Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

A conversion testimony of a former murderer, trafficker of women and drugs.

At the outset, I present a profile of the interviewer:


"Jakub Kaminski is a former junior of Jagiellonia and Lechia, once called up for the Polish national team consultation. He says about himself that he used to wear the captain's armband during events. This did not stop him from dreaming about big football, but he clashed with brutal reality, until his leg was injured in Lomza - the doctor said afterwards that it must have been a drunk nurse on duty who performed the operation. He was left to look back on the wasted years and shattered health. But then came the impossible, a real 180-degree turn: today Kuba has visited many places in Poland, as well as the USA and Ecuador, where he testifies about the presence of the Living God in the world and - as he says himself - during his prayers people are healed by the power of God. This is a one-of-a-kind story, you are invited."



Admittedly not very good sound quality with reverb, but listenable:



A conversion testimony of a former murderer, trafficker of women and drugs.

Updated: 18 April 2017 — 09:58


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  1. God despises no one sincerely seeking Him.

  2. I don't want to judge anyone but I'll tell you this: I listened to Kaminski's testimony and everything was ok until the moment he was in Ecuador or the USA, I don't remember completely. He was on some big meeting and there were a lot of people and he said that he wouldn't have enough time to pray for everyone so he ran between the rows and people were falling down. When I hear something like that it turns on my "red light".

    1. Oops....
      Can you write what minute?

      1. From 34 to 36 he talks about how the dominoes laid them down

    2. Maybe it was that Hinn or whatever he was that he had been warned about here a few times before?

    3. I'm not saying they're all false, but Scripture warns of many who worked miracles in Jesus' name. Interestingly, Jesus did not deny at the time that they were actually working miracles in his name, but something was wrong - perhaps the pursuit of glamour, while the healers were missing their own cross. In any case, we are to recognize them by their fruits. I have been watching a lot of Pentecostalism lately and I can tell that there are many good people there. My initial skepticism about speaking in tongues and spontaneous worship also passed with time, I don't think there is a deceptive spirit behind it. It is written somewhere that if you ask for good things, God cannot give bad things. I personally like pastors who are less spectacular and more to the point when it comes to preaching the gospel, but this is an individual issue. I recently watched such a testimony

    4. Exactly, what do you think of Jakub Kaminski? He's supposed to be in my town soon.

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