Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Poland is still at war with Germany. Germany is not a state, but a company.

It will probably surprise many, but Poland has not signed a peace treaty with Germany since the end of World War II to this day. This has been said often by Korwin Mikke, and is now worth keeping in mind.

So formally we are still at war. We are only bound by the Potsdam truce.

RFN uznała zachodnią granicą Polski – ale w każdej chwili niemiecki trybunał konstytucyjny może to uznać za sprzeczne z niemiecką konstytucją.

This has larger implications. Before I write the painful and controversial TRUTH that you can confront international law and history and I count on your support, I would like to emphasize the paradox of this phenomenon. If we have everything under our noses in such matters and shooting 95% of the Polish population does not know about it, then how are people supposed to know the true principles of faith from the Bible? We live not so much in a lie as in total ignorance.


lfred Polgar, an Austrian writer and literary critic, argued that people find it much easier to believe a lie they have heard hundreds of times than a truth that is completely new to them.


What will surprise many is that Germany does not have the status of a state, but is a company. Merkel is formally the president of a limited liability company under the name Bundesrepublik Deutschland Agencja Finansowa Sp. z o.o.. German insiders at the government level therefore maliciously refer to her as Mrs. President rather than Mrs. Chancellor.*



Formally, Germany exists on the basis of registration at the Chamber of Commerce in Frankfurt am Main as BRD GmbH or Bundesrepublik Deutschland GmbH (!?) or Sp. z o.o.

Germany could not exist as a state because The Third German Reich never formally ceased to exist.*

Today, the Third Reich is still formally at war (armistice) with 46 countries. Japan, on the other hand, signed peace treaties with 47 countries on 8.9.1951.


Współczesne Niemcy bez konstytucji nie są suwerennym państwem. Państwo Niemieckie ma jedynie „Grundgesetz ” co tłumaczy się jako ustawę zasadniczą. Artykuł 139 nie znosi ustawodawstwa III Rzeszy. W efekcie obecni obywatele Niemiec są nadal formalnie obywatelami III Rzeszy!



The present day Germany does not have a constitution but only a Basic Law that is a legal regulation in a militarily occupied area by the Allies. This law should be replaced by a constitution that was to be created only after reunification and full German sovereignty.


What is the conclusion? Germany is not sovereign, it is considered a sort of "puppet of the US", it cannot hold a nationwide referendum on political issues, and offices and even the police in Germany are formally privatized, etc.

No new nationality laws were introduced, and the laws introduced by Hitler in 1934, when the 1919 constitution (Verfassung) of the Weimar Republic was abolished and Nazi legislation was introduced, which was not abolished after World War II, are still in effect.


Conclusion. Germany still has legislation from the Third Reich


The question of citizenship - nationality remained defined as "Deutsch" - as in the III. Reich. In 2010 the Citizenship Law was removed from the GG. As a result, Germans have practically no defined nationality.

And so in the German current identity card, erroneously called "personalausweis", (which should be "Persönliche Ausweis ") is also erroneously specified - the nationality as "Deutsch". There is no such country as Deutsch! It should be Deutschland!
Conclusion: there is no "Deutsch" state. That is, current German citizens are formally stateless.


Rockefeller's company exercised economic authority over Germany:



 A group of quasi-German companies was headed by the famous IG Farben, while the Rockefellers' Standard Oil was at the head of their American affiliates.

This maneuver, planned precisely from the legal side, was not so much to make German citizens stateless, but a deliberate way of destroying the statehood of a large nation, towards building a New World Order under global corporations, after the destruction of the nation-states.

By contrast, in the BRICS countries such as China, Russia, India, Brazil, South Africa and parts of the medium and smaller countries such as Iran, Syria, Iceland, Hungary, the supporters of the nation-state and their own society prevail over the supporters of the globalist New World Order led by banksters and blue-blooded royal families under the supervision of super-secret organizations. *1

Standard Oil Co. Inc. - a former U.S. petrochemical company whose activities included the production and processing of oil and natural gas, as well as their transportation, distribution and marketing

Currently, full international rights to the Standard Oil name are ska ExxonMobil Corporation. Mało znana ale bardzo znana….

ExxonMobil is one of the largest publicly traded companies by market capitalization in the world

Idealists who see Trump as a Christian will shatter his image. Well, on December 13, 2016. ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson , was appointed Secretary of State by President Donald Trump.



