Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Flat earth on a fast track.

I am just having another conversation with another reader about the so-called Flat Earth.

Why did I give the title Flat Earth a quick spin?

Because I'm not going to elaborate on something that can't be examined. There is no evidence for it. Any discussion of the shape of the earth is taking up time. If anyone thinks otherwise, please feel free to comment.

On the other hand... I would like to point out that the flat earth is one of the illuminati charters.



Cards are for playing. The game is the policy. So where does this move come from? To ridicule Christians who deal with such nonsense as a flat earth, who throw the baby out with the bathwater, i.e. the Good News among their friends. Can you imagine the apostles talking about a pie-shaped earth? Did God reveal this to them? Is it necessary for salvation?

Imagine this situation. You learn a biblical truth. Someone brings up the subject of a flat earth. You swallow it. You go to your parents and say, "Listen, Mom and Dad, Jesus loves you and the world is deceiving you because the earth is flat.

What is their reaction? Poor son...

You will not conquer the world for the kingdom of heaven with the flat earth theory. The effect will be the opposite.

What is important is the departure from this world, from sin, not what shape the earth is or when the illuminati order was founded.


Flat earth is a distraction from Jesus. It gives the appearance of unprovable knowledge.

Of course we can investigate, check, and discover the truth, but it is not verifiable.





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  1. Look in the Bible if you say you believe, and two, you can look up the subject. So if you're saying you're a truth detective, then be one, not as it suits me. Many have figured out that the earth is flat, as the scriptures say, and God is real.

    1. In the beginning everyone subscribed to nonbocentrism, now to a flat earth.
      Which of the reformers dealt with this?
      How can you check?

      1. How to check? Rob Skiba, for example, showed it. There's been a lot of tests. If you're gonna tell the truth, it's a long shot. There's no one proof for a bullet. Copernicus was a Jezebel Mason. And two, the "heliocentric theory" is sun worship plus the fallen planets. Be honest, for the scriptures say to examine everything. And so the earth is flat.

        1. Robert I would ask you not to play on feelings, that reliable etc. I wrote : prove it in the comments.
          Take measurements.
          Besides, nowhere did I write that the earth is a sphere

          1. I'm not playing on your feelings, sorry. I'm just saying and the subject is important because many have been converted to God by it. If not flat, then ball. Devolujonist etc. Or God and creation. A sphere is a speck of dust in an infinitely vast universe. A flat earth one thing that is the focus of the Most High. Here is the whole topic.

            1. Robert, can you explain this scientifically and biliously

              1. And of course it is in Isaiah Isaiah 40:21-22
                21 Did you not know this? Have you never heard this? Have you not been told these things from the very beginning? Did you not understand how the earth was created?
                22 He dwells above the circle of the earth, that earth whose inhabitants are like locusts. It is He who stretched out the heavens like a canvas and made them like a tent under which to dwell.
                in Matthew Matthew 5:34 And I say unto you, Swear not at all; neither by heaven, for it is the throne of God; nor by the earth, for it is the footstool of His feet;
                Science says one mile squared. So that's when the jack horizon falls. And it's always at eye level. I'm a pilot, and it's always the same. And two, we've always been taught that. The stars are always the same. And according to science, everything revolves and flies around the sun. Impossible. Water always stays level. No way on a ball. Bradford experiment where the canal is about 16 km according to the ball theory it is impossible to see a person or object at the other end. Seen from water level.

                1. So ask the gunners about Corriolis. I find it hard to believe you're a pilot if you don't know it's commonly used. And the North and South poles and the visibility of stars from both? Will you see Polaris in Australia or the Southern Cross in Poland?

                2. There is gravity on earth. Newton, who discovered it, was a believer and full of awe at how God created it all.

                3. The Bible is not a scientific book, and to determine from the Bible whether the earth is a sphere or a flat disc supported by turtles is absurd. People at that time described the earth according to their own state of knowledge, so they thought the earth was flat.

                4. "The Bible is not a scientific book" - in my opinion it is a platitude typically used by biblical dilettantes or militant atheists/humanists because for such as us no word in it is of human origin and therefore it is the only sure and reliable source of knowledge about reality. Because of the ethical compromises of the world of science, I am not particularly fond of the adjective "scientific," but if I were to equate it with reliability and truthfulness, I would only use it to describe Scripture. Everything else is from people, is inferior, unreliable.

                  1. The bible may not be a scientific book, but it is certainly a book of theses, and this is already part of science.
                    For example: the earth is 6000 years old. - thesis statement. For this thesis, we provide a justification. We count the lived years of each biblical character from Adam and Eve and thus know that the earth is 6000 years old.

                5. Well, it is true that the Bible is not a scientific book sensu strice - it does not deal with physics, mathematics, phenomena in the world.
                  The Bible is a scientific book, but in another respect. It teaches about God, faith, it teaches how we are to live, what to do to obtain salvation, etc. And that is the most important thing

                6. It seems unrealistic and strange to me to determine the age of a planet based on the age of biblical characters.
                  Only GOD knows how old our earth is and I will always hold to that.

                7. The history of the Earth also dates back several thousand years, not more, and also
                  there is a video trying to prove with scientific evidence "The young age of the earth"

                8. To NN I understand (couldn't reply directly)

                  It so happens that the Pole Star can be seen from Darvin in Australia and Malaysia and other countries in the Southern Hemisphere, Why?
                  As for the Southern Cross, it was visible from ports in Italy and Spain until the 16th century. How?
                  How is it that anyone with a good telescope will see Bornholm from Ustronie Morskie (it should be about 100m under water)?

                9. @mr. nobody

                  "It so happens that the Pole Star can be seen from Darvin in Australia and Malaysia and other countries in the Southern Hemisphere, Why?
                  As for the cross of the south, it was visible from the ports of Italy and Spain until the 16th century. How?"

                  Your post is proof that flat earthers are dishonest in their research and will even go as far as telling lies to confuse people. Tell me honestly, have you been to these places and correctly located the Pole Star, can you provide solid evidence or just empty words that are refuted by thousands of amateur astronomers around the world.

        2. And two "heliocentric theory" is sun worship plus the fallen as Planets.

          What if these Jesuits simply named the planets after fallen angels?

          God created the planets and just people gave them names. After all, with a better telescope you can see the planets, so what are we seeing then an illusion?

          1. then maybe the devil "created" the planets since they are demon worship.

            1. God created the first day of the week and the demons called it sunday.

            2. The devil did not create anything.

          2. Peter, in the Bible there are no planets, only constellations.

          3. NNunderstandingNunderstanding July 6, 2017 at 10:29 pm
            There is gravity on earth. Newton who discovered it was a believer and full of admiration as to how God created it all.

    2. Previous comment was to Robert, I support what Robert says, I do not support the admin on this topic. I also follow Rob Skiba's work, I joined the FB Virtual House Church, I believe in the whole Bible, I don't celebrate pagan holidays, only God's, I don't eat forbidden products and yes, I believe the Earth is flat as Scripture says it is. And I love my Messiah Yeshua enough to give my life for Him.

