Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

The meaning of fasting you don't know.

Bez względu na wiarę post ma właściwości zdrowotne. Oczyszcza z toksyn, udrażnia jelita. Chrześcijanie poszczą z różnych powodów. Jednym z nich jest jakby “wymuszenie” na Bogu swoich modlitw, próśb. Oczywiście, jakby nie pisać o tym wiele, post ma po części moc wkomponowującą się w walkę duchową tak, jak robil to Daniel.

However, there is also another reason:


The fact that fasting frees our body from toxins and impurities that have a better effect on health is also reflected in the spirit. As we pray to the Lord, He through the Spirit reveals to us the toxic and impure things in our lives that hinder our walk with Him. Allow the Holy Spirit to shine a light on these things through prayer and fasting and submit to His will.

Just giving up sweets for a while not only cleanses us of toxins, but tempers our lusts.

A few people closest to me on the blog once in a while use fasting or do the Daniel diet. I am aware that not everyone can do it, e.g. soldiers, but I am not writing about the minority here.

I myself have had about a dozen one-day water fasts in my Christian life, as well as two three-day fasts.

Knowing a wide spectrum of readers, I do not advise starvation to someone who drinks a lot of coffee or often drinks large amounts of alcohol or eats a lot of meat. The toxins released will give you a nightmarish headache.


Updated: 8 January 2018 — 21:19


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  1. Oh, but nice to know 🙂 Thank you 🙂

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