Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Brad Pitt: Hollywood's pedophile elites control America. Shocking interview!

A very bold statement and Pit and puzzlingly late for the duration of his career.

"The media never unveils the truth because they are part of it. The media that will expose it is the internet."

"The Internet is a wonderful thing, and the free flow of information brings that now" - they're losing control of Americans and people around the world, and they know it.


Mr. Pitt describes how the entire television and film industry is run around a culture of child trafficking that reaches into the United States and beyond, to the upper echelons of the political spectrum and people in high places.

It's just a byproduct: it's about money, and most importantly, it's about power and control "." The people who run Hollywood run all of America and most of the world, and they don't care about movies "." Have you heard of the Illuminati Order? The secret societies, the politicians, the bankers and the media are the ones who run the pedophile bullshit, and they run the world, and it all goes back to Hollywood.


Strangely, what was thought to be conspiracies is now being shown to be the truth from the participants in this game themselves.


"Boys want to be in movies, or should I say: parents want their children to be in movies, and they will do anything to make their kids famous"


When asked why Hollywood was appointed by these elites, he said;



It's parents, it's the American dream to be famous, and parents will do anything to get there." "Have you ever met an actress' mom?" "It's easy sheets, and it's not just movies, it's TV, music ... it's showbiz "." Parents sell their souls for fame ".



Pitt continues to reveal the motivation behind trafficking at the highest levels of children and the ways in which children influence other children.


A certain young kid with a certain mom who reciprocates and will do anything to get it. "" The kid gets sent to some guy who runs a TV network.


"The TV guy will never say bad things about the movie because the guy in the movie knows what the TV guy did to that young kid," he said. "The same thing happens with politicians, bankers and the rest."


It's all about children as bargaining chips. A pedophile priest with HIV who raped 30 children forgiven by the church. When asked who these "Hollywood players" were, Pitt refused to give names, saying:


"I'm from the land of the free and don't want a lawsuit."

But he said he was confident that those abusing a child at a high level would soon see justice: "The media will never reveal the truth because they are part of it. It is the independent media that will expose it:

"The Internet, it's a wonderful thing, and the free flow of information gives that now" - they're losing control of the American people and people around the world and they know it.


The truth is that satanists have a special preference for children. That is why many vaccines contain mercury and aluminum. It is true that the Illuminati secret order exists, but it is also true that Zionism and Lucifer reside in the Vatican.

Pedophilia is not just a perversion. It is a religion and an element of satanism professed at the highest levels. Pedophilia in secret societies is an ennoblement and a privilege.


Recently, a series of films with Paweł Bednarz has been circulating on Polish YouTube, informing about the scale of trafficking of children in Poland, who end up in brothels and pedophiles or in organs.

"Every adoption violates the Constitution and the Bill of Rights for children and human beings."

If a child does not find its parents for 5 weeks in Poland, it is sent abroad".



I am very sorry because Paweł Kukiz, with whom I naively had some hopes, has also closed his mouth...

Unfortunately, Pawel Bednarz does not have a Christian vocabulary, but facts count. The person seems to be controversial, sometimes as if he was making a show, but maybe in this way he wants to arouse the world's interest. One film is not enough.


The issue of Pitt's "confession" is intriguing. Especially as more and more movie and music stars are revealing the truth in a similar vein.

So we have two options:


  1. They are so sure of themselves that they will bribe anyone and bring in a Luciferian non-order, as you can see from the mothers of celebrity children.
  2. It is a nativity play designed to bring down the bad ones with the good ones in quotes. Such a replacement of PO with PiS and in effect setting up a "good" government with an antichrist who will do order with everyone.


People must finally realize that there is a satanic system and that only in God is there hope and salvation. Ignorance of God's Law leads to many misfortunes.


"Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free" John.





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Updated: 14 July 2017 — 11:09


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  1. Whether this Brad Pitt speaks the truth or not is beside the point. The deluded people have become so dumbed down by the various Babylonian propaganda served to them by the minions of the evil one, that they even pass over SOLIDLY DOCUMENTED bestial events into the order of everyday life, as if nothing had happened. II Thessalonians 2:10-12 Those who have not loved the truth, which is to save them, will be deceived by every temptation of evil to their destruction. And Allah will cause those who are deluded by error to be drawn into a snare, and to give credence to falsehood. Thus will be the doom of all those who reject the Truth, but take a liking to Evil.

  2. I am glad that you brought up this important topic, which also affects Poland. Whoever has never been in contact with occultists will never understand how these people have their souls poisoned for "gifts from Satan". I once knew a man who officially claimed to be very good: he helped in orphanages, gave money to charity organizations. He was involved in the occult and saw nothing wrong with it. Something about this man bothered me. It turned out that he possessed a considerable amount of child pornography. If anyone thinks that such things can be reported to the police, they are wrong. I won't say that all people do, but such people have connections with the police and so on. The guy is still walking around free and they have not done anything to him...

  3. Such things have always been around. Only today there is a closed system, and when something comes out about such perversions, people don't believe it and ask why it is happening.

    Speaking of which. It's going to happen until there's not a stone left unturned.

    1. In the U.S., most dismiss this with the sobriquet "satanic panic," which is meant to undermine and ridicule such reports as the product of an overactive imagination.

  4. It's hard to say how credible he is, and to what extent these statements are part of controlled opposition activity. Especially since even though he's already the ex-husband of that satanist Jolie, if memory serves me correctly, they're putting their kid through some crazy hormone therapy together so she doesn't grow up to be a woman. On the other hand, it wouldn't surprise me at all if they find his dead body somewhere soon and conclude that he definitely committed suicide.

    1. We can assume it's a controlled leak. The same thing recently came out from Angelina Joli, that she saw satanic rituals and the like. Nothing happens without coincidence. He told as much as they let him.They want people to know *that they already have a whole district of the earth under their dominion*.


  5. By the way, I have a question: If someone has consciously made a pact with the devil for fame and riches, can anything else be done? Can praying for such a person still make a difference or is it irreversible apostasy, blasphemy against the Holy Spirit? For example, praying for someone like Jorge Bergoglio/Francisco to convert and give up his activities - does anyone say such prayers? I'm asking this because recently a similar discussion arose in the comments of a video by one of the popular American Christian Truthers and people were relatively polarized on this issue.

    1. P.S. I wrote that he made a pact for "fame and fortune," but let's expand that to include any motivation to serve the devil.

    2. I wonder if it is actually possible to make a pact with the devil, or if all those famous and rich people are just family, it is about blood ties and they share this fame and wealth + worship Satan. And if someone is not their family and becomes famous, they somehow "destroy" that person if they don't want to conform. I don't know.

  6. Elijah Wood already talked about it that year: I don't know what the purpose of this is, but there will be more and more such confessions.

  7. it is in the genetics of the viper tribe in the pure line, or mixed ... it would be difficult for them to deceive an ascetic or minimalist into such things ... on them the temptations of the testing world do not work so strongly

  8. I recommend reading the book, "I was a Witch", which tells a true story about a woman who gave her life to Lucifer, describing the black masses and how she converted and in her heart Jesus settled forever :))

  9. This statement by Brad Pit is fake news. Nevertheless, something is up.

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