Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."


The fight against corpofarmacia continues.


From the stopnop page:


For those who have received a subpoena to appear as a witness, please contact us urgently by emailing

Stories of vaccine complications in children whose parents have filed complaints with prosecutors. NOPs were not reported, including three deaths!


W.R.: Two years ago my daughter was vaccinated for measles, mumps and rubella. Of course, I was told that she might run a slight fever "today". Before the vaccination, my daughter was not tested, the question was just "is she healthy" - she was. After the vaccination we noticed changes in her behaviour (we didn't associate it with the vaccination) i.e. isolation, interest in objects and lack of energy (I used to call her "THIS IS MY LITTLE ZOSIA SAMOSIA") and when I looked at her I thought to myself "what's the matter with you dear, what else can I give you, because your eyes are so unhappy". About 5-6 days after the vaccination she became sleepy, she could fall asleep under the table and when she woke up she was still asleep. She also had a fever, which was caused by nothing, no runny nose or cough. On the 8th day after vaccination she had a crying attack at night, which was impossible to calm down. On the 9th day everything was fine, no symptoms, healthy, happy, only more sleepy. The next day she again cried at night, vomited mucus and had a fever. In the morning I went with her to the hospital because of the sleepiness, vomiting and crying. They admitted us, although they stated that nothing was really going on, she only had an ear infection. They put her on a crib, put her on a drip and she didn't wake up... They didn't do anything, I asked them to take an interest in her because she was still sleeping and I heard "Let her sleep, she has the right because she has a small infection". Around 1.30 p.m. she started to breathe strangely, I heard "It's normal, because she has a runny nose". However, I demanded that someone look at her. It was too late. During the examination she stopped breathing. Around 3 p.m. we were taken by ambulance to a regional hospital where a CT scan showed a massive stroke and no chance of survival. The next day, brain death. Two weeks after the vaccination she was disconnected from the apparatus.



Agnieszka Janicka-Kwiecień: 30 hours after 6w1 Infarix Hexa vaccination (child 2.5 months old) - loss of consciousness, no contact, protrusion of right arm and leg, immediate hospitalisation, examination for epilepsy, but also general. After 3 days of observation he was discharged home, after the hospital he had enteritis and a month of continuous colds, cough, runny nose.... The incompetent doctors we encountered, so far no reported adverse vaccine reaction, but we are fighting.


Agata Lange: After Infanrix Hexa and Rotarix we suffered from decreased axial tension, increased tension in arms and legs, the child was constantly sleepy. After the second dose, which I agreed to despite my bad experiences, we had diarrhea, motor development stoppage and even more tension. Today we are diagnosed with cerebral palsy, but there are no changes in the brain.

Karolina Rojek: Death after withdrawn Euvax B vaccine. Story of Zuzia, who died, told by her mother from the 8th minute on TV in Lodz.…/inform…/lwd/wideo/01082013-1830/11963097' and Question for Breakfast featuring her:
Mother's letter: "Hello, I am the mother of a daughter vaccinated with Euvax B vaccine from the withdrawn series. In the first week after the vaccination, problems started, my daughter stopped eating and started vomiting. I reported the problems to the doctor in the area and to the community nurse who still came to see me after the birth - all the health professionals told me that it was "impossible that it was vaccine related", told me I had a protein diathesis or said that "breast milk doesn't taste good to her". No one reported it as a NOP - and neither did I, because I didn't have time. Two weeks after the vaccine, my daughter ended up in the NICU with severe heart failure - she couldn't suckle - that's why she didn't eat!
2.5 months later, she died while waiting for a heart transplant, one day after she turned 4 months old....
During this fight for her health, we were repeatedly told by cardiologists, cardiac surgeons and other general practitioners that NOP could be the cause of her condition, as they had already had such severe cases after vaccinations - but they could not prove it. Zuzia had all the tests done to rule out congenital heart defects and defects caused by myocarditis - everything seemed to indicate that within 2 weeks, from a healthy baby who had an Apgar score of 10/10 points after birth, she developed a fatal heart disease!
Is there no justice in Poland, is it really possible to legally murder children under the aegis of the law, in accordance with mandatory vaccinations, and be unpunished?
carolina rojek
Paulina Kuraś: After Infanrix Hib Ipv 5w1 and Euvax B (administered in the 6th week of life), on the second day after vaccination our daughter started crying, which lasted two days with a short break at night when she fell asleep exhausted. Then it turned out that she had problems with sucking the breast, which had never happened before. When I tried to feed her she became hysterical. During the examination the doctor also stated that my daughter had lost the skills she had acquired at birth, as if she had regressed in development. Her asymmetry of body and head position increased, as well as torticollis. The neurologist diagnosed decreased muscle tone and delayed motor development, for which she has been undergoing rehabilitation for two months. Moreover, the doctor confirmed atopic dermatitis, the first symptoms of which appeared about two weeks after the vaccination.

