Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Jewish actor Karol Wojtyla made Croatian criminal Alojzije Stepinac - Archbishop of Zagreb - blessed.

Warning!!! The article is only for people who are at least 18 years old. 


Perhaps let's start with Charles W's background.



Yaakov Wise, a Jewish historian living in Manchester, claims that Pope John Paul II had Jewish origins. Yaakov Wise, a scholar of Jewish history and philosophy, became interested in the origins of Karol Wojtyla after looking at photographs of Karol Wojtyla's mother, Emilia Kaczorowska. Wise showed photos of Karol Wojtyla's mother to several people without telling them whose photos they were. "All [my interlocutors] said that [the person in the photo] looked Jewish. In view of this, I began researching her background." - Yaakov Wise said.

Wise says that however Karol Wojtyla's father was an ethnic Pole, his mother may have been of Jewish descent. "Emilia Kaczorowka is Emily Katz in English, and Katz is a popular name for Jews from Eastern Europe," - Wise believes.

Yaakov Wise also recalls that Emilia's father, Feliks Kaczowski, was an entrepreneur in Bielsko-Biała. Emilia's grandmother," continues Wise, "was called Maria Anna Scholz, 'that's Schulze in English, which is an equally popular surname among Jews, as well as Rybicka, or 'Ryback' as Karol Wojtyła's great-grandmother, Zuzanna, was called. All these names and their equivalents can be found in the Jewish cemetery in Bielsko-Biala," adds Yaakov Wise.

"The origins of the Pope [John Paul II] have been studied by American historians," says Wise, "But no one has studied family roots through the lens of the Jewish community, and as a Jewish historian, I have access to information that non-Jewish historians don't know [exists]."

"I'm not making any definitive summations," Wise says, "but I am saying that there is a lot of evidence that [Pope John Paul II] was Jewish."

"The [future] Pope's mother came from a Jewish community and married a Catholic. [This fact of Jewish origin] would shed light on why [the future] Pope had to hide from the Nazis in November 1940. If he had been ethnically pure Polish, this would not have been necessary."

“Wyjaśnia to również dlaczego ten Papież czuł wielką potrzebę poprawienia stosunków pomiędzy Kościołem w Rzymie a ludem żydowskim.” – konkluduje Yaakov Wise.”


We are subverting the sanctity of the man who was built hundreds (OK 700) monuments in Poland with taxpayers' money. Not only is it idolatry AND SPREADING, it is also making a saint of a man who kissed the Koran:



oraz uczynił błogosławionym zbrodniarza wojennego…





In 1946 he was sentenced by a communist court in Zagreb to 16 years in prison for collaboration with the Ushtashe and complicity in the forced conversion of Orthodox Serbs In 1992, the Parliament of independent Croatia annulled the trial. He was released from prison after five years, and the sentence was commuted to a ban on leaving the parish of Krašić. In 1952, he became a cardinal. In 1998, the Pope John Paul II declared him a martyr and beatified him.



Ustasze w bestialski sposób mordowali ludzi, a kosciół imperium Rzymu błogosławi biskupa Ustaszów…



John Paul II, a Freemason, made a criminal a saint. I do not understand how Catholics can be so calm with this information, which after all can be checked by worshipping a man and not God and the best actor in the history of the world. It follows that it is enough to be known and adored by the masses to make a saint out of an individual who notoriously breaks God's Law and in cardinal matters.


Below with Clinton and Masonic greetings and the 666 sign:



In Soweto, at the 1996 South African Bishops' Conference, John Paul II even allowed Bill Clinton to receive Communion!


With the same Clinton whose family and he are openly stuck in Satanism:






Stepanic za swoje zbrodnie spędził ostatnie lata swego życia w ….areszcie domowym….

śmiech przez gorycz….



The Ustasha "Banderovci" of Croatia, of which Stepanic was a field vicar and collaborator, skinned people alive, and impaled infants on bayonets.

If it were today they would post these people of Satan such a photo on Facebook.




On the night of August 28-29, 1942, the guards of the death camp in Jasenovac bet on which of them will slit more throats with a srbosjek. A transport of new prisoners arrives at the camp at the same time.

Petar Brzica, który wygra tę morderczą rywalizację, pochwali się potem, że zabił 1360 osób. Drugi ze strażników “na podium”, Mile Friganović, na swoim procesie po wojnie opowie: “W pierwszą godzinę zarżnąłem więcej ludzi niż pozostali. Nigdy w życiu nie czułem się tak szczęśliwy”. Zwycięzcy przypadł złoty zegarek, prosię i butelka wina. To tylko jedna z wielu nocy w obozie w Jasenovacu, zapewne wcale nie najbardziej krwawa…”



Katolicy robią z własnej naiwności człowieka, który znał 7 języków obcych, miał najlepszy wywiad na świecie nieświadomym historii i ludzi… Co za naiwność granicząca z głupotą.


People, get out of this church that the Bible says is drunk with the blood of the saints!!! Don't be hypocritical don't insult God by your presence in this church whose sins reach to heaven!!!!!

Protestants also, do not be hypocritical and get out of the churches supporting the church of Rome, entering into ecumenism, for you are participating in the sins of those churches.




Updated: 18 July 2018 — 09:48

1 Comment

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  1. Może i było miło widzieć coś o Chorwacji na mundialu (w przeciwieństwie do Francji), ale niemniej jednak dziękuję za przypomnienie że i tam jest ciemna karta historii…owszem, wiedziałam już o tym, ale dziękuję że mogłam znów o tym się dowiedzieć…

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