January 9, 2017. It was revealed that a European joint venture between ExxonMobil and Royal Dutch Shell of Infineum have conducted business with Iran, Syria and Sudan, while these countries were under U.S. sanctions. Przedstawiciele ExxonMobil powiedzieli, że ponieważ Infineum opiera się w Europie, a transakcje nie angażują pracowników z USA, nie naruszyły sankcji…







Considering the effects of the absence of a peace treaty after World War II on Poland's situation, it is concluded that Poland after May 8, 1945, after the establishment of PKWN and PRL is still under occupation. Because the People's Republic of Poland being a Soviet dominion was probably created as an experiment to prepare people for today's times. The People's Republic of Poland was in fact a communist creation, whose organs were a usurpation of "power", which in the People's Republic of Poland was a kind of enterprise. This status we have in the Third Republic of Poland, mistakenly pretending to be the Polish State until today.

II RP prawnie nigdy nie została rozwiązana. Lech Wałęsa składając niewłaściwą przysięgę nie został prezydentem II RP – złożył przysięgę na PRL-owską konstytucję potwierdzając tym samym kontynuację PRL, funkcjonującego od 1989r pod nazwą “III RP”.
Formally the Second Polish Republic still exists within its borders as of 31.08.1939! This means that the Eastern Borderlands (Wilno, Lwów, Grodno etc.) are legally still Polish!

The lack of peace treaties after World War II means that there is still a state of war between Poland and Germany today, which is evident in the economy.

One of many examples of formal anomalies in the Third Republic :

- all government offices are merely private enterprises usurping official authority! A public official must have Official Identification Card, while issued to the current officials of the so-called. company card nie uprawnia ich do sprawowania czynności urzędowych.”




Hence the deliberate destruction of nation-states.

Wdług Korwina Mikke Margaret a Thatcher  chciała rzekomo  zavetować zjednoczenie Niemiec – jeśli Niemcy nie podpiszą traktatu pokojowego. Ustapiła, bo prosił Ją o to… śp.Krzysztof Skubiszewski (agent ps. “Kosk” – przypuszczalnie przez Niemców szantażowany ujawnieniem, że był TW – i homosiem), ówczesny “polski” minister SZ.,krzysztof-skubiszewski-czyl...
Jeśli ktoś twierdzi, że podpisanie traktatu pokojowego to “czysta formalność, po co się czepiać…” to niech odpowie na pytanie:
Poniżej – agent “Kosk” w Hadze. A tu refleksje n/t zjednoczenia Niemiec naszego wielkiego poety, śp.Andrzeja Waligórskiego:,


We see it, as the authors and I myself often mention on the blog, in a state of economic occupation. The German Consulate in Wrocław employs as many as 700 people. Their influence could be seen during the turmoil at the university, when the GERMAN CONSULATE CALLED THE POLISH POLICE:

– Z akt sprawy wynika, że decyzję o wkroczeniu oddziałów specjalnych na teren uniwersytetu podjął konsul niemiecki we Wrocławiu (dr Gottfried Zeitz – red.) –confirms in an interview with niezależ Prof. Tadeusz Marczak, Associate Professor of the Department of Political Studies at Wrocław University


Polska nie jest wolnym krajem. Szkoda tylko, że – mam nadzieję że się mylę – znowu zostaniemy wciągnięci w nie naszą wojnę, ale widocznie taki jest los kraju oddanego królowej Niebios…

War is a business, and the world belongs to private companies opposed to God.

The truth is as follows: Germany is run by U.S. corporations and exploits countries throughout the European Union with the approval of the U.S. through bribed politicians.


The withdrawal of Soviet troops from the DDR and the so-called "reunification of Germany" does not mean that the legal regulations of the occupied territories ceased to apply in the "BRD". They are still valid! Since Germany is formally still "occupied", it is understandable that the law of the Occupant is the supreme law - that was yesterday and still is today. And if you still believe that the Bundesregierung and the Chancellor (as an extension of his power) are acting according to the will of their people, then please take a look at where each of the newly elected Chancellors is taking his first steps: to the USA, the UK, France and Russia. Like a vassal to his master...

In this way, people in high positions in the German government were also informed by means of such documents what they had to do, what they could do and what they were not allowed to do. This also applies to the highest commanders in the German "Bundeswehr". They too are instructed from the outside what they have to do and what is their current objective.

It may be hard for you to imagine that... in the structure of the 'Bundeswehr' there is no such thing as a General Staff or a High Command! The Bundeswehr (army) IS DIRECTLY SUBJECT to Nato and gets its orders from "Nato Obersbefehlshaber Europa Mitte". So formally all units of the German Army are subject to American generals! So now perhaps you will stop being surprised by the fact that the BRD is now involved in every one of the "war games" being played by international interest groups


In the link at the bottom of #5 everything is described in detail.