Marcin Zdeb: Emilka's health problems occurred less than two days after the last series of vaccinations Infarnix Hexa, Rotarix , Synflorix, that is on 22.04.2011. The first symptoms that were observed were seizures combined with passing stool and elevated temperature. Currently, my daughter is 3 years old. Emilka has delayed psychomotor development. She doesn't hold her head, doesn't sit up, doesn't even put her hands in her mouth, not to mention speaking or reacting to external stimuli such as voice, touch etc. Medications that were introduced to reduce the number of seizures did not bring any results. Emilka was diagnosed as having drug-resistant epilepsy and a ketogenic diet was suggested. We have been on this diet for 2 years thanks to which the number of seizures has halved and rehabilitation can take place more frequently and with better results. She has better control of her head position, the muscle tension in her lower limbs has decreased, but her hands are still weak although she tries to bring them closer to her face more and more often. The diet is tedious, connected with precise weighing of food (every 1 gram of the product), which unfortunately consists mainly of fats. The baby was reluctant to eat home-made mixes. Without eating whole portions it was difficult to get her into the state of ketosis necessary for anti-seizure activity. About 8 months ago we started having serious problems with vomiting caused by even a minimal amount of water (or any liquid). Emilka was admitted several times
Emilka was admitted to hospital due to dehydration and after various attempts of irrigation (drips, nasogastric tube) it was decided to insert a PEG (a tube introduced through the abdominal wall directly into the stomach). Feeding directly into the stomach helps us to provide Emilka with the necessary daily amount of water. Currently Emilka goes to hospital every 5-6 weeks. Problem with brain atrophy (increasingly worse results
in MRI scans) caused by a metabolic disease (undiagnosed - and it is likely to stay that way) poses a threat of brain stem damage which will lead to a loss of basic life activities such as breathing or heart function in Emilka. Such a scenario and the lack of any rescue was presented to us by the doctors. According to the doctors, Emilka will not live to see her 10th birthday.

E.M.: After Infanrix and hepatitis B we developed a strong skin allergy. After MMR the child could not have a bowel movement for 3 weeks. Until now (9 years old) she has AD!

U.B-B.: after MMR he had a fever lasting 2 weeks (the doctor didn't see any problem with it), then severe measles (there was no spot on his body without a blemish), on day 15 post-vaccination polyneuropathy (loss of sensation, paralysis of lower limbs - but the doctor wrote in the documentation "probably after vaccination", because our parents were sent to toxicology, because maybe we were high and we poisoned the child. Over a year of private rehabilitation with my own money to make my son walk properly.

M.F.K.: My son received EUVAX B on the first day and BCG on the second - he cried all night. I have photos, where you can see that immediately after birth his fingers are straight and in the hospital documentation there is an entry that there are no problems with muscle tone. After leaving the hospital he had abnormal muscle tone, and asymmetrical positioning. Over a year of rehabilitation by the state and partly privately. He would not look in the eye and would look away when you looked at him. He slept 22-23 hours a day and did not develop. Nothing interested him. Outside, he never opened his eyes. He hardly ever cried, nothing bothered him. It was like that actually for 3 months. His hands were clenched much longer. He received Infarix Hexa at 6 weeks. That was the end of vaccinations. The NOP was still not reported, despite the doctor's assurances that she would report it, which means that after 2 years she decided that the NOP had occurred.

