Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Pogrzeb żony prezydenta Jacksona – Lady Bird Jackson.

God through His Word tells us that the whole world is in the Evil One or the Devil and it is so.

One indisputable piece of evidence for this is the funeral ceremony of Lady Bird Jackosn, wife of the president who succeeded the assassinated Kenedy.


Look closely at the famous horn gesture of important notables.

As you can see not only heavy metal show such gesture but also influential politicians and priests of the church of Rome!


It's not just the Romans who do this. A Polish pastor known from the internet shows the 666 sign quite often.

This does not at all mean that all priests are evil and hold with the Evil One, but it does mean that such people are among the clergy. Clergy sometimes not of the right spirit.


Lady Bird jackson passed away on July 11, 2007. She died at home of natural causes at the age of 94  In the presence of family members and the Rev. Robert Scott, a Catholic priest.


Let's also recall Hilary Clinton's gesture:



and her daughter:




They have their god, but are you willing to follow Jesus?

Not for the church, but for Jesus, because even Catholics don't have churches on their chains, but crosses.


The President's Wife:



and Grandma Bush:



Pastor Joel Osetan


There is a lot of material. I would have to devote several hours to it.

The truth is brutal. The world is ruled by men who, unlike the Lord Jesus who was tempted in the wilderness, have not denied the devil the kingdoms of this world and the honors.


Benny Hinn, Copeland and others:


Can you talk about Jesus and stand on the other side? One can. Besides, the Roman church itself does this.


Updated: 25 May 2018 — 17:25


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  1. Today I started what I have been planning for a long time, which is to start my own evangelistic activity on yt.

    The title, on the whole, is accidental.

    I don't care about ratings, but I would like to get the word out to people, so I would ask for some mini-promotion to let people know that something like this exists.

    1. Congratulations. My wife and I were just discussing today that admitting to people that you sin is easy. Everyone will understand you. And admitting to Jesus in public, you get comments like: he's crazy, a sectarian, a heretic, he's talking nonsense because a priest knows better what the faith is, don't tell stories, I don't want to hear it etc. Amazing 🙂 .

  2. Przypadek? Nie sądzę…

  3. I need your help. Something is bothering me. It urges me to blaspheme against God, the Holy Spirit. Of course I don't allow these thoughts, I chase them away with Scripture reading, prayer and even singing, but it comes back time after time. It's tiring, I'm afraid 🙁 Please pray for me.

    1. Pray and it will pass on its own with God's help, I once had such insistent thoughts that Satan and God are one person but that was a long time ago.

      Why don't you do something else so you don't have to think about it?

    2. Sviatoslav, prayed. Grab some Gospel. In my case, the New Testament works best as a sword against evil. Today I was listening to Daniel and it is a little sad that many will fall away from the covenant with God in the end times. So let us fight with all our might and ask God, Jesus, the Spirit for protection. Hang in there!

    3. Don't be afraid, because through fear you give them access to you.
      Think about what else is there in your life to transform?
      Did you get baptized?
      And demonic attacks will happen all the time, only you have to learn to face them
      You control them, the Lord has given you
      God's blessing on you and to the battle, may the Holy Ghost support you and encourage you?

      1. Thank you for your support, it makes my heart feel warmer at once. Unfortunately, leno, I was baptized only when I was an infant, and for now, until I turn 18, I can't even leave the Krk (since my parents decide for me, they said that about my religion too, but I only have two years left). I have had similar attacks before, only directed against not only God but also family. They weakened considerably and now they are gone, but something even worse has just appeared. Thank you again for your support ♥.

  4. I was reminded of how Copeland himself laid hands on Trump at one of his pre-election prayer meetings.

  5. Sorry for changing the subject.

    I have a question for those with more knowledge than me, perhaps someone has already worked through this topic:

    What is your opinion on supplementation when exercising at the gym? I mainly mean the supplements themselves. I do not eat meat:)

    Please help.

  6. I'm curious if Corpse will succeed in withdrawing the L.Johnson amendment. He announced it back in 2017 but I guess he failed to push it through congress because there is silence in the media.

    If he succeeded in doing so then at one stroke the states would lose their main pillar which is the separation of (official) state and church.
    The Johnson Amendment effectively (at least in its official version) blocked the influence of Catholic as well as Protestant officials in political life under threat of losing their tax exemption.

    In 1999, the Lutheran community signed an agreement with Rome whereby, according to both parties, an agreement on justification by grace alone was reached and this officially ended the existence of the Reformation. Charismatic, evangelical circles active in both Catholics and many Protestant denominations (there is such a hybrid as Reformed Evangelical Catholic (!)) announced to the world the end of the Protest.

    Many people have missed some of the most important parts of this process. Namely, throughout these years, the public has been conditioned to adopt a certain pattern of thinking:
    – nastąpił podział w jedynym prawdziwym ciele Chrystusa (czytaj kościele rzymskim);
    – duch owego podziału ma pochodzenie demoniczne;
    Which ultimately = Protestantism has demonic origins.

    Od 1999 do 2018 liczne denominacje protestanckie podpisały deklaracje przywracające prymat Rzymu w postaci…. zachowywania niedzieli. I tym samym każdy protestant, który obchodzi niedzielę z automatu uznaje zwierzchnictwo Rzym czy tego chce czy nie chce.


    Prince (as the gummies used to say) William is making his first ever trip to Israel for a visit. Launching June 25, visit locations: Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and Ramallah. Interesting, interesting.

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