Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

“Sprawiedliwego nie spotka żadne zło, lecz bezbożni mają pełno kłopotów”

“Sprawiedliwego nie spotka żadne zło, lecz bezbożni mają pełno kłopotów.” Przysłów 12


I once wrote about so-called bad luck. Everybody has problems, both Christians and people who do not keep God's Law.

The difference between the one and the other is that the Christian is like a soldier being exercised on the firing range to have his faith tested, when the man without Law gets his due for without Law and for doing evil.

Let's contrast this with quotes:


“A nie tylko to, chlubimy się też z ucisków, wiedząc, że ucisk wywołuje cierpliwość,” Rzymian 5.3

“Prócz tego, o czym mnie Duch Święty w każdym mieście upewnia, że mnie czekają więzy i uciski.” Dzieje 20.23


Below the man withoutLaw:


“Sprawiedliwy nienawidzi fałszywej mowy, lecz bezbożny postępuje haniebnie i bezwstydnie. (6) Justice guards the one who acts impeccably, but sin leads the wicked to perdition.” Przysłów 13.


“Dzielna żona jest koroną swojego męża, lecz ta, która go hańbi, jest jak próchnica jego kości.” Przysłów 12


“Sprawiedliwi myślą o tym, co prawe, lecz rady bezbożnych są zwodnicze.”


The words of the wicked are a lurking for blood, but the mouth of the righteous is a rescue for them.


(7) The wicked are struck down and are gone, but the house of the righteous will stand.



Without God's Word and a relationship with Jesus, we will not discern what is from whom and for what. This is compounded by the flogging from God of the godly:


Whom God loves, He chastens and experiences.


We must learn to evaluate this because evil often takes on a pretty package but betrays itself by lying and generally not keeping God's Law. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth and so all lying is not of God.

That's why every morning I say to myself, Father God, let your Spirit guide me, let your will and not mine be done.




Updated: 15 March 2017 — 08:13


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  1. c ZŁO wiek… 🙁

  2. But how to explain the fact that the majority of people I have met and know do not give a damn about God or are Catholics who praise the Mother of God to the skies, and in their private, professional, health or materially they are doing superbly. Have they unconsciously sold their souls to the devil?

    1. It looks roughly like this:

      1. Thanks for the clarification 🙂 Oh, I see this movie stars Dean Cain 😉 Intriguing title, good storyline and it's available on chomikuj so I'll watch at my leisure. Will definitely strengthen your faith.

    2. In Poland, a wealthy person (usually of the male sex) has rarely come to a GREAT wealth (wealth over 5 million dollars, no debt) by honest work, and often by mere combining and cunning (tax evasion, untimely settlements with contractors, swindling employees, etc.). )

  3. Am 2:13-16 Behold, I will settle you in your place, as a cart loaded with sheaves settles down. And the swift shall not escape, and the strong shall not be strong, and even a hero shall not save his life: the hunter shall not be able to stand, and the swift runner shall not escape, and even a rider on horseback shall not save his life: even the bravest of heroes shall flee naked in that day, saith the Lord.

  4. ~Musimy się nauczyć to oceniać, ponieważ zło często przyjmuje ładne opakowanie, ale zdradza się kłamstwem i generalnie nie przestrzeganiem Prawa Boga. Duch święty jest Duchem Prawdy a więc wszelkie kłamstwo nie jest od Boga.”

    People often remember only one side and forget the other, that goodness also sometimes takes a messy wrapper. Great prudence is needed here.

    1. Mówiąc niezbyt ładnie, coś brzydkiego (słowo na “g” 😀 ) zapakowane w kolorowy papierek nadal pozostanie tym brzydkim czymś 🙂
      A dobro czasem może być niepozorne, nie wyróżniać się “ładnym” opakowaniem :)[tylko nie wiem za bardzo, do czego to porównać… :/ ]

    2. O,Arturek,miło cię “przeczytać”,modliłem się za Ciebie bracie.

      1. Thank you for your prayers Wojtek.

        Wouldn't you like to have an honest conversation about the situation in the second half of 2015? It might be worth clarifying something here, yes publicly. I would be happy to see a list of allegations that I could address and for what is true apologize and the lie be clarified.

        Od momentu swojego chrztu w sierpniu do dnia 17 października 2015 r. co zrobiłem złego z waszego punktu widzenia? Oczywiście wiem,że coś złego zrobiłem… chodzi mi jednak o wasz punkt widzenia.

        1. I just read your comment Arthur and I am in severe shock because I have no idea what you are writing about.

          What allegations?
          What would you do wrong?

          It seems to me that there has been a colossal misunderstanding.
          It's a shame that I'm only finding out about this now. I think it should be clarified as soon as possible.

          1. I co ja mam teraz odpisać Wojciechu? Zaproponowałem szczerą rozmowe…

            1. Guys call each other 🙂 .

            2. You wrote it as if you were implying insincerity, I am afraid that you are hiding something but I have no idea what it could be.

              1. It looks to me like a demonic attack by Arthur's hands. Understatement, public grief. Demon action. And still no one knows what Arturo is about. Arthur, from now on I will not publish your comments on this issue. You have an e-mail to Wojtusio, so we can talk about it, because what you're doing is a manipulation and I'm sure you're not aware of it.

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