Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Christians have forgotten for what purpose Jesus came into the world.

It was very hard for me to come to terms when I read in one of the books the information that 80% Christians live in non-volition.

I had to mature this thought, observe people and attend several u-validation conferences.

I decided to write this text under the influence of the Krotoszyn conference, and then after watching the video with Torben when he announced freedom....

The word freedom stuck in my mind.


The problem stems from a devil's trap like many. But this one is of greater caliber. It lies in two extremes of self-judgment and the nightmarish dissonance that awakens because of it. On the one hand, Christians consider themselves believers, they think they are following the way of Jesus, and on the other hand they know how much they live in bondage to sin.



Chrześcijanin tkwiący w grzechu jest tak na prawdę kandydatem na chrześcijanina, ale w dalszym ciągu jest zbiegiem…

He will be a Christian, but after the battle.


He runs away and is terrified and wants to go to God. He escapes in shackles.

He is not coping. The demons persecute him because he is constrained in his escape to the camp of God by the shackles that are permanent sins.

The situation becomes bizarre. The fugitive has been given the Armor of God, but he does not know how to use it. For most fugitives, the Armor of God in Ephesians is just a text, but they are still living in chains. They have just escaped from the enemy camp, but they don't believe in the grace and power of God: I won't make it, I can't make it, I don't have that much strength, God help me, I can't make it. You can say: they are chasing me, I am weak.

The very fact of awakening gives us the guidance of the Holy Spirit, limited by sin but giving. Jesus came to the sick, not to the healthy.



2 Corinthians

(17) Pan zaś jest Duchem, a gdzie jest Duch Pański – tam freedom.

(2 Corinthians 3:17,)


Tak więc celem chrześcijanina jest zdjąć te wstrętne kajdany…




(16) As free people [act], let us, like those for whom freedom is the justification of evil, but as slaves of God.

1 Peter 2:16


People live in various bondages... Some from pornography


Others have problems with sleep paralysis, nocturnal rape (incubus), and coming out of the body.




It is high time to abolish this.




As I was writing this I was reminded of this following scene:


See how important you are. The fight is for you and your freedom. Help God and the angels. Put on the armor of God.


Maybe you're at the beginning of this journey, maybe you've been fighting yourself and outside enemies for 5 years or more, but it's time for victory in Christ.


(1) Christ has set us free. Therefore, remain in it and do not submit again to the yoke of bondage.

Galatians 5:1


Dla odmiany kościół Rzymski głosi wolność, ale…:



19) They preach freedom to them, but they themselves are slaves of corruption. For to whom anyone submits, to him he also serves as a slave.

2 List Piotra 2:19,”


Pedophilia, mammon, power, binge eating, lying, drunkenness, etc.

Iluz to hierarchów kościelnych zostało przyłapanych na jeździe po pijanemu… Nie po 1-2 kieliszkach ale mając kilka promili. Oni żyją w zniewoleniu.


True freedom has its own Law:


But he who diligently considers the perfect Law, the Law of liberty, and perseveres in it, is not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work; in fulfilling it he will receive a blessing

James 1:25


One who carries out the instructions of Scripture is a doer of the work and will receive blessings.


Jesus came to bring freedom, not to be stuck in religiosity. Jesus came to liberate, not to direct people into the system of this world.


Easy to write and say.

So what steps should be taken? The issue is not easy, but it is not tragic in spite of the escaped POW camp views, opinions and attitudes.

First, community is important. You need to have someone to turn to. The internet has made people into gods, needing no one with more experience. How many times have I been reprimanded by teenagers or 20-somethings and even though I banned them they still came back to that disliked teacher.



(Galatians 4:26, Millennial Bible), The Millennium Bible)(13) You, brothers, are therefore called to freedom. But do not take this freedom as an invitation to worship the flesh; on the contrary, enlivened by love, serve one another!

(List do Galatów 5:13″


Whoever wanted to, also entered our blog community in real life, although it will not give what the church.


A few weeks ago I posted this song to appeal to some people:

It talks about removing the crown of independence. Beyond the support we can find in the denominational ecclesia, we are called to service, and that is in the ecclesia. I know that not everyone has that opportunity, but those who do should join a fellowship.