    3. Of course Robert, if the earth is not flat, then we can throw the Bible in the trash because it is not reliable. Fortunately, our beloved earth is flat and anyone can find evidence of this on their own very easily. I invite unbelievers to my channel where I show how to do it. Greetings

      1. "If the earth isn't flat, then we can throw the Bible in the trash because it's not credible" - a mildly controversial thesis, especially considering that the vast majority of Christian church members don't have the faintest idea there's a debate on the internet about such a topic. And such a topic would determine the reliability of the Bible for the majority? This is ridiculous.

      2. Really strong words. If he turns out to be a bullet are you really going to throw God's Word in the trash?

        It is puzzling why it is so necessary to defend this flat earth or non-bocentrism even using lies and manipulation and what is worse playing on the feelings of Christians like politicians such as "who does not believe in the flat earth is a servant of Satan".

        And, as you know, the Bible is full of literary and poetic descriptions and, in addition, written from the perspective of the inhabitants of the earth.

        I would gladly accept the flat earth theory if it had confirmation in what can be observed, but unfortunately nothing like that is observed and it is confirmed by scientists dedicated to God and truth.

        It is clear and logical that if there is a world of atoms several trillion times smaller than man then the cosmos will also exist.

        1. "Really strong words. If it turns out to be a bullet are you really going to throw God's word in the trash ?:"

          and this is evidence of the flat earth deception. Flat Earth yes, the gospel no.
          People think that if they know about conspiracies, they are converted. Look, all the people on the David Icke forum are saved. They know more or less the same things we do.

          Well, except maybe knowing Jesus, but that's a detail for some....

        2. I was on that channel of his, saw some and read the comments. Apart from the flat earth, the author talks about some pseudo-scientific crap like: the sun is low, a few kilometers above us, the sun and the moon are probably simulations, clouds behind the sun. This is trolling of some sort.

  2. I like the flat earth great separation from what is important which is Jesus. I've been through this myself. God is powerful and couldn't create a paycheck. I just realized how I was fooled after that movie.

  3. Preaching the gospel of the flatness or sphericity of the earth is not required.
    In such interesting times it is downright undesirable. No one will believe the true gospel to someone who challenges the theory of heliocentrism.
    However, if part of the tour is to be an invasion of ufokas from a universe that doesn't exist, it's worth investigating...
    Someone counted that there are 19 (?) Bible verses to analyze. Good luck with that.

    1. "Preaching the gospel about the flatness or sphericity of the earth is not required"

      This is true. But if the admin writes that he does not believe in flat earth, then he should completely stop preaching ( writing) about the cards that the powers of this world play.

      A flat earth is not required for salvation, but to believe these lies that are shown on Discovery, or National Geographic is a shock.All fiction and computer animation. It is a belief and people believe it, just like they believe in evolution. This is their religion. The teachings of demons.

      1. Personally, I'm leaning towards that thesis as well. I dismiss material from NASA and other scientists as dimwitted, and then what is left?
        That's right. Besides, it's hard to ignore some of the circumstantial evidence, led by Bible verses. But I will keep my conclusions to myself.

      2. Where did admin write that he doesn't believe in a flat Earth? He wrote that according to him it is impossible to determine whether it is flat or a sphere. For me it can be even ...concave :)...I was joking anyway so to Zdzisio when we were coming back from the convention 🙂

        1. The truth is. I won't insist on it either, because the impression may be wrong. I don't rely on my own reason, and on the other hand, I don't see the crowd of blog readers claiming that the Spirit revealed its shape to them while reading the Word or praying either, and I probably wouldn't deny it right away. I'm just puzzled by these contradictions. Not on a daily basis, but sometimes when I come back to it, as Detective did today, there are far more questions and doubts for me than satisfying answers....

          1. It seems to me that God created the Earth and he gave it the shape he invented...maybe it's some kind of solid whose shape hasn't been described yet by "scientists"? or-if it's flat-it's a shape that doesn't resemble any oval or circle or whatever....

  4. On the other hand... I would like to point out that the flat earth is one of the illuminati charters.

    Do you know why? Because it's true. Do you think God would design the Earth as a "ball" embedded in nothingness? It's not possible.
    I know that you are a supporter of the Earth as a sphere on which we as humans are a product of chance ( evolution)

    What did God say? "Heaven is my throne and the earth is the footstool of my feet" The earth is set and God has put a cornerstone under it. So much for the subject.

    The illuminati card about a flat earth is a game. And they play it in various movies, games, or TV series.

    Ps . Read the Bible there it is all there.

    1. You know, the fact that it's all in there is one thing, but already the interpretations of people unanimously saying they have the Holy Spirit are not lacking and someone who just realized that there is a genuine debate about the shape of the earth going on in certain places on the web all of this could make your head spin....

      1. I believe it is flat because the Bible says so (maybe not explicitly). When I observe the moon, stars, and the earth while flying in an airplane, I don't agree with the theories we have been fed since childhood. Flying at 10 km altitude I had the impression that the earth was concave. Being by the sea and watching ships, I also don't want to believe that it is a sphere. You can see them very far and if you look through binoculars... Besides, thinking logically, if the earth rotated with such a speed as they say, wouldn't we get dizzy? Going from England to Poland (I count also the return) I do 4 thousand km. It is enough to multiply it by 10 and it is 40 thousand km. If you travel a lot and often, you will understand what I am writing about. Then, nothing is as far away as we think. I think that everyone should realize that we are not a speck in the universe (as they try to make us believe) but someone special for our Father in heaven.
        I wish you all God's blessings.

  5. You write well Peter, it's a waste of time to deal with whether the earth is flat or whatever. It is not necessary for salvation.
    The same for many other irrelevant topics.
    It's better to focus on Jesus.

  6. Exactly the same conclusion I came to today, what difference does it make if it's flat or spherical, we can't prove it, there are much more important things to deal with

  7. I heard about the flat earth, researched it with Scripture, and made sure the earth was flat.
    Illuminati cards - Satan must show the truth, even if in a twisted way, so that a person can't make excuses I didn't know and my sin doesn't count.
    There is plenty of evidence understandable to the simple man, but the truth is so shocking and that is why people suppress it.
    My son is an engineer and when I told him about the flat earth he knocked his forehead, watched videos and laughed until he flew a plane. He observed that the pilot did not correct the flight despite the curvature of the earth, he said that the flight should be corrected every few minutes otherwise they would have flown into space and that did not happen. Anyway, when he was studying he said that they teach mostly theory which has little to do with reality. Rectors are also Freemasons.

    1. It won't fly into space because wings don't work in a vacuum

      1. There is no sound coming from the vacuum, and astronauts are sending messages from space ?

  8. The cards are there to be played. The rulers of the world play.

    I have a question for you admin. God flooded the Earth for a reason. If the earth with the sun and other planets are orbiting in empty space, how did the flood happen on earth. One question out of a thousand I can ask.

