Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Germany is still an occupied country.

Very valuable material about the occupation law in Germany. Every Pole should watch this film.

An economist by profession who had to re-learn the law.
Offices don't lie, they just don't tell the truth,




Wolfgang Schauble Lawyer,
at the European Banking Congress on German sovereignty: We in Germany have not been fully sovereign since May 1945. 2011



The lecturer wrote to: the Allies and to the British Embassy inquiring about German sovereignty. They received this reply:



As we can see, Germany did not receive full sovereignty until 1990.

The question of where the name Germany came from when it was previously the Holy Roman Empire. However, the phrase reich was avoided.

Germans are running around with a document (ID card) from the Bundesrepublik Deutscheland. BDR is not sovereign, as Wolfgang Schauble said

All German offices are registered as companies in the UK and US.

According to the author, capitalism and socialism are two sides of the same coin because they had the same sponsors.

“Niemcy są nazistowską matką UE”. powiedział autor.


We must know that the Germans are just as deceived as the Poles, and just as anti-German sentiments are being fanned in Poland, so anti-Polish sentiments are being fanned in Germany. They rule in Germany, the USA, Russia and Poland. They make money from wars, and the Lord Jesus called them in the apocalypse.

The inventors of Niemeic were Nazis.

Bundesrepublik Deutscheland continues the Nazi Third Reich. Previously, the nationalities were the states.


Jeśli więc mocodawcami Niemiec są “alianci” , firmy z USA i owa nacja rządząca światem, a z kolei w Polsce działa agentura amerykańska, to wszyscy mają jednego szefa i biblia o tym mówi.



“Wiemy, że jesteśmy z Boga, a cały świat pogrążony jest w Złym” 1 Jana 5



We have no enemies either in Russia or in Germany. People there are just as deceived as Poles. That is why terminology is important. Yes, Germany owns 80% media in Poland, but who owns Germany? We already know.

So, as I have written so far about politicians being the lackeys of Germany, it can be simplified to two religious groups that rule the world. With the exception that Germany's politicians have a special job to do in Europe. However, the whole world is deceived.

Well, we won't change that, but we shouldn't let ourselves get dragged into wars.

Again, I recommend this video above.

Updated: 6 September 2017 — 18:50


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  1. Kiedyś o tym czytałam (pisały nawet o tym takie dwie panie, siostry, które czegoś podobnego szukały i w Polsce z tymi urzędami itp., ale one były dość mocno “pro-słowiańsko” nastawione-tzn. z tymi obrzędami itp.; do samych Słowian jako ludzi nic nie mam…), ale nie myślałam że to może być rzeczywiście prawda…
    Szkoda tych ludzi w Niemczech, że nie mogą nic z tym zrobić… Tam też są normalni ludzie, którzy po prostu chcą normalnie żyć, bez zamachów i molestowań ludzi itp. co drugi dzień, a ta cała polityka im to ostro gmatwa…
    (as for Russians, a lot of people who were there e.g. when they traveled to Moscow/Trans-Siberian Railway etc. wrote that quite often people there are quite nice, they even like Poles and are willing to help them 🙂 )

    1. “Szkoda tych ludzi w Niemczech, że nie mogą nic z tym zrobić… Tam też są normalni ludzie, którzy po prostu chcą normalnie żyć, bez zamachów i molestowań ludzi itp. co drugi dzień, a ta cała polityka im to ostro gmatwa”

      Exactly, but their standard of living is higher than in Poland

  2. To, plus to że nie mają konstytucji – to brzmi jak jakaś abstrakcja.

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