M.D.: My daughter, born on 23rd February, was vaccinated according to the obligatory vaccination schedule. No one had ever informed me that vaccination might pose a serious risk to the child's health or even life. They only mentioned possible slight reactions in the form of redness, raised temperature or lack of appetite. After vaccinations, such reactions always occurred, but they disappeared after a few days. On 4 July, I went for vaccinations with a completely healthy, 4.5 month old, cheerful and well-developed child (which was confirmed by the qualifying examination). My daughter received another dose of the DPT + oral Polio vaccine. Immediately after receiving the vaccine, my daughter made a very strange, almost inhuman sound. It was a prolonged, very long and extremely loud squeal lasting for an exceptionally long time, with a uniformly high tone (later I found out that it was a so-called cerebral scream, a neurological symptom). It was an absolutely "inhuman" sound and, believe me, it could not be confused with anything else or forgotten. When it was over, she started to cry terribly, I could not calm her down in any way. She had never cried like that before. After a few minutes she suddenly became quiet. She lost consciousness, became very pale, even gray. It was impossible to see that she was breathing. She was completely limp, her eyeballs seemed to have collapsed, barely drawing under her eyelids. A doctor arrived; he could not feel a pulse. After a long while he managed to hear a very weak pulse. The clinic was closed (the part for healthy children had a separate entrance, patients were moved to a separate part for the sick). I was left alone in the waiting room with my child, who was barely breathing and gave no other signs of life. The doctor only came every few minutes and checked for a pulse. As time went on, the pulse got stronger and stronger. Then the baby girl seemed to come back a few times and drift off again. This went on for about half an hour, maybe longer. I sat with the conscious but almost inert baby in the waiting room for several dozen minutes. The doctor did not call an ambulance, did not inform me what had actually happened. He only said in hushed tones that it sometimes happens after vaccinations. My daughter was still very pale and weak, although she was conscious. He told me to go home and if anything happened (he didn't say what) I should go to the hospital immediately. When I got home the baby slept for over 12 hours and when she woke up it was as if someone had switched her. Instead of a happy, contactable little girl, I had a doll with no contact. I had to wait over a year for her next conscious smile. I reported the problems to my doctor (the same one) but he downplayed everything, told me that I was oversensitive and so on. Even though my daughter wouldn't let him touch her, examine her. He urged me to get vaccinated again and to pay for additional vaccinations. Since then my child has been ill all the time. I would like to point out that until the day of the vaccination she was completely healthy. From the day of the vaccination to over two years, there hasn't been a month without a serious illness. Mostly weird upper respiratory infections and intestinal problems. Physically the child was developing quite well but mentally she seemed to stop developing. She stopped being interested in toys, did not react to me or anyone close to me, could stare at the wall for hours, and cried constantly for no apparent reason. Her pupils wouldn't constrict, she was afraid of sounds, she wouldn't allow us to cuddle her, she would tense up, she wouldn't react to being called, she would hit her head on the floor or walls. Her stools were tragic, undigested, smelly. I reported all this to the doctor. I heard that it was my fault, because I should have vaccinated her with the vaccines he recommended I buy. He only prescribed more antibiotics which did not work. In the end, she could only take prescription antibiotics in suppositories because she had lost the ability to swallow (I had to give her all her food in pap form). When she was about 2 years old she ended up in the hospital with some sort of strange illness. She was vomiting brown slurry, very weak, emaciated, and I was afraid of dehydration. It was undiagnosed at the hospital, no doctor could tell what was going on and why. Then she developed bilateral pneumonia. As a result of prolonged administration of various antibiotics and then strong steroids, my daughter's liver was severely damaged. We spent a month in the hospital. We left without a definite diagnosis, but fortunately, the constant illnesses ended. From that point on, my daughter's mental development began to catch up. She had to be on a special diet for many years because her digestive system was not functioning properly. She underwent many years of therapy (privately) and is healthy today. I refused further vaccinations and was called to the Sanitary Inspectorate about it. There I reported everything that happened immediately after the vaccination and further complications concerning development and health. However, this was not accepted. I was also referred to the Vaccination Advisory Centre, where I also reported what had happened to my child immediately after vaccination. I was laughed at and told that it was simply impossible as such reactions to vaccines do not happen. I was told to continue vaccinating and only to change the pertussis vaccine to one without live pertussis. It was also suggested that I be vaccinated in a hospital setting so that I could save my baby right away if the situation recurred. Of course, I never vaccinated my daughter again.
From another doctor I found out what really happened. Based on the examination and my description, he told me that it was a hypotonic-hyporesponsive syndrome with loss of consciousness and breathlessness and a post-vaccinal encephalopathy. I had been lied to many times before, both by the doctor and at the Health Department, because this is a rare but typical adverse reaction to the DPT vaccine.
This reaction has been extensively studied and described in the medical literature (I attach below an article on this subject by Jacek Wysocki and Hanna Czajka).
It was only after several years that I managed to obtain copies of the medical documentation from the clinic (despite many requests, I was constantly refused, then I was told that the documentation was lost, and finally, by some miracle, it was found). In this documentation there is not only an entry concerning what happened immediately after the vaccination, in the clinic, in front of the nurses and the doctor. There is not even an entry about the fact that the vaccination took place at all. In my child's health book I only have an entry for the date of vaccination but there is no entry for the name or serial number of the vaccine. There are also no entries concerning the child's continuous illnesses, administered medications, hospital stays (the doctor gave referrals, after all) or reported problems with the child's development. Just blank pages.
Our case is not even a statistical one, it was never included in any statistics because it was simply never reported for Adverse Vaccine Reactions or complications.
Instead of support and help, all we received were insults (irresponsible anti-vaccinationists, child-bearing mother, etc.), the nurse threatened me with the police and the revocation of my parental rights, I was mocked at the Sanitary Inspectorate and at the consultation centre, they tried to intimidate me, they called my family members, both near and far, telling them that I was irresponsible and not vaccinating my child, demanding that they influence my decision.

