Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

And pray that your escape does not fall in the winter or on the Sabbath.

Jesus spoke to the Judeans about the times immediately following His ascension:


And pray, so that your escape doesn't fell out in the winter or in shabbat" (Matthew 24:20),


From just this one verse, we see how our Lord authorized the Sabbath. He spoke these prophetic words not to the Judaists, for they did not consider Him to be the Messiah, but He spoke them to Christians of Judean origin.

40 years later, those Christians who conformed to the words of Jesus Christ fled from the Romans. The rest were slaughtered.



A Roman army led by future emperor Titus Flavius and procurator Tiberius Julius Alexander besieged Jerusalem, which had been under Jewish control since 66 AD. Jerusalem. After a siege that had lasted since February, the Roman army succeeded in defeating two of the three lines of the city wall in May and in capturing the Antonia Fortress in July. Shortly thereafter, the Second Temple burned down, and with it much of the dense inner city. The last points of resistance on the Temple Mount were defended until August. With the fall of Jerusalem, the balance of victory tipped in favor of the Romans, although Masada, the last isolated point of resistance, did not fall until 73 AD.

As a result of the fighting and sacking of the city, Jerusalem was destroyed, and a large number of its inhabitants were killed or exterminated. The destruction of the temple is still commemorated today by the Jewish holiday of Tisha b'Av. One of the memorials of the siege is the Arch of Titus built in Rome to commemorate the capture of Jerusalem." wikipedia


Those who obeyed God were saved, and those who trusted their lives to false teachers perished.

That's the way it's going to be now, too. If you go to a doctor, you want a good doctor. So who are you going to trust about the Sabbath and God's Law in general? Teachers or God?

The Lord Jesus knew very well that the early Christians would observe the Sabbath, and so He told them to pray that their escape would not fall on the seventh day of the week.


Praying that the escape would not fall on the Sabbath was related to the closing of the gates for the Sabbath. Once they were closed there would indeed be no turning back:


Nehemiah 13:19-21 speaks of the necessity of closing the gates of Jerusalem when Saturday comes:

"And I gave a command, Since darkness shall cover the gates of Jerusalem before the Sabbath, the gates shall be shut. And a second command, They shall not be opened until after the Sabbath" Ne 13:19.


Let's look at today's free Sundays. Cities look like they are surrounded by invisible walls and the gate is closed and that is why they are empty on free Sundays.

So the Sabbath is important.


"Jesus Christ yesterday and today, the same and for ever "


It is also very likely, knowing the Bible, that in the time of God's wrath, which will be the Great Tribulation, there will be a pogrom against Christians on the Sabbath. Perhaps the antichrist will make an ostentatious show. Who knows if on the Sabbath day the Lord Jesus will not rescue His people, just as He rescued those who held to His prophecy.



Have a blessed Sabbath for the followers of Jesus.




Updated: 25 May 2018 — 12:18


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  1. There you have it,a beautiful summary and another argument that the Lord Jesus Christ did not change anything.
    It is only the rebels who are breaking the Holy Day of the Lord, looking for excuses as if we are no longer bound by the commandments.
    May our good God open the eyes, ears and hearts of all those who seek Him with all their hearts.
    So that they may know our God, for He does not change.
    He is the same Almighty of the ST,let the DWA lead us into the Truth.
    To all children Almighty blessed rest,peace of Christ our Lord with us all ?

    1. I've added it to the text now:

      It is also very likely, knowing the Bible, that in the time of God's wrath, which will be the Great Tribulation, there will be a pogrom against Christians on the Sabbath. Perhaps the antichrist will make an ostentatious show. Who knows if on the Sabbath day the Lord Jesus will not rescue His people, just as He rescued those who held to His prophecy.

      1. The thought occurred to me recently that the antecedent will abolish free Sunday and institute a free Saturday in his honor (to insult God more). And of course he will demand this worship every Saturday, and who will not worship is we already know what 🙂

        1. too much importance is placed on Sunday for that to be the case.
          The truth is that this Sunday is officially free

  2. Have a blessed and peaceful Shabbat brothers and sisters 🙂
    May God tear down all strongholds of Satan and give people (especially those teaching the Scriptures) a better knowledge of His Law and ways. In the power of the name of Jesus we ask this, Amen!

  3. And again I have a planned work on Saturday, how badly I have to sit near Poznan just to do something in the morning and be free but Saturday is spoiled.