PIS is no exception. President Duda signed the vaccination law which proves that he does not represent Polish interests. PIS is the lesser evil. If PO or SLD etc. had been in power, there would not have been 500 plus and this care for historical truth, 500 plus etc. Of course we realize that this is also important in spreading patriotism in this theater.

To sum up: Poland is ruled by Germany, Germany by the USA, and the USA by the Vatican and the Zionists.

We won't overthrow it, but we can, in a democracy that is coming to an end, take care of Christian legislation to ensure that Islam doesn't dominate us.

And a final remark: do not be tricked into artificially pumped up patriotism for a potential war. Protection of Polish interests and values yes. War does not.

Once again, the words of the Bible come true:

“Wiemy, że jesteśmy z Boga,
cały zaś świat leży w mocy Złego. ” 1 Jana 5


Cały świat leży w mocy złego i dlatego wszelkie ruchy polityczne nie mają sensu. To jest sieć powiązań ludzi przeciwnych Bogu. Nie ma chrześcijańskiej wyspy…









Konsekwencje braku Traktatu Pokojowego po II Wojnie Światowej dla Niemiec oraz całej Europy







Bundesrepublik Deutschland, czyli przekręt stulecia. O tym jak zamieniono całe państwo w firmę (cz. 1)

Updated: 6 September 2017 — 13:21


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  1. Czasy w których żyjemy są naprawdę “trudne” duchowo, a i materialnie ( gospodarczo-ekonomicznie ) też nie za dobre. Ludzie na skutek zmasowanej propagandy babilońskiej, jawnej i ukrytej, która ich bestializuje, są coraz bardziej zdemonizowani. Naszą jedyną nadzieją i ratunkiem przed złem tego świata jest przeto Pan Jezus Chrystus. Mamy czerpiąc siłę z Jego Boskiej mocy zawracać ludzi z fałszywej drogi wiodącej do wiecznego zatracenia. Jesteśmy do tego zobowiązani.

  2. Well written and put together into a larger whole! This is what our reality looks like!

    1. Here's the thing.

  3. Boże Ojcze uchroń Twoje owieczki…

  4. Z Islandią to prawda, nawet bankierów umieli pogonić…może i kuchnię swoją mają jaką mają, ale nie dziwi mnie że ludzie chcą tam pracować…
    And Hungary is a nice surprise 🙂 Anyway, what to write here, the awareness of this evil symbolism and its meaning etc. is quite big, by the way I wrote once about the fact that even on the local TV they were showing (or still are, I don't know) a documentary about Freemasons and their history, and it had quite good viewership 😮.
    Można byłoby jeszcze dodać do wymienionej w jednym z cytatów w tekście [ten *1, chodzi mi o link] przynajmniej niektóre kraje byłej Jugosławii, w Serbii jest dość spora świadomość potrzeby suwerenności itp., chyba i w Chorwacji też trochę, ale nie aż tak… [a co do reszty nie wiem niestety]
    Teraz patrząc na to można zrozumieć, że “Niemcy sp z o.o.” tak chętnie chcą dobić Polskę…bo tego chcą jej możnowładcy, a właściwie ludzie którzy chcą i ten kraj zniszczyć, byleby tylko jak najwięcej z tego mieć…
    I po co było mi uczyć się niemieckiego przez 6 lat? :/ (gimnazjum+3 lata liceum) Gdybym o czymś takim wiedziała wcześniej, przerzuciłabym się na rosyjski (choć i ten język trochę znam, bo najpierw mama nauczyła mnie ich literek i czytania w ich języku, zaś później coś niecoś załapałam oglądając dwie ichniejsze stacje muzyczne, do których przez pewien czas moi rodzice mieli dostęp z satelity i przeglądając jakieś strony w ich języku), zresztą rosyjski w moim rejonie zawsze się przyda, bo bardzo dużo znających rosyjski, zwłaszcza Białorusinów, a to pracuje gdzieś tu, a to studiuje (zresztą w mojej grupie ćwiczeniowej jest Białorusin, ale idzie się z nim porozumieć bo nieźle mówi po polsku; przez pewien czas uczyła się ze mną też i jakaś inna Białorusinka), a to są tzw. “shop-toury”, czyli wycieczki zakupowe do centrów handlowych albo klienci przyjeżdżający własnymi autami na zakupy aż gdzieś stamtąd…
    Zresztą nawet i w Warszawie (tu już bardziej Ukraińców, ale i Białorusini są dość liczni) czy np. we Wrocławiu (tu już przewaga Ukraińców) jest takich osób sporo…więc ten język się też przydaje 🙂

  5. You should write about it more often. Anyone who speaks out about it is considered an idiot (for example, KORWIN MIKE).

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