Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

John Paul Jackson's amazing prophecies are now coming true. Iran, Israel, Poland...

Let me preface this by pointing out that I do not recommend the YT channel that this video is on.

Widziałem to proroctwo ok 5 lat temu, ale wówczas to proroctwo było zbyt “odjazdowe”. Jednak w świetle ostatnich dni i miesięcy nabiera ono niesamowitego sensu.



If the late Paul was right, my vision of an end-time world division where Poland will be in Russia's sphere of influence will be confirmed.



Updated: 12 February 2018 — 18:52


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  1. Dziękuję za materiał i za ostrzeżenie przed kanałem…

  2. I feel that these are not God's intentions. Rather, they are the plans of His enemies, sent into infospace to tame us with them.
    Wierzę, że jeśli ktoś ma wgląd w boskie zamysły to ludzie tacy jak Pan czy czytelnicy tego bloga, którzy mają gdzieś kłamstwa świata. Z kim miałby rozmawiać Bóg jeśli nie z tymi, którzy są mu najbliżsi? Ps. Czytam detektywa od dawna i dziękuję za Pana pracę i odwagę! Obyśmy wszyscy wierzący w Niego wierzyli w siebie tak jak On w nas wierzy. Kto wie, czy nie takie właśnie “odsłonięcie” szykuje nam Ojciec?! Pozdrawiam bardzo serdecznie!

    1. “Czuję, że to nie są zamysły Boga. Raczej są to są plany Jego nieprzyjaciół, wysyłane do infoprzestrzeni, by nas z nimi oswajać.”

      Of course I took that into consideration, but God has structured the world in such a way that even if Satanists have their prorogues, their agendas, they will still do the will of God.
      Apocalyptically speaking, everything is already outlined.

  3. Poland will be in Russia's sphere of influence because on the map of the world division into 10 economic regions (Club of Rome) we belong to the Russia-China bloc.
    That's one thing.

    Two. The Kremlin's chief ideologist, a certain Dugin, has clearly stated that there is no place on the map for Poland.

    Three. It seems to me that Russians cannot forgive Poles for three things. The seizure of the Kremlin, the Battle of Warsaw which stopped the advance of the Bolsheviks to the west and the affair with the west (USA) which they call a betrayal of the Slavic ideas.

    Sen Trockiego o bolszewickiej rewolucji powoli staje się realny. Mamy już EU, mamy rządzących w niej samo wybieralnych marksistowsko – komunistycznych komisarzy.
    Pozostały jeszcze dwa kroki – pełna federalizacja i stworzenie armii europejskiej.

  4. I don't know why we should promote this man. After all, he is a false prophet, and has received poor training in body language. He cannot hide his lies, which can be seen in 1:02 and 7:30, and in 8:45 he speaks like a clairvoyant. Just a good old fashioned way to make money. Inference, analytical mind and techniques of psychomanipulation + persuasion.
    If someone wants to see what a prophet looks like, he should read the ST and also the Mosaic Law, which says how to recognize a prophet 🙂 On curiosities, fear and news of cataclysms is made primarily money, which by the way Mr. Jackson shows with his apple. He may whack something there that happens but it certainly wasn't from God, it was from a demon.

    1. When I post a video it does not mean that I identify with the author or the channel.
      If it is from demons then it is greatly fulfilling.
      We'll wait and see.
      Either way there was a conflict Iran Israel

    2. You know Isaiah prophesied about our Lord and he too could be accused of lying.Because after how many years did it come true?
      The World Wide Web works to attract as many people as possible to the Father.
      And he uses all people and even animals for this purpose.

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