J.T.: Description of the health problems my child experienced after being given vaccines:
1) 12.11.2011r: BCG,Hepatitis B(Euvax B).
About 15 hours after the vaccination a high fever of up to 40 degrees, increased muscle tension and seizures occurred. Our son was transferred from the hospital in Międzyrzecz to the Neonatology Clinic in Poznań.
2) 2.02.2012 r: Infarix IPV + Hib,Euvax B
12 days after administration there were two fairly severe epileptic seizures, the son did not have a fever but seemed to be in his own world since the vaccine was administered. The child's condition returned to a satisfactory level after 10 days
3) 15.03.2012 r: Infarix IPV+ Hib
On the 3rd day after the administration, my son seemed to "fly through his hands", this time the muscle tone dropped and he squinted a lot. It wasn't until the next day that he was back to his pre-vaccine state.
4) 19.04.2012r: Infarix IPV+ Hib
On the third day after administration, the son practically lost contact with the world for about 3 weeks. One after another epileptic seizure and, as a result, epileptic state forced the doctors to put the child into pharmacological coma and put him under ventilator for 7 days. A CT scan showed approximately 1 cm of subdural hydrops in the brain. Additionally, pneumonia developed.

L.N.: My daughter received her first vaccination right after birth. The doctors said that I had infected her with gbs because she was positive and they gave her penicillin. When she was 2 weeks old a protein diathesis came out, so they told us to wean her and give her Bebilon Pepti. At 3 weeks she developed a urinary tract infection and spent a week in the hospital. They said that the inflammation was caused by poor hygiene of the child, which I think is absurd, because the child was washed every day and I took care of hygiene. At the age of 10 weeks she received the Infanrix Hexa vaccine - at night she had a slight fever and everything was fine. At the age of 3.5 months after another dose of this vaccine she lost consciousness after 6 hours. In the ward a urine test was done - it showed bacteria. We were told that the loss of consciousness was not caused by the vaccination but by the bacteria. I would like to add that before the vaccination tests were done and there was no bacteria. At the moment, due to the allergy, the child is on a dairy-free and gluten-free diet.