    If you go to the Bible there you will find the answer. I look forward to

    Ps. There is a famous passage in the biblical Book of Joshua about "stopping the Sun",

    "On the day that the Lord gave the Amorites into the power of the Israelites, Joshua said in the presence of the Israelites: Stand the sun, over Gibeon! And thou, the moon, over the valley of Ajjalon! And the sun stopped, and the moon stood still, until the people took vengeance on their enemies. Is it not written in the Book of the Just: The sun stopped in the middle of the sky, and almost all day long it did not rush to set?" (Josh 10:12-13, The Millennial Bible, hereafter: BT).

    1. NK you missed the point of the post. The topic of PZ does not enrich us nor is it to be explored.
      In contrast, you ask:

      If the Earth along with the sun and other planets are orbiting in empty space, then how did the Flood happen on Earth."

      "Then said God, Let the waters overflow with a multitude of living creatures, and let the fowls fly over the earth under the vault of the heavens! " Rom 1.20

      That firmament could look like the Truman Show

      1. The key words are: "not to be investigated". Happily or unfortunately, as one prefers. All we have is circumstantial evidence and the possibility of a hypothesis.

        1. As far as the world model is concerned, only non-bocentrism or heliocentrism, flat earth is some kind of balls

    2. Kent Hovind explains it nicely.
      It also clarifies many other issues in light of the Bible.
      Worth listening/watching.

  9. Once upon a time before my new birth, when I was an atheist, I believed in rationalism and human (Luciferian) science - i.e. evolution or the big bang in an infinite universe - when I came across the flat Earth theory by accident, I curiously began to research the subject. That's when the Bible first came into my hands, and it occurred to me that the heliocentric theory was driving people away from God (including me). With the flat Earth my adventure with Heavenly Father began, I eagerly began to learn more about the truth of the Bible, including reading this blog. Finally, after getting over the shock I was in and remorse how I could believe in these Luciferian teachings and deny God, I accepted Him and apologized for my sins and a pastor from a nearby church baptized me in a lake. It seems like a theory covers up the good news but for some it can be the beginning of the way to God, at least that's how it was for me. God bless you.

    1. The fruits of heliocentrism and evolution are a distance from God - an apt observation. Maybe this is what Freemasons are all about? Academic theories do not bring one closer to God, and all major universities are controlled by Freemasonry - this gives one food for thought... Peace to you!

    2. Here's the thing.
      "But when he comes, the Spirit of truth, he will bring you into all truth."

  10. Ps 119.90-God has fixed the earth and STOOD it.
    The Masonic lodge is named KOPERNIK
    The earth, then, is the spinning footstool of God?
    The Book of Henoch, the astronomical part, says that the sun and the moon move.
    Joshua stopped the sun.(Rev.Josh 10.13-and the sun stopped and the moon stood still)
    The Bible says the earth STILL stands, as has been believed for centuries.

    1. Well. How do we explain that passage in the Book of Joshua? Surely there is no metaphor there, otherwise it would be obvious the sun stood still that day. That's impossible according to academic science, so... Well, that's just it. The spherical earth pastors in my church said that if Scripture says it happened, then it did, but they can't explain it and suggest it must have been a miracle... Another piece of the puzzle we have. Let everyone draw their own conclusions.

      1. For the record - I also believe it was a miracle, or a sign maybe even, but I take into account, though I don't insist, that we can be lied to with the knowledge that Freemasonry is pulling strings everywhere.

      2. There is another passage that says that however, it is the sun that moves, not the earth.
        "Hezekiah said: It is easy for a shadow to step back ten degrees. No - let the shadow step back ten degrees! Then the prophet Isaiah cried to the Lord, and He moved the shadow on the steps of Ahaz's clock - on which it fell simultaneously with the sun - back ten degrees. " (2 Kings 20:10)
        If we were to believe NASA (an anagram of SATAN) then the earth would have to decelerate from about 1500 km/h which would cause every person on earth to turn into a missile because we are all (including the earth) accelerated to similar speeds 🙂 .

    2. And all about "the Masonic lodge is named Copernicus "
      They are nuts about symbols.

  11. I forgot;
    Ps 119.90
    earth STOI-hbr.amad -to stand upright, to be flat

  12. There is a word "ball" in the Bible, but it is not used to describe the earth, but the word "circle" is used

  13. A warm welcome to you all. If anyone wants to delve into the topic of flat earth, I recommend my channel, and Beyond Flat Earth. The most fiercely promoted PZ model, the so-called AE model is a fraud. Here one of my recordings: Greetings and with God

    1. Flat earth is a lie

  14. You're wrong. Many people who didn't believe in ohole in God believed in Jesus because of the flat Earth. Scripture has become true for me. There are tons of Christians on the internet who confirm the same thing. Scripture says that the Earth does not move and the stars sun everything revolves around the Earth.

    Read the comments and watch the video.
    Does it really distance people from Jesus? On the contrary. There are people who can handle a lot of truth in their lives because they sincerely seek it. My mother believes in a flat earth.


    1. Forgive the errors. If you wonder if FE is from God or not then look at the fruits. How many people have believed.

    2. I don't know anyone who believed in God because of the flat earth.

      1. Then there is the second issue: whether this conversion is intellectual or of the Spirit.
        I personally know several people who, according to the parable of the sower, were fascinated by the conspiracies and believed in Jesus, but then when the tribulation came they abandoned their faith.

      2. Bose, then meet me, for it was because of such theories that I reached for the Bible and chose that 'narrow' gate.

        1. It is just that nowhere in the Bible did GOD state "THE EARTH IS FLAT".

          1. The blue sky is water over the firmament-the book of Genesis.
            Deluge :
            "all the springs of the Great Abyss gushed forth with a bang, and the floodgates of heaven were opened"

            On the illuminati card there is water around the flat earth, evidenced by this ship-symbol of water, also below us above us is water.
            "Having made this vault, God separated the waters under the vault from the waters above the vault; and when this was done, 8 God called the vault heaven."

            1. And at night the sky is dark does that mean the water turns black?
              What are you talking about? The sky is blue due to the effect of light scattering through the earth's atmosphere. That's elementary knowledge.

              In this illuminati card, the earth is a rectangle and the ship falls off of it does this mean this is what our earth looks like?

              1. At night there is no sun so it is dark.
                To me, God's Word is holy and every word in it is truth without exception.
                Only there is a problem in people that they have a lie uploaded by Satan and cannot comprehend such simple things.
                How can you believe one guy Copernicus a Freemason servant of Satan?
                He took away from people the simple proof of God's existence, and people are afraid of such a simple truth.
                As a child it was a shock to me to learn that the earth was a sphere and there was some kind of cosmos.
                Be like children.

                1. And why is the sky sometimes gray? Why is the sky darker in the mountains?
                  I explained to you why the sky is blue and that is a fact. Try to refute it, but meaningfully 🙂 .

