Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Truly, truly, I say to you, you sought Me, not because you saw signs, but because you ate bread to your heart's content.

“Zaprawdę, zaprawdę powiadam wam: Szukaliście Mnie nie dlatego, żeście widzieli znaki, ale dlatego, żeście najedli się chlebem do syta.” Jana 6


This quote is in response to my concerns about evangelizing people with picnics. It is meaningless to evangelize with sausage and mustard.


If it were not for the above words of Jesus Himself many would consider my attitude towards such actions to be cold and unloving, but our Lord (may Jesus be Lord to all) knew very well the hearts and motivations of people living in the flesh. It is more likely to convince spiritual seekers who have landed in new age, occultism known to us as astrology, numerology, or Hare Krishna to God than random people hungry for food, and it is the Lord Jesus who is the bread of life.


“Rzekł do nich Jezus: «Zaprawdę, zaprawdę, powiadam wam: Nie Mojżesz dał wam chleb z nieba, ale dopiero Ojciec mój da wam prawdziwy chleb z nieba4. 33 For the bread of God is He who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world." 34 So they said to Him: "Lord, give us this bread always!" 35 Jesus answered them, "I am the bread of life. Kto do Mnie przychodzi, nie będzie łaknął; a kto we Mnie wierzy, nigdy pragnąć nie będzie” Jana 6


Our lives here only last an average of 70 years. Some people live shorter, others a little longer. So what are these 70 years compared to eternity? An eternity without disease, evil, hatred.

The Roman Church has taught us to live carnally, as evidenced by the Sol Invictus meal (December 25th), or so-called holy communions, where the latest trend is laptops and smartphones. Spiritual emptiness filled with objects.



 The spirit gives life; the flesh is of no use. John 6


It is the same with healings. People were very eager to receive healings, but not so eager to receive the Good News of the Kingdom of God.

Teraz jest podobnie. Ludzie mówią “Jezu daj mi to i tamto” a potem Go odrzucają.

The Pharisees and the people of that time in general were spiritually dead. They were looking for signs and wonders. Today also, the Vatican-based organization of the Ryman Empire Church gives people objects in the form of figurines and images, false revelations, and death inside.




Updated: 12 May 2017 — 10:29


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  1. People want some form of exaltation from faith in Jesus Christ, something to make their lives super special. It doesn't work that way. God's election is often more tribulations and dilemmas ( from the point of view of this fallen world ), but it gives life some kind of supra-material meaning 😉 .

    1. 🙂 . You need to introduce the ability to edit comments.

  2. I do not deny such initiatives, the problem is that the teaching is not fully Christ-like, such a compromise between worldliness and spirituality.
    Praise God!as people help those in need,because we are supposed to do so and thank God for that.
    The biggest problem is that we ourselves often and densely act without the guidance of the Holy Spirit and then evangelize over a beer or a sausage from a pig.

  3. Dziękuję. Ciało nic nie pomaga…musimy starać się usilnie o bycie napełnionymi Duchem, bo Duch ożywia.
    Without the Spirit, one can know the Scriptures perfectly and yet reject Jesus like the Jews.
    You can look and not see.
    Without the Spirit you can read the commandments from Exodus and think they are the same
    The 10 commandments, as from the catechism of the KRK (this is a case from my family).

    The Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus from Luke 16:19-31.

    “Odpowiedział mu (Abraham): “Jeśli Mojżesza i Proroków nie słuchają, to choćby kto z umarłych powstał, nie uwierzą”” Łk16,31

    If we do not incline our eyes and thoughts, if we are not ready to listen to the Word, to what God has to tell us, then neither signs and wonders, nor revelation of conspiracy theories, will build faith in us.
    This is a house built on sand.
    Miracles end, emotions end, and with them your faith ends too, because it was based on just that.

    Like in the sermon on the mount, people got fed up, and when Jesus started talking about uncomfortable things, about true faith that requires obedience and dying to self every day, then people started to leave.
    The special effects were over, and so was the lack of desire in many people to hold on to Jesus.

    What is it like in marriage? After all, there are not always butterflies, emotions and amorous raptures. Sometimes you have to make sacrifices, endure various hardships.
    A marriage can survive through constancy.

    This is how our faith survives through constancy.

    Czy gdybyśmy w pracy wykonywali nasze zadania tylko wtedy gdy są one dla nas ciekawe, ekscytujące, a gdy szef wydałby nam polecenie zrobić bardzo żmudną robotę i powiedzielibyśmy wtedy: “to nic interesującego dla mnie, idę do domu, i wrócę do pracy dopiero jak będziecie mieli dla mnie znów ciekawe zadania!”, to czy szef nie zwolni nas wtedy z pracy?

    “A sprawiedliwy mój z wiary żyć będzie; Lecz jeśli się cofnie, nie będzie dusza moja miała w nim upodobania.” Hbr 10,38

    But God can teach us this constancy as long as we are willing to follow Him 🙂
    Many things or character traits we don't have because we don't ask God for them, and we don't know or forget that He is able to transform us 🙂
    “nie macie, dlatego że nie prosicie” Jk 4,2

    1. Generally good commentary, and this one sweeps:

      “Skończyły się efekty specjalne” 🙂

    2. Beautiful Kasiulku❤ thank God for you.Praise the Lord that I have such a dear little sister.

    3. Beautifully written, good commentary 🙂

  4. When I talk to Catholics about my church the biggest enthusiasm is that there is coffee and something sweet after the service. The initiative is to get to know each other more among the brothers and sisters, not to stuff ourselves with sweets 🙂

    1. Praktyki kontreformacyjne rzymskokatolickie zeswinily-spaskudzily polska mentalnosc ( odebraly jej tworczy wigor ). Wspolne zebranie modlitewne ( wesole jak u prawdziwych-autentycznych chrzescijan 🙂 ) u naszych zwiedzonych braci i siostr przez watykan sa takie sztywne i ponure, urzedowo-grobowe…

    2. Coffee kills the proper functioning of the frontal lobe which is crucial for the correct and objective analysis of the information coming into our minds. Instant stimulation at the expense of dimmed thinking that happens in the long run 😉
      Od kiedy przestałem pić kawę czuję się o wiele lepiej i co ciekawe – zniknęła gdzieś senność która pojawiała się co chwila kiedy regularnie piłem kawę 🙂

  5. But the Lord Jesus made a picnic nonetheless.
    He knew what the outcome would be
    Seed can be sown under a variety of conditions.

  6. And he said to them, Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. And these are the signs that will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents; and even if they have drunk something poisonous, it will not hurt them. They will lay their hands on the sick, and they will recover. Mark 16
    This is what Jesus wants from us, we should not care what people need more, healing, bread or other things,
    And picnics are the perfect place to preach the Gospel, a true biblical evangelist should be at the gathering, filled with the Holy Spirit, and the ordinary Christian should hold his tongue lest he spoil something.

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