Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

PIS will make concessions regarding ritual slaughter.

“Prawo i Sprawiedliwość łagodzi zakaz uboju rytualnego. Przepis mógłby wywołać kolejny konflikt z Izraelem – pisze dziennik.

The Law and Justice party's draft stipulates that slaughter without stunning, currently legal in Poland, would be possible only for the own needs of members of religious associations, which would make production for export impossible



As we can see, Israel is finally showing the world who is in charge. A country the size of a Polish province dictates to Poland what to do. Isn't it meaningful? Yes, it is. Polish laws written under the dictate of Israel.


Ja osobiście jestem niesłychanie ciekaw, co na ten pomysł uboju rytualnego powiedzą “polscy” lewacy działający w obronie zwierząt? 😀 Czy ktoś z komentujących na YT lub na innym blogu zastanawiał się w ogolę nad tym?

After all, all environmental and animal protection organizations are leftist and therefore Jewish. Why here no one hangs themselves on the Sejm building as happened in the Rospuda Valley?


However, I think any dissection of this as it occurs on right-wing sites makes no sense without an apocalyptic context.

People don't understand where we are at all. Below is a video by the now famous Adolf Kudlinski:


Tak, mamy judeopolonię i…..musimy się z tym pogodzić.

Poland has not existed since 1939. Others will say since the first partition. Whatever.

Do Polish patriots want to create in the country called Poland competition for the Polish police? competition for the army? their own military troops?

Maybe 10 years ago I would have believed in fighting for the so-called Poland. Now it is as real as getting Korwin Mikke to the parliament.


I believe that fighting the Jews makes no sense at all. The only thing you can do is fight with information. We are not masters in this country. The Slavs became slaves. If someone doesn't understand this, he either has no knowledge or is ignorant.


Only now we learn about Jony Daniels. He has generally become a star of the Polish Internet. There is a lot of information about this Israeli lobbyist in Poland.



Daniels na zdjęciu z Gąsiorowskim znanym z Art B– polski przedsiębiorca, z wykształcenia lekarz laryngolog, działacz społeczności żydowskiej, od 1990 roku wiceprezes spółki Art-B, od 1 sierpnia 1991 roku mieszkający w Izraelu, przez 25 lat poszukiwany przez Interpol i polską policję w związku ze sprawą tzw. “afery Art B”, którą ostatecznie umorzono w 2016 z powodu przedawnienia.


Below is a very telling photo.


Then there are those who shout the most about the Jews:

You see Catholics how you are lied to in every field.



I saved the most interesting for last. Chojecki's IPP defends Daniels.

Below is the deleted video:

If anyone has any doubts about IPPs they now have proof.


Meanwhile, starvation pensions in Poland:


This news should not be emotional. As a nation we are powerless. Therefore, let us rejoice in belonging to the most elite country in the world which is the Kingdom of Heaven.




Updated: 26 February 2018 — 21:25


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