Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Prayer request for Martin's mom.

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I have been an active reader of your blog for a long time, although I don't contribute at all. Thanks to you I changed a lot in my life for the better:)

Często piszesz, na swoim blogu prośbę o modlitwę za swoich czytelników lub ich bliskich. Myślałem, że mnie to się nie zdarzy, a jednak…..

I learned today from my Sister, who is temporarily living with her parents, that Mom has recently gotten severe neurosis with anxiety. She has even said goodbye to the world already. I ask you Peter for support and prayers for my Mom to our Lord that she regains her mental health.

Thanks in advance:)



Updated: 11 September 2017 — 11:10


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  1. I visit this blog unsystematically, I also do not contribute here. Once, all of a sudden, my mother started screaming, having terrible medications, and it started, the doctors, hospitals, pills, my father saw only hope in it, I knew it was something spiritual, a few weeks earlier I met the real Lord Jesus, unfortunately today it has been over 5 years, my father is no more, I am enslaved by various things so that I am not converted, very lost, and my mother is at home as if suspended somewhere in space, talking about things very hard for her to wash or change her clothes.I never knew that a person can be mentally and emotionally tired all the time. Thank the Lord for your post because I also dared to write here. I will pray for your mom and please pray for mine too. Praise God

    1. I will also pray for your mom and for you Marcin

    2. “ja jestem zniewolony różnymi rzeczami tak ze nie jestem nawrócony” nie mów tak bo dajesz się okłamać diabłu. Diabeł i jego duchy właśnie tak działa, że wkładają do głowy myśli typu, jestem potępiony, coś źle robię itd. Wiem to ze świadectw i wiem to po sobie. Nawrócony jak najbardziej jesteś bo wierzysz, że Jezus to Pan i Zbawiciel tyle, że jesteś zniewolony demonicznie co jest niestety możliwe nawet u Chrześcijan. Mam nawet znajomego co ma całkiem dobre “połączenie” z Bogiem i nawet słyszy Jego werbalny głos a jednak też czasem miał w sobie demony i Bóg go w ogóle nauczył jak z siebie wyganiać demony co też czynił z powodzeniem. Potrzeba ci po prostu teraz znaleźć chrześcijanin obdarowanych darami Ducha Świętego i opisać im swoje problemy ażeby ci wraz z Bogiem ciebie uwolnili od tego i owego. Sam możesz nie dać rady. Wiem to z doświadczenia. Twoja mama również ewidentnie jest w szponach diabła bo nie jedna choroba ma swoje podłoże demonicznie. Dla przykładu, obecnie trwa epidemia depresji Shalom więc bracie. Życzę ci Bożych błogosławieństw i się pomodlę za ciebie i mamę. Pamiętaj o słowach Jezusa by się starać więc postaraj się znaleźć tych ludzi o których mówię. Nie poddawaj się bo diabeł tylko na to czeka bo jest zabójcą i kłamcą.

      1. Wkradł mi się błąd w komentarzu. Po “Dla przykładu, obecnie trwa epidemia depresji ” powinno być, że za to jest odpowiedzialny duch depresji i są różne inne duchy odpowiedzialne za różne choroby.

  2. Martin, tell me mom's name, please.
    I will pray.

  3. Praying is a good thing, but your mom is under demonic influence. Since she is having suicidal thoughts that means there is probably a death demon present. I've had such thoughts too and people with the Holy Spirit detected the same demon in me, along with the demon of depression (and from depression comes other mental illnesses such as neurosis) so what you need there is people with the Holy Spirit who know their stuff, they will come to your mom there and chase those demons away in the name of Jesus. Seriously, prayer is not always enough (because it also depends on who is praying and with what faith, if that person is fasting at all, how much they are focusing on God, how closely they are reading the scriptures and sowing them in themselves, if they are sowing them in others, etc.) and I know some of you may disagree with me, but I read a recent I know some of you may disagree with me, but I read about a man who spent 50 years praying to God to be free from feelings of isolation, etc. and then met another Christian who prayed for just 2 minutes and he was freed from those negative feelings immediately. Can you imagine? 50 YEARS! Andrew Wommack also once told a story about Christians who prayed there for many years for something (forgive me, but I don't remember what) and nothing, absolutely NOTHING changed in their lives. It's just that you have to know a little bit about spiritual warfare and the truth is that I see among Christians that they sometimes don't even know how to use spiritual gifts such as praying in tongues. It's just like the Letter to the Corinthians where St. Paul had to explain to people how to use these gifts.

  4. I will be praying for your mom as well.

  5. Hello,
    The best thing I know for depression is St. John's wort extract on alcohol. Do not sunbathe afterwards because it causes spots on the skin. I hope it helps.

