing the stage for the last days before Christ returns.

    4 The year of the manifestation of the sons of God.
    As perversity on earth increases, Satan will launch his final, greatest attack on mankind. He will unleash evil like we have never seen before. God showed me scenes that were so terrifying that I am unable to share them here. But God is prepared for this. He is the only true and sovereign God. We will begin to see the manifestation of the sons of God who walk in boldness and unshakeable faith. They will walk in undeniable miracles, reject limitations, even physical limitations, defy the laws of nature, and walk simultaneously in heaven and on earth. They will have contact with angels, all for God's wonderful purposes to reap the final and greatest harvest of people for Jesus in human history. They will go on mission trips with no money in their wallet, full of confidence that they will experience supernatural provision from God. These people will walk in humility and we will hear nothing about many of them (they will not be known in the Christian world). Young people and even children will experience heaven in a way that will be natural to them.

    This is just the beginning of the gathering of a growing army that will stand in a position of total submission to God's intentions and purposes. These people will enjoy God's blessings, but in their hearts they will not be bound by them. They will face criticism and even hatred from other Christians, but they will respond in perfect, forgiving, unselfish love while remaining focused on their purpose.
    Pray for this prophetic word and allow the Holy Spirit to speak to you.

    A prophetic outlook for 2018 - part two

    I am posting part two of a prophetic outlook for 2018. Please do not share this part separately, both parts are linked together. I described and posted the first part of the prophetic perspective two days before this experience.
    Last night was very unusual, and its meaning was revealed to me by the Lord. Here is a description of that experience and its interpretation. Please consider it in prayer.

    I went to bed very tired at 10.30 p.m. After 30 minutes I fell asleep. At 11.59pm I woke up very aroused. After praying, I went back to sleep. The same thing happened an hour later, at 00:59 and then three more times in a row until 3:59 in the morning. When I woke up this time, a mosquito was buzzing over my ear and it was really annoying me. Six times I tried to chase it away with my arm and each time it returned. The sixth time, something rose up in me and in the name of Jesus I told him to die. This time there was no more buzzing or sign of the mosquito. Eventually I fell into a deep sleep, which is very unusual for me. In the morning I spent time with Jesus and wrote down my prophetic journey and He gave me an interpretation.

    The fact that I am awake means that God is beginning to awaken His church.
    The fact that I woke up exactly 59 minutes after every full hour means that we are not an hour before Christ returns but a minute. I understand that in prophecies God speaks through symbols and riddles. I asked Him about this last minute, what time it meant. He answered me that His coming is much closer than most of His children think.
    The fact that I woke up five times means that we still have a time of grace. The number 5 means grace.
    The fact that I tried to chase away the mosquito 6 times with my arm means that we tried to be victorious by our own strength, because the number 6 is the number of man and the arm means the strength of man.
    Finally something rose up in me and I commanded the mosquito to die and it died, and this means that the church is finally coming into the full true authority of the sons of God and will walk in supernatural victory without much effort.
    The fact that I returned to deep sleep at the end means that the church is entering into the true rest of God.

    Reinhard Hirtler

    1. co prawda ten Hirtler ponoć jest podejrzany wg niektórych kręgów w necie, ale zszokowało mnie to co napisałaś Iga. Otóż kilka dni z rzędu kąsają mnie komary w nocy i nie pomyślałbym, że przyczyną może być coś innego. Pisze poważnie. Nie dają mi spać. Zadzwoniłem do brata w wierze i ma to samo…
      Nie wiem co o tym myślec w kontekście tego proroctwa rzekomego…

      1. Nie znam go, dzisiaj rano znalazłam to przypadkiem, choć może nie koniecznie przypadkiem, może to jakaś odpowiedź na modlitwę żeby teraz zwrócić uwagę na takie proroctwa, nie wiem trudno powiedzieć ale wczoraj modliłam się, wołałam głośno do Boga ze łzami w oczch …
        So I found 2 things: this prophecy and a map with places where there are believers, I found one sister and I am going to email her tomorrow.

    2. Skupcie sie na ostatnim zdaniu. Mk13.22 “Powstaną bowiem fałszywi mesjasze i fałszywi prorocy i czynić będą znaki i cuda, żeby wprowadzić w błąd, jeśli to możliwe wybranych. 23 Wy przeto uważajcie! Wszystko wam przepowiedziałem.”
      We have everything announced. There's no need to add anything. It will not change anything. We calmly wait, observe the changes and if possible convert.

    3. To błędna interpretacja proroctwa Joela: Bóg nie zbiera swoich ludzi do doliny roztrzygnięcia lecz dokonuje sądu nad wrogami Izraela – Gogiem i Magogiem w dolinie sądu.

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