Secondly, we all differ in the degree of knowledge and willpower. For one person it will be a matter of a few months to get out of addiction, and for another a few years will not be enough.

Therefore, thirdly, I suggest the latter to visit Krotoszyn.

I've been there a few times, but I completely can't fault Charisma Church. Jesus is at the center. Pastor Lindner is not only a very gifted organizer and leader, but also a man of great spiritual strength, combining very well the seemingly contradictory qualities of humility and bravery at the same time.

I have seen many releases from hurt, trauma, and generational curses. Charisma Krotoszyn unites my personal perspective on faith. That is, God's Law with the gifts of the Spirit, grace.

They do what Jesus did: they set prisoners free.

On the blog, I get tired of displays of theology in the comments. Young people get on different sides of themselves, despising different pastors, and then put themselves in the role of leader, pastor, orator, guide. The end is always the same: collapse.

Do you want to fight Satan alone without a community? Good luck with that.

The Bible, the armor of God, fellowship, and daily sanctification are a recipe for success. But there is another factor: unused grace.

However, this is discussed more extensively by John Beaver in the Indefatigable series.



In summary, how many of you rebuke Satan in a temptation situation? How many oppose the devil?


Let us all be Joshua. Let us shoot like David at Goliath.

The demons with their master have already lost. They have been exposed to public ridicule.

Do nas należy walka. Pastor Linder w październiku na konferencji dotyczącej uwalniania powiedział o pewnym świadectwie, sytuacji. Otóż zadzwoniła do niego jakaś siostra i powiedziała, że diabeł ją atakuje, że słyszy glosy. Pastor mając na uwadze liczne nauczania o walce nie wytrzymał i powiedział “Ja rozumiem, że Jezusa szatan nękał, ale Ciebie……”


It is a struggle, but we are strong in Christ.



“Oto daję wam autorytet, by trample po snakes and scorpions, i po całej potędze wroga, i nic was w żaden sposób nie zrani.”(Łk 10:19).”


We have been given the weapon of grace (charis-dar-power) and yet we do not use it. This is the capitulation of Christians, though Paul wrote:

“Albowiem jeśli przez upadek jednego człowieka śmierć zapanowała przez jednego, o ileż bardziej ci, którzy otrzymują obfitość łaski i daru usprawiedliwienia, will reign in life przez jednego, Jezusa Chrystusa” Rzymian 5


We know what kingship is. These are governments. We are to rule life by grace, not the demons us. They can only orchestrate circumstances, but it is our choice how we respond to those circumstances.

Let's battle it out, folks.

Each of us enjoyed cheering for someone. You watched the games, played combat sports, women cheered for positive characters on TV shows 🙂 .

Each of us has a fighting spirit, but these reptiles deliberately tell us that we are nobodies being children of God. They are the squires of a lost fallen angel, and we children Gods. The Royal Family.

Thunder them and give no access to the devil.


We are called to freedom, not bondage.


(21) that it too will be freed from the bondage of corruption to share in the freedom and glory of the children of God.

Romans 8:21




(12) Speak and do as the people who will be judged under the Law of Liberty.

James 2:12


Are you afraid? God has not given us a spirit of fear.

As they say:


Praise the Lord Jesus Christ for all His grace and empowerment to fight for us. Without Him, we would be nothing.

Thank you Lord Jesus for the freedom and power to trample over scorpions.



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Updated: 6 May 2018 — 09:48


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  1. A very valuable text. This teaching should be the core of our community, not the nonsense of this world. Go forth, servants of Christ.

    1. That's exactly right, praise be to God 🙂 .

  2. Very good text 🙂
    Poznacie prawdę, a prawda was wyzwoli. Wolność jest w prawdzie, a prawdą jest Słowo Boże. Moja droga do wolności tak naprawdę chyba dopiero się zaczęła…
    It has only been in the last month or so that I have begun to grow in my awareness of what we have been given. It's only recently that I've taken steps towards actually transforming my mind, because that's where the battlefield is. Some things can be very deeply ingrained and it takes time to experience freedom in a particular area.
    I can't count the paralyses and night rapes, by the way, the former still happen today, but I am much better at dealing with them. I believe that with God's help and a little determination each of us will overcome the evil in our lives.
    Be blessed brothers and sisters, I wish you victory over all darkness 🙂

    1. I agree, the text is great! I wish you all the best!!! 🙂

    2. I agree, very good text for which I thank you in Jesus name.

      Blessings to you sis 🙂

  3. You can't literally interpret the Bible, it's just that you get so obsessed with it that you try to force your opinion on others. A man has his own needs and if he is not hurting anyone why can't he satisfy them?