                  Copernicus did not prove that the earth is a sphere which is erroneously attributed to him.

                  "He took away the people's simple proof of God's existence."
                  The flat earth is proof of the existence of God? Sorry, but this is absurd.

                2. Anyway, I think I'll give myself a further discussion, I get too carried away.

      3. I came to Jesus through a flat earth. Yt channel : Jesusnonstop

    3. I freed my wife from demons, I prayed for my neighbor and the Lord healed her through me and set her free. So I think I know what a new birth is and this is proof of that. The earth is flat. It's stationary and it doesn't move. Just like the Bible says it is. This is the test for Christians. You believe the Bible as far as it does not contradict the lie you believe. Ask the Holy Spirit ask if it is true.

      1. It's great that you were able to do that.
        For me, too, every word in the Bible is sacred and unquestionable.

  15. I have a topic that does not distract the spirit from the truth, if anyone wants to check it out, I ask you to pay attention to the meaning of Jesus' words Luke 17:20-21 Neither shall they say, Behold, here it is, or, behold, there; for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you, and the correct version with the correct sense of the word used in the translation-between-"ἐντὸς"-inside Neither shall they say, Behold, here it is, or, behold, there; for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you "Seek and ye shall find; knock and it shall be opened unto you; knock at the door of your heart, (Rev. 3:20) "Behold, I stand at the door and knock.
    If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with me" (Rev. 3:20).The meeting takes place in our heart there is the kingdom, there dwells the Father and the Son!Our home is the Kingdom within us, there is no other Kingdom for us, until we change our hearts we will not inherit it, the world will not change, matter will enslave us until we return to the Kingdom.Satan is a thief who took us captive, stole us from the Father, and we slipped from the spiritual realm to the bottom of matter, (energy density, light, Satan's kingdom) energy that he stole from the Father, lying that he carries and creates light, calling himself Lucifer, because he is not able to create anything, takes away the brilliance of the only Light, the Son of God (I am the light of the world) said Jesus.Praise be to Jesus, who showed us that the bottom is to bounce back from it, and return to the Father. He showed us that we are not slaves of Satan, his example of faithfulness to the Father, showed us the way to return HOME. Let us pursue the Kingdom and ask the Father for the awareness that the King of our Kingdom had on earth. You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free ... I am the Way, the Truth and the Life ...

  16. I agree with the thesis that the flatness of the Earth is not provable and that it is the quickest way to make yourself look crazy in the eyes of others and thus discredit yourself. Even if it is actually true.

    1. Jacek,
      I agree.
      It is written in the Bible that the earth stands still,
      EVIDENTLY, so I do not know why the fight for a flat EARTH, perhaps to cover the ignorance of Copernicus.
      The fight for STANDING makes sense, because the Bible says so explicitly and unambiguously (Psalm 119.90)

  17. I wrote to a colleague that the argument against a flat earth and for heliocentrism is that the northern sky rotates in a different direction than the southern sky, but he thinks it could be a hoax. Who's gonna check it out? I would have to visit the two poles of the earth and film it...besides, the other points about the flatness of the earth even seem convincing, but still hard to believe. Would we be so deceived?

    1. As much as possible. To this day I remember the shock and anger I was in when I discovered that they were in fact worshipping the devil in the Vatican and that John Paul II was his emissary. Since they could so shamefully lie about such a big deal, my conclusion is that there is no lie too big or too implausible. It just has to be hammered into the heads of the masses long enough.

    2. An old Jewish (those who call themselves Jews but are not) saying goes: "If you want to do a scam, do it on such a scale that it would be beyond people's comprehension". In other words, the scale of the scam makes it impossible to prove.

  18. Personally, I think it is the heliocentric theory that moves us away from Jesus and God by putting the earth as a meaningless crumb in a universe where there is only a vacuum and God is so far away that he probably doesn't notice this little meaningless planet.
    I used to be very interested in astronomy. How many conversations I had with friends about our small importance in the perspective of such a vast cosmos. Didn't those conversations bring us closer to God and the belief that He is near 🙁 .
    Heliocentrism is also an important (even key) element for demonic deception in the form of "alien civilizations" which will soon probably manifest on earth to finally overthrow faith in God. In the case of a flat earth, they have no right to exist, because Scripture says that above the vault of heaven there is only God Himself 🙂 There is no room for other planets identical to earth and the possibility of other life on them.
    Another thing is that the heliocentric theory has already gone so far that at the thought of questioning it, many people actually knock themselves on the forehead. But I'm talking here more about my own curiosity about the world, rather than running to all my neighbors with this kind of news 😀 .
    In my opinion, one should ask God about everything, who gives wisdom willingly and without reproof, and be sure to get an answer 🙂 That way we don't stray away from God by exploring even the topic of a flat earth, or any other topic 😉 God is willing to share with us the theory of His creation, He shares it already in the pages of the Bible, where the earth is at His center, not the sun 🙂

    1. I rarely agree with you, but this comment is spot on. I see too many reasons to simply throw this hypothesis in the garbage, ridiculing its proposers as mere pundits. One very strong premise, in my opinion, is the specter of an "alien" invasion, because it is clear that they are setting the stage for it.

    2. Just buy a good telescope and you can see the planets.... I personally believe that the sphere and the laws of physics discovered by physicists and created by God show as much as possible His wisdom and greatness.

      1. Physics basics like the force of gravity and the law of universal gravitation.

        1. There is no gravity there is only gravity.

          1. The weight is due to gravity...

            1. I would disagree. These theories of theirs that are not evidence do not hold water.

              1. It's the flat earth that doesn't hold water, if gravity bothers you, it could be the ether, better?

                1. Ether is what is between the earth and the sky. It is also the matter that conducts radio waves, among other things, that has nothing to do with gravity which is not there.

        2. As I see many claim that due to the connections with secret societies these basics were described by Freemasons and that, yes, these phenomena are happening, but on a global scale so to speak 😉 it was all perfidiously manipulated....

      2. But since they certainly lie about evolution and profit handsomely from it, why should they be truthful about the shape of the earth? Would that be in the interest of the scientific elite? What agenda of theirs would it fit into?

      3. Planets are in the firmament and move just like the sun and moon.

    3. The Bible talks about constellations, nothing about planets.

  19. The Earth is supposedly moving at such a speed in space that spaceships at their speed would not be able to catch up with the fleeing Earth if they were already beyond the Earth's gravity. I didn't get an explanation as to how that is

    1. The principle of conservation of momentum, spacecraft when they take off from the ground have the same speed as the accelerated earth and after breaking away from the earth they rush in the same direction and speed as the earth, that is, relative to the earth they stand still.

      1. "spacecraft when they take off from earth"

        Out of context. But don't tell me those ships are flying off into space.

        Space doesn't exist and neither does the cosmos. Spaceships don't exist.

        People are actually being groomed along the lines of Discovery TV and NASA.

