Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Why is the "Arch of Baal" rising in Washington, D.C. in September 2018?

The Bible clearly states: "the whole world is in the Evil One."


A reproduction of the infamous Arc de Triomphe of Palmyra will be on display in Washington, D.C. from Sept. 26 through Sept. 30. In ancient times, if you wanted to go to the Temple of Baal in Palmyra, you had to go through this arch, and on the way back you had to go through this arch again. The original arch was destroyed by ISIS in 2015, but has been restored, and reproduction has been periodically displayed in prominent locations around the worldIt has been pointed out that the arch is a "gateway" and many are concerned that the erection of this arch may be an open invitation to the being or entities that were originally associated with the arch. The timing of this arc's placement in the Washington, D.C. exhibition is also very interesting and will be at the end of the text.


The organization, which is putting the arc on display in DC this month, says it is "a symbol of peace and resilience" ...

The reconstructed Palmyra Arch, the original of which was the entrance to the temple of Baal (Satan) in Syria, will reappear in Washington as an "unlikely" "symbol of peace and resilience," according to Breaking Israel News.

The original in the Middle East was destroyed by ISIS in October 2015, but was re-created by the Institute for Digital Archaeology using 3D printing technology.

WND reported last year that the arc was in New York and London, and later when it was placed outside the Global Summit in Dubai. It was recently built.... for the G7 summit in Florence Italy.

It will be taken down at the end of this month.

This arch stood in front of the ancient "Temple of Bel," and this temple was later transformed first into a church and then into an Islamic mosque. The following summary is from Breaking Israel News ...

The original Roman victory arch was built at Palmyra in Syria in the late 2nd century AD. It originally stood in front of the temple of Bel, where pagans worshipped a Mesopotamian god, also known as Ba'al, in a form of idol worship that figures prominently in the Bible. The temple was dedicated in 32 AD, but was built on the site of an earlier temple that dates back to the third millennium BC.

The Temple of Bel, along with many other pagan places of worship in the area, was converted into a Catholic church during the Byzantine era. Parts of the structure were modified by the Arabs in 1132, who preserved the edifice and converted the Temple into a mosque.

The original arch was destroyed by the Islamic State (ISIS) in October 2015, but a year later the Institute of Digital Archaeology (IDA) used 3D printing technology to recreate a 20-foot full replica .

In ancient times, "Bel" and "Baal" were two names for the same ancient pagan deity. When we begin to wonder where this deity came from, we discover some absolutely startling things.

Below is a bit of description.


"Bel" is an ancient Babylonian term for "Lord" or "Master," and that "Baal" comes from this original root word ...

Bel ( b  l / ; of Akkadian bēlu ), meaning "lord" or "master," is a title, not a real name, applied to various deities in the Mesopotamian religion of Akad , Assyria , and Babylonia . The female form is Belit "Lady, Mistress." Bel is represented in Greek as Belos, and in Latin as Belus . Linguistically Bel is an East Semitic form related to the Northwest Semitic Baal of the same meaning.

It seems that the title "Bel" or "Baal" was originally used primarily for the Babylonian god Marduk. Here is more from Wikipedia ...

Bel was specifically used by the Babylonian god Marduk, and when found in Assyrian and Neo-Babylonian personal names or mentioned in inscriptions in a Mesopotamian context, it can usually be thought of as referring to Marduk and no other god. Similarly Belit without some sort of disambiguation refers mainly to Bel Marduk's spouse Sarpanit . However, Marduk's mother, a Sumerian goddess named Ninhursag , Damkina , Ninmah and other names in Sumerian, was often called Belit-ili "Lady God" in Acadadian.

Where did "Marduk" come from?

Well, many scholars have traced the worship of Marduk all the way back to the historical figure of Nimrod ...

Traditionally, the Tower of Babel event is associated with Nimrod, and Jewish commentaries, as well as the Jewish historian Josephus Flavius, seem very emphatic on this point. As for the Sumerian name Enmer-kar, the suffix "kar" means "hunter," so "Enmer-kar" is actually "Enmer the Hunter," just as Nimrod is referred to as "the Mighty Hunter" in Genesis 10. Furthermore, Enmerkar is listed in the Sumerian List of Kings as "the one who built Uruk," just as Nemrod is described in Genesis 10:10 as having a kingdom that began in "Babel (Eridu) and Erech (Uruk) ... in the land of Shinar. " After his death, Enmerkar was honored in Sumerian myth as the semi-divine hero Ninurta, and eventually this cult evolved into the great cult of Marduk, which became the state religion of Babylon after Hammurabi's conquests and religious innovations.

Are you starting to see how everything fits together?

What makes all of this increasingly disturbing for our day and time is that many prominent scholars, such as Tom Horn , Dr. Michael Lake and Peter Goodgame, are convinced that there appears to be a coming Antichrist and historical figure Nemrod in Scripture.

Is it possible that when we erect these symbols, we will be laying out "welcome mats" for the Antichrist?


For those familiar with the Bible, they already know that Baal worship is discussed extensively in the second half of the Old Testament.

Baal worship involved some very sick and twisted activities.


Well, it is true that "Baal" is mentioned over 100 times in the Bible. A very high percentage of modern world religions can be traced directly to this ancient deity and ancient Babylon, and the practices practiced in ancient Baal are "remarkably similar" to things that take place in today's society. Below is an excellent article by Matt Barber ...

The ritual worship of Baal, in sum, looked a bit like this: adults would gather around the altar of Baal. The infant would then be burned alive As a sacrificial offering to a deity. Amid horrific screams and the stench of charred human flesh, congregants - both men and women - engaged in bisexual orgies. The ritual of comfort was intended to create economic prosperity, prompting Baal to bring rain on the fertility of "mother earth."