  4. HalleluYAH!
    Shabbat Shalom for the people of God! ?

  5. AMEN! Praise be to God and Jesus Christ Our Lord Blessed Sabbath

  6. thanks to the Lord God for the rest He gives in fellowship with HIM

  7. "It is also very likely, knowing the Bible, that in the time of God's wrath, which will be the Great Tribulation, there will be a pogrom against Christians on the Sabbath. Perhaps the antichrist will make an ostentatious show. Who knows whether on the Sabbath day the Lord Jesus will not rapture His people, as He saved those who held to His prophecy."

    God makes it clear in Revelation that those who are to die by the sword will die by the sword, and those who are to go into captivity are to go into captivity. No one will God save from martyrdom if it is chosen for him, as he has declared in Scripture. He will give strength so that the devil will not overcome them. It is the blood of Christ's martyrs that will be poured out by the peoples in the future that will be the cause of God's wrath for the murder of innocent members of the body of Christ. God's retaliation for the murders of the Antichrist will follow. It was when Stephen was being stoned that he appealed to Jesus not to retaliate/read it to them as sin. Stephen wanted their conversion. Some will be saved, of course. There will only be one rapture, at the very end of time. I don't know where this is spreading from, the rapture before the coming of the Antichrist. Are you suggesting that God will give a dispensation from what He has prepared in the prophecies?

    1. Peter, I congratulate you on your confidence, because I don't have that when it comes to kidnapping.
      If we consider these 2,000 years since Christ as the Egyptian slavery, or rather the Roman slavery, then it is time for those marked with the blood of the Lamb on the doorstep to be saved from the angel of death.
      A wonderful rescue, a wonderful going out through the sea (people) and leading to salvation.

      Unlike you, I take and second eventuality that the grasping will be one at the end.

      There are many arguments that the rapture will occur before the Great Tribulation. I know more than that here:

      1. It's wrong if you say you don't have confidence about this topic based in Scripture.

        "Unlike you, I take also the other eventuality that the rapture will be one at the end."

        I.e. how unlike me? After all, I believe based on scripture that there will be no rapture before the great tribulation 🙂 only at the end. Even after the millennial kingdom. How can you be contrary to me 🙂 I guess we misunderstood each other.
        Jesus brought us out of Egyptian bondage by His death on the Cross. The king of Tyre (Satan) (Isaiah) was humbled and disarmed (as Paul wrote about in the epistles). We are not in bondage to Satan (Egypt), but away from the serpent (this is in Revelation). Babylon is all that is left.
        Of course, you are right as a person returns to sin, turns away from Jesus and His sacrifice, that person returns to the yoke of the demon (Egypt) as Paul wrote. He warned us not to go back to what we have been set free from.

        The bondage of Egypt is no more; Pharaoh was a figure of a demon, as was the king of Tyre. Now the Woman has fallen into Babylon. We have come out of Egypt and are being fed through the time of the times and the half times. In Daniel it says that the destroyer of the saints lasts for the time of times and half the time (as long as the Woman is fed:) ) after him comes judgment and its end. Revelation quotes the Septuagint which is why people don't add Daniel, because in the Hebrew it is until the time of times and half the time. The Septuagint translates through the time of the times and the half of the times like Revelation. Everything is added every iota.

        Babylon, is the land that came to the aid of the woman. The end of persecution (water from the throat of the demon Ap) external and the beginning of internal. In this Babylon the demon destroys the woman and leads her into harlotry (destroys those who uphold the law of God and the testimony of Jesus).
        Notice John's amazement. A woman led into the wilderness after Jesus' crucifixion (out of Spiritual Egypt, fed safely for a time and half the time, away from the serpent because Baptism gives the yoke of God and not Satan), yet suddenly in the wilderness she becomes a harlot (Rev 17)... And his jaw drops in astonishment... How so 🙂
        Are you suggesting that the rapture before the Antichrist made the woman safe but she suddenly became a "prostitute"? That just doesn't stick. I prefer to think and read the Scriptures as God says them, not play around with different people's theology. All of Babylon is now moving toward its Apogee. They are waiting for their Prince to sit on the throne and with him the plagues are falling. For the demon brings no blessing but his stench, or misery.

  8. I have this guiding thought for today:

    It is not necessary to keep God's commandments!
    - He who recognizes in this the speech of the serpent And not of Christ truly has the gift of discerning tongues and DS dwells in him....

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