    1. Are you talking about onanism? Desiring a woman who is not your own?

      1. I'm talking about masturbation for example, it's a human thing and almost everyone does it

        1. "Anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart." (Matthew 5:27-28)

          Porongraphy is lustfully looking at other women or visualizing other women.
          I don't know any happy masturbator.
          Of course you can masturbate, but then you must know that you have little to do with God.

          1. We are only human, sometimes even if we don't want to, some thoughts will cross our minds. Why live if you have to limit yourself with everything and you can't be fully happy? I don't mean masturbation now but in general.

        2. God as an answer to our bodily needs which in themselves are nothing bad has given us marriage 🙂 .
          It's like a Swiss watch, where the spring of the mechanism transfers power to the cogs created by the designer in a controlled and pleasing way 😀
          On the other hand if we remove such a spring from the watch, the release of energy will be instantaneous, the spring will unwind in a fraction of a second without any practical or visual benefit. But the release of energy will happen, but is this the purpose of the spring's existence? 🙂
          It is necessary to ask God to put us into a similar mechanism which He designed, and there we will surely find the fulfillment of all our needs. Not only carnal 🙂 .
          May Jesus guide us 😉

          1. If we enter into marriage only to satisfy our needs, then masturbation is better than harming the other person.

    2. Jb,
      So tell us what you think is allegory in the Bible and what you think is not? Is Jesus and his teaching an allegory or not? Or is there no objective truth that is in the Bible, only each person's own? If so, what makes your opinion correct? Your own beliefs?

      1. The Bible was written a long time ago so to understand it you have to understand what life was like for people at that time. The Bible is full of metaphors etc. so you need to know about it and not take everything as it is written. I believe that if God is merciful he will not punish people who are good people just because they have an opinion and don't agree with something.

        1. I believe that if God is merciful, He will not punish people who are good people just because they have an opinion or disagree with something.

          He,he… Adam i Ewa też mieli takie zdanie. Lucyfer także… konsekwencje takiego postępowania chyba widzisz aż zanadto, czyli nie wiem jak możesz uważać że to dobre.

          1. Podobno Adam i Ewa to metafora, a Lucyfer nawet nie był czlowiekiem wiec o czym ty mowisz. Większośc ludzi na tej stronie próbuje byc bardziej swieta od papieża i tworza tu jakas chora sekte. Bog dal nam wolna wole wiec chyba powinnismy myslec i wyrabiać swoje poglady na jakies temat. Wszyscy probujecie tu oceniac innych, ktos mi nawet napisal ze z Bogiem nie mam nic wspólnego? Niektórzy sa tu tez niesamowicie nietolerancyjnyi i krytykuja innych jeslli chodzi o wygląd.I to jest dobre? Nie ma grzechu? Zastanowcie sie czasem co robicie…

            1. We are to be Holy because God is Holy.
              And any compromise is giving the field to the enemy
              You know, maybe it would be better to turn to the source, and then you will see for yourself that what you are writing at the moment are excuses to justify your carnality and compromise with sin.
              Każdy chrześcijanin ma być jak jego Mistrz czyli Pan Jezus.To zobowiązuje…waska jest droga i ciasna brama.
              Greetings and blessings in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ

              1. First of all, I am a woman 🙂 Secondly, as far as I know, man is a sinful being, not a saint, and still no one has explained to me why we can judge others because of their appearance and beliefs? Hmm, it's a pity that usually the most devout people who go to church all the time like to judge others, and it seems to me that only God has the right to do that. But from what you write, you think we should be like God.