        1. You don't take into account that flat-earthers can also lie and manipulate, especially in their youtube material?

          1. You don't take into account that the heliocentric world picture also believers can lie and manipulate, especially in their TV and press materials ?

            300 years ago Satan predicted that there would come a period of science and technological progress, then he moved into the shadows and told people that he does not exist at all like his angels.

            He didn't want to trash the Bible, but by his actions I want (still want) people to believe in the kind of world picture they present to us. It's a world with a ball speeding through empty space. It's a picture without God.

        2. Yes, space exists and there are spaceships and I can confirm it myself because I have witnessed the flights of satellites and the space station many times. There are a lot of pictures of the space station ISS taken by amateurs and I will try to take similar pictures myself soon.

          ISS is accelerated to 7 km / s at an altitude of 400 km, where there is no friction and atmosphere, so it can maintain a constant speed which makes the force of gravity and centrifugal force balance each other so the station does not fall to the ground and does not need to provide energy to remain in orbit, but without a spherical earth it would not be possible.

          How do you explain the lie into which all people interested in science on earth are drawn ?

          1. I wonder how one can believe in such things as the ISS or in spaceships.

            Have you witnessed satellite and space station flyovers?

            I have no further questions.
            ISS - Type 0G aircraft, find on YT.

            1. I gave you a link in a comment to photos taken by amateurs on the ground, and you respond completely off topic. As you can see it's impossible to have a discussion like this because you don't even try to understand what the point is.

              People all over the world can see this station. The light reflected from the sun with which it shines and the speed with which it moves, as well as the magnification in telescopes which must be used to see its structures, prove that it exists and flies above us at an altitude of 400 km around the Earth every 2 hours.


              In Poland good conditions for its observations were in May due to the specific shape of its orbit and time of day.


              1. We saw the flyby ourselves and checked the route on the internet and it was the ISS. How can you negate planets after all anyone with better sky watching equipment can see. There is no force of attraction of the earth? Then why when you throw a ball it doesn't levitate or run off into space?

      2. 50 years ago they flew to the moon and now with such advanced technology none are going there.
        They know that people would expose them now.

        1. So what if they don't fly? Is that proof of a flat earth?

          1. Yes proof of a flat earth, because they can't fly because the cosmos isn't there.

            1. it might as well be evidence of a concave

            2. "Space may by The final frontier but it's made in a Hollywood basement"- Red Hot Chili Lepper's song "californications".

      3. Cupak and you believe that ? that they have sped up ?

        1. I know that for someone who does not have time to look into this subject it is hard to believe in the laws of physics and all that, but when a person is interested in it for several years and understands the laws operating in the world and observes them himself every day, it is no longer a matter of faith, but certainty that it is so.

          1. These are just scientific theories and the Scriptures are indisputable facts and everything described therein agrees with reality.

  20. Some simple evidence for a spherical earth for self-observation.

    The Sun and Moon never decrease in angular diameter as they travel across the sky from sunrise to sunset they are the same size all the time.

    In the case of a flat earth, their diameter would decrease to almost zero as they moved away from the observer and increase as they got closer but would never disappear in the sky. This can be calculated by using trigonometric functions. When we move away from an object its angular diameter decreases in proportion to the distance.
    Here someone made a visual model of what it would look like on a flat earth but something like this is not observed. The only explanation is the rotational motion of the sphere.

    Second, everywhere in the world there is a decrease in horizon with distance.

    At 11.288 km, the earth will curve 10m↓ downward.

    At 50 km it will already be 196 m↓.

    At 100 km - 784.89 m↓.

    For 300 km - 7069.79 m↓.

    I recently observed this curvature when storm clouds were approaching from the west. The storm clouds are about 15 km high from the ground, but from a considerable distance, only the upper part of these clouds could be seen.

    Likewise, this photo was taken from 50 kilometers away and you can only see the buildings that are taller than 196 meters.

    Here we have a simulator of what a ship that is moving away will look like on a spherical versus a flat earth.

    Evidence that the Moon is 400,000 km from the earth is the change in its position against the background of stationary stars relative to the change in its position on the earth.

    The Moon seen from Poland latitude 51°N and seen from the opposite side of the Earth latitude 51°S has a difference in position of 1.4°. However, the difference between these positions on earth is 10000 km and the Moon is only shifted by 1.4° against the background of stars which means it must be very far away, about 400 thousand km.

    The Sun will move even less against the stars, only 0.004°, which is 150,000,000 km away from Earth.

    Here is a graphic illustrating what I wrote above. Everything can be calculated using trigonometric functions with just a little effort.

    Another proof is the sunset when it illuminates the cloud bases from below which is only possible on a spherical earth when the angle of the sun's rays is negative and falls from below the horizon. On a flat earth the sun would always have a positive angle.

    We live in a world where there is breadth, length and depth and the circle in a three dimensional world is a sphere which is a symbol of infinity and cycle because you can go west all the time and circle the earth and repeat it over and over again just as everything in God's creation repeats itself cyclically.

    1. With these kinds of comments, I invariably find myself questioning whether such reasoning is actually based on valid premises, because at least on the surface it seems to make sense and be logical. From my point of view, the relationships between numbers are verifiable to a far greater degree than the application of such mathematics to the description of nature. After all, NASA Freemasonry justifies their fairy tales in just such a way, adding computer graphics to pass for reliable pictures...

      And still, at the end of the day, I can't intellectually determine it, which is even frustrating. All that is left is guesswork, and yet one would like to know the truth about this too-even if it is independent of salvation.

      And also this verse came to my mind from Romans 3:4 (UBG): "God forbid! On the contrary, let God be true and every man a liar, as it is written: That thou mayest prove righteous in thy words, and that thou mayest prevail when thou art judged" - why I put it and how the words "let God be true and every man a liar" relate to the issue of the flatness of the earth, let each person answer that for themselves....

      1. Kent Hovind explains that the flat earth is meant to ridicule creationism and the Bible.

        1. He changed his mind. He said that he had never dealt with it, but he studied the PS again under this account. If there is a young Earth, it cannot revolve around the sun.

          1. Has he changed his mind? Is there any footage on YT of him saying this?

            1. If young earth then perhaps nonbocentrism.

    2. With this animation about the sun receding and diminishing, I fear that from a certain distance we simply cannot see the sun anymore. If we assume that it is not as powerful and as far away as we are told 🙂
      The fact that the horizon disappears from our eyes is due to the limited field of view of our eye. There are amateur films showing how far we are able to see straight ahead with powerful close-ups of optical instruments, which also contradicts the roundness of the earth 🙂 The sun can illuminate clouds from below also if it would move on a semicircular vault and would be further away in relation to clouds that are closer. Just like a kite will be illuminated from below when it rises to the right height, even though it is in front of us.
      You can also go west indefinitely as the sun was depicted in the animation, even on a flat earth 😉
      I'm not defending any theory here, as I've only recently started looking into this myself, and all I've found out is that it's not impossible 😉 .
      I don't generally recommend this channel and the content presented on it, but this episode gives food for thought:

      1. Consider whether at sunset the sun shrinks until it disappears or disappears behind the horizon at the same size suddenly ? It disappears suddenly, and what does that prove? Ans. The earth's rotation, and the moon's constant distance from earth.