M.L.: In our case it started already on the first night. The baby was born at 3.25 and around 11 she received BCG and EUVAX B vaccines. I thought it was because I hadn't had any milk yet and she was hungry, but now I know that it was the first NOP after vaccination. As it turned out yesterday in the documents from the hospital there is no mention of her crying. In the 6th week of her life we were in the hospital because the lymph node in her left armpit had grown to 4x3cm. The lymph node in the left armpit had enlarged to 4x3cm and a 1cm abscess had formed at the injection site, which burst after a few days in hospital. The pus sample sent for examination showed staphylococcus. Fortunately, my daughter responded to the antibiotic and after 9 days the node started to shrink without abscessing and the anticipated surgery. No NOP was reported and the hospital discharge note indicated anaphylactic shock as a result of properly administered medication, which never happened.

J.A.:My baby was born on 28.10.2008 healthy and strong, he got ten points on the Apgar scale. It was my first pregnancy at the age of 24 and it went fine. After a natural childbirth at 40 weeks of pregnancy my daughter was born. She weighed 3730g and was 58 cm long. All parameters were within normal limits. On the very first day of her life on 28.10.2008 our daughter was vaccinated with two vaccines Euvax B UVA 08023 and BCG 01007 without our knowledge, consent and information on the side effects of vaccinations. Next, without informing us about the risk of side effects and at the pediatrician's advice, our child was vaccinated with a series of Pentaxim pentavalent combination vaccines. On 19.02.2009 the child received Pentaxim vaccine series D4077-3, which was later withdrawn from circulation by the decision of the Chief Pharmaceutical Inspectorate: No one informed us of possible complications prior to vaccination. When called for vaccinations, we continued to visit the clinic. Our daughter had the most serious vaccination reaction on 28.01.2010 after PRIORIX A09CC068A was administered by a doctor at the same clinic. The child screamed unnaturally, cried uncontrollably for hours after vaccination, had a high body temperature above 39 degrees Celsius and fell into a very hard, deep sleep for hours. The adverse vaccination reaction was not reported, we were assured that it was normal. The last time the child was vaccinated was on 27.07.2010 with Pentaxim vaccine, before the vaccination we were called from the clinic and reminded about it. After the PRIORIX vaccine our daughter changed beyond recognition from a healthy, happy and properly developing child (this was confirmed by the qualifying examination). She became irritable, lethargic, tearful, lost her appetite, became afraid of people, stopped recognizing faces and had trouble sleeping. For 1.5 years after that vaccine the child would wake up at night at 1-2 o'clock and would not sleep until morning, sleeping only a few hours a night. The child became hyperactive and overactive. He stopped speaking and understanding what was being said to him, and stopped communicating. Numerous sensory disturbances appeared, including impaired tactile perception (proprioception and surface sensation), impaired vestibular perception (balance), impaired olfactory perception (hypersensitivity), difficulties in motor planning, and decreased muscle tone. On the basis of specialist examinations the child was diagnosed with encephalitis, hepatic fibrosis, eating disorders, disorders of the immune system, numerous and recurrent infections of the digestive and urinary tracts and a number of health problems with which we struggle to this day. On 31.12.2010 we went to see the pediatrician about bringing up the subject of adverse vaccine reactions again (we had been ignored before). We were once again ignored by the doctor. The doctor refused to listen to us, denying in advance that it was not from vaccinations. The doctor refused to accept, write up and report the NOP. At the same visit, he issued a referral to the psychological clinic with the diagnosis of conduct disorder. We reported our case to the District Sanitary and Epidemiological Station, but the Sanitary and Epidemiological Department, after inspecting the clinic, told us that since the adverse vaccination reaction was not noted in the child's medical records, it apparently did not exist. Our daughter is now 5 years old. She is disabled, does not speak, has neurological problems, constant infections, very low immunity, a number of health problems mentioned above. We continue to fight for her health.

