Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."


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  1. The idea is great, but these are the kinds of movies where I'm being made an idiot. It's all staged and artificial, and they're trying to play surprised and make me think it's spontaneous. Still, it's a cool idea, but badly executed.

    1. Did you read about it on the Internet? A girl had a dream about Mary, who was standing at the window, and she was sad and her eyes were streaming with blood tears.

      1. Anne 🙂 A czytałaś w księdze syracha o tym, że “sny są jak urojenia, nie przykładaj do nich serca” ?? 🙂

      2. Anne

        Demony są niesamowicie inteligentne. Głównodowodzący nadal jest drugą najinteligentniejszą osobą w całym wszechświecie (Pierwszy jest rzecz jasna Trójjedyny Bóg) One są w stanie odgadnąć przyszłość. Mogły już też “wyprosić” u Boga możliwość doświadczenia szwagierki lub rodziców tej dziewczynki, albo samej dziewczynki i dały jej ten sen, gdyż doskonale wiedziały, co się stanie.

        Everything happens with God's permission.
        I dreamt a lot of strange things, once even 1 dream really frightened me, I thought what it meant, I waited if something would happen... Nothing happened.

        (1): If a prophet arise among you, or one that hath dreams, and show you a sign or a wonder; (2): And the sign or wonder which he hath declared unto you shall come to pass, and he shall say, Let us go after other gods, which thou knowest not, and let us serve them; (3): Thou shalt not hearken unto the words of this prophet, or of this one that hath dreams; for the LORD your God is testing you, to know whether ye love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul. (4) : After the LORD your God you shall walk, him you shall fear, keep his commandments and listen to his voice, serve him and cling to him. (5): And that prophet or one who has dreams shall suffer death, because he has persuaded you to depart from the LORD your God (who brought you out of the land of Egypt and redeemed you from the house of bondage), to lead you away from the way that the LORD your God commanded you to go. In this way you will root out this evil from among you. [Modernised Gdansk Bible, Deuteronomy 13].

        The girl is obviously a victim of deception, but someone must have deceived her and used the dream to deceive others. Millions of such stories can probably be found. I once read the story of Gloria Polo and it converted me to Catholicism for a period of time of course..young and stupid I was (young I still am and I hope that in x years I will also find that today I was stupid, it means progress. Of course I don't mean e.g. abandoning allegiance to my Lord, Yeshua Hamaschiach) Today in the light of the Bible I see that this is a mere fiction. Mati quoted the book of Sirach (apocrypha, personally I advise against reading it, nothing more than human science, I have somewhere at hand an article about the poison contained in Catholic apocrypha, if someone wants, I will link it) and here she is exceptionally right and I will confirm it with quotes from the real canon of 66 books (despite the fact that the Catholics, Orthodox and other antipapal heretics are very keen on cutting or adding something that should not be there.. like the book of Sirach, Tobias or any other Henoch)

        (2) : For idols speak words of vanity, and fortune-tellers prophesy falsehood, and tell imaginary dreams, and comfort in vain. Therefore they wandered like a flock, they were afflicted, because there was no shepherd. [Modernised Gdansk Bible, For 10].

        (8):For thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel, Let not your prophets and fortune-tellers that are among you deceive you, and pay no attention to your dreams that are dreamed. (9): For they prophesy unto you deceitfully in my name. I have not sent them, says the LORD. [Modernised Danzig Bible, Jer 29].


        The Bible describes several examples of dreams from God (Joseph, son of Jacob, Joseph, husband of Mary, Nebukadnesar, One of the Pharaohs) The interpretation of their meaning was either revealed by God (God revealed the meaning of Nebukadnesar's dream to Daniel), or they were verified over time (The fulfillment of the dreams of Joseph's fellow prisoners, the cook and the page. One was hanged, the other regained his position, according to Joseph's words. Likewise, according to Joseph's words, there were at one time in Egypt 7 years of unusually high harvest and then 7 years of unusually high famine). Here, on the other hand, we are dealing with the advent of a supposed woman who died over 2000 years ago. Is it known what the real Mary looked like? How do we know that the being who presented herself as Mary is really Mary. (2 Cor 11:14) Scripture forbids communication with the dead (5M 18:9-14, 3M 20:6, Is 8:19)

        The ONLY described contact between the living and the dead is Saul's contact with Samuel (1 Sam 28;7-20) but Samuel was unlikely to be thrilled.
        All in all, this quote puts theology about man's unconsciousness after death in a crooked mirror. Interesting...