        I suggest you look at the sunrise and moonrise. Just reading comments for and against will not help. The Internet can be a treasury of knowledge but also total stupidity and you have to know how to use it.

        Without a little bit of effort you can write unnecessary comments like "it can't be proven" but you know it can because God wanted it to be possible and for man to understand His creation.

      2. "we are able to see straight ahead using powerful close-ups of optical instruments"

        Yes, but you shouldn't use the argument with the sea, including this animation that Cupak gave because you will never get the same effect from 50km away on relatively flat land.

        1. It took a while, but I recently came across a video of a man who proves the spherical earth not by using a perfectly smooth surface like water, but by using a dried lake and 370 meter high Kennecott Chimney in Utah as a reference for curvature of the earth, so here you can no longer say that there are miracles happening over water that distort the results, but we observe exactly the same thing.

  21. This extremely interesting topic some time ago further intensified my distrust of the official natural/historical sciences. Because it seems to me that they can fabricate anything if they want to, hiding behind a facade of professional, not to say esoteric, terminology.

  22. In this world, everyone is fighting for your soul...

  23. These cards are really weird. Probably satanists released them on purpose. I wonder if "Bingo every friday" has to do with Islam's holy day - Friday. People laugh, but the Flat Earthers know something. Shroud of Turin - The one in the museum is a fake. The real one is far away, the center of nightly rituals... Science fiction fans.

  24. Directly to salvation rather unnecessary topic, but indirectly as much as possible. Proving that the Earth is not a sphere would be a huge blow to so-called science, which in every "argument" tries to contradict the Bible and thus God. I think it would cause a re-examination of the texts of the Bible as the only source of truth. I have been looking into this subject for a long time, not taking sides, but on the basis of common sense, with the sphere rotating on the Earth with such a high speed there could be no question of e.g. windless weather, because on the border of friction between two media of different density there must be strong movement and turbulence. Meanwhile, sometimes we observe a flare, that even a leaf does not move. Another thing with the planes flying in the east-west direction and vice versa. The flight time is similar, while if we are going from west to east, the subsonic planes flying in the eastern direction would not have a chance to catch up with the destination. The lack of flights over the South Pole is also interesting. All this is impossible for us to decide, it remains a matter of believing in one of the options. I personally lean towards a non-spinning Earth, being in the center of the so-called cosmos, probably flat though. I do not believe that the good God put us on a spinning rollercoaster between other heavenly bodies, on which we have to wait in fear until something hits us. This is the version that "science" is pushing. God is a God of order, not chaos. The Bible also says in a passage that the sun stopped for a time, so I would take this text literally.

    1. Interesting thoughts, really interesting....

      And as for this amazing passage, how about quoting Joshua 10:12-14 as translated by the Danzig Amplified Bible:

      "On that day, when the LORD had given the Amorites into the hands of the children of Israel, Joshua said to the LORD before the eyes of Israel, Sun, stop over Gibeon, and you, moon, in the valley of Ajjalon! And the sun stopped, and the moon stood still, until the people took vengeance on their enemies. Is not this written in the book of Jashar? So the sun stopped in the middle of the sky and did not hurry to set for almost a whole day. And there was not a similar day in which the LORD heard the voice of man, neither before nor since. For the LORD fought for Israel."

  25. For me, the earth can look like a "footstool", it doesn't matter at all in salvation, although when I read the Scriptures I usually come across passages about a spherical earth 🙂 .

    With the Lord God...

    1. Ewelina. There is nothing about the sphericity of the Earth, but there is about the circle.

  26. Hello.
    What puzzles me most is why is there even a discussion about this topic?
    Well, because no one has proven any THEORY about the shape of the Earth without question.
    If Copernicus' Theory was proven and confirmed, that would be the end of the subject and that would be that. Let me give a silly example - only women can bear children. And that is the end of the discussion.
    I for one have recently come to know that the Earth IS NOT a sphere (geoid), or does NOT orbit the sun.
    I have entered into discussion with a few people on this topic and of course I have been laughed at, but I wasn't trying to prove anything - I was just asking questions designed to make the other person think, if that person takes the desire to think of course.

    I have no intention of arguing with anyone, because I know that God in His wisdom, foreseeing the history of mankind, created everything just as He did.
    And perhaps the question of the flatness or sphericity of the Earth will remain a matter of FAITH to the end, for it may be that neither can be proved or disproved.
    But God gives WISE to His people and lets them know the simplicity of this world, because the world works in a simple way, God doesn't complicate anything, it's man who always complicates everything and breaks it down into factors in order to know something and still doesn't know what he should, that is, God-Creator. We delight in His works and do not think about the Creator of these works.
    I, for a short time, pondered this subject, sat often on the balcony and observed the sun, moon, stars, moon phases, weather....
    God has shown me a certain simplicity of how the scheme works, and I'm sticking with it.
    Besides, someone already mentioned here that water always (not maintains) GOES TO LEVEL. And that cannot be debated even with GRAVITATION, because that is proven and end of discussion.
    However, God also tells us "Do not seek what is too hard, nor examine what is too hard for you."
    I used to love watching DiscoveryChannel and NationalGeographic...I watched probably 400 different episodes on space...They all had one thing in common - there was nothing real - everything was computer-generated, but it was fascinating - just how stupefying.
    A wise man does not seek confrontation where it makes no sense, you can discuss on a level if both sides acknowledge that nothing about the shape of the Earth has been proven and remains a matter of faith, and yet every man has the freedom of FAITH, the freedom of CHOICE.
    I choose and believe that the Earth is "say" flat, because that's also the wrong wording - after all, there are mountains, valleys....
    But I certainly do NOT believe it is a BALL and revolves around the sun.
    The most common objection or question I've heard is: "where do the seasons come from then?".
    I can explain it- derive a theory- but I can't prove it on 100% because I can't afford it.
    I believe my prayers to God for wisdom have been answered and I have received 100x more than I would have expected. But in wisdom I am not going to argue with anyone about it. You can talk, but not argue and argue about who is right.
    Our goal is immortality - God created man for IMMORTALITY. And only through God can we achieve our goal, only by going to God can we TRULY LIVE.
    So please stop arguing and DO NOT get drawn into these arguments. Talk, but don't argue, because perhaps no one will ever be able to prove these theories, just as Copernicus was not able to prove his theory.
    Believe in the True God, who is infinitely wise, has infinite mercy, and is Almighty, and then you will begin to see what most people don't want to see, because most people don't even want to know God.
    Therefore, you be different - become children - children of God.
    Stay with God.