E.P.: My 10 year old son 2 weeks after MMR started to have severe, sudden headaches, dizziness, shortness of breath, he was getting sick. Later he had pain in his joints. It lasted more than half a year, now it happens occasionally, but he has problems with concentration and focus. Examination at ENT, ophthalmologist (bottom of the eye), neurologist, abdominal ultrasonography and CT scan of the head showed nothing significant and confirming these problems. Daughter vaccinated in the first day of BCG and Hepatitis B Hepavax Gene at 16:30 in the morning (and probably at night) temperature 38.5 degrees C. Restless, slept very poorly, could not sleep even 2 hours , hypersensitivity to sounds, abdominal pain, colic, constipation, very pathetic crying . Around 2-3 weeks of age for about a week, a week and a half began a sudden shrill crying in her sleep. This was at the time of the appearance of a purulent pustule at the site of the BCG vaccination. Body tensing. The physiological jaundice, which did not go away until she was about 10 weeks old. At the first visit at the pediatrician's in the 7th week of life, increased muscle tone was diagnosed and as a result my daughter was rehabilitated for half a year. Until the age of 4-5 months she had delayed developmental reactions, manipulations of hands. Now everything is in perfect order, but she has not been vaccinated since then. At birth 10 on the Apgar scale, healthy.

I.H.: Michael was born in 2004 as a healthy child and had APGAR score of 10. Everything was fine until he received vaccines (Diphtheria, Tetanus, Whooping Cough (II), Poliomyelitis (I), Pedrax (II)) on 14.09.2004. Less than two weeks later, Michael was sick with an ear infection and then with
bronchitis. My son did not recover well from the illness and the doctor from the clinic allowed him to be vaccinated again. On 28/10/2004 he received the vaccines (Diphtheria, Tetanus, Whooping Cough (III), Poliomyelitis (II)) and again two weeks later he had an adverse reaction to the vaccination, he had trouble breathing and a high fever. The doctor did not link his son's health problems to
vaccines. Michael received the next vaccine on 18.01.2005 (hepatitis B (III)), a month later he developed symptoms of NOP, high fever and vomiting that lasted almost until the end of March. As in the previous case, the doctor did not connect his son's health problems with the vaccine he received.
On August 3rd, 2005 my son received another vaccine (measles, mumps and rubella (I)) and again he had fever, diarrhea and pus in his eyes. On 15.09.2005 he received another vaccine (Pedrax (III)) and after 5 days he had an NOP - fever, ear infection and sinusitis. Since the administration of this vaccine my son started
He walked on his toes and became restless and nervous. I was told by the doctor that children do that and he did not link the subsequent event to the NOP. At the last vaccination my son received on 04/09/2006. (Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis (IV), Poliomyelitis (III)) there were also adverse vaccine reactions
Such as fever, sinusitis, black loose stools, abdominal pain. This vaccine was a "killer" for my son's development, for his immune system. My son started forgetting words and stopped using them. I went to the doctor and the pediatrician tells me that I am overprotective because children are like that, that I am hysterical, that he blocked himself and he will get over it soon. He did not advise me to go to a psychologist to see what was going on with my son. I was left alone with my problem. And so from one visit to the next the time flew by and the doctor just kept on going. Finally, in 2007 my son stopped talking at all, he closed himself off, couldn't keep eye contact, became noisy, aggressive, negative and sensitive to touch. And that was when the pediatrician failed to notice that something was wrong with my son. I forced the pediatrician to refer me to a psychologist, who referred us to a psychiatrist, for whom I waited another 6 months. While waiting for the psychiatrist, I went to a neurologist who informed us that we had a "pet in the house". Is that how you talk to parents who don't know what happened to their child? My husband and I stood as if in awe of what the doctor was trying to tell us, we were in shock. The time came to see a psychiatrist who diagnosed AUTISM. But how so, where did this disease come from?
After all, there was no such disease in the family? I took the matter into my own hands and started to put the facts together, how each time after receiving the vaccine my child was sick. He was developing normally, crawling, chattering, walking, laughing and talking. And after the vaccines were given, my son was regressing in his development. I went back to the pediatrician with my findings and he laughed at me. I started to look for help on my own. Everything was private, of course. We went to many specialists, doctors, but to no avail. Finally, I found a doctor who shared my observations. Mrs. Dr. and the French doctor ordered genetic and immunological tests to be done in Belgium. And it turned out that my son does not have genetic autism, but it was caused by a dysfunction of the immune system. The norm is 162 and my son has 1345, which means that the infection of the body with toxins is almost 9 times higher than the norm. Vaccines contain thimerosal, or mercury, which is responsible for disrupting the immune system and causing autism. Who will bear responsibility for my child's illness? If I had known that this would be the result of the vaccine, I would never have allowed my child to be vaccinated. Monthly costs of treatment amount to about 3000 PLN (medicines, examinations, speech therapist, psychologist, medical visits) far exceed the costs of a fine for not vaccinating my child.

