Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

L.O.L. - Luciferian toy.

I wanted to warn parents about an occult toy. Of course, as for the occult, some things are hidden. Seemingly it is a toy like any other, but if you look into the details, you will see that you are worshipping Lucifer through it, and I am already proving this.

Well, first of all, as we can see on the video and on the toy's packaging it is not a name but an abbreviation. After each letter there is a dot.


What does L.O.L. stand for ?

The abbreviation L.O.L stands for Lucifer Our Lord, which translates into Polish as "Lucifer Our Lord".


So as not to be a do-gooder I will show you the trendy satanic sweatshirts.


Do we see this seemingly random convergence?


That's not all.

Let's take a look at how "Christian" fashion is presented in the supers of these L.O.L. toys.




As we can see we are injecting our children with brothel-like fashion.

The dolls themselves, on the other hand, look as artificial as the plastic they are made of.


The question may be asked: how did such a children's toy fashion find the approval of Polish parents?


Here again, as usual, the Bible comes to our aid.


"My people perish for lack of knowledge"


We live in a Catholic country where people do not know the Word of God. Hence and they are perishing spiritually. Generations of selfish people and people who live by consumption and the trend of this world are now being formed.

Only with people who seek God and keep His commandments, such as the community of this blog, will you find information about where the line is between what is holy and what is not.

We live in an end time where there is a progression of evil.

Praise God for showing us what path we should not take.



Updated: 19 August 2018 — 16:07


Add a Comment
  1. These toys aren't even pretty, so I'm not surprised by the fashion/spiritual overtones in them... brrrrr :/.

  2. And how much unnecessary plastic to throw away, we are drowning in plastic....

  3. How old are you girl that you play with dolls? And you delight in prudish things. You'd better get to studying...helping your parents...or more serious age-appropriate things....

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