    1. It is due to gravity that water tends to the same level.

      1. There is no gravity, only density.

        1. The weight is due to gravity...

  27. The more I think about it, the more questions multiply and more overt contradictions emerge, which I find increasingly difficult to see as merely apparent and ultimately completely irrelevant. Nonetheless. So, flying in a loose stream of consciousness - why does the phrase "under the sun" appear every now and then in the Book of Ecclesiastes and not, for example, "under the suns"? Is it just such a stylistic figure? After all, academic science maintains that there is a great universe and suns like ours are like dogs... The verses about the earth being the footstool of God or the firmament like a polished mirror have probably already been said, but there is even more...

  28. I guess the ultimate proof of the earth's rotation is Foucault's Pendulum, who proved the earth's rotation in this way.

    1. Then there are the polar nights and days, the stars not visible in the other hemisphere.

    2. What if the fuk pendulum is evidence of the rotational motion of the sky?

  29. It's a shame that the article "Jesus' love is hope for the downtrodden" has...2 comments, and the one about the shape of our planet already has almost 90....

    1. Exactly Wojtek...

  30. Look at the moment when the sun disappears behind the horizon. I am already standing in the shadow and the tall cattle are illuminated. Disappears behind the spherical earth?

    1. Look at the size of the sun, during sunset and sunrise

  31. Comments more on flat earth than in posts about Jesus, an interesting fact.

    I read, I read and a few people above mentioned the fact that Copernicus and some Masonic group have something in common, and did not the President of the United States and his wife mention Copernicus yesterday during their visit to Poland? Coincidence of events, I do not think.


  32. Admin put a stick in an anthill and yes any earth will not save anyone but Jesus Christ. Waste of precious time we do not know the day or the hour.

  33. The biggest challenge to a flat Earth is the circle of stars in the southern hemisphere and the Sun, which rises and sets in December from the south (applies to the southern hemisphere).

    For the stars in the south I found this explanation, please watch from the 5th minute

    We know that water (glass), refracts light, depending on the shape of the vessel it is in.

    If there is water above us, as the videos below and the bible would suggest, then perhaps this is the key to knowing the answer to what a circle of stars is in the southern hemisphere.

    The mystery with the Sun remains to be solved as well. Could it be that here also this water or the firmament reflects it and that is why we can see it rising/setting from the south and then the reflection and the real Sun come together (concerns the southern hemisphere)?

    Of course, these are just hypotheses worth considering.

    If anyone has a sharp mind let them rethink the matter.

  34. Because the thing that excites us is called....flat Earth 😛 I just entered (I entered because I was close to it, if I was farther away I would have entered:P ) and I'm looking and there are over 100 comments! Wow, I thought the dispute was heated to the full 🙂 I went through the comments and just as I expected two camps emerged: flat-earthers and spherical-earthers. We still need to throw into this cauldron supporters of non-bocentrism and we have a ready-made dish 🙂 OK for me it's great if you want to waste time to learn about the true shape of the Earth, if you want to waste energy on convincing others, whom you will not convince anyway about the only and right shape of our planet your choice after all you have free will so go for battle! But what for? What will be the reward? A stick or a carrot, an axe or a stick?

    1. This is a very important topic, which is why it stirs up so much emotion.
      Tangible proof of the existence of God.
      We could prove it, that the earth is flat, but those who don't want it have hedged, mumbled and disallowed, banned, ridiculed. Plenty of prohibitions.
      They are afraid.
      But even without these options as someone wants to jump out of the matrix they can explore the topic and think.
      I've noticed that arguments in various fields arise because usually someone is uninformed because they don't want to read, think about it, insist on their own principle and need to be educated and they express their opinions without thinking.
      Blood in the sand.
      There is also the option that God did not give understanding for some reason.
      On a side note I respect you all because you are my fellow man, each of us striving for salvation.

      1. God is immaterial so it is impossible to prove his existence.

        1. Your thoughts are not material either then maybe they don't exist ?

          1. "I think, therefore I am!" And disappeared... ☻

            1. This is so-called Notebook Humor taken from the students' own joyful creativity....lest....

              1. Humor is key, my son once dreamed of Jesus Christ who came up to my son and started joking around.
                My son telling me this dream said: mom what a great Lord Jesus Christ how He jokes, we laughed a lot :))

      2. No this is not an important topic 🙂 In this way we have to prove the existence of God? After all, the greater proof of His existence you have in your every breath after all each of us has received the breath of life 🙂 I don't have to prove anything to anyone because the one who walks with Him sees His presence and action everywhere. So I prefer to remain an undereducated simpleton in the subject of the shape of the Earth 🙂 .

  35. It's terrible that you all write so much about such trivial matters. Does it matter to us whether we live on a big pancake or a big golf ball? Our goal is Christ, not to prove a theory that will bring nothing into our lives anyway, except of course to ridicule our faith as Peter so aptly wrote. The saddest thing is that despite the fact that this is a Christian blog most of the comments are under the articles about just plain conspiracy theories. Greetings to all in our Lord Jesus Christ and I wish you a blessed Shabbat.

    PS. I used to believe in a flat earth too ; )

    1. A good resource for analyzing Bible verses on the shape of the earth. It's a bit long, but it's worth thinking about all the briefly discussed passages and marking them in your own bibles. I encourage you to familiarize yourself with the topic.

  36. I believe that at the top is the Bible, God's inspired writing, and then only science, which is not yet at the level of knowledge of the Bible.
    I leave aside the lies and manipulation of the NWO sect, called SCIENCE.

  37. In addition to the scientific evidence, there is the biblical analogy.
    The sun is the source of light, and the light is God, so the sun symbolizes the Glory of God, so it is logical that everything will center around the symbol of the Glory of God and rotate (orbit) around it.

    Since ancient times, people have created their own religions and gods based on the symbol of the sun, which did not please God because He alone is the God of creation.

    This does not mean that the sun is evil, it is simply an element of God's creation that has its own significance. God is the center, not man, so why should the earth be the center? Wasn't it Adam and Eve who wanted to be like God that sinned?

    "And the city needs neither sun nor moon to shine upon it; for the glory of God lights it, and its lamp is the Lamb." Revelations 21:23

    Here we have an explanation. The sun symbolizes the glory of God and the moon symbolizes the lamp that is the Lamb. The Lamb reflects the glory of God, so it is an image of God that we can see or know God by becoming a man. The surface of the Moon can be seen with the naked eye, but the surface of the Sun cannot be seen because it is pure light that weighs several hundred thousand times more than the Earth. Therefore, God came as a man, Jesus Christ, so that we could know him by analogy, and by analogy he announced it in the sky in the form of the sun and the moon.

    Also, the Moon is 400 times smaller than the Sun, but the Sun is 400 times further away. Therefore, their angular size is identical.
    The first letter (alef) in the Hebrew alphabet is 1 and the last letter (tav) is 400.

    "Hear me, Jacob, and you, Israel, whom I have called! I am this, I am the first and I am the last."

    The Lord Jesus Himself authorizes this symbolism as pointing to Him. But how? Christ did it in the form of a miracle on the Sea of Tiberias.