Jaroslaw Gaicki: 18-year-old Tom dies in his sleep two days after being given the TD-Pur diphtheria-tetanus vaccine.…/sprawa-dla-repo…/wideo/18042013/10568021,1022943,wid,14469910,wiadomosc.html...
tomasz gaicki


MMR ( Asi's Mom )
My daughter is 11 years old and I have not vaccinated her a second time. When she was 13 months old, a week after the measles/mumps/rubella vaccination, she got convulsions without fever, stopped eating after a while and fainted.

MMR (mother of 2)
My baby had an enlarged lymph node behind her ear a week after her mmr vaccination, no doctor wanted to admit it was from the vaccination, antibiotic and doctor said she had a sick throat.

Allergy and illness ( Paula )
My child developed a terrible allergy to cow's milk protein, soy, who knows what else after the vaccination, because we are still watching. He was very sick after the vaccine. Chronic pneumonia and bronchitis.

My child, who was vaccinated for whooping cough, tetanus, diphtheria on the 5th day of vaccination, turned blue and stopped breathing. The health center did not and does not want to register the NOP.

hearing loss (magda)
My 5 month old son was diagnosed with bilateral sensorineural deafness after 2 doses of 6w1 (early hearing was fine). Currently everything has regressed but we now have hypersensitivity to sounds.

vaccination ( lusi )
My 3 month old son after Pentaxim vaccine got flexion seizures, West syndrome,he is 5 months old and psychomotor they give him 6 weeks.

nopes (velka)
My daughter has had 3 vaccines recalled in her 5 months of life, including two nopes, there are many vaccine proponents and I am ok with that, let us choose. You guys are the lucky ones!

Fever, collapse. ( Anita )

Two days after immunization with Hepatitis B and DTP, loss of consciousness, fever over 40 degrees, 3 weeks in hospital, no nopia reported and no connection with vaccination according to doctors. ;(

Fainting after vaccination for mumps, measles, rubella ( edyta )

My daughter after the measles, mumps rubella vaccine, 9 years old, fainted within 10 mins and I was told it was stress from the vaccine and as I read up it turned out to be a side effect of the vaccine but no one told me that before the vaccine . Priorix.

MMR (Zosia)
After the MMR vaccine my son developed a 40 degree fever after an hour, he turned red like a tomato and was as flexible as plasticine. In the hospital they said that it was not nop, but a virus and to go home.

Asperger's after the vaccine (Vandal)
After the vaccination my son got rubella, against which he was vaccinated, and symptoms of autism appeared. Currently he is diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome, its milder form. Until the vaccinations everything was fine.

fear of vaccination ( asia )
My daughter turning 3 months after her vaccination started crying and cried for 4 weeks. I thought she would die and so did we. She was losing strength because of crying. I am afraid of vaccinations. What about some kind of control? Hello!????

In my case as in many other children with vaccination disorders. ( salamander )
After the MMR vaccine, everything went wrong: aggression, selective eating, hyperactivity, SI disorders, reasoning problems.

Asthma ( Magda )
My daughter got obstructive bronchitis, pneumonia and finally was diagnosed with asthma after her last dose of Infanrix Hexa combination vaccine - a few hours after the vaccine was given.

severe adverse reaction to DTP and others ( domix )
Severe adverse vaccine reactions after the recalled DTP20911001C series recognized as shaken baby syndrome by our specialists want to punish the father, of course, and after other vaccinations.

MMR vaccine ( Marzanna )
My daughter is 5 years old. Until one year ago she was developing normally. After vaccinating her with MMR vaccine two weeks afterwards she stopped walking, wouldn't stand up, crawl and wiggle her head on the ground.

