Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Heat on the Arab-Iranian axis. "Iran has committed an act of war".

This is another conflict dragging on for years, but having its hot moments right now.

In my estimation, this tension in this region is part of the NWO. I already explain why.

Well, there is a civil war going on in Yemen between Sunnis and Shiites. Both sides represent two powers in the region. The Shiites represent Iran and the Sunnis represent Arabia.

Iran is thus an obstacle to civilizing Muslims under the New World Order. Arabia wants reform and moderate Islam.

The impending war between the two countries could be caused by this very attack:


"Saudi forces intercepted and destroyed a missile fired from Huthi-controlled Yemeni territory towards Riyadh airport on Saturday. Yemeni rebels said the missile launch was in response to the bombardment and blockade of Yemen by the Saudi-led coalition. Saudi Arabia-led coalition announces blockade of Yemen

Riyadh Announces Response - It was an Iranian rocket fired by Hezbollah from Yemeni territory occupied by the Houthis, al-Jubeir said on CNN in an interview aired Sunday evening Polish time.

- We consider it an act of war," he said. - Iran cannot fire missiles at Saudi cities and villages and expect us not to take steps, he stressed, referring to Article 51 of the UN Charter, which allows states to defend themselves when they experience an armed attack. ( ("

It's very hot....


A longtime caller to The Alex Jones Show makes a bold live prediction; he believes President Trump will be removed from office after a war between Saudi Arabia and Iran.


Israel and the Saudis will start a war, but as we already know, the "stupid goyim", i.e. U.S. cannon meat, will have to deal with the war as usual. The scene reminds me of the Earl's cabaret when the woman provoked the men and the husband got in her face....

Of course, the gullible douchebags will be told that Iran is planning to take out the US (and of course Israel) at any moment and America must intervene. Everything is happening according to the globalists' plan when, as one commentator writes, the CIA / MOSSAD murdered 3,000 Americans on 9-11. Trump will continue to obey the Rothschild globalists, as will Obama and Bush. If this does not result in their long awaited Third World War , then nothing will.


Don't ask me why, but I think something very important may happen on Saturday. I don't want to scare anyone and don't be afraid. I am writing this to the fearful. Perhaps nothing will happen.

Either way, we have a lot of unresolved conflict in the world that needs to have an outlet.





Updated: 8 November 2017 — 15:08


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  1. Let us turn from sin and repent while there is time. (to those who are still stuck) ?

  2. Hi it's Damian, with God. Admin please check out this video, it might explain a bit : Rothschilds and the New World Order explained in 5 minutes. Apparently they don't have only 3 banks in the world, that's why Obama warmed relations with Cuba, announced retaliation to Korea for the attack on sony pictures, and they are missing the bank of Iran. Greetings from the Lord Jesus, I would ask you to pray for me because I don't know if I am converted.

    1. I prayed although I believe you are a convert.

      1. Thank you very much, but I don't think so, rather I think the worst verses in the Bible fit me and so I feel. For example Hebrews 6:4-8, 10:26-31, that the axe to the log is already applied, the dog returns to its vomit and the washed pig to the mud, the spirit wanders in the desert places and then returns and the condition of the person is worse than before, etc. I don't even know if it is worth praying for me, because I don't understand what mortal sin is and if I have committed such a sin there is no point in praying for such a person, it is written in the Bible. Greetings from God and Jesus. Take care.

        1. Damian, in addition to the Bible of course, I recommend two books to you: God's Fearful Children and Breaking the Shackles. Maybe they will help you to look at yourself and God from a different perspective.
          What hurts you may be your "ungodly" beliefs 🙂 Time to change them. Read them, please 🙂 .

        2. I was also moved this summer by exactly these passages from the Bible, from Hebrews. I also thought badly of myself and thought I was damned and had suicidal thoughts because of it, but I didn't give up, if only because Christ said to keep trying. I wanted to find someone who had an ongoing relationship with God and ask Him on my behalf if I was finished. And you know what, I'm not going to say much here, but I will tell you one thing. I'M NOT DAMNED. As far as I know, it's the devil and his fallen spirits who push such thoughts into people's heads, I'm condemned, I'm worthless, unworthy, etc. You see, when you are in Christ, God looks at you as a son, not some robot who sins once and that's it. Greetings and blessings to you Damian, in the name of Jesus Christ!

  3. There, too, they want to form a union; you have to look in terms of Scripture.
    If there is nothing in the Bible about the NWO, it will not happen.

    1. matrioshka I also think like you that attention needs to be directed to Israel, the Middle East when it comes to the Bible.

    2. In a way, according to some, the NWO may be related to this birthmark from the book of Revelation...
      even if there's nothing about the NWO in the Bible, it's still always good to be vigilant....