    I recently received another controversial therapy in my mailbox. I do not recommend it or advise against it. Everyone is aware of their choice as well as the benefits and side effects.
    Text below:
    “Obłędna naturalna kuracja przeciw depresji
    Dear Reader,

    this new treatment is insanely effective for the most severe cases of depression!

    These are "magic mushrooms" or in other words: hallucinogenic mushrooms, familiar to those of us who lived in the 1960s, the era of the Beatles, Yellow Submarine, etc.

    These "magic mushrooms" contain psilocybin, administered to patients in the form of gel capsules.

    The law now prohibits the use of these mushrooms, so popular with the hippies of old.

    And yet, scientists at Imperial College in London managed to get permission to use them in a scientific experiment.

    They selected 12 patients suffering from severe cases of depression, previously resistant to any treatment.

    They gave them gel capsules containing powdered mushrooms. At first, unsurprisingly, the patients experienced profound psychedelic delirium1. After all, that's what they are for - you may be telling me.

    But beware: just one week later, all the participants in the experiment were free of depression. Three months later, five of them no longer had any symptoms!

    The results of this study were published in the prestigious medical journal The Lancet Psychiatry on May 17, 2016.2

    Proposed explanation: psilocybin induces the development of new neurons in the brain.

    Success that is second to none
    According to Amanda Feiling of the Beckley Foundation, who participated in the study, this is an unparalleled success that could revolutionize the treatment of depression.

    For the first time in many years, people who had exhausted all currently available treatment pathways found themselves with a decrease in anxiety, an increase in optimism and the ability to enjoy life, she stated3.

    Our study showed that psilocybin is safe and works quickly if used with care, explained Professor David Nutt, formerly a medical advisor to the British government, to the British press4.

    If used with care: it is worth emphasizing this condition, indeed. Hallucinogenic mushrooms cause, as their name implies, hallucinations, can interfere with the ability to see, cause seasickness, cause anxiety, agitation, and even paranoid attacks.

    The patient may appear to be in danger and may behave in dangerous ways, such as running across the street without checking for traffic. There have been cases of suicide and accidents after consuming hallucinogenic mushrooms. In contrast, hallucinogenic mushrooms are not poisonous and there have been no reported cases of death caused by the mushrooms themselves (only cases of poisoning by ordinary poisonous mushrooms in people who thought they were eating hallucinogenic mushrooms have been reported)5.

    Treatment that could (should!) be cheap
    The hallucinogenic mushrooms used in this study are common and inexpensive. They grow in Europe, North America, and Asia. The active ingredient, psilocybin is found in about 200 species of basal fungi.

    In a normal world, the cost of treating depression with these mushrooms could be 35 euros for one person, according to Professor David Nutt. (That is, about 140 zloty).

    However, the regulations and administrative procedures for obtaining permission to use them are so complex that the cost is 1750 euros (i.e. 7000 PLN) per dose, i.e. 50 times more expensive.

    Nutt exposed the "Kafkaesque" procedures imposed by the authorities that forced his team to wait 32 months for permission to begin this experiment.

    Authorities impose unrealistic requirements
    Also problematic is the fact of the unrealistic requirements imposed by the authorities in the procedure for authorizing this treatment.

    It will take years of research and administrative procedures before finally one day in the year 2040, or even 2050, your doctor will offer you this treatment.

    So the 350 million people suffering from depression worldwide are very likely to continue to suffer needlessly for years to come.

    Our only defensive strategy is to spread the word. Talk about what is happening in your environment. Contribute to breaking down that wall of silence.

    People suffering from major depression have a right to know that there is this potential treatment that poses no particular danger if used under the close supervision of a physician.

    This is very valuable information in the context of the hell experienced by those suffering from severe depression.

    It takes courage to say this, despite the fact that we are talking about mushrooms with a bad reputation for historical and cultural reasons. But, in my opinion, there is no objective reason why the authorities should arbitrarily deprive patients with severe depression of this possible lifeline.

    While you are waiting for this new treatment to become available, you can treat depression with plants (unless it is a severe case of depression). There are four medicinal plants with a recognized effect of restoring balance to the missing neurotransmitters we deal with in depression. These are:

    black beans (griffonia),
    St. John's wort, and
    scabies proper.
    I wish you good health,
    Jean-Marc Dupuis”

  6. Będę się modlić o twoją mamę! i “również marcin”, o twoją też!

  7. Praise God for you, or the Church here on earth.I don't want to give up, even though I myself am weak and can't do anything in life. I thank God for you and your warm words. I hope to describe more about myself here, because I need someone to direct me on what to do and where to look.

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