I feel like crying out.... (aga)
I can't get immune to these tragedies, with each one I howl and roar more and more  I sympathize so much that it is impossible to describe... I was lucky, I gave up in time after complications....

autism (new)
Hi. My sister's son is now 5 years old ... after this vaccine he once started running a fever and was hospitalized, but no one reacted, since then he has autism.

unresponsive clinic (zoska)
Our son was vaccinated with a withdrawn series of vaccine and it was 3 times... Doctor, nurses - what do they say... "Lady, what are you talking about, what complications?"...

vaccination reaction (bet72)
My son after DTP-4 dose! As a result, he is mentally retarded, 10 years old, DOES NOT SPEAK!!! Since childhood rehabilitated!!!!!!

apnea after DPT vaccination ( Zoska B. )
In my son after DPT -respiratory distress, brain screaming and loss of appetite. He didn't eat for days and lost a lot of weight. Then - insomnia, screaming

nocturnal and autism (high-functioning).

Complications ( Angelika )
Hello I am a senior child now. I am 19 years old , I was vaccinated against diphtheria-tetanus in May 2012 . Till now i have a numb hand.  I don't have any help!

reaction after vaccination (Anika)
After vaccination allergic reaction very strong, doctors do not believe, come up with other things, not AD, the child is strongly allergic to vaccine ingredients min. egg. Help, does not want to vaccinate. After giving the vaccine to the child, after 2 days terrible changes began on the skin, some rashes, cracking skin, oozing wounds, itching and suddenly a huge war, a collapsed fontanel, high fever.


Vaccines are a guaranteed handicap, and doctors=disease (Aneta)
My child after vaccination in the 2nd month of life had a lot of complications - a list for a book. In short: mental problems, suffocation, diarrhea, allergies, worse wound healing, autism-like features, speech loss, seizures, etc.

After vaccination (Roman)
Our healthy son developed skin problems after vaccinations that we can't get rid of for 3 years now.

Problems in the first year of life of children and immediately after birth (motherPolka)
First daughter born 01/2005, crying, nervous, problems with feeding, defecation, rehabilitation due to high muscle tone, enlarged cerebral hemisphere; 2nd daughter born 11/2008, respiratory insufficiency, yellow skin for a month, asthma suspected.

Daughter after polio. (Kari)
At the age of 18 months she was vaccinated, soon afterwards she got meningitis, then encephalitis. From a healthy child a plant, damaged 1/5 of the brain, drug-resistant epilepsy, hemiparesis, does not speak. 15 years old.

Post-vaccination "bonuses" ( Marcin Zdeb )
Hello My little one got a lot of "bonuses" after vaccinations. In a nutshell: - Drug-resistant epilepsy - Undiagnosed metabolic disease - brain atrophy. You can guess the rest.

Fear!!! ( Dorota )
My son was vaccinated two years ago for measles, mumps and rubella. The same day he had a high temperature of 40 degrees, which was only brought down to 38 and then went up again + DIE+ VOMITING! He ended up in the hospital, where the head of the ward did not note in his family history that the child had been vaccinated the day before!!!!!!!!!!!! He pretended not to hear us say it!!! After I left the hospital I was visited by the SANEPID WITHOUT EVIDENCE!!!!! The lady from the sanepid claimed that the hospital had reported something to the sanepid there and she was checking this diarrhea and she herself admitted to me that it was after the vaccination. The hospital did not inform me that they informed the sanepid about the NOP. The Sanitary Inspectorate visited my home unannounced. My child's hospital discharge form is CLEAR and the word "vaccination" is not mentioned anywhere. AND THE DOCTOR TREATED MY CHILD FOR BNO DIARRHEA. THEY CLEVERLY FIGURED OUT THAT IF SOMETHING WORSE HAPPENED, NO ONE WOULD BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR THE VACCINATION. TO THIS DAY, I DO NOT VACCINATE FOR ANYTHING!





Updated: 5 March 2018 — 15:42


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    1. because an uncertain source and requiring medical knowledge to verify

      1. I heard about these scientists that they tested vaccines and came out what they came out (not about the arrest) about a month ago. I think it was H. Czerniak or J. Jaskowski talking about it.

  1. Aż włos się jeży na głowie…

  2. I read it in two attempts.
    I had a very hard time containing my anger.

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