        (19): And when they shall say unto you, Counsel the sorcerers and diviners that whisper and mutter, say: Shall not the people counsel their God? Shall they counsel the dead concerning the living? (20) To the law and to the testimony! If they speak not according to this word, there is no light in it. (21): And they shall wander in the land, oppressed and starved; and suffering famine, they shall be angry and malign their king and their God, looking upward. (22) : And they shall look upon the earth, and behold, oppression and darkness, gloom and distress, and shall be driven into darkness. [Modernised Gdansk Bible, Isaiah 8].

        1. “JEDYNYM opisanym kontaktem człowieka żywego z umarłym to kontakt Saula z Samuelem”

          The only one described in the Bible of course, the word escaped me 😉

  2. another topic, but I don't think the rumor can go any faster

  3. Only with Scripture (of course with love of others) can we explain to people this hypocritical world and its various religious practices. Such videos are sadly pathetic and compromise the cause of Jesus Christ.

  4. rzym swoim bluznierczym balwochwalstwem niestety dosc skutecznie kompromituje Pismo i zniecheca do jego lektury. Duzo ludzi woli przez ta watykanska krecia robote dziela “swieckich mesjaszy”…

  5. After 3 months of disbelief something pushed me to visit this site that I used to go to day in and day out.

    1. Ta…po prostu On ma dość :/

    2. “Na szczęście ponownie na posterunku był prezydent Andrzej Duda”

      Chyba raczej “Na nieszczęście”
      In fact, what would those poor Catholics do? Without the image there is no coverage..Just like with cell phones ;p.

  6. Jeszcze raz o weselu. Ono nie jest samo w sobie zle ( pod warunkiem, iz goscie weselni trzymaja fason do konca i nie spadaja pod stoly lub inne hocki-klocki 😉 ), a jego obludna otoczka tzn. spotkanie z ludzmi z ktorymi w innych okolicznosciach doszloby do rekoczynow, a tak sie falszywie na ten czas lubimy, byle by nie bylo kwasu i dymu oraz wstydu dla pary mlodej…

    1. Arthur? I appreciate you for your statements. Do you have children? Or maybe the bride and groom decided, and out of respect, love for them, it should be one of the most beautiful days of their lives that they will remember.

      1. I am not a loving different.

        1. Arthur, do you think I think so? Take care, and I wish you more smiles on your face.

  7. There is a hidden truth in this video. Mary doesn't pass prayers to God, she puts them out.

    1. Coś w tym jest…trafne spostrzeżenie 🙂

      1. There is no conflict, and saying so is a denial.

  8. A moral (matrimonial) comment. If the woman you've chosen for a wife doesn't respect her father, I advise you to think twice about marrying such a woman (unless you want to have an extreme marital relationship 😉 ).

    1. Arturze, a co jeśli ojciec danej kobiety jest alkoholikiem/ćpunem/gwałcił ją w dzieciństwie (jedno z tych, lub wszystkie na raz) Wybaczyć naturalnie, człowiek powinien, nawet nie przeproszony. Ale poważanie czy szacunek to kompletnie inna sprawa. Tego po prostu NIE DA SIĘ sztucznie wzbudzić. W sumie ostatnio oglądałem ciekawy filmik na kanale “Cienie przyszłości” że miłość to nie jest kochanie kogoś na siłę ale miłość, to jest robienie czegoś dobrego dla drugiej osoby, nawet dla wroga.

      I think it's this video.
      And let the guys have publicity ;p.

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