    "Simon Peter went and drew a net ashore, full of great fish, which were one hundred and fifty-three";

    In understanding this we need the exact number of fish caught, which John gave every jot equal to 153. Why such accuracy in this miracle ? Because it has a profound meaning.

    Every scholar in antiquity knew that 153 is the number indicating the union of two equal circles and describes the ratio of the width to the height of such a figure, which is a very accurate approximation of the root of 3. This figure is known as the "Fish Bladder"

    It just so happens that the sun and moon form such a figure in the sky.

    Israel's worship of the New Moon festival celebrated the announcement of the coming of God in the flesh, or Christ.

    "Let no man therefore judge you because of food or drink, or because of a festival or new moon or Sabbath."

    "And it will be like this, that every new moon And on every Sabbath shall every man come to worship me, saith the Lord." Isaiah 66:23

    Heliocentrism is not the work of the devil, but is reflective of how God reveals Himself to man through creation.

    "For the invisible essence of him, that is, his eternal power and deity, may from the creation of the world be seen in works and known by the mind, so that they have nothing to defend themselves,"

    How are people to know the invisible God ? Only through what He created and how He created it.

  38. How many comments under the topic about flat earth.
    And I will tell you that the earth is..triangular, because it is illuminati and we live in the eye of the blue-eyed giant, therefore the sky is blue
    And does it make a difference?
    Peter, I have a request...remove it. Don't let divisions form because of the shape of the earth. Well my heart goes out to see Christians making so many posts about the shape of our planet. Is it flat like a board or is it spherical like a ball or is it triangular...and so it all goes to destruction and there will be a new heaven and a new earth and let's get on with it so that as many of us as possible can be there.

    1. Not to mention, Peter, that you have to waste your time administering these posts. Don't you waste it? Well, I would. I would rather play with my cat.

      1. There are 2 admins as you know. Sometimes the deputy helps me 🙂 .

        1. I know, no less it's still a waste of time even for two admins. There are a lot of cats in the world too 😀 .

    2. You see, such comments often show apparent conversions through conspiracies. Fortunately, almost everyone shows culture.

  39. Flat or nonbocentric Earth are some kind of disinformation theories, and they are dangerous in a way because the nonbocentrism presented by a certain Mariusz Sz. simply confuses people's minds.

    1. MSz is already a total departure....

    2. Jazz is intellectual and very good, which is why I listen to it alongside classical music. If I were to play God it would only be music that I would describe as sophisticated.

      1. I think that there is no music in this world that could satisfy Him, as every instrument is a work of human hands. I've already written that I like birdsong better than sophisticated Jazz. Remember that God prefers simple people to Jazz intellectuals as I call it :). It's easy to confront disco polo or pop fans thinking that you have better taste in music. God will not judge us for our good taste.

    3. I don't want to drag on the topic because it could go on for a long time, I wrote what I think, you have a different opinion 🙂 .

  40. then why would someone lie about the Earth being round, what would they hope to accomplish?

    1. Cats don't like the cold, and there is (?) a frill of ice on the edge of the ground....

  41. So many comments...probably not many make it to this one...just wanted to post a quote. Proverbs 25:2 The glory of God is a thing to hide, and the glory of kings is a thing to examine. The heights of the heavens and the depths of the earth and the hearts of kings are unsearchable.

  42. I came across one more quote that seems to clearly contradict the position of science regarding the earth - a spinning ball: "Lord, your word endures forever, Unshaken as the heavens.
    Your truth endures from generation to generation; You have established the earth and it stands." Ps 119:89-90 new translation from Hebrew and Greek (Warsaw Bible)
    To establish - means to stabilize, immobilize, the word "stands" does not need to comment, the negation of the phrase "to be in motion".

  43. Creator of this site could you write an article on the evidence for nonbocentrism? If there is already one, it could
    Pan send ni link on this page?
    thank you in advance.

    1. There is and will be no evidence for nonbocentrism, this is just an alternative for those who reject a flat and spherical earth. I'm for a spherical one myself, I've conducted binocular observations of the planets (Jupiter and Venus disks visible) and the ISS along with a supply rocket following the station which contradicts the assumption that rockets supposedly land in the ocean 😀

  44. The level of knowledge of some commentators is embarrassing, shocking indolence and infantilism! A real failure of education at the primary level !!! The very fact of allowing the idea that the earth can be flat is proof of incurable debilism. How can you in the twenty-first century not know even the basics of physics.
    A little experiment like this. Imagine a table, a desk that represents your flat earth. Move your finger along the surface (let it be from the center of the desk) to the edge. You reach... the edge of the table, desk and your imaginary flat earth. What conclusion? A flat earth would have to have edges, an outline of a surface. So ? Where are the pictures, videos, descriptions of this end of the earth ? Remember, the outline of your flat earth would be tens of thousands of kilometers long. And no one has yet hit that edge ??? Well unfortunately no, I will not go on the trip of a lifetime 🙂 Think what would happen to the clouds on such an edge (would turn around, fly into space ?) or the waters of the seas and oceans (would flow down ?) ?? And ships, planes, animals, people... A little imagination and the whole flat earth theory falls on its head.
    As for quoting the Bible... Well, this book was written by ...people. Well, unfortunately, only people and without today's knowledge or experience. How is it possible that the Almighty who is able to create the heavens and the earth is not able to create something as simple as a set of guidelines on how we should live and deliver it to us in the cradle after our birth in the form of a small book? A snap of the finger and we have God's guidelines for life. But why is this not so ? It is already too complicated for flat earth enthusiasts.

    1. Rychu, I don't know who you are, but using such unpopular phrases as indolence or infantilism will not make you a scientist, and you are insulting the discussants.
      Think about it, if you used the same arguments without the epithets... Yes, emotions get involved on both sides.
      On the other hand, I don't know if you are a Christian, but December 24 will be the so-called Christmas. Officially Jesus Christ's birth, and He said:

      " A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another as I have loved you; that you also love one another in this way." John 13

      Where does this contempt for people come from?

  45. Investigating whether the Earth is flat or round is easily testable, all it takes is a little knowledge. And it is not necessary to repeat the experiment of Eratosthenes for this purpose (
    My method allows you to check the shape of the Earth without leaving home. You should take two maps of neighboring areas, in the same scale, the best is to use a car atlas, where all maps are in the same form and scale, or take for example maps of neighboring countries, in a scale of at least 1:1 000 000.
    These maps have to be in a representation that preserves distances, so it is best to use a car map. Next, we put the common parts of the maps and compare them under the light, or according to our own invention, with appropriate instruments (compass, ruler, protractor, if necessary). If the edges match perfectly, the Earth is flat. If they do not match, i.e. the east-west paths are curved on the edges of the maps, the Earth is not flat. And that's it. Of course, an intelligent person doesn't even need to check this - cartography wouldn't have arisen on a flat Earth, because the science arose from the impossibility of simultaneously representing distances and angles on a map.

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