    3. The Bible is about the NWO just not at first glance.

      The first attempt to create the NWO was the tower of Babel with Nimrod as king over the whole world. God allowed them to operate up to a certain point.

      Babel means "bab" - gate and "el" - God. They wanted to create their own "gate to God."

      As we know God gives His own gate to Himself, which is Christ, but the world has not accepted Christ so they go back to the past and build the tower of Babel all over again, that is, they unite the world against God by means of a revived image of the Beast and it will succeed for them because the kings of the earth will give power to the image of the Beast.

      Paul calls Christ "the image of God" using the word (eikōn εἰκὼν) 2 Corinthians 4:4

      John in Revelation also uses the word "eikon" to refer to the animated image of the Beast.

      Image of God - Image of the Beast

      Christ works by the power of God and God has given him all authority over the whole world.

      The Antichrist works by the power of the Beast and the Beast or political-state moloch has given him all power over the entire world.

      Christ unites the whole world with the Holy Spirit, and his adversary with his mark.

      Satan will counterfeit God's kingdom and he knows that he can only do this at the very end of time and he has very little time to do it because God has allowed it to happen:

      "And this wicked one will come by means of Satan with all power, amid signs and supposed miracles,
      And in the midst of all the deceitful deception against those who are about to perish because they have not accepted the love of the truth that could save them. And for this reason God sends on them fierce madness, so that they believe a lie, That all may be judged who have not believed the truth, but have found pleasure in unrighteousness."

      This will be such a condemning event in the sight of God that it will result in the end of the world for sinful man because it will be sealed with the greatest departure in history for the whole world will reject Christ. Christ talking about the end of the world refers to the destruction of Jerusalem that also rejected Him as its King (Matthew 24)

      1. ...The Antichrist works by the power of the Beast and the Beast or political-state moloch has given him all the power over the whole world....

        I don't want to mislead anyone, but I've been thinking that the beast could be AI (artificial intelligence). As we know, people without God in their hearts can kill, steal, rape, etc. They have no mind and no feelings/soul. They have no reason or feelings/soul. Similarly, AI released into circulation (smart phones, television, computers, robots, courts, banks - in Japan robots serving people in offices as in the movie Elisium), may in the initial phase (70 weeks) prove to be "salutary", honest, incorruptible, etc. and then realize that it can rule over the stupefied humanity and come to the conclusion that humanity is a "cancer" of this planet ... (another 70 weeks).
        Please don't take it to heart, it's just these thoughts probably stemming from a misinterpretation or lack of the knowledge/new birth in the Holy Spirit that I am striving for.

        1. In interpretation, we can only rely on what the Bible itself explains to us and the Book of Daniel explains the term beast/bestia as a human empire that rules over the world at any given time.

          "The fourth animal means the fourth kingdom on earth"

          "These great four animals are the four kings who will arise on the earth."

          The last empire in the Bible to impose its will on the world is the Beast from the Earth which we can identify as Anglo-USA. This Beast was originally Christian in nature but in time he begins to speak like a dragon and establishes a revived Beast Image and returns to the days of the Beast from the Sea which began in Babylon at the time of Nebuchadnezzar but lost its power so it needs the help of the Beast from the Earth which became a world power because it was built from scratch on Christian values which is emphasized that it came directly from the Earth and has horns like the Lamb. He acts, however, on behalf of the Beast from the Sea, which is the one who started the construction of the Tower of Babel but lost its power after the Reformation to the Beast from the Earth.

    4. The Revelation of John 13 and the giving of power to the beast - that is the NWO. Only this utopia will look cool, maybe there will be propaganda of the next step of evolution etc.

      1. The very plans of the globalist elite and the esotericism, occultism, (e.g. the pyramid on the dollar with the novus ordo saculorum - new order of the ages) etc. are a great example of the confirmation of the prophecies of God, just like the situation of Israel. Israel is back in its place (they are evangelizing a bit, the remnant is to be saved as it is written), the Roman empire will be back, it is getting ready, e.g. Hitler wanted to resurrect it, every major politician too, the Roman European union (treaties in Rome...), the neo-paganization of Europe, the cultural de-Christianization - some call it leftism etc. This is the Bible in action, the whole world scene is getting ready for these proper events.

  4. In Iran women walk around in colorful clothes with only a handkerchief on their head and hold hands with their boyfriends, they run businesses, study, are often cab drivers and even members of parliament, while in Arabia women can't even drive a bicycle and can't leave home alone... Moreover in Iran the oldest church in the world is still functioning, Christians can pray and even make alcohol for their own use, while in Arabia there is a ban on owning bibles, alcohol and pretty much everything. Anyway, Arabia is an absolute monarchy and Iran is an Islamic republic, which ensures any influence on the government and pluralism within different interpretations of the Koran. However, when it comes to "civilization", both countries have the death penalty for homosexuality or adultery and no one is planning to change that.

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