The natural consequences of such behavior - pregnancy and childbirth - and the associated financial burdens of "unplanned parenthood" easily offset it. One can either choose to engage in homosexual behavior or, with a child sacrifice available on demand. simply participate in another fertility ceremony to "terminate" an unwanted child .

Modern liberalism differs little from its ancient predecessor. Although its macabre rituals have been sanitized with flowery and euphemistic terms of art, its basic principles and practices remain remarkably similar .

We tend to think that we are much more "advanced" than the pagan idol worshipers of the ancient world, but is that really the case?

They killed their children by the thousands, but we killed our children by the millions .

They had "free love" around the altars of Baal, but we turned it into a permanent lifestyle.

Crowds would gather around altars of Baal to watch bisexual orgies, but we turned away, watching others have sex in a billion dollar industry. An industry that originated in the Protestant USA, where decalogue and Law are rejected. 


Interesting that this memorial to Baal will rise at a time when the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh is being debated in Washington.

Could it be that those who want to keep child sacrifice legal in America are seeking some sort of supernatural help from demonic beings?

Is that the real reason this memorial is being built at this time?

It is also important to remember that this arch rises during the Feast of Tabernacles. As we already know from Bible prophecies , the theme of the Feast of Mats is related to God coming to dwell among people.


Satanists fake everything.

By setting up this arch in the most powerful city in the world, many believe that the other side is preparing a welcome mass for the Antichrist to come and dwell among us.

We live in a very strange world and it is becoming stranger every day ...

About the author: Michael Snyder is a nationally syndicated media personality and political activist. He is the publisher of major news stories and the author of four books, including The Beginning of the End and The Life That Really Matters .



Satan is marking his territory.

A few months ago, the Hindu demon goddess "Kali" was projected on the Empire State Building in New York City.

A Rabbi explained that it is no coincidence that the arch becomes the focal point of meetings of world leaders.

"It's like a child who builds a Lego tower that gets knocked over," Rabbi Berger explained. "After being knocked down several times, he builds a Lego tower next to his mother to stop her from being knocked down. The average person, Jew or non-Jew, has no tolerance for open idolatry. If someone built an altar to idolatry in the middle of a nice neighborhood, everyone will gather to destroy it. The average person has no desire for idolatry. So people who seek dark and ungodly power build their symbols of idolatry next to powerful politicians, in these pinnacles of power, so that normal people will not be able to destroy it... "





Updated: 19 September 2018 — 21:18


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  1. If one traces the journey of this arc around the world then one sees an extremely interesting picture.

    Initially this thing was to stand in the States (NY) under the name of baal temple but evangelicals from New York got together and protested very strongly. As a result of the protests the arch was abandoned and it was decided to move it to London. Interestingly, an effective trick was used in the form of a word game. Instead of temple the word arch was used, the replacement baal was used Palmira. In this way people bought it as a kind of archaeological curiosity.

    But it's not over. As always, the best is yet to come. Imagine that this arch was erected wherever there were some major meetings of world politicians. It was London when the cream of business and bankers met, then Italy when the G7 leaders met. Then it was somewhere else but now I do not remember where.I already know, in Dubai.

    An additional curiosity is that the participants of the G7 meeting (in London as well) passed under this arch which has a significant meaning. Looking at it from a spiritual point of view, one can say that such a rite of passage meant nothing more than receiving the spirit of baal.

    Every ancient temple had such an arch at the main entrance. Passing under this arch meant that a person entered the world of certain, let's say, spiritual powers and was, in a way, anointed by them.

    Following this line of thought, one can put forward the thesis that all those who took part in the reconstruction of this arch. All those who participated in the ceremonial (ritual) opening of this arch. All who took part in the meetings under the auspices of this arch (and therefore politicians) embraced the spirit of baal.

    I don't need much right now. There is no need to build a whole temple. It is enough to symbolically build its most important part - the arch, travel around the world, exhibit it during the biggest political events and in this way connect people with the so-called energy of the place.

    1. That is, Freemasons, Satan-worshipping Freemasons everywhere. The most interesting thing is that most of the conspiracy theories I observe (and they make some geopolitical sense - within the last beast) work out just as Spirit had already told me. Only as time goes on, more and more cards are revealed.
      Today I came across the gentleman who invented homeopathy and Boom, Freemason and master of the occult. You can check it out on wikipedia.

      1. Max Faktor - Polish Jew, founder of the famous Jezebel women's grooming company:

        1. I didn't know that a Jew from Zduńska Wola had made such a career.
          Estée Lauder - yes, yes also cosmetics and also a Jewish family.
          Their son Ronald Lauder founded a school in Warsaw where the children attend our mycko Prime Minister Morawiecki.
          And the circle of mutual adoration for the "chosen people" closes :)))
          I guess soon in this world poker the cards will fall apart and the public eye will see the last beast... Interesting times 🙂

          1. they take over everything. Einstein is said to have stolen ideas from Tesla and Mark Zuckberg from the Winklevoss twins.

            1. Edison also stole something from Tesla there....

  2. And I will also add the opinion of the well-known "blogger" Qanon:

    "Symbolism will be their downfall.
    Symbolism will be their downfall.

    We'll wait and see.

    1. It's so weird to me. After all, it's just some kind of arch, and I don't believe that passing under it puts every passerby under the power of demons. It reminds me of the superstition about going under a ladder. It only works on those who believe in it and are afraid of it. D
      Today the battle is about money and profit at all costs. Everything else is a hobby and the result of having too much money.
      By the way, I haven't dug up who puts up these arches. Maybe you know?

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