Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Turkey and Germany and Satan's throne at Pergamon.

“Wiem, gdzie mieszkasz: tam, gdzie jest tron szatana” Apokalipsa. 


What is the throne of Satan? It is the throne of Zeus, whose story begins in Pergamon and ends in Berlin.

King Eumenes II of Pergamon was the greatest Hellenistic ruler.



After his victory over the Galatians, he built a sacred circle of Zeus with an altar, called Satan's Throne in the apocalypse.

The throne of Zeus was a masterpiece of ancient art and still exists despite the passage of 2000 years. This is often the case with most demonic objects.


This is what the pedestal of the altar looked like:


The altar itself, the throne of Zeus was not lost. It has not been destroyed, it has not crumbled into dust, it has not been smashed, it has not been stolen by robbers, and it has not been crushed by the course of centuries. When so many other and more valuable monuments of the ancient world disappeared without a trace, the throne of Zeus exists. It is a valuable decoration of the museum, which in his honor is called the Pergamonian. The museum and the throne are located in B e r l i n i e....

Surprisingly, the altar, somewhere in the basement of the ZOO station, also survived numerous bombings and the assault on Berlin. After the Soviets occupied the city, it was taken to their occupation zone, from where it was transported in parts by trains to Leningrad.

The altar was returned to Germany only by Khrushchev in 1958 on a wave of warming relations with the West. But for several years, and at a time when the Soviets launched their first satellite into space and built the hydrogen bomb, the altar was there.


It is currently in Berlin at the Pergamon Museum:



“Grecka budowla, rekonstruowana pieczołowicie od 1911 do 1930 roku, była natchnieniem dla Hitlera. To dlatego właśnie, opierając się na jego założeniach architektonicznych, Albert Speer zbudował słynną Zeppelintribune na stadionie w Norymberdze


This is what the Zeppelintribune looked like


Now a very interesting connection. Well, until 1880 the altar was in Turkey. By 1930 the throne of Satan was reconstructed in Germany. These years also mark the beginning of Nazism, or National Socialism, and Hitler's career.

About a year ago in this famous stadium in Nuremberg a charismatic event called Awaking Europe took place: Wiejak (Poland) and Billy Graham (USA) and Tod White. Our brother Christopher asked for prayer at that time because he felt that this was not a randomly chosen place.


In my opinion, under the cover of this event in the stadium there was a ritual, sacrifice, opening to evil, the doors of Germany were widely opened, especially since it is a country that with its decisions in Brussels harms countries by limiting its freedom, sovereignty, and trying to destroy the culture and traditions of nations, in addition, did great harm during World War II, and now through various ideologies such as abortion, homosexuality, euthanasia, gender and others trying to destroy young people in various countries that do not want to submit. Krzysiek


Back to the topic. There is a close relationship between Germany and Turkey. Gro Turks live in Germany, where Satan's throne is.

What is currently happening?

The president of a country so far not taken seriously for some reason speaks directly to the German chancellor:


"When they are called Nazis, they get nervous. They all immediately start defending each other. Especially Merkel. You also act like a Nazia– powiedział Erdogan, zwracając się w pierwszej osobie do kanclerz Niemiec na wiecu w Stambule.



The general opinion is that the US and NATO are the military powers. In Europe everyone has to reckon with Germany. But is this really the case?

Bundeswehra  – 177 069 żołnierzy

NATO – 3 500 00 żołnierzy, z czego 1500 000 to żołnierze USA.

All it takes is a cataclysmic event in the U.S. or Trump's decision to withdraw U.S. troops from Europe and we will be flooded with Muslims not just from Turkey.


In terms of size, the Turkish armed forces are second only to the United States in NATO. In 2014, more than half a million soldiers served in them (402 thousand in the ground forces, 60 thousand in the air force, 48 thousand in the navy). To this should be added more than 370 thousand soldiers in the reserve and more than 100 thousand in paramilitary units.


All it takes is for the US to turn its back on Europe and Turkey becomes a military power in that part of the world which is slowly starting to happen:


“Na pewno od lipca zeszłego roku po raz pierwszy po 1945 roku Turcja zachowuje się tak jakby jej bezpieczeństwo nie zależało od dominującego mocarstwa morskiego, czyli Stanów Zjednoczonych. To one traktowane były jako gwarant bezpieczeństwa Turcji. Obecnie natomiast, Erdogan eliminuje wpływy amerykańskie w swoim kraju. To jest fundamentalna zmiana”


In the video that our brother Matthew translated, we have a hypothetical scenario for World War III:


All 7 churches in the apocalypse are located in present-day Turkey.

Noah's Ark has landed in Turkey.

The apocalyptic Euphrates River has its origin in Turkey.

Imperium Osmańskie trwało dłużej niż potęga USA i Imperium Rzymu. Powstało w 1299 roku, a padło w 1922 roku. Ciekawa konwersja: 299 na 922…

Erdogan seeks to rebuild the caliphate and so far no one is preventing him from doing so. The President of Turkey is not the fear-mongering leader of a failing North Korea, but of a militarily powerful country.


Koncertujemy się baaardzo na Rzymie, ale zapominamy co Bóg zrobi z biblijną nierządnicą…

Let this text, be a prelude to tomorrow's end times text.

Updated: 23 March 2017 — 12:22


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  1. Turcja jest tak potężna jak niegdyś Mongolska horda czy bolszewicy ( ale tylko wygrają szybką wojnę, nie stać ich na finansowanie długiego bojowania ). Są młodą i licznie przyrastającą populacją. Z Jankesami jednak nie mają większych szans w razie konfrontacji militarnej. Obawiałbym się raczej Chin, tego “Biblijnego Smoka” (?).

    1. Biblical Dragon:

      “I został strącony wielki Smok,
      Ancient serpent,
      who is called the devil and Satan,
      deceiving the whole inhabited earth,
      was knocked to the ground,
      a z nim strąceni zostali jego aniołowie” Ap.12

      1. That's why I put a question mark. The dragon was about the evilness of this power.

      2. w sumie to pasowałoby nawet do Chin, bo często są określane jako smok…zresztą to często spotykany motyw w jakichś twórczościach ludowych…
        but a scary dragon like this
        (although with God there is no need to fear him).
        A baby's nipple is a different matter (especially one made of a better type of plastic, without BPA - because there are some of those) 🙂 .
        hey 🙂 -

  2. It's amazing because last night I was thinking about Turkey and how it's being left out of all these predictions of the end, at least most of them.

  3. Hordes of invaders from Mohammedanistan plus China ( Russia ? ) will be a battering ram for the anti-Christ governments.

  4. “Tekst ten, niech będzie wstępem do jutrzejszego tekstu o czasach końca.”
    Suuper, I'm looking forward to it 🙂 .

  5. Kazde proroctwo sie spelnilo, a pare zostalo…
    2 Timothy chapter 3 describes exactly what we have today

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