Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Incest causes genetic defects in children.

God forbade incest, just like eating pork. Not to burden us, but for our good.


" You will not expose the nakedness of your mother's sister or your father's sister; that would be the same as exposing your own body. They will bear the blame for it. 20 Ktokolwiek obcuje ze swoją ciotką, odsłania nagość swojego wuja. Poniosą oni swój grzech – umrą bezdzietnie. 21 Whoever takes his brother's wife commits incest3. Odsłonił nagość swojego brata – będą bezdzietni.”


Meanwhile, as we read on the website


“Rekordowa liczba noworodków umiera, niektóre dzieci rodzą się z ciężkimi wadami genetycznymi.
Okazuje się, że co piąty noworodek umiera z powodu zbytniego pokrewieństwa rodziców. W latach 2008-2016 aż 19 procent wszystkich zgonów dzieci w północno-wschodnim Londynie było spowodowane zbyt bliskimi więzami krwi taty i mamy.”


The following material describes genetic defects among Muslims resulting from incestuous relationships, among other things. Please note: some shots are not intended for those under the age of 18.

There was a case of incest in the Bible when Lot's daughters got him drunk with wine and raped him, but the descendants of these children continually fought against Israel and were subsequently slaughtered.



Thank you Michael for submitting the material.

Updated: 24 May 2017 — 18:52


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  1. And where to get this fresh blood so as not to break God's moral laws? Artificial reproduction in the style of German Lebensborn is out for ethical reasons.

  2. Life in this fallen world is a difficult art, full of injustice and pain. Faith in Jesus Christ, however, overcomes such adversity.

  3. How to deal with people with the mentality of a farmhand, i.e. the type of hooligan of both sexes, all financial resources wasted, unable to take care of anything? In my personal opinion these people may (not necessarily) not be children of God or may be strongly demonized.

    1. Oh nothing of your own-self. You need to introduce the ability to edit comments, necessarily 🙂 .

  4. It is a miracle that an island of fellowship like ours exists in the midst of this Babylonian sea. It testifies to the goodness of God, who could have written us off as sinful and imperfect people, but gave us the light of knowledge of the Gospel truth about the Messiah Jesus Christ.

    1. Arthur, I applaud you.

      Such a good comment needs to be celebrated with a song 😀
      did you say something about light?

      1. That's right-military-speak 😉 . And how would it be in cognate?

    2. I agree Arthur,and I thank God every day for my virtual family

      1. I meant your post about our family on this blog, to Arthur and all of you

  5. I know a man who was born from an incestuous relationship.
    Unfortunately you can see his disability, he has a strangely deformed face, may God forgive them and keep him in his care.

    1. Ojeeej, makabra, współczuję temu człowiekowi…niech Bóg go ma w swej opiece i wybaczy jego ziemskim rodzicom…

  6. Tak jak cudzołóstwo i nierząd psują… geny.

    Każdy, dobry hodowca zwierząt – dla przykładu owczawków – powie Wam, że chociaż jeden incydent ‘dopadnięcia’ nierasowego psa, wobec rasowego owczarka płci żeńskiej, kończy się przerwanią linii genetycznej, skażeniem jej, i zepsuciem rodowodu – taki pies traci rodowód i jego potomkowie nie są już rasowymi owczarkami.

    Żeby było jasne – nie mówię tu o zapłodnieniu, a o zwykłym zbliżeniu, które niekoniecznie musi zakończyć się potomstwem.

    U ludzi wygląda to identyczne – fajnie jakbyś poruszył temat ‘telegonia’ na blogu. To nie bajka, to fakt ukazujący mądrość stwórcy.

    Google: telegony and the law of the first night

  7. Prad straszliwie podrozal. No skads trzeba wziac na “wazne spoleczne sprawy” typu musical o papiezu badz dotowanie nierentownych kopaln. Dobra zmiana, nie ma co…

    1. Our coal has a high calorific value. You think it's more profitable to import just any coal than to mine your own.
      Turn off TVN.

      1. Praktycznie wcale nie ogladam tivi 😉 . A rodzimy wegiel jest wydobywany z coraz glebszych pokladow oraz mafia roznego rodzaju musi sie wyzywic, dlatego jest taki drogi … Klania sie rowniez brak nowoczesnych elektrowni atomowych ( co najmniej 3 ) w Polsce.

  8. Starsi rodzice czesto zamiast sluzyc pomoca ( niekoniecznie ekonomiczna ) i dobra rada staja sie utrapieniem dla swoich doroslych dzieci… Dziala to tez w druga strone. Leniwy syn czy rozpustna corka to powod bolesci wielu z nich…

  9. Komentarz ekonomiczny. Nie to jest strasznym, iz pensje nominalne sa w Polsce takie niskie, a to iz sila nabywcza zlotowki jest taka slaba ( mala produktywnosc rodzimych, wysoko przetworzonych wytworow przemyslowych poszukiwanych i chetnie nabywanych w kraju i na swiecie oraz szalone psucie waluty od ponad 15 lat by miec na realizacje obietnic wyborczych to powoduje… ).

  10. The wisdom of God is unfathomable, better to trust Him and do as He advises. He knows better, after all, He is the God of all creation. 🙂

    1. Basia catches up with the detective after a night out :-):-):-)

  11. If the Bible is true, then unfortunately you should all take into account that we are descended from one incestuous family, namely Adam and Eve.

    1. I'm afraid God took that into account 🙂 Besides, Adam and Eve's generation was probably characterized by slightly different genetics, given that they lived hundreds of years 🙂 The next stage of human genetics was the Flood after which incest may have already been eliminated.
      The article confirms once again the fact that we are to obey what is written in God's word for our own good, not for some whim of God. So if God says don't eat pork then I personally believe Him that He has forbidden it for a reason 🙂 Besides, given the construction of this animal, we actually figured out a long time ago why we shouldn't eat it 🙂
      A long time ago, toxins were recovered from the blood of a pig which had been bled by specially trained dogs (to stress it out) and these toxins served as a very effective poison. And now you have to ask yourself, in the slaughterhouse where this pig lives its last minutes stressed less? There is a mass of toxins going into her blood and meat, deliciously eaten during barbecue season 🙁 I won't mention the pork neck, because all kinds of growth steroids and other chemicals are injected into the neck in addition.
      Let's listen to God, He knows more, sees more, and warns us out of love, not out of dictatorship 🙂

      1. Zdecydowanie stres tych zwierząt, przewyższa to, co możemy sobie wyobrazić. Najpierw bicie przy wyładunku, “kopanie” prądem i tym co rolnik/ pracownik ma pod ręką. Następnie mycie i przygotowanie do uboju. Potem znów prąd, jeżeli przyrząd szwankuje lub człowiek jest niedokładny, zwierze ocknie się podczas zakuwania lub wykrwawiania albo środkowego cięcia…
        Zwierzęta te giną w strasznych męczarniach, uwierzcie mi wiem, co mówię… 🙁

  12. Unanswered questions:how did Eve's children multiply. With their mother? Did Adam and Eve have navels

    1. There is an answer to every question and God knows it.
      People ask what came first the chicken or the egg, of course the chicken because God created it right away.
      Did the first humans have bellybuttons, is it that important ?
      This is looping.
      As you explore the faith and read the Scriptures, understanding will come and you will stop asking such questions because asking them ceases to make any sense.

      1. He who asks does not wander

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