                1. And who is judging you, woman? What kind of church are you writing about and going to?
                  Man is a sinful creature, but for this we have received the Holy Spirit, so that we may sanctify ourselves.
                  It is a process, and it begins with baptism and we are sanctified until the end of our days.
                  A czemu to tak bardzo zależy Ci na tym ,aby ktoś odpowiadał Ci odnośnie osadzania i oceniania po wyglądzie…?
                  We are to judge all things, not to be deceived, and to do it justly in mercy.
                  You can't build on one verse out of context, you have to be able to discern what is from God and what is not.

    3. You're not hurting anyone? You're hurting yourself, the Temple of the Holy Spirit we are, you're desecrating it, I know what he's writing because I have this problem too.

      1. It seems to me that I can decide what I do with myself and my body. If I don't think I'm being hurt, why stop doing it?

        1. Because you are doing exactly what the demons want.

        2. I thought so too. Eventually I realized it wasn't the right way. Pornography, masturbation. I promised myself and even God that I would quit. After many attempts I finally succeeded. You should also understand that and fight with it. The worst thing is addiction.

    4. JB I will answer you this way, the letter kills the Spirit brings life, and where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom, to which the Lord should also enable you. The Bible literally kills as it has been proven more than once, while spiritually it brings life to abandon sin and to live in the Lord and for the Lord. Amen.

  4. Very good text. It gave me food for thought, thank you.

  5. Bardzo dobry tekst zagrzewający do walki duchowej! Chwała Jezusowi Chrystusowi…brawo Piotrek 🙂

    1. 😉
      Greetings to you 🙂 🙂 I'd love to hear from you.

  6. Thank you admin Peter

  7. Pastor Linder powiedział także:” jeśli ktoś lubi grzech, to sesja uwalniania jeśli pomoże to na chwilę, a potem znowu otwiera się furtkę i przychodzi jeszcze mocniejsza opresja”
    i tu się zgodzę. Podstawą jest wiara, przez wiarę zostaje nam dana wolność od grzechu od starego “ja” w Chrystusie. Jeśli brakuje trzeba się nam modlić aby Bóg przydawał albowiem ten kto zaczął w nas wiarę( bo my siebie nic nie bylibyśmy w stanie uczynić wszystko dzięki łasce Pana) jest też jej dokończeniem, ufajmy że zakończy w nas to dzieło, w które nas rozpoczął. Jeśli ktoś tkwi stałym grzechu bo jest on wygodny i korzystny dla starej natury niech błaga o niechęć do tego grzechu. Nie wygrywa się wojny jedną bitwą, ale gdy ją podejmiemy, Bóg nas wspomoże i uwolni nawet bez potrzeby uczestniczenia w sesji, tak też mnie uwolnił. Bożego prowadzenia i błogosławieństwa wszystkim 🙂

    1. Thank you and to you also many Blessings and the guidance of the Spirit of Jesus.

  8. Ja ostatnio zaczęłam się zastanawiać nad tym czym jest prawdziwe nawrócenie. Z Bogiem mam styczność z 10 lat. W między czasie byłam uwikłana w mnóstwo grzechów, okultyzm, pijaństwo, seks przedmałżeński itd. “nawróciłam się” 5 lat temu. Tak w pełni zrezygnowałam z tych grzechów, wzięłam chrzest i czułam że chce iść za Jezusem. Jednak wiele dziedzin życia zostało niezmienionych i w moim życiu było dużo pychy, egoizmu i innych grzechów. Czasem też wracałam chwilami do świata.

    For the past few months I have been very invested in my relationship with God, He has set me free from those many sins I had a problem with before and I see a significant change. At the same time, I continue to pray for release from other areas of my life.

    Now I am wondering if what was 5 years ago can I call a conversion since I have briefly returned to a secular lifestyle several times? I know there are ups and downs in a Christian's life, but the question is to what degree are those downs.

    1. “okultyzm, pijaństwo, seks przedmałżeński”
      then at 100% you were not a convert. You were a prodigal daughter who squanders property.

  9. Wiekszosc dzisiejszych chrzescijan nie czuje sie nalezytej wdziecznosci i nie chce pojac dziela Jezusa. Dlaczego ? Bo nie czuje sie winna! Nikt nie mowi tego glosno ale prawda jest taka ze ludzie nie uwazaja sie za grzesznych. I jesli Jezus umarl za czyjes grzechy to zlodzieji mordercow itp bo “ja mam na swoim sumieniu tylko grzeszki”!

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