Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Why is Pastor Chojecki not a pastor?

“durnej głowy debilnej..”

“stado baranów”

“zrobimy im lewatywę”

Only pseudo-Christians can follow the path of Mr. Chojecki. the same pastor urges a pagan Christmas tree.

This is not a man reborn of the Spirit.

If you think this is Christianity and shepherding then you better not look at my site.



Dziękuję Ewelinie za te owoce….

Updated: 19 December 2017 — 11:33


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  1. Nie wiem o co chodzi. Widzę natłok tego pana w postach. Jeśli jest nie odpowiedni: Nie oglądać, Nie komentować, Nie poruszać błazeńskiej mowy. Pisaniem o głupocie i prostocie – reklamujemy właśnie to.

    Better yet, write a post titled: Let's Pray for Mr. Chojecki.

    1. The point is that Christians, or candidates for Christianity, should not be deceived and should be able to distinguish. Just because you can tell the difference, Adam, doesn't mean that everyone else can.

      1. This gentleman and his sect, in which special manipulative techniques are played, are mere agents. Together with Kowalski they are consciously located, they are agents. Greetings.

        1. And what special techniques???? Maybe true 🙂 🙂

        2. Mr Dominik, it seems to me that you are more a part of this 'agentura' than Pastor Chojecki or Marian Kowalski. These people are real patriots, which cannot be said about other so called right-wing parties. It turns out that their political forecasts always come true. So before you start slandering someone, please read what they say and you will see that it is not so said by those who want to eliminate them out of envy or are paid to slander them.

          1. So what if they are patriots?
            We are to be Christians not patriots our homeland is in heaven not in Poland.

            Chojecki and Kowalski are interesting to listen to, it's nice that they are trying to break the monopoly of the Catholic Church, but at least the action #jestemchrześcijaninem - please

      2. Jeśli ktoś wybiera takie luźne “chrześcijaństwo” to chyba jest Jego wybór taki styl życia ( jak bycie demokratą, skate czy metal ). Bóg zna serca i zamiary. Jak ktoś usłyszy o Jezusie i szczerze będzie szukał to znajdzie. Czy Bóg pozwoli mu zginąć w świecie? A jeśli ktoś zawierzył w człowieka już przegrał nie ważne kim był on. Pokój Boży i życie w Chrystusie. To nie hasełka to ŻYCIE i PRAWDA. Zarażajmy swoim życiem do Jezusa. Bo jeśli nasze życie jest inne niż ewangelia to lepiej nic nie mówmy… Z Bogiem!

      3. I don't know if I distinguish between everything, probably not. But I follow Jesus all the time, and if I fall, I get up and keep going.

  2. I agree, this man is not born of the LDS, his speech bears witness to that.
    This is the attitude of spit on the enemy and destroy him verbally because he lives in the world.Is this what evangelizing people is all about? Did the Lord Jesus Christ use such language towards people?
    Our Lord and Savior has an enormous amount of love, patience, gentleness, goodness, and at the same time is firm, concrete and did not mock his opponents. He exposed hypocrisy, everywhere he went he carried hope, love and truth
    A tu mamy przewodnika,który pobłądził i ludzkimi sposobami głosi Chrystusa.Efekty widzimy w filmiku.Jakże to smutne…..

    1. It is precisely that people confuse knowledge with imitation. Mr. Chojecki has knowledge like hundreds of conspiracy fans in Poland and even atheists.
      Niektórzy powłują sie tłumacząc p. Chojeckiego na sytuacje kiedy Jezus wywracał stragany w świątynii. Ale to nie był standard Jezusa to po pierwsze. Po drugie Jezus nikogo nie wyzywał. Określił tylko plemieniem żmijowym faryzeuszy, ale to nie było wyzwisko, a pochodzenie duchowe, gdyz w innej sytuacji powiedział “waszym ojcem jest szatan”.

      1. Dokładnie tak zachowanie w świątyni pokazuje żarliwość o dom Ojca.Tam była walka z hipokryzja naszego Pana,jak wiemy faryzeusze i sprzedawcy zrobili sobie tam targ,bazar…
        A to miał być dom modlitwy,uwielbienia dla Ojca,szacunku,czci,wielkości,świętości…
        In the text we see the Lord Jesus Christ's anger at people perverting the teachings of God,not at ordinary people.Ordinary people healed and healed what the next verse shows.
        But it seems to me that people find it easier to accept the fact of the expulsion and the overturning of tables as human upset, when it was the Spirit's anger and passion for the sanctity of the temple.

        1. wniosek tych ludzi ktorzy nie znają Pisma jest taki: mozemy lewakow wyzywc od debili, idiotow, śmieci i zrobimy im lewatywe bo Jezus by im zrobil lewatywe….
          Very shallow thinking.

  3. Praise God
    Let me say this, it is not for us to decide if Mr. Chojecki is reborn of the Holy Spirit.
    And that he does what he does has long been apparent. That is, he gets involved in the affairs of the world. I simply avoid and do not listen to such people. The Lord will judge him as He judges each of us.

    1. it is for us to decide:

      ” Poznacie ich po ich owocach. Czy zbiera się winogrona z ciernia, albo z ostu figi? ” Mt 7

      1. It is to avoid such and not forget to pray for them. If someone is a problem or an enemy to us in some sense then we should pray for them. That is what it is written. This is Christianity, for it is not an easy or pleasant thing to pray for an enemy or for someone who has done us wrong. What good is it to pray for your friends? Does the world not wish friends well. Peace of God.

  4. He still created some plankton political party, but it is unlikely to succeed.

  5. and yet here we have the black shirt show:

    “stary trepie”…

    Would you want such a man to come to power?

  6. Ojej, nie przepadam za nim… Uważa się za niewiadomo kogo, a sam (już choćby patrząc po tym jak się wyraża o innych, no można kogoś nie lubić, ale już bez przesady…) się zachowuje (jakby to określił mój ziemski tata) jakby pozjadał wszystkie rozumy świata